The Princess Wei Yang

: 148 Yuexi Princess


Kyoto in May has been a bit hot. .luanhen. On the outskirts of Kyoto, many pavilions were built in the past two years. Many of the nobles and nobles built separate houses here, so they gathered a lot of noble gardens. Among them, the Chang'an Pool, which is the Princess of Yongning, is the most eye-catching. This pool is circled into a land of 20 miles. The waterscape in the wall is blended with the natural scenery nearby. In the park, it is a wonderful place to fly, and the bridge is rampant.

Princess Yongning specially invited Princess Nine and Li Weiyang to visit this newly built garden. Li Weiyang was invited because she was the righteous woman she had just received, and now she is a hot person in Kyoto, so even Princess Yongning is very close to her.

To be honest, the decision of the Queen Mother made Li Weiyang startled. She did not think that the words she said actually brought such a result.

"So, in the future your generation is my aunt--" The nine princesses look strange.

Princess Yongning has always been serious, but she can't help but laugh. This makes her appear a slightly skinny face vividly: "Yeah, Weiyang, your generation is far more than us. Now, you are the father's sister."

Li Weiyang has a sense of absurdity until now. But she understands why the Queen Mother did this. Her identity has changed. Even if it is only a difference in her generation, she can stop Tuoba’s move. How can he be arrogant, how can she like her, and it is impossible to break through such a generation. Therefore, the Queen Mother broke the possibility of this marriage - however, Li Weiyang saw the face of Tuoyuyu changed dramatically at that moment. His expression became cold... this is the look she never saw on his face...

"Yuanyang, you see, the Seven Brothers are very angry. They have not been willing to enter the palace recently. Even the Queen Mother’s call for it is not a disease. This is something that has never happened to him." The nine princess whispered.

Li Weiyang smiled slightly and said: "Seven of His Royal Highness will soon figure it out." She glanced at the view in the garden and could not help but nod. In the entire garden, there are wind pavilions, ladders and bridges, and countless famous flowers and plants. There are Jinsong and Linmu in Taizhou, Haitang, Laurel in Zhoushan, Magnolia in Yangcheng, Yangmei, and even Metasequoia in Texas, Rhododendron, Red Bean, and Sakura in Golden State. If you want to collect all of this, I am afraid it will cost a lot. Big mind.

The princess of the Nine Princess fell on a sea otter tree and could not help but admire: "I have to say that the third brother is indeed very capable. He even made the garden that the father had told him to build so beautifully. He knows that the emperor likes these trees. I found her in the distance."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "It is true that the three emperors are very troublesome." In fact, Tuoba is really likable, as long as he is willing, you can feel like being pampered, but as long as he is impatient, It can also let you go to hell. For Princess Yongning, he will of course find ways to win over. After all, the empress emperor has always been worried about Yongning, so she must give her the best. Seeing his errands is so good, he will treat him differently.

There is also a smile on the face of Princess Yongning: "The three brothers do things, it is indeed appropriate."

The three of them walked in front, and the female officers behind them followed with respect.

Turning over the trees, there is a huge arched bridge in front, which goes directly into the water. Under the bridge, the pool water ripples and looks very soft. In the sun, it is even more fascinating. The lake has actually built an artificial island. The top is heavy and beautiful. At this time, Li Weiyang suddenly saw a group of people in front of a beautiful girl coming from afar, she suddenly stopped.

Princess Yongning was furious and said: "This is a private garden. Who are those people?!"

Although she treats Li Weiyang and Yan Yue color on weekdays, it is also because Li Weiyang is more likely to talk, and it is very likable between the two, and it is very popular with the Queen Mother, so she will treat her differently, but Not so polite to others. Princess Yongning pointed to the other side: "I still don't drive people out!"

Li Weiyang groaned, but he felt that he was not quite right, but it was too late to stop. The nine princesses had volunteered to take the female officers up. Far from here, I heard only a woman in purple dress who didn't know what to say. In the words and words, she was thrown away by the beautiful girl. "Plop" made everyone stunned.

The nine princess screamed and the whole person fell backwards. "Zhao Yue!" Li Weiyang screamed, Zhao Yuefei went, and the nine princesses had been caught between the moments. Li Weiyang and Princess Yongning looked at each other and quickly rushed over to the bridge. Yongning immediately ordered: "I still can't save people!" Then the female officer who was behind the water quickly jumped off the lake, for a long time. The female officer of the original purple dress was dragged to the shore.

"Ha ha ha! Look at her, how awkward!" Unfamiliar beautiful girl smirked, facing the guards around her. Her voice is also very unique, with a little lazy charm, the end of each word is broken very quickly, but also with a little lingering.

Li Weiyang frowned, and this girl inexplicably broke into other people's gardens. Even if she didn't agree, she dared to leave the lake. This kind of arrogance is unheard of. She carefully looked at the girl opposite, and could not help but stunned.

This girl has a melon-like face and a pair of black and bright eyes under the two curved eyebrows. The nose is straight, and the two lips are thin red and red, and they smile, revealing two rows of white and thin teeth. The face is very delicate, and the cleanliness is as if the dust in this world is not contaminated. Even if you don't laugh, the dimple is very charming, not to mention the genius, but it is also beautiful! When she appeared, the bridge, the lake, the beautiful scenery, everything around it seemed to be invisible.

However, Li Weiyang did not look at her face, but noticed her shoes. This girl is wearing a pair of particularly eye-catching shoes. The upper is made of a special red soft leather with gold-silver threads embroidered with a gleaming gem in the middle of each flower. There are dozens of large and small shoes along the upper; the high sole is embroidered with a wave of water around it, and several waves are jumping.

The nine princesses are already full of anger at the moment: "Hello, you dare to push my maids down the river, do you know who I am!"

The beautiful girl patted the whip in her hand, and looked at the nine princesses with a sly look. The face looked like a smile and said: "Who are you, what is it?"

A good attitude, the nine princess was almost stunned by her. The guards on the side just didn't dare to save people, because they were men, and they dared not touch the women's officers around the princess. When they saw the princess being booed, they quickly went up and pulled the knife. "Bold! Dare to talk to the nine princesses!" ”

Who knows that the top ten high-level guards there have also pulled out their knives and show no weakness.

Li Weiyang noticed that Zhao Yue’s face was wrong and could not help but whispered: “What happened?”

Zhao Yue actually looked at a young man in the other team with horror and almost forgot to answer Li Weiyang’s words. Li Weiyang looked over her eyes, but saw a knife on the other's left cheek, almost ruining the original handsome face, and it looked very embarrassing. When the other people moved, he and the three black guards behind him were motionless, and they stood by the beautiful girl like four statues. Noticing Li Weiyang's eyes, the man only moved his eyelids, and he didn't mean to look at her.

Li Weiyang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The other party did not seem to put the nine princesses in his eyes.

The beautiful girl stepped forward two steps, unconsciously revealing the full appearance of high-knit embroidered soft boots. Li Weiyang noticed that the long boots of the boots were embroidered with phoenixes and wings. Surrounded by the phoenix, there are also many small birds embroidered, one by one, to form a picture of a hundred birds. All the birds' eyes are inlaid with stones of different sizes and colors. As she walks, she flashes like a bird blinking.

I dare to use the pattern of a hundred birds and phoenixes, and I have inlaid such a number of expensive gems. The identity of this girl is not easy. In a flash, Li Weiyang’s mind flashed countless thoughts, and he took it quietly. Going to the nine princesses of theory. However, she was such a small movement, but she was stared at by the beautiful girl.

"Who are you?" The girl's slender and tender hands stretched out, and the end was like a green onion, a jade like a jade, as if a piece of jade was carved, but unfortunately she had a calf leather whip on her hand, destroying The whole picture is beautiful. She only stares at Li Weiyang and looks like she is curious.

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "I am the Anping County Lord of the Dali. I don't know who the lady is. How come I will come here?"

The beautiful girl raised her chin and sneered: "Anping County Lord? What are you counting, not worth knowing who I am!"

"You!-" The nine princesses almost burst into flames. She was very accustomed to her childhood. Except for the emperor, no one would dare to give her a grievance. At this moment, she was so provocative by a strange girl she had never met. It was frustrating. She opened Li Weiyang’s hand and reprimanded in three steps and two steps. Who knows that she still does not wait for her to speak, only hears a whip, and the nine princess screams, then squints her face and is completely stunned. It is.

Don't say Princess Yongning, even the female officials around the nine princesses are all stunned. The first person to respond was Li Weiyang. She walked up quickly and took a look at the nine princesses. She was relieved. When the beautiful girl’s whip came down, the nine princess subconsciously held it with her hand. The face, so this whip was drawn on her arm, and the sleeves were all smashed, revealing a red mark on the white skin. The nine princesses stood still, and Li Weiyang quickly yelled at the female officer behind him: Still standing to do something, go find the doctor!"

The female officer went busy, and Princess Yongning reacted. She refused to check the injury of the nine princesses. She was angry and said: "Come, bring them all to me!"

The beautiful girl is not afraid, and she screams: "Grey slave!" One of the four black guards who have not moved is screaming out. He is tall and strong, and the facial features are not amazing. It is estimated that it will not be lost on the street. Someone looked at him more.

The guardian of Yongning Princess did not expect that the other person would only come out alone. It was felt that he was humiliated, and the twelve people rushed up without hesitation. The gray slave sword was unsheathed and launched a storm without panic. His swordsmanship is amazing, and the sword moves with the sound, so that the enemy can be quickly formed.

This hand-made fast sword, quick and smart, self-contained, once the sword is unfolding, it is like a violent wind, and if it is rushing to the thunder, almost recruiting is a violent attack. The momentum is fierce and forceful. The original 12 guards are in the blink of an eye. It fell. The guardian leader of the Yongning Princess House has been martial arts since childhood, but has not yet encountered such a master. In order not to lose face, he decided to take the person down, and suddenly the sword of the gray slaves rushed out like a rainbow. The bright swords of the sword flashed dazzlingly, piercing the layers of wind and thunder and ran straight to the other's wrist. Between the electric and the flint, I heard a bang, and the guardian of the Yongning Princess House slammed back a few steps. The long sword in the palm of the hand had landed. The half of the right hand was cut off on the ground, and everyone in the room was stunned.

The beautiful girl smiled and said: "Is it better than it?" Between the talks, it was obvious that this was a play, and there was no human life in mind.

The Princess Yongning has never fallen behind in this way. Twelve guards on her side rushed up. They were all knocked down to the ground. The guard leader was also cut off by his right hand, and he was already angry.

Li Weiyang looked at Zhao Yue. From the beginning, she has been staring at the young man with a knife on her face. She has flashed countless emotions in her eyes and finally settled as fear. Then she bowed her head as if she was afraid. It is recognized by the other party. Li Weiyang thought for a moment and blocked Zhao Yue quietly. He whispered: "You go down first." Zhao Yueyi, I didn't expect Li Weiyang to make such an order at this time, but her legs are already shaking. This is an irresistible fear, she subconsciously retreated two steps.

I noticed the movement of Zhao Yue, the man with a slashed face, the old knife mark that was half-inch long and gently picked up, still containing a plausible smile.

"This lady, this is the private garden of Princess Yongning. If you are good at it, it is not right. How dare you shoot and hurt?" Li Weiyang looked coldly at the beautiful girl.

The beautiful girl snorted twice and looked at Li Weiyang, but she was not interested in her appearance. She said: "I have heard that there is a beautiful beauty in the calendar called Li Changle. You call her out!"

After a long time, Li Weiyang was the first time he heard someone mentioning Li Changle’s name. He smiled and said, “I don’t know what the lady is looking for?”

"Li Changle is your sister?" The beautiful girl showed an unbelievable look. "As far as you are ugly, it seems that Li Changle is also beautiful and not where!" When she spoke, the clothes on her body were in the spring breeze. Swaying, Tingting is a very graceful person.

Such a beauty is not only arrogant, but also moody. Li Weiyang sighed in his heart and said: "Miss said it is good. My sister is indeed the first beauty of the calendar. My appearance can't be compared. It's a pity that if you want to see her, it's really late. step."

The beautiful girl frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

Li Weiyang slowly said: "Because she is red and fat, and unfortunately died, Miss will never see it again."

The beautiful girl took a slap in the palm of her hand: "This is good! Even if she is not dead, I will kill her this time!"

Nine princesses looked at her wound on her arm and looked at her incredulously. She subconsciously said: "What do you say?"

The woman raised her brow and took it for granted: "Because I am the first beauty in the world, dare to be beautiful than me, I should die!"

Li Weiyang suddenly laughed, and the girl was discolored: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Weiyang’s face is like a smile, and said: “This lady, I didn’t laugh, I just regret that if I let my sister live to the present, I don’t know what she felt when she heard this. I really want her. Listen, the original beauty is also to be sinned."

The girl sneered, staring at Li Weiyang's pair of ancient wells, the eyes of the quiet, suddenly unhappy, said: "I am not happy to see your eyes, gray slave, give me her eyes!"

The gray slave should sing: "Yes!" Then he quickly stepped forward. At this moment, Zhao Yue, who had been silently behind, pulled out his soft sword at the waist and rushed up without hesitation. The long sword was separated in an instant! This change happened between the moments, and then the two began to fight. Li Weiyang saw it very clearly. Zhao Yue, who had always encountered an opponent, encountered a difficult opponent this time.

This is something that has never happened before. What is the identity of the girl, and one of the guards around me has such a high martial arts. Reminiscent of Zhao Yue’s horrified eyes when he saw the knife, Li Weiyang had a bad feeling.

At this moment, some people in the distance sighed: "All live!" Then, everyone saw a guild with a jade belt quickly carrying the guards, Zhao Yue and the gray slaves were separated at the same time, the gray slaves quickly stood firm Zhao Yue has retired three steps to stand still. Even though he was calm and calm, like Li Weiyang, he could hardly believe his own eyes. She watched Zhao Yue’s cheeks appearing two white spikes on the cheeks, and after a moment, they came out red.

Zhao Yue hesitated to raise his hand and touch the scar, and the fingertips were stained with blood.

Although Zhao Yue has already lost, but the beautiful girl suddenly raised her eyebrows, looking at Li Weiyang with a cold eye, spit out a few words: "Who are you?"

The words were extremely strange, and the others did not care, but Li Weiyang understood it. The number of martial arts roads of Zhao Yue is exactly the same as that of the gray slaves. Most of them are son-in-law, they can't see them, but they have already seen them all over. This girl is a Vietnamese! Moreover, obviously has a very high identity! After Li Weiyang understood this, he looked at Zhao Yue subconsciously.

At this time, Takuya had already rushed over. He looked at the situation in the field and suddenly smiled: "I just took a slow step and I started to fight."

The girl picked her eyebrows and said: "You will pick up the time, not coming late, but I am going to pack people before you come!" There was a bit of closeness between the words.

Tuoba really didn't look at Li Weiyang and said: "There is something late to delay. What's wrong with this, all the expressions are so angry?"

The nine princesses finally saw the elder brother, his eyes were red, and said: "Three brothers, she rushed into the garden with a group of people, and also hit me a whip!"

Tuoba really frowned, looked at the wounds of the nine princesses, and frowned: "It’s okay, it’s not a big problem."

Nine princesses looked at Tuobazhen with a stunned look, but Li Weiyang vaguely guessed the identity of this mysterious girl from the attitude of the other party.

"Xiaojiu, you have always been used to arrogance and arbitrariness. Actually, it is so unreasonable to the guests of Yuexi, and you are not anxious to apologize to Princess Anguo!" Tuoba really whispered and whispered.

Everyone is a glimpse, and Li Weiyang’s eyes are slightly picked up. It turned out to be her. Princess Anguo, at the age of sixteen, is the most favorite little daughter of the Queen of Vietnam. It can be said that he is afraid of falling in his hands and is afraid of being in his mouth. However, this Anguo princess is notorious for doing things without prejudice, mischief, and extravagant desire.

The West is separated from the Great History by a southern Xinjiang, so it is not always close, but there are still many anecdotes about the princess passed to the calendar. It is said that the long princess of Yuexi built a happy garden, which is very beautiful and luxurious. The Princess of Anguo is not willing to be compared with the sisters and sisters. Therefore, he has seized the people’s land and built a large pool, named Kunlun Pool, and even jade. Both sides of the strait are full of exotic flowers and plants, regardless of the spring, summer, autumn and winter are all fragrant and fragrant, the bottom of the creek is made entirely of coral gemstones, illuminated in the moonlight, exceptionally clear. It is said that she also built many pavilions along the pool, recruiting many fishermen and hunters to live there. She also dressed herself as a fisherman hunter, fishing on the pool or hunting in the mountains. In order to build this pool, she did not know how much it cost, and she did not know how many people took up the good land. The Princess Yongning was not enough to compare with her.

When Li Weiyang saw the face of Princess Anguo, he shook his head involuntarily. A princess who is not arrogant, she does not look in her eyes. What she cares about is what Li Minde will think about it. Moreover, Zhao Yue’s identity has been exposed, and the other party is not sure that he will come to the door soon. She is not afraid of this Anguo, but she does not want to recruit the Western Royal Family.

At that time, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Takuya really smiles, said: "Emperor sister, is not the younger brother, did not tell you earlier that Princess Anguo came to me, the father of the emperor ordered me to take you to visit this new garden, who would have liked her to take a step forward But it made such a big misunderstanding."

Princess Anguo smiled and said: "This is really the great garden that the emperor of your country said. Even half of my hospital is not comparable!" Between the talks, a pair of places here is a backcountry.

Yongning Princess is not angry. This garden took three years to complete. It is already the best and most beautiful building in the royal family. It is a gift specially given to her by the emperor. But now listening to the Princess Anguo, it is not in the eyes. In, she couldn't help but hold her breath and said, "Oh, it seems that I can't enter Princess Anguo here! Please leave as soon as possible!"

Although the Princess Yongning is severely stern, it has always been known to be light and heavy, so that it is so angry that it has become annoyed. Takuya really cares about this emperor, because she has always been in the position of the emperor, but now he seems to have not heard it, laughing: "Why the emperor is angry, the father has ordered me to hold a banquet here. Now, change the place, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

The face of Princess Yongning changed greatly. She did not expect that the emperor had the intention to receive the Princess of Anguo in this garden. Now she wants to leave her sleeves, but when she sees the expression of the good-looking princess, she can't help but suppress the anger: "If this is the case, then please princess."

However, Tuozhen really stood still and looked at Anguo Road: "I don't know His Royal Highness--"

Anguo smiled and said: "My fourth brother can be busy to see the scenery of the Da Li, and I can't accompany me! Today, this party is afraid that it can't come, but also please let me go with me!"

Her eyes flickered and she was full of interest in Tuoba. Li Weiyang couldn't help but look at Tuoba's true face. Only one glance, she concluded that Tuoba is also very "sentimental" to Princess Anguo, but this kind of tenderness seems to have ulterior motives. Thinking of the huge and powerful Western Vietnam, Li Weiyang suddenly understood the truth of Takuya. He needs Princess Anguo, or if he can successfully marry this woman, it will be more helpful than any famous person in the calendar.

"As long as the Princess of the Princess invites me, I am always with you." Sure enough, Takuya really smiles very harmoniously, and it is a kind of joy and color that has never been seen before.

Li Weiyang understands that if Takuya really wants to please a woman, he will be able to come. Look at this Anguo princess just a look of arrogant Zhang Yan, but in front of Tuo Zhenzhen is very beautiful. Li Weiyang began to pity for her future, but also a woman who was planted in. But this is her own choice, no one can stop it.

It’s true that Takuya said that he was not there. It was indeed a banquet. When they arrived at the east side of the garden, they found that many guests had arrived. When the princess came, the guests stood up and saluted. The face of Princess Yongning is always iron blue, and the face of the nine princesses is not good-looking. Li Weiyang does not see the anger. The ones who have always smiled are Tuobazhen and Anguo Princess. They seem to have not happened as soon as the unpleasantness has occurred, indicating that everyone is excused.

Everyone didn't know what happened just now, but it was not happy to see the two princesses all face, and soon after the banquet, the nine princesses first withdrew and said that they had just been injured. However, how can I get hurt when I visit the yard in a good way? However, no one dared to ask for an exit, and then look at the princess of Yongning Princess, everyone went to the happy face just now, quiet down.

Li Weiyang has already told Zhao to go to the medicine, and she is sitting in her position, and she has nothing to do with what is happening around her. She had intended to retire immediately, but Princess Yongning whispered to ask her to stay. Li Weiyang looked up and looked at Princess Yongning, but saw her staring at the Princess Anguo with a look of resentment, as if she could not go up and give the man a slap.

Tuoba said with a smile: "Today, Princess Anguo’s visit was originally received by the emperor. However, if he had another important thing to be promoted to the palace by the father, he would treat me first, and a welcome banquet would be held in the palace at night. Please don't be surprised by the princess."

Princess Anguo smiled slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Tuoba’s truth: "The three halls are too polite, and we are rushing to visit, but it is harassing." Just like the 嚣张跋扈, it was completely different. Unconsciously wondering if she has two faces. "I heard that today I specially invited the most famous Tan Yun and Mo, everyone in the calendar, but really?"

Tan Yun is indeed famous, but the famous one is not her beautiful face, but her skillful skill is the best in the world. Tuoba really clap his hands, and then he saw Tan Yun holding his **** and slowly came over. After bowing to the crowd, he sat on one side, and his right hand swayed gently, and a bleak autumn rush came. She gently swayed the small string and sent out a whisper like the autumn wind, which made people feel like a quiet autumn night.

Li Weiyang listened quietly, but he felt that there was a faint affair in his heart. He couldn’t help but be shocked. This can actually be played so fascinatingly, and it is involuntary to think of the magical effect of the past. There is also a unique cloud between the world. .

The performance of Tan Yun gradually deepened, turning the wrist to string or swinging or wiping, the sound seemed to come from heaven, and the wind could not turn around in the garden, as if the golden scale jade collided with each other, and it was suspected that the clouds were under the clouds. In the middle of the journey, she suddenly stroked her finger, then stagnate, and a lingering sound gradually dissipated from her hands and became silent.

At this time, Kyoto’s best dance dancers also led fifteen dancers. They gently stretched their waists and danced softly in the garden. At this time, the sound of the cymbals rose again, dance and The sound of the hustle and bustle is miraculously integrated into one. Among the fifteen dancers, the most eye-catching is the ink everyone, her upper body is covered with a spring shirt, the white flowers on the white background are simple, the collar is light purple, and a face is even more It looks red and white, and there aren't too many shackles on the head. Just holding a hibiscus flower, the color of the flower is matched with the plain dance skirt. It is the skin that wins the snow, and the alum is so drunk that it takes away between the moments. Everyone's attention.

Li Weiyang knows that this leader is a Mou Niang who is famous in Kyoto for her soft floating clouds. She was originally a Changzhou person. She went to Kyoto with her parents and later began to dance to the dance hall because she Born to be beautiful, coupled with graceful style, can sing and dance, especially good at floating clouds, people unconsciously immersed in her dance, and soon became famous in Kyoto.

Li Weiyang looked at the soft face of Mo Niang, and could not help but be a little distracted.

In the past, they were still acquaintances. Mo Niang has been a dancer in Kyoto, but because of her low birth, most of her participation is a feast of wealthy businessmen, and there are few opportunities to participate in important occasions of the royal family. Later, at a banquet, she was stunned by a floating cloud dance, the amazing charm and style, almost instantly captured the real eyes of Tuoba. At that time, Li Weiyang was embarrassed, but she told herself that as a wife, she should tolerate her husband's three wives and four wives. Not only that, but also should be able to recruit him for the sake of him. Later, this Mo Niang, Tuoba really received the house that night. Between the three months, Tuoba really never went to other people's rooms for the night, showing how much the Mo Niang was so favored. Four months later, Mo Niang had a good news of pregnancy, and soon she was sealed.

When Li Weiyang was unlucky, Mo Niang was the only one of all who did not fall into the rocks. Even, she tried to plead with Tuoba. Li Weiyang understands that Mo Niang is repaying her, because Li Weiyang once helped her when she was bullied by other noble squats in the Three Emperors' House. In this world, and then see Mo Niang, Li Weiyang thought of her the first time.

Li Weiyang bowed his head and drank a glass of wine, which made the stomach that had been chilling a little warmer. I hope that in this world, Mo Niang will no longer be seen by Tuoba.

At this time, the people who were fascinated were heard that Princess Anguo smiled and said: "It’s really nondescript."

The people almost thought that they had got it wrong, and they looked at Princess Anguo in amazement. She smiled and repeated it again: "It's really nondescript!"

Princess Yongning changed his face and said: "Princess Anguo, what do you mean by this!"

Even if it is a VIP, it is not appropriate to make such an evaluation of the owner's arrangement. Yes, 琵琶 has always been a solo, rarely with other instruments, let alone dance, if it is forcibly combined, it is a bit discordant. However, today Tan Yun and Mo Niang's pipa and dance are complement each other, without the slightest sense of violation, giving people a high aesthetic enjoyment. Therefore, Princess Yongning felt that Princess Anguo was deliberately looking for jealousy. I want to come, too, she hasn’t been provocative enough to come, and now she wants to find something.

Li Weiyang put down the wine glass, and a pair of cold eyes looked at Princess Anguo. However, I heard the Princess Anguo whispered: "Hey, songs and dances are not too bad, but they are a combination of non-negligence. The so-called innovation, must also be able to integrate into one, so that the division up and down, each other, what is new?"

Tan Yun has played for countless dignitaries, even the most demanding people have only praised her, because this handcuffs, she began training at the age of five, and the skills are a must. She and Mo Niang are friends again. They don’t know how much they have spent to integrate the dance and dance into one, which is a big innovation. Who knows that I only got a bad evaluation today. After all, she has been held for a long time. She is somewhat proud and angry. She can’t help but feel a little angry on her face, but she is not guilty of being present. The nobles are secretly suppressed. Mo Niang is more peaceful, she said softly: "The princess said that the slaves must go back and practice."

The eyes of Princess Anguo seem to have been scraped from her face by a steel knife. The sound is a bit more ridiculous: "No, you have the same waist, but it’s good to dance!"

"You--" Tan Yun has always had a good relationship with Mo Niang, and at this moment he can't help but change his color. In her opinion, this Anguo princess is too much, even if she is born and noble, it is just a guest of the Dali. How can she blame the singer here in public, and it is clearly embarrassing to the owner. Tan Yun glared at Princess Anguo, but the other party was cold-eyed and she didn't care.

Mo Niang looked at Takuya, and a pair of eyes brought some tears.

She has a pair of watery talking eyes, a graceful manner, and a soft state of inadvertent excitement between the manners, which makes people pity. Li Weiyang has seen countless beautiful women, but Mo Niang is not just beautiful. She is good at singing and dancing, no matter when she can maintain a kind of innocent and soft personality, it is because of this character that she once became Tuoba is really a favorite, of course, this situation has only continued to Li Changle's entrance to the palace...

The beauty of the beauty only accounts for a small part of it, and its natural taste is the standard for weighing the "beauty". Mo Niang is not very beautiful, but her look is very romantic, the man looked at the plenary pity, but the woman looked? Especially those women who are narrow-minded and vicious and mean--Li Wei’s mind flashed in a moment when the Princess Anguo said that she wanted to see Li Changle to kill her. It sounded like a joke, but she felt that it was from The truth of the other party. If this is the case, Mo Niang’s attitude towards Tuo’s helplessness is simply looking for death –

At this time, Li Weiyang almost subconsciously wants to stop Takuya from speaking, but she did not have time to come. Takuya is exactly what ordinary men would do, and he said: "Princess Anguo, they are just rough people, they are not willing to change. Why should you care about other songs and dances?" It sounds like comforting, but actually it is to save the ink and other people.

Tuoba really noticed that Li Weiyang seemed to pay special attention to Mo Niang. He could not help but show his love for Mo Niang in front of her. It seems that this can stimulate some people he hates. Of course, Mo Niang is a special member of the Prince. The dancer, he should also be back.

Li Weiyang screamed in his heart, thinking that Princess Anguo would be angry on the spot, but the other side only hooked his lips, and the color was like Chunhua: "Since the three halls are clear, I am embarrassed, as the eyes are blown by the sand." That is to say, the song and dance just like the sand, it is disgusting and willing to do nothing.

Actually, I have let go of Mo Niang? Li Weiyang was a little unbelievable at the moment, but she stared at Princess Anguo for a long time and did not see any special emotions. Is she thinking more? If things go to the benefit, perhaps, Princess Anguo is just a spoiled child. He likes to say something scary and do something to get the attention of others. However, looking at the smile of Princess Anguo, it gives people a feeling of chilling. This feeling is probably derived from the intuition of danger.

Li Weiyang has always felt that he is a heart-warming person, but she usually only starts with her own enemy. But not everyone will be like this. Some people have no reason to start with others. It is incomprehensible. I think that the hand of the Yongning Princess House guardian was cut and the wound on Zhao’s face. Li Weiyang hopes that everything is It’s just that she thinks more about herself.

Tuoba really looked at Li Weiyang and said: "An An Princess, there is actually a young lady who is very good at dancing. It used to be famous, but I don't know if you have this eye."

Princess Anguo looked at him involuntarily and looked at him. Everyone heard that Takuya really laughed: "The daughter of the Prime Minister's House, the Anping County Lord, my aunt's aunt, once used a name of ink and wash to move Kyoto, where there is a well. The place is widely circulated. I don't know if you are willing to dance for your guests?" When he said the words of his aunt, it seemed to have a bite-like taste.

The eyes of all people fell on Li Weiyang's body.

Li Weiyang’s heartbeat turned sharply. When he looked up, he was embarrassed. He said: “The original Anguo princess arrived, and Weiyang’s dance was a song. Unfortunately, a few days ago, Weiyang had just been injured on horseback, and now the ankle is still swollen. How dare you offer ugly in front of the princess? Or please ask the third hall to please Gao Ming."

It was straightforwardly rejected, and there was no room for change.

I saw only the Princess of Anguo, a pair of bright eyes staring at Li Weiyang, like a smile between the eyebrows. Li Weiyang inadvertently looked at her, but looked at her innocent face, as if hiding the innocent and murderous malicious, could not help but live.

------Off topic ------

Xiao Qin: You see, there is a baby downstairs saying, I want to give you the best female match to arrange a male match, to Yushu Linfeng, Merry, he is responsible for earning money to support the family, you are responsible for the beauty of flowers

Editor: Actually, I like the weak Liu Fufeng. If he is beautiful, I can be responsible for making money and raising a family. (^w^)↗

Xiao Qin: You are a pervert, I have arranged countless metamorphosis to accompany you... You don’t really like Jiang Jiawujie, compared with the beautiful men of the Yuexi royal family who are both versatile and perverted, they are all tofu. Slag (⊙o⊙)

Edit: Every time I use the beautiful man to lie to me, I finally found that the beautiful man is cannon fodder, >_

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