The Princess Wei Yang

: 151 widows have illness


Yuan Zhen looked at Li Weiyang in shock and couldn't even say anything. 7k7k001. On his site, she actually asked him to kill his own guard, this is crazy!

Don't say Yuanxiao, even Zhao Yue, who can't stand up while sitting, and the white cat who is taking care of her, look at Li Weiyang with an incredible look.

The beautiful face of Yuan Zhen is gloomy: "Li Weiyang, are you going to be wrong?" He is not afraid that she will get things out, but I don't want to get into trouble.

"The six people are not dead, Yan Wang must kill me, then you have to face the Queen Mother, the Seven Emperors and my father Li Yuxiang's tracing and persuasion. They are not stupid people, afraid that you have not left the calendar, this matter It will erupt. When the League of Books, which has just been stamped with the Great Seal, will fall apart. The Royal Highness of Yan Wang will see the high places, and where to go, when you don’t have to wait for the words.

Yuan Zhen originally thought that she was a small woman who allowed him to knead. He could scare him by catching a few words. For her own innocence, she would only be dumb, and she would have never seen herself afterwards. After all, He hasn't thought that there is such a daughter in the world who is not afraid of innocence and ruin... But if she really kills her, things will be very troublesome, because she is the queen of the queen, the prime minister of the prime minister, the grand calendar. County owner. He did not dare to estimate her value, nor did she know the consequences of killing her. Therefore, he did not dare to make such a bet.

But she wants to kill his six most effective guards, but it has to be considered. He immediately opened the topic and said: "This is not to say, I have something to ask you."

Li Weiyang said sharply: "Kill the person and ask again!" After she finished, she gave him a cold look, and its cold meaning seemed to trigger the sound of wind and thunder in the void.

Yuan Zhen stared at Li Weiyang. He never thought that he would be threatened by the other party. He was really furious in his heart. He felt that this woman was arrogant and unreasonable. "You can know how much I spent on asking these six people!" You are obviously a meat ticket, but when you come, you open your mouth and shut up to kill me. Why should I be threatened by you? ! He held his anger and said slowly: "What are they guilty of again? Why kill?"

"The intention is to destroy peace talks and tear up the covenants of the two countries. These six people are guilty of sin and death, and they are not dead! Your Royal Highness, regardless of what you are doing for me today, can make the true purpose of the group still for peace talks. Now I have signed the alliance book, you I can't wait to intercept the Queen Mother, and even kill people on the official road. You said, if they were heard by South Xinjiang, what would they think? Or, would they take this opportunity to send people to the League of Legends? Let's deal with Yuexi together? Your sister Anguo Princess, you can also say that the little girl is not arrogant, but you, a prince who has already sealed the king, your words and deeds represent the face and position of Yuexi, you are now If the behavior is spread out, I dare to assure you that neither the emperor of Yuexi nor the queen of the queen behind the scenes will be happy. At that time she will only say that I have not done the good thing about you, but you It’s a useless waste to run to destroy peace talks! I think Yan Wang is so active and he doesn’t want to waste.”

Yuan Zhen’s face was made blue by her, but more, it was a shock that had never been seen before. She had deliberately deceived her, and put the sesame on the pastry on her face. The intention was to get away with it. He thought that his own disciple was disguised as a very image, and Li Weiyang was also fooled. Originally, he intended to wait for his purpose to be achieved, and he took it with the royal ambiance. Anyway, he got the news. The Queen Mother was preparing to marry him, so that he would become the old drama of love at first sight and goodbye. No one would. The actual situation at that time will be overstated. However, if Li Weiyang does not prepare for the rest of the time, he must make a case of Yan Wang destroying the alliance, and Yuexi and Nanjiang play a double spring to deceive the drama of the Da Li. This kind of wind is released, even if it does not affect the alliance between the two countries, according to the character of the father, it will certainly be turned into a meat -

Yuan Zhen stood still in the same place for a long time. Li Weiyang clearly defined his expectations for this alliance and used it to threaten him. He knew that he knew this, but he had to be threatened by her. He chose two options, one, killing the six guards. Second, killed Li Weiyang. He hopes that he can choose the second one, from start to finish, he can't ask her for her life, because she is very useful. If he died so unclearly, his plan would be in vain.

"When the break is continuous, it will be disturbed by it. The Royal Highness of Yan Wang is still considered well!" Li Weiyang leaned back to the back of the chair and closed his eyes.

Yuan Zhen did not move, although these six people are only subordinates, and they do not feel bad when they kill, but after all, they are all from the dark guard. Even in the Western Xihuang, a true secret guard is worth a lot of money. There are only 12 people, and all the trips have been brought. Is it that Li Weiyang will lose half of it? Isn’t it that he is sore and wants to kill him? In addition, he always likes to work slowly, even if he It’s killing, and I like to be a little bit more romantic, and it’s really worth the price.

He looked at Li Weiyang and his eyes flickered: "Why must the county owner take the lives of the six people. I know that they accidentally hurt your niece. I immediately sent someone to treat her, and I promised to heal soon, a trace of scars. Will stay, and then let them come in and pay tribute to the county owner. The county magistrate is generous, look at my face, and spare their lives."

Li Weiyang smiled and looked at Yuanxiao with a look of a fool.

The face of Yuan Zhen became iron and blue, and Li Weiyang was not arrogant, and the six people could not live.

There is no mercy in Li Weiyang’s heart. These so-called secret guards are all murderous. There is no life for hundreds of people. She wants their lives now, and it is Zhao’s blood. What else can’t.

"Counter, you are a girl's home, and the heart should naturally be kind, make such a killing, and be afraid at night."

Li Weiyang’s face was quiet and almost no response, as if he hadn’t heard what Yuanxiao was saying.

Zhao Yue and Bai Yu are all face to face. In this case, they are really confused. Are they not being brought in by people? How can the other side be subject to people everywhere?

Yuan Zhen’s face is ugly and unreasonable. “Li Weiyang, do you really think that I dare not kill you? I dare to bring you here, it’s hard to kill you here!”

Li Weiyang seems to be a stone. He said nothing responded.

Yuan Zhen’s anger is ruined, and he sighs: "But the life of six people, I don’t care about Yan Wang! I am thinking for you, lest you regret it when you arrive!"

Li Weiyang’s eyes are calm and contemptuous. She wants to let the other party know that Li Weiyang is not a person who can be bullied and insulted. Now it is the six guards. In the future, Yan Wang Yuan Zhen will certainly not run. All this is just a matter of time. She doesn't bother with trouble, but she won't avoid trouble. On the contrary, every time troubles take the initiative to find her, the murder that has been rushing in my heart will appear faintly.

When you send it to the door, why am I afraid?

Rao is always a heart-warming Lantern, and under Li Weiyang’s gaze, his heart can’t help but chill. In this girl, there is a strong and overbearing momentum that is not inferior to that of the Queen. The Queen is the mother of the West, the Phoenix of the family, and Li Weiyang in front of him. What is it?

Yuan Zhen rushed out of the long sword and slammed it in front of Li Weiyang. However, the other side did not even blink. Suddenly he felt an indescribable sense of frustration. How could there be such a stubborn woman in the world? Didn't she know that her own life was still in his hand? Why should he bargain with him? But - but, have to say, what she said is exactly what he is most scrupulous! Yuan Zhen Lingguang flashed, yes, Li Weiyang was venting for her niece - his long sword, all of a sudden pointed at the neck of Zhao Yue, Zhao Yue was unable to stand up even in the station, let alone resist.

"Li Weiyang, if you are so arrogant, I will kill your niece."

Li Weiyang’s heart was slightly shaken, but there was no feeling on the face, as if Yuan Lan’s hand was not a long sword, but a piece of wood.

Zhao Yue lowered her eyes and she vaguely knew the real reason why Li Weiyang did this. If they show weakness at this moment, they will only be allowed to be slaughtered by the other party. On the contrary, Li Weiyang is so strong, on the one hand, he is venting himself, on the other hand, he is also warning the Lantern Festival. Her identity and status are absolutely not allowed by his side. Guard the following commits! Since they dare to do it, they have to pay the price of blood!

Everyone is guilty. If Li Weiyang is crying and crying at this moment, and he is softly begging for mercy, Yuan Zhen will only step on her to the ground, but now she looks cold and makes such a tough request, but it makes Yuan Hao scruples and worry because He can't kill her, and he can't figure out what card she has.

"Well, since you want them to die, check it out for yourself!" Yuan Zhen was so angry that he left the sword with hatred.

In a short time, there were six followers who came up with the followers. The Lantern Festival opened in front of Li Weiyang and forced her to watch. Li Weiyang only looked at the expression flatly, even if the white beggar could not control the vomiting out, she Also indifferent.

The blood of the blush was on the blue floor tiles, and Yuan Zhen waved his hand. Someone immediately took the heads of the six people down. He sneered: "Can you speak now?"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Nature, I don't know what to say to His Royal Highness Yan Wang?"

Her face has always been frosty, and at this moment she smiles and can't tell the cute and moving. Yuan Zhen was shocked. He saw it in the past. There are gentle and pleasant Xiaojiabiyu, and there are also dignified and decent people. There are also frivolous and charming young ladies. They are heart-warming and sinister, and they are smart and have this. Among the countless women, the fastest face is his arrogant sister Anguo Princess, but compared with her, it seems that it is not enough. In front of Li Weiyang, he is still as strong as a wolf. Now he smiles, but it seems like The lotus is still beautiful.

He was a bit confused and couldn't figure out what kind of person Li Weiyang was.

He yelled: "This Li Weiyang is very strong, I have to change the way to clean up her." Now he smiled at Li Weiyang: "You are not very old, but it is quite imposing, or because you are the destined Wang Hao candidate, from Follow me in the future, and you will be able to enjoy it."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "How can you enjoy the law?"

Yuan Zhenyi, haha ​​smiled: "As long as you want, everything will have!"

Li Weiyang smiled: "I want the moon in the sky, the shadow in the water, you want to smash the head of the queen, do you give it to me?"

Yuan Zhen’s face changed and his anger was unstoppable. He wanted to be awkward, but when he saw Li Weiyang’s smile, he immediately suppressed the anger and said: “You are a smart person. You should know that your emperor and the Queen Mother have already promised. After the alliance, they will Let you marry me to be a king of Yan. You are going to marry me when you are horizontally, why should you pretend to be a high-ranking person? If you wish to serve the king, I will not care about the genius, let people heal your niece, and I will send you back."

Zhao Yue listened to this, could not help but take a sip, glaring.

Yuan Qiangqiang smiled and said: "I am the fourth son of the Western Emperor. Although you are a Queen Mother, you are actually just a prime minister. I heard that it is still a slap in the face, and the identity of the Tang Yanyan is not insulting you. Besides, I have already expressed my sincerity. Should you also show your sincerity?"

Li Weiyang looked at him with a hint of smile on his face, but it was a mockery: "Oh? Sincerity? I don't know what Yancheng wants?"

Yuan Zhen’s smile was silent. He walked to Li Weiyang’s body and looked at her like a wolf: “Li Weiyang, I ask you, what is the origin of Li’s three sons?! I heard that he It’s a adopted child, so where did you find him?”

Sure enough, it is suspected that Li Minde’s body.

Li Weiyang said faintly: "His Royal Highness does not feel that he is asking strangely? Our family wants to raise a child, of course, from the side branch."

Yuan Hao certainly knows this. He also went to investigate. There is such an orphan in the Li family. When he was born, his parents died. Then he was raised by his uncle. When he was over one year old, he was taken back to the Li family. , became the adopted son of the Li family. If the three ladies are still alive, he will be able to ask questions, but the three ladies died, and the uncle of the family has passed away. No one has seen the child with his own eyes. He has no way to confirm Li Minde’s identity.

Originally, if Li Minde was an ordinary person, whether it was or not, killing him was a shackle, but he was Li Xiaoran’s nephew, and he was born so beautiful. Wherever he went, it was a star-studded moon, which easily caused turmoil, not casually. Those who can let him disappear, if they are rashly acting, are afraid of having an impact on this alliance. However, since the beginning of the Da Li calendar, Yuan Zhen has been aware that someone is staring at himself. He is trying his best to get rid of it today. He is not sure if this is the arrangement of the father, but in this way, he is even more skeptical of Li Minde’s identity. .

He glanced at Li Weiyang, and his eyebrows showed a painful color. He said, "The county owner, in fact, I am not malicious. I had a younger brother. I was taken away when I was not born. I don’t know where I am. My father has missed him very much. I have been looking for him all over the years, but unfortunately I have found nothing. This time I came to the calendar and happened to meet your cousin Li Minde. I first felt that he was the royal family of my west. People, however, I dare not agree with it. You know, my emperor is not born after the mother, so my mother has always hoped that he will not appear again. I am afraid that I will rush to recognize each other, but will bring trouble to him. So I want to find the truth from you. You can rest assured that I am absolutely not malicious, but the father invited me to look for him secretly..." When I said it, the voice was stunned and my eyes were tears. Soluble.

Li Weiyang saw him as a kind of sincere and sincere, and he was judged as if he had just been. I immediately guessed that he must have been prepared to scare himself and force her to tell the truth, but now she sees her tough attitude and immediately becomes scared. Unfortunately, for Li Weiyang, she will not care about her attitude.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what you are saying, but I can tell you that my cousin Minde is surnamed Li. As for his life experience, you must have investigated it. There is no doubt. I don't know. What makes you think of his emperor from him, but if he is, I will definitely tell you, after all, it is a good thing to recognize the ancestors, isn't it?"

Yuan Zhen stared at Li Weiyang, and he did not speak for half a moment. He realized that he could not deceive her. His eyes turned on her show, and the tears in her eyes disappeared like a juggling. I changed my mind: "The county owner is not a hero, so I am more respectful. If I am jealous. You, you must love you, never scorn, but often say, the person who knows the time is Junjie. You have to think clearly, if you don’t answer honestly, I am more than a method to humiliate you, so you have to say."

Li Weiyang heard his words and raised his head. He was cold in his eyes. He sneered in his mouth: "I can help you with this. The torture in this world is different. I am familiar with everything. If Yan Wang is interested, Take me to do the experiment, that's fine."

Since Yuan Zhen is not prepared to kill Li Weiyang, nature will not leave obvious scars on her body. It is impossible to use punishment.

Li Weiyang stunned him more and more anxious, and smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot, you have to keep my life. Then, how to use a thousand silver needles to **** a hole, it is said that the taste is like tens of thousands of ants. In foraging, the surface does not leave scars, but actually it is very painful. Yan Wang is willing to give it a try?"

Yuan Zhen saw her smile, but her eyes were extremely serious. It was not like a joke. He couldn’t help but feel a cold.

"If the silver acupuncture point is not possible, then change other methods?" Li Weiyang talked, without the fear of half a trace, just staring at him with cold eyes, as if he really gave him an idea.

The beautiful face of Yuan Zhen was almost distorted. He quickly turned and walked out, and the curtain fell slamming. Soon, there were guards coming in and forced Zhao Yue and Bai Yu to go out. Li Weiyang glanced at the steps of Zhao Yuexi and closed his eyes slightly.

She could have asked the other person to treat the injury for Zhao Yue, but in this way, Lantern will seize her weakness and know that she is protecting her niece, he will use them to threaten her. Therefore, Li Weiyang does not care about the performance, the more he feels that the two people do not use the value, they will not be too difficult to divide them.

Li Weiyang was left alone in this gorgeous room, and passed the longest night in his life.

She has been keeping her eyes closed, but she has no way to fall asleep, and she has been thinking about the whole thing in her mind. Sitting like this, for two hours. As if in the evening, she suddenly looked at the door with a vigilant look, and she saw that the door was pushed open, but it was not the Lantern Festival, but two beautiful young prostitutes. They held trays on their hands. The trays were gorgeous clothes and shackles. One of them respectfully said to Li Weiyang: "The county owner, my family prince, please change clothes and use dinner together."

Others are the first ritual soldiers, but the Lantern Festival is obviously reversed. Li Weiyang knows that Yuan Zhen’s person looks very strong and his suspicion is very serious. If she showed a hint of embarrassment about her use of punishment, he would use this method to deal with her. After all, there are many secret methods in this world. It is entirely possible to tell people to tell the truth. In particular, the Lantern Festival grew up in the palace. He wanted to get a sly idea. However, Li Weiyang showed no fear, and even actively helped him to make suggestions and make him more touched. What exactly is she thinking about, she simply changed the way.

Li Weiyang refused to dress up, but just dressed in his own clothes and took the lead. The two prostitutes looked at each other and did not dare to say anything. They walked in front of each other and took the lead for Li Weiyang. She was brought to a room soon, and one of them took the initiative to open the door for her, and then she retired with the other person.

Li Weiyang slowly walked in. This room is more luxurious and rich than the one just before, but it is not vulgar, but it creates an elegant and refined atmosphere. You can't see the same extras, even a potted plant and a painting are placed in the most appropriate position, showing an extraordinary taste. On the way to travel, it is obvious that I can live in the embassy, ​​but the other party has bought such a house in the calendar. It is obvious that it is prepared.

When Li Weiyang walked in, he saw a handsome boy sitting in front of the table and seemed to be waiting for her. If he was just a nasty kidnapper, he has now become a filthy Shijia. Seeing her coming in, she smiled slightly.

No matter what kind of person this person is, but his appearance is indeed extremely outstanding.

Li Weiyang knows that the Yuexi royal family is beautiful and beautiful. Before seeing the beautiful and beautiful Anguo princess, now I see the beautiful Lantern. It is no wonder that people all say that Yuan is a beautiful woman, and the appearance of men is often more than 100 times more than that of women. The ladies in the west don’t want to think that they are husbands. Women don’t want to abandon their relatives and run away with them. These men are handsome to what extent.

When I heard that the Western Emperor was still a Prince, whenever he was riding on the streets, he would provoke young girls to madly follow him and ask him for love. In order to win his favor, some girls disputed each other, regardless of women. He held a big fight, and even some women could not enter the palace because of their despicable origins, and they could not commit suicide by committing his favor. In his anger, he simply put on his mask to go out, but despite this, he has attracted countless crazy courtesy. Now, his sons have apparently inherited such outstanding looks, and there seems to be a trend of blue and blue.

Lantern's smile is very charming: "Today's business, I am too reckless, I am deeply embarrassed, and I hope that the county owner Haihan! Fortunately, the six smashing guards have already died and the county owner has not suffered any damage. Otherwise my sin will be great."

Li Weiyang looked at him indifferently, and there was no trace of feeling in his eyes.

Yuan Zhen slightly frowned, and once he smiled, countless girls had to dump for him. Why did Li Weiyang turn a blind eye now?

In fact, Li Weiyang also knows that he is outstanding, but seeing Lee Min-de's face that has been turned downside down for so many years, and then beauty is like this, not to mention, Yuan Hao's appearance is inferior to Li Minde. In addition, Li Weiyang is a cold-hearted, cold-hearted person who is somewhat disgusted with beautiful looks. The more gentle Yuanxiao laughs, the more Li Weiyang feels sick. Fortunately, Yuan Zhen did not know what Li Weiyang thought in his heart, otherwise he really wanted to vomit blood.

"Today is to ask the county owner to eat with me. After a while, I will personally send you back." Yuan Zhen was very serious and eloquent, as if he really regretted his behavior, sincerely to Li Unyang regrets.

The dinner on the table is also perfect, and it’s all about the sweets and candied snacks. It’s all about the taste of the Da Li, obviously using some thoughts. But to make a slap and give a sweet date, does Yan Wang see himself too simple?

Li Weiyang smiled softly. In fact, this is not surprising. From the surface, he is indeed a little girl with good youth. The other side has no other way, and he wants to use the beauty.

Yuan Zhen’s attitude is impeccable, and with the help of reaching out and not smiling, Li Weiyang just said: “What about my niece?”

"I have sent a doctor to diagnose the injured Zhao girl, and I have taken medicine for her. If I go back to nursed back to health for a few days, it should be fine." His tone was extremely flat. In his eyes, Zhao Yue is just a prostitute, a low-ranking embarrassment, no need to pity, not to apologize.

Yuan Zhen was so contemptuous of his niece, Li Weiyang's anger was burning, but she did not show the slightest anger, now Yan Wang, looks so elegant and gentle. However, he will turn his face whenever and wherever, and put them to death. Li Weiyang originally thought that the enemy had only one extension, and the idea was still wrong. Some people didn't look for him, and he would take the initiative to find you. For example, the provocative Princess of Anguo, such as the hijacking of her Yan Wang Yuan.

However, she is not prepared to accept it, she will let them cry for what they are doing today. Of course, if they can still cry when they arrive.

Yan Wang looked at her and slowly said: "As long as you tell me, what kind of person is Li Minde? In recent years, he has contacted anyone. Who is behind him to help him secretly? Then, I will not only let you go, but also It will bring you back to the west and never say anything!"

Li Weiyang looked at him strangely and said: "Yan Wang is letting me do perjury. Who do you think I am? Who do you think you are?"

Li Weiyang’s indifference and innocence turned his face to Yuanxiao: “Don’t you want to marry me? I am the Yanwang of the West, with countless wealth, and the West is far richer than your calendar. You marry me, it is much better than you can do a misnamed county in the Dali. I heard that you are too fierce personality, and no one even dares to marry you? Marry me, I promise, you will become Yan Wang, who is high on the top. Don't you want to be like a normal lady, do you want to be a good wife and a good mother?"

"Yan Wangwei?" Li Weiyang suddenly laughed: "Why, good wife and good mother, what is it? What is the relationship between the husband and wife? What is it? Rich and glory, what about it!" In her smile, there is a ridicule that can't be said.

Yuan Zhen is puzzled: "You don't know what it all means?"

At this time, the next jade case burned a piece of incense, the cigarette floated, Yuanxiao's brow slightly unfolded, deeply sucking the fragrance, and then his pale complexion, gradually a flush. Li Weiyang smelled far away, and he felt that the fragrance was unspeakable. He seemed to have a sense of illusion. She sneered, but the face was clear.

She slowly said: "Good wife and good mother, but to make men happy, self-deception! Confucius teaches children, but it is to make women safe, self-sufficient! Rich and glory, in the blink of an eye is someone else, how can I be in the cage for the rich I am complacent and proud! Even if I marry you, what can I get, a title of Yan Wangjun? Yan Wang, don’t laugh with me anymore, I don’t want those things, I don’t want to do it!” She’s in this life, Nor will it live to make others happy.

Yuan Zhenyi, a kind of innate intuition, he faintly felt that the girl in front must have a strange and far-reaching mind. But he can't guess, she looks like everything, except what the marriage is not going well, what can she do?

Yuan Zhen lost his smile: "The county owner does not have to be angry. I am only telling the truth. Even if you really don't want to be with you, I will naturally not be reluctant. People are aspiring. If so, if you put everything about Lee Min-de, I asked the emperor of the Dali to change one and loved ones. What do you think?"

Li Weiyang’s face is not a touch of joy: “I have said that countless times, Mind is the person of my Li family. It is not related to your Western Royal Family. You have to ask me to marry him and try to know more from him. Many secrets, since you want to know, why not ask him, do you have to ask me?"

If Yuan Lan’s mind can catch him, I still have to work hard to catch you? This Kyoto who does not know the feelings of Li Jiasan and Anping County is the best. His secret, Li Weiyang, does not know that there are ghosts! He glanced at the incense burner not far away, and there was a mysterious smile on his face.

Li Weiyang, you don’t care about innocence, but if you really have no innocence, can you still be calm?

Li Weiyang noticed the eyes of Yuan Zhen, and her eyes fell on the incense burner. Among the royal family, there are many secret fragrant powders, but they are different from the scent of the outside, but they are used to adjust the happiness. This kind of use by Yuan Zhen is the popular fragrance that was popular in the royal family of all countries. The value is not worth mentioning, and the effect is first-class. However, it is also necessary to increase the interest when both of them are in love. The Lantern Festival used this fragrance. It is clearly too fancy to look at his own appearance, thinking that there is no victory, even Li Weiyang is not He is fascinated.

It’s ridiculous to be so narcissistic.

Li Weiyang did not know that Yuan Zhen was not narcissistic because he had many beautiful people in the country to give his arms, so he also regarded Li Weiyang as the kind of woman who could come to her hand. I want to know that as a famous person, you can not fear all kinds of punishments, but you can also be indifferent to soft words, but if it is not innocent, does she have to follow the man with sorrow? At that time, it was not that he came to ask her, but she wanted to come up and tell him everything.

After enshrining his orders, he secretly investigated the whereabouts of the baby boy that year, and later suspected that she had a spy on her side, so that the child could escape first. After so many years, I have been secretly investigating who is the spy, who has been sheltering this child for many years. In her view, there must be many people besides the Western Emperor... It means that if she wants to get rid of this child, she must also remove the power against her. Therefore, Yuan Zhen must obtain the appearances and lists of those people from Li Weiyang's mouth. Maybe those people did not have direct contact with Li Weiyang, but as long as she is willing to cooperate, he will have the means to take those people out and kill them all!

Yuan Zhen slowly stood up and walked over to Li Weiyang. He approached a little bit, and almost reached Li Weiyang to feel his breath. His voice is very gentle, almost with a temptation: "Counter, I saw you at first sight, I feel that you are very smart, the kind of woman I want. But why do you want to help Li Minde? He Nothing can be given to you. On the contrary, everyone wants to let him die. If you stand on his side, you will only be hurt by him, but I will be different! Why do you like this little beauty to destroy yourself? —"

What Yuan Zhen said next time, Suining said that he was listening to Li Weiyang. It is better to say that he is talking to himself. "Although he is the son of the father, he can never be recognized in his life. Even the father is not even Dare to tell his existence brightly. You must know that he is the product of a brother and sister **, so everything is an enemy, and you will definitely want to get rid of it first and then quickly. If you blindly conceal it for him, It’s even that you have to be involved.” He said that he was excited and suddenly grabbed Li’s hand and murmured: “I’m not worse than him—”

How can this be so familiar, Li Weiyang can not help but feel ridiculous. Just a smile to a handsome man, afraid that he would think she was crazy, or a blind man, can not see his appearance. So she just whispered: "I really can't understand you."

Yuan Hao’s eyes suddenly shed tears. He actually cried in front of her. He was pleading, and he seemed to be praying: “I’m so scared, you know, I just told you that the father sent me to look for my emperor. Actually, I am deceiving you. Actually, you are right. It is the Queen of the Queen who let me come! She said that if I can't bring back the heads of Li Minde and those who are against her in the back, it will cost me. I am so scared! I shouldn't have to take it, are you? Are you willing to let someone like me die?"

Yuan Zhen wanted to use his beautiful appearance to cause Li Weiyang's sympathy, compassion, and even love and compassion. His tears seem to be genuine, as if he really is full of fear of the misfortune that will happen in the future. If Li Weiyang is a girl who has never experienced a situation, she will be involuntarily bewildered by him, because such a beautiful teenager who is pleading for you may be more lovely than the sinister Yan Wang.

This person, just a ferocious beast, has now become a helpless teenager. There are only one change in purpose. The former is to lie to Li Weiyang’s fear. The latter is to lie to her pity, and the imperial courtlord Yan Wang. Laughing and laughing, crying when crying, is better than the acting of the play. Li Weiyang couldn't help but shook his head. A man actually pleaded with her, and he did not even think it was shameful. It was really unbelievable. However, the means of this Yan Wang was indeed very high. At least, Tuoba’s means of forcing and tempting have been passed, but with tears pleading for such things, he still does not bother to do so. This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can do.

Li Weiyang looked at him, his eyes seemed to be very gentle, but there was a sharp blade in the gentleness: "Yan Wang, Xiaoyaoxiang is a good thing, but if it is used too much, it will slowly become addictive. It looks like it is not the first time I use it. I advise you, but still think about how to addiction."

Yuan Zhen’s tears suddenly stiffened on his face. The half of the pretty face was still tears. The other half had become extremely distorted. The corner of his mouth was twitching for a long time. He slowly stood up and stepped back. Li Weiyang said: "You know that I ordered the fragrance, but I still watched my performance. Is it like a play?"

Li Weiyang sighed and said: "Of course I will not treat you as a play, but you automatically show yourself to me, why should I refuse?"

"You--" Lantern has never met someone like her. In the past, he wanted to cover the news from a woman's mouth. If he was afraid of death, he would use his sentence. If he couldn't do it, he would use his wealth and prosperity. If he could not do it, he would use his own appearance and life status. In the end, he would plead for it. The most effective one was the last one. Inviting, especially to deal with the young girls, they are the most gentle, most affectionate, even if they are loaded with the virgins, they will finally fall under him, as long as they have common problems with human beings, as long as they have compassion, He has a great grasp of success.

Who can refuse a beautiful boy who loves you wholeheartedly, as if he would die miserably without your he never failed!

"Li Weiyang, you have been playing me all the time!" Yuan Zhen’s last patience was finally exhausted. He flipped the table and let the fine food break up. He instantly tore the gentle and elegant, affectionate. The outer skin reveals a very embarrassing look!

This whole day, he used all means, and now he has been completely mad by Li Weiyang!

------Off topic ------

Edit: Have you coded your code today?

Xiao Qin:, >_

Edit: It’s a brainy author...

Xiao Qin: tears...

Edit: Brush microblogging horse harvest?

Xiao Qin: Everyone found "Xiaoxiang Qinjian" on Sina Weibo, and then asked me the same question. When is the truth? Here and everyone to explain, the first volume is almost over, Tuoba really will OVER, the second volume is the Western Volume, mainly because you live and die, the group of English, out of the Jiang family five **** ... do not like Just look at Takuya OVER, like you can see the ending. Everyone looks tired and fights and washes and sleeps, don't tell me specifically...

You see or don't look, Xiao Qin is here, eyes wide open...

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