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I never knew that people's lives are like this.

Isn't it just a few more millet? As for clamoring around joyfully?

Isn't the court giving out fifty-percent pensions to people over 60? As for Haha, always open his teethless mouth?

Isn't it rain after a long drought? As for running in such a full field?

Why are these people's lives so simple?

Why can a pot of muddy wine let them talk happily around the stove for a night?

Why did the neighbor just give two eggs, and even thank the living like people for giving two gold?

I do not understand.

When I left Fengzhou, I hated it so much in my heart.

This is amazing. I didn't realize it at the moment. It was just the night before I left. I was sick, and he took me to see the doctor.

Xia Zi'an is on a consultation.

She didn't know me anymore. I sat in front of her and showed her fierce eyes, but she just smiled at me and said, "Don't worry, it's okay, I just feel cold."

She prescribed me medicine and told me to go back and take it.

I looked at the warm smile on her face, which was very different from Xia Zi'an I knew before.

I didn't hate her at once.

Holding the medicine, I walked on the empty blue flagstone street and recalled my first half of my life.

What did I get? What am I missing?

In the following days, he took me through the lanterns and watched the lives of many people.

Three years later, he returned to Beijing.

When I returned to Beijing, I realized that when I went to see other people ’s lives, Xia Zi’an and Qi Ge reunited, and they were together again.

When I knew that Rou Yao had actually married Bei Jing, the manly man of Bei Mo, I was very sad and angry.

I know I can't be with Rou Yao in my life, but she deserves the best man in the world.

It is absolutely impossible to be such a reckless husband.

I'm going to kill Ah Jing.

I escaped while he was black, and I knew I could not escape. He followed me like a shadow.

At that time my heart was dead, I knew he took me out, just to let me see through, not to help me win the world.

So, I don't care, either A Jing died tonight, or I died.

I hid outside their room and waited for the opportunity.

I heard them talking.

They first talked about Xia Zi'an and Qige's children, then Chen Liuliu's children.

In the end, it came to me.

"Since the king of Nanhuai has disappeared, there is no news at all, is it really dead?" A Jing asked Rou Yao.

Rou Yao was silent.

I know Rou Yao never wants to talk about me, she hates me.

Fortunately, I do n’t want her to tell anyone about me, that ’s our business.

However, a moment later I even heard Rou Yao say: "I hope he lives."

I can't describe how I felt at that time. I just felt a cold spring pouring out of my heart, which wiped out all my anger.

"Don't you hate him?" A Jing asked.

Rou Yao was silent for a while, and said, "I don't know, maybe I hate, maybe I don't hate anymore. As for why, I don't know. It's probably because I'm doing well now, so I don't want to hate."

"Hate a person, not happy, just let go." A Jing said.

Rou Yao also said: "Yes, I have tortured myself for many years, and now I have let go, hate, hate, life is about to go on, I only hope everyone is good."

I was sitting outside the door for a while, then I heard footsteps and Rou Yao was coming out.

I immediately stood up and hid in the yard.

I saw Rou Yao walking towards the corridor, and I followed it subconsciously.

I can actually not alarm her, but I do n’t know why I want her to look back at me, even one.

So, I called softly, "Rou Yao."

She turned back violently, the wind lamp of the corridor was dim, her face was phantom, and there was a horrible look in her eyes.

"You ..." She seemed to want to yell, but, without knowing why, she didn't scream.

"I want to tell you that since I was ten years old, I have liked you. I have done a lot of wrong things, breaking your heart and hurting you, so that you never believe that I really like you."

I even saw tears in her eyes.

"I just wanted to come and see you. After seeing you, I know how good I am and I can go." I said.

I don't know why, at that moment, I suddenly remembered my second brother.

He waited insidiously, and waited silently. During those long years, he did not know that he could wait, but he kept his distance, did not approach, did not hurt, and would not get it.

Perhaps that is the deep love.

I smiled at her, "I am very happy to see you happy."

Then, I turned around, and my memories with her, it is better to stay here, rather than the verbal abuse she wakes up.

I walked on the street, not as hot as when I came, but calmed down a lot.

The next day, I told King Regent that I was leaving Beijing.

He took me away and went to the Dragon King Temple in Stone City.

He said to me: "In the future, you will live here."

I live there alone.

He didn't come again and asked me if I knew my fault.

I don't mention this.

Wrong and right, sometimes I just know it in my heart.

Sometimes I practice martial arts, sometimes read books, and sometimes go downhill to do farm work for the people.

My life is very peaceful, like a pool of standing water, but safe.

Later, he brought me many scriptures.

I read word by word.

One day, he brought me a local Buddhist prayer book.

He told me that the concubine suffered in hell, and if I read this scripture, it would help her eliminate her sins.

So, every night at the beginning of the hour, I sat on the hillside outside the Dragon King Temple and read aloud the Dizang Bodhisattva's original wish.

When I started reading, only Valley responded to me.

Later, there were more and more things around me ... things floating around me.

I have read the scriptures for so long, and I know that they are all miserable and lonely ghosts.

They are listening to me chanting and exceeding them.

As I read the scriptures louder and louder, sometimes I feel the scriptures floating out of my mouth, echoing through the valley.

In the fall of that year, I laid my hair down and squinted at my Buddha.

On that day, I saw the concubine.

She appeared in front of me, her face joyful and serene.

This is the only thing I have done for her in this life.

In the past, everything was calculated and used.

Between the mother and the child, it will not last until the life and death are separated by yin and yang.

When I was traveling between the Regent King and Qingtian, I saw that all beings are happy and sad. I don't seek Buddhahood, I only seek atonement.

So, I wore a pair of straw shoes, carrying a suitcase, and went down the mountain.

Many years and many years later, there was my legend in the world.

They called me a straw monk. I helped many people, saved many people, and passed many dead souls.

No one knows who I was in the first half of my life, and I do n’t want to remember, I just remember, I am a straw monk.

Amitabha, I only remember the words that Rou Yao said, she hopes that everyone is well. I made a big wish!

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