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I am destined to go, even if the soul is away from the body, no ghost dare to move me.

In this world, I can still run wild.

I want to see Xia Zi dying with my own eyes, and watch you Murong Zhen's painful life, even if he won the throne, there will be a price to pay.

However, I really can't think of it. Their husband and wife can be reunited. What power is there to guard their husband and wife?

Well, now his sons and daughters are full of fathers, and it is impossible not to plan the future for his children.

Was he really willing to submit to my son? impossible.

I still don't go, staring at him.

But am I wrong? Did Murong Jie not pull the prince off?

No, I can't guess him wrong. He may have no ambitions before, but how can he still be the same as he used to be after the regent?

He must be afraid of being difficult to adjust. He admired Murong's reputation and loved feathers. He must find a way to catch Saner's mistakes before he was ousted from office.

I waited year after year, year after year, Murong Jie took his family to the southern country.

Did I really guess wrong?

Murong Jie really did not have the ambition to be an emperor?

No, I cannot accept such a result. Such a result is equivalent to hitting my face. Those things I did at the beginning are superfluous. My guess about him is the villain's heart and the faint king's.

However, under the sky, some people do not like to be emperors?

He is the talent of the emperor, Murong Jie, is he willing to be flexed?

No one believes that the sky is broken.

Before the tenth year of San'er's enthronement in Qingming, Murong Jie returned with his family to Beijing.

I know that this time I am afraid that I have come from seizing power.

But, seventh, when you missed the best, Saner was already able to stand alone.

After settling in, he entered the palace in accordance with the prince's gift.

San'er even treated him incredibly, silly son, do you know that this time someone came to your throne?

Murong Jie participated in this year's Qingming Festival.

After the Qingming Festival, he did not leave, but in front of my card. After everyone left, he took a pot of wine and sprinkled it before the card.

I know that he is going to liquidate with me.

Well, I just wanted to hear his truth.

His ambition can hide others, but he can't.

"Brother, our brother and I haven't had a drink together for a long time." He took a sip of his head and looked at my plate.

He looked teased, but the sadness in his eyes could be seen.

"You have a good son. Although you are young, you will have your style and treat Dazhou very well."

"Do you know why I chose him? Because he was very similar to you when he was a boy, smart and restrained, calm but motivated, there are not many things that can fetter him. weight."

"Drink, respect you have a good son."

He spilled wine again, and took another sip of his own, as if really drinking with me. "Father and Emperor said before that I will make a big difference in the future. In fact, I have misunderstood me. I have no ambitions. The only ambition is to hope that the great Zhou Jiangshan can live for generations and the people of Dazhou can live and work in peace and contentment. The emperor is the same, as long as the emperor is really for the people, Saner is very good

,really good. "

He kept talking, talking about San'er's achievements, talking about the changes in Da Zhou, talking about the barbarians, and I knew that I didn't need him.

However, he looked very proud, as if San'er was his son.

He chattered and said that for more than half an hour, at last, he put down the jug and stared at my card. "I will stay in Beijing for a few days. This time I leave, and I will probably not return to Beijing if I have nothing to do. "

He turned away, the wind outside the hall was very strong, and he rolled up his robe.

I vaguely remember that I was seriously ill at that time. After finishing the tedious government affairs, he came to Xiwei Palace to see me. When he came, it was very late.

As he left, I saw his robe disappear behind the curtain.

My heart suddenly hurt.

What have I done?

That's my brother's brother. Since childhood, he has been close to me. Love followed me, holding my sleeve, and occasionally raised my head to smile at me, with respect in my eyes.

I knelt in front of the ancestral tablet and wept silently.

I never calmed down and walked around in this harem, not many years after my death.

Before I left, I decided to walk around this palace and see the scenery in this palace.

I saw Hu Huanling. She and the concubine were talking in the imperial garden. She was much older, and she was only in her early thirties, but like a forty woman.

The loneliness of the harem cannot be dispelled.

No one lived in the Yanxi Palace, and the concubine Xi was already dead. The concubine of the first emperor, now no one except Concubine Jin.

I saw the daughter of the third son, who was like Aman, not very good-looking, but she was very kind. She took her nephew in the imperial garden and raised her face, just like the third son, she was a child of great care.

I saw Xia Zi'an.

She also sits in the imperial garden, she is more and more beautiful, much like Ayu.

With a quiet smile on her face, she watched the children play.

I never looked at her properly.

However, this time I calmed down and felt that her eyes were very pure.

Her pair of children are strange to say, they do n’t look like anything at all, one is like Lao Qi, the other is like her, and the similarity is very high,

I also saw a long-lost person, Sun Fang'er.

I think that Sun Fang'er's appearance is second only to Ayu. Of course, some people think that she is better than Ayu.

However, now her face was covered with green and black scars, like a series of earthworms.

She is a poisonous gut, and has not been completely cured, so there are always a few days in a month, like this.

She sat there quietly, as usual, but her eyes were not as panic and dark as before.

She will even laugh.

She has no children.

I also saw Liang Shi, my original wife.

She is now known as a concubine, sitting with A Xin and A Xin's wife.

A Xin's daughter-in-law's name is Yi'er, Princess of Liangliang.

I looked at Liang Shi carefully. In the past, because of Tai Fu, I always complained to Liang Shi!

However, young couples, how much affection, she is not mad now, holding her little grandson sitting there, and then smiled back and told the playing grandson to tell him to pay attention.

A Xin is similar to Lao Qi, with similar temperament. He sat there with a calm expression on his face, but he could see joy in his eyes.

I did not expect that A Xin could forgive Liang Shi.

My abandoned crown prince died two years earlier. When Liang learned that, he asked someone to bury it, and did not bury it in my royal ancestral tomb. He dug a small mound outside the ancestral tomb, where he rested.

Taifu also died, and died very miserably. Nobody found the corpse for several days. It was not known by the neighbor until it smelled bad.

I watched the excitement in the Royal Garden and slowly went away.

Suddenly, a child said, "Look, who is that?"

He pointed in my direction and looked at me with his eyes.

Can he even see me?

He is my nephew, tiger head, heard the name is Murong Jin!

Everyone looked at him in the direction of his finger, but his face was blank.

Hutou, this ... but it shouldn't be a matter of my concern, I have to go.

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