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Her voice was so high that it caught everyone's attention.

She pointed at Ali, her face full of anger, "Why are you doing this? These people were bought by you, you just admitted."

A Li coldly looked at her, "Huh? That's it? The number of segments is too low. I'm too lazy to connect."

Liang Zhiyuan said sharply: "Ayu, you go down first, you are not allowed to come up without telling you!"

Liang Ruoyu has never been so scorned by his father since he was married, and because of Ning Yuanhou's past, she was very kind to her daughter.

Now that he was angry at him in the face of so many people, Liang Ruoyu was embarrassed for a while, but he had to retreat.

Han also wanted to go, but Liang Zhiyuan said coldly: "Han, you stay!"

Han's legs softened and she knelt halfway on the ground. The moment she came in from the driver and the little girl, she was weak.

The confessions of the coachman and Xiaoguo are not much different from what Mama Li said, except that some small details have been missed due to the long time, but things are clear.

When Yang took Ali to live in Zhuangzi, everything in the house was managed by Han. Although she was not the main mother, she had the right to the main mother. Still monopolizing power, slowly, there was gossip outside, saying that she was actually riding on the head of the main room.

She told her grievances in front of Liang Zhiyuan several times, but Liang Zhiyuan focused on the officialdom, letting her respect the Yangs more, otherwise the reputation would not be good.

And at this time, Yang was pregnant, if she gave birth to a son in this birth, then, it is the sister-in-law, which is a fatal threat to her and Liang Jin.

During Yang's pregnancy, she arranged for the kitchen to eat a lot of cold food for Yang's, so that the fetus was unstable.

However, Yang has been in Zhuangzi for ten years, and his body is very strong. No matter how much cold food goes in, it has no effect on the fetus.

When Yang became pregnant in August, Liang Zhiyuan made a tolerance trip, which gave Han a chance.

She ordered some medicine in Yang's soup to make her child give birth prematurely. Her original intention was to wait for the child to be strangled after birth, but because Yang had eaten too much cold food, she was not strong during the production Following the three bowls of oxytocin, there was no way to give birth to a child. Han feared that Liang Zhiyuan would come back early and actually got poisoned in the oxytocin. Yang drank it and died shortly afterwards. Down, suffocated in his stomach.

After Liang Zhiyuan returned, the funeral was already in progress. Yang had ordered people to dispose of the body, and Liang Zhiyuan did not think about it. Therefore, only a glance at her, the specific matter of the funeral was handed over to Han.

After Yang's death, Han did not dare to move Ali for the time being.

However, A Li was a clever child. She suspected that her mother's death had another reason, so she secretly investigated, but in the end it was a child.

Until the year when she was born, the people who were waiting for the government came, Su Qing met Ali and offered to marry her. After the marriage was settled, Han's jealousy felt that her daughter Liang Ruoyu was a hundred better than Ali Therefore, the idea of ​​Liang Ruoyu marrying Su Qing instead of Ali was born.

She intentionally ordered Ali to tell her that her mother was poisoned, and Ali really went to her to make a big noise. Han did not blame Ali in front of her servants, but kept explaining and comforting.

But at night, she ordered someone to tie Ah Li out, and there was a scene of a wooden house.

After Liang Zhiyuan returned, she informed Liang Zhiyuan that A Li had a big fight, ran out, and went over to the wooden house. She and her mother chased over, but they found the wooden house caught fire and A Li died in the wooden house.

Of course, Liang Zhiyuan was furious. Seeing that he was about to marry with Jinghoufu, he ordered a thorough investigation. The population in the middle of the house was the same in diameter. They all said that the young lady came to the wife and had a fight. The lady went after.

Liang Zhiyuan couldn't find out anything. At this time, Han's proposed to her that he asked Liang Ruoyu to marry Su Qing.

Of course, later Su Qing was reluctant to get married, and the matter could not be resolved.

The people present listened to the confessions of the coachman and the little servant, and they were all furious. The house was indispensable, but it was so vicious, it was the first time.

Strictly speaking, that Liang Zhiyuan is a concubine and wives.

Liang Zhiyuan was also furious. He ignored the presence of so many people and kicked Han on the ground with one foot. He said angrily: "Poison woman, you killed my wife and baby, and almost hurt my daughter. Poison woman, I do n’t want to kill you a hundred times. "

Han's crazy shouting, "I haven't, I was wronged, I didn't kill her, she was blessed, what has it to do with me?"

"Dare to quibble? Take it, take it back to the Yamen, and wait for it to fall!" Liang Zhiyuan was furious and desperate. His official career probably came to an end.

Why did you spoil such a poisonous woman!

The government was also summoned by Su Qing as early as he was, waiting outside the house. Hearing Liang Zhiyuan's order, someone called him.

"Jin'er, you have pleaded with your father. I haven't done it. I was wronged." Han cried out to Liang Jin. "You are the eldest son of Liang House, and your father will listen to you."

Liang Jin tried to open his mouth, but peeped into Lin Ying's harsh eyes. His neck shrank, and he turned his head away, looking like a big brother.

Liang Ruoyu rushed out, stopped the government, and looked at Liang Zhiyuan with tears, "Father, do you only listen to their words? The mother has been married to you for many years, and there is no work to do hard work. You are so afraid of being said to you like this. Is it cool? "

"You still have a face to say? In this matter, do you think you can escape the relationship?" Liang Zhiyuan hated Han's, and hated Liang Ruoyu, only after listening to Mama Li's words, Liang Ruoyu had always been making suggestions, otherwise, Han's The mindless woman cannot do such a thing.

Liang Ruoyu said sadly: "What do you mean by father? Even your daughter should be punished? I am a member of Ningyuan Hou Mansion. If you want to move me, you will have to pass the test of my father-in-law and husband-in-law."

Ning Yuanhou slowly stood up, "Tianzi broke the law and committed common crimes with the people, not to mention the young lady and relatives in a district of Ningyuan Hou, which is terrifying. Please deal with it impartially."

Liang Ruoyu looked at his father-in-law in disbelief, and looked at her husband-in-law in earnest. Her husband-in-law looked at her coldly and said: "I didn't expect that you are such a vicious woman, but the adults do not deal with it. You, Ningyuanhou House can't tolerate you. "

Ning Yuanhou and his son are not fools. Where can we not see that Jinghoufu is in charge of everything? I can't make it through for Liang Ruoyu and Jing Jing.

"Bring it together!" Liang Zhiyuan waved his hand in disgust.

When the bureaucrat stepped forward and dragged the two, Liang Ruoyu suddenly exclaimed, "Everything has nothing to do with me. It was done by my mother. I was only fourteen years old. Where did I understand this? It was the mother who killed Yang, and she said she was going to kill After the eldest sister asked me to marry Su Qing, I was just a child and could only obey my mother ’s orders. "

Han Shi heard that she slapped her face with a slap in the backhand, her eyes wide open, "You said that now? Who was kneeling in front of me and said that you were so loyal to Su Qing at first sight that he would not marry, Let me kill that little bitch? "

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