The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 838 - Brothers III

Zhao Li Xin was far from being a sympathetic person, he never cares about other people's feelings or well-being unless that person was Lory, as cold as it sound but that is just how he is.

However now when he saw Zhao Yi Chen's gloomy face Zhao Li Xin felt a little sorry for him because the thing that hurt Lory and Lao Min Na is the same thing, even though he doesn't care about Lao Min Na life or death but he can't stop thinking that what happened to Lao Min Na could easily happen to Lory.

Luckily Lory was blessed with protection from everyone around her, Lory's mentality is also much stronger than normal people that's why she's still alive and well although he's not sure for how long.

"For fame and power she making a deal with something beyond her comprehension, it's something that no human should never involved with, something that should be left to rot in the deepest pit of hell but she's crazy enough to take the chances" Zhao Li Xin put down the winecup on the table and sighed.

Lory also does the same thing as Lao Min Na but Lory does it for her loved one while Lao Min Na does it for herself and it's that small difference that makes a big difference between Lory and Lao Min Na.

An overwhelming fear swept over him, Zhao Yi Chen felt he was breathing cold air into his lungs, he subconsciously clenched his fists until his nails pierced his skin.

"What do you mean.....?" Zhao Yi Chen didn't think Zhao Li Xin was lying to him since Zhao Li Xin gain nothing from it but it's still hard for Zhao Yi Chen to comprehend what Zhao Li Xin saying.

Zhao Li Xin was too lazy to explain further is not like Zhao Yi Chen could help either, Lazarus is beyond everyone's ability.

"That 'Lao' woman who is responsible for everything that happened recently, she used me to gather a lot of people who didn't like me to fight against me, she offered them power, fame, and fortune but at a high cost, unfortunately, they do not know how much they will pay for this lucrative deal, maybe she will come for you with the same offer, it is up to you to accept it or not but I warn you that the cost of her offer is not something that no people in this world could afford to"

Zhao Yi Chen was stunned but then his expression loosened, "I didn't think you would warn me..."

Zhao Li Xin didn't bother to answer as he also didn't know why she bothered to warn Zhao Yi Chen.

Zhao Yi Chen took a deep breath while pondering his thoughts, then he looked at Zhao Li Xin again, "You haven't told me who or what is behind Lao Min Na?"

"Because it won't change anything and nothing you could do…" Zhao Li Xin stated the facts firmly.

Knowing he couldn't probe Zhao Li Xin any further, he asked another question, "Lao Min said she didn't understand what she was dealing with back then so...can you, I mean, can we help her?" there was a glimmer of hope in his repressed voice, although he hated Lao Min Na for what she had done to him and yet there was a small part in his heart that didn't want to see Lao Min Na suffer.

Zhao Li Xin looked stunned, he didn't expect Zhao Yi Chen to still care about Lao Min Na, he thought Zhao Yi Chen's feelings for Lao Min Na weren't that deep, but who would have thought?

"No, I don't want to..." Zhao Li Xin replied readily.

Zhao Yi Chen smiled weakly, he knew Zhao Li Xin would say this but then Zhao Li Xin added, "And it's too late..."

"Too late?" Zhao Yi Chen repeated with a confused look.

Zhao Li Xin took a sip of her wine then she said: "It's a one-way road,  once you go that far you cannot go back"

sadness swept over him like waves Zhao Yi Chen squeezed his eyes close as he looked down helplessly his shoulders drooped looking defeated, Zhao Yi Chen didn't look as dignified as before on the contrary he looked tired and sad.

"I didn't know you still cared about her?" Zhao Li Xin sounded surprised but nonchalant.

Zhao Yi Chen sighed, he poured himself a cup of wine as he replied in a weak voice "Neither do I…." he took a sip of his wine then he looked out the window "Maybe it was regret or perhaps confused… how could things change so fast, what did I do wrong, why can she trust me, why can't she satisfied with me?"

Zhao Yi Chen shook his head while he gave himself self-deprecatingly chuckles "Don't you think I'm so full with myself, I was so confident with my family background, merit and power women will feel grateful to marry someone like me, somewhere deep inside me think that Lao Min Na with all of her complicated circumstances she would feel more than grateful to become my wife, it never crossed my mind that she wanted something more, that I wouldn't be enough … I should have known when she poisoned me and left with Jin Kai but I was too embarrassed to admit it…" Zhao Yi Chen had an expression of sad confusion on his face.

"Hey, I'm not here to hear your complaints" Zhao Li Xin voices his annoyance.

Hearing Zhao Lixin's crude words strangely made Zhao Yi Chen feel a little better, "Oh please Brother, I don't have anyone to convey my feelings to..." he jokingly plead.

Zhao Lixin didn't look happy, "I'm not your brother..." he remind Zhao Yi Chen with scowled.

Zhao Yi Chen waved his head nonchalantly, "Be patient with me a bit, all my brothers died and the younger brothers I still have, I might have to exile all kill them in the future so you are the only brother I can have" Even though Zhao Yi Chen sounds joking but unfortunately that's the truth, an emperor can only sit quietly on his throne after he has eliminated all threats that exist both from outside and from within but especially from his own family, that's the price to pay as an emperor and because Zhao Li Xin is the emperor biological son and because Zhao Li Xin was too strong to handle therefore Zhao Li Xin would be his only surviving brother.

"You have changed a lot…" Zhao Yi Chen suddenly said, without waiting for Zhao Lixin's reply he continued, "Your parents will not come alone let alone hear my pitiful wailing." Zhao Yi Chen looked at Zhao Li Xin curiously.

Zhao Li Xin snorted then she got up from her seat "You're right, I have to go now, talk to my subordinates if you need anything, don't bother me anymore" Zhao Li Xin fixed his sleeves then he flicked his robes as he walks to the door.

Before Zhao Li Xin left, Zhao Yi Chen called out to him again, "This change of you, is it because of your wife?" he asked.

Without looking back, Zhao Li Xin snort without giving a proper answer then he walked away with Mong Ki following behind him.

After Zhao Li Xin left, Zhao Yi Chen lift his winecup then bitterly smile he mutter quietly "Lucky you..."


Lory was lying on the roof with her hands behind her head while Grisha was beside her enjoying the sunbath.

[You know after so many years I've lived in this world, I feel this world is weird] Out of nowhere Lory suddenly commented.

[oh..] Girsha replied nonchalantly.

as usual, Lory doesn't care [It always bothers me how similar Gu and Demons parasites are]

[Huh?] Girsha's curiosity piqued.

[Don't you think so?] Lory turned her head to the bird.

[But Gu is a kind of beast that eats its host from within, and Demon parasite changes the nature of the host both mentally and physically] Girsha reminds her.

[Yes, they both are!] Lory exclaimed [ They both  infect the host's mind and ruin their physic right, of course, the reaction is different and Gu cannot infect animals and is easily killed once it leaves the host but the basics are the same!]

Girsha fell silent as she thought Lory's analysis made sense.

Lory crossed her arms in front of her chest, she tilted her head as she muttered to herself [Is this just a coincidence?] she wasn't sure.

Outside the gate Girsha saw someone lurking, he quickly warn Lory [Hold that thought, we got company!]

Outside the gate Girsha saw someone lurking, he quickly warned Lory [Wait a minute, we have company!]

Lory jerked to her feet, [Enemies?] she growled as she raised her hand and begin to chant a spell in her head.

[Mmm...I don't know, what do you think?] Girsha's voice sounded strange.

Lory glanced in the direction where Girsha was looking and she was shocked by a familiar figure pacing back and forth in front of their fence wall.

[Eh, isn't that?] Lory gasped.

[Do you think the enemy or not....?] Girsha quipped.

Lory scratched her head, she wasn't sure either.

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