The Princess Wei Yang

: 188 has a marriage contract


On the second day, she was going to enter the palace. Mrs. Guo deliberately ordered more than 30 sets of clothes for Li Weiyang in the most luxurious satin village of Longxing. .6zzw. Although the construction period is tight, Guofu is willing to spend money and is a big customer who can't afford to offend. The people of Longxingji did not dare to neglect, and they quickly rushed to cut up the embroidery. Fifty first-class female red masters rushed to work day and night, and finally they were delivered before entering the palace. These clothes are pin-to-hole and exquisitely finished. When they are opened from the box, they are filled with the eyes of the people in the room.

Although Li Weiyang had prepared for it, he was also shocked: "Mother, don't need so much." From the time of Guofu, Mrs. Guo always said that the girl's dress was too bad, and she sent her many brightly colored dresses. Li Weiyang just started to refuse, but Guo Cheng told her that these clothes were prepared by Mrs. Guo for many years. It was only a drop in the ocean, because every year Mrs. Guo had to make clothes for Guo Jia, three years old. Five-year-old, ten-year-old, fifteen-year-old... I have been 18 years old every year, and I chose the most fashionable styles and colors among the ladies of the year.

Later, Li Weiyang entered the government, and Mrs. Guo changed her clothes in the past two years according to her figure, and redo a batch of new ones. Filling the rows of wardrobes, I also vacated seven or eight mahogany suitcases, each of which contained twenty pieces, single, leather, quilted, and fur. So this time in order to enter the palace, Mrs. Guo did not want to, and told people to make clothes, really frightened Li Weiyang.

"Who said no? You didn't see the ladies who were comparing each other? Can my Guo family's daughter lose to them? Hey, little family." Mrs. Guo thought of the last time her nose was in the sky, and she couldn't help but scream.

Li Weiyang laughed: "They are them, I am me, why bother with them?"

Mrs. Guo didn't take it for granted: "If my daughter is not seen by these eyes, I can't eat it!" She said, she picked up a bright red dress and compared it to Li Weiyang's body. Li Weiyang glanced at it, and there was a silence. This color seemed to be too bright. From small to large, she did not pass through such a gorgeous color.

"It’s not gorgeous, now the girl who wears it is like this, and it’s festive and noble. It’s like a flower drifting away.” Mrs. Guo saw her frowning and immediately guessed her. Thought, smiled.

Li Weiyang was helpless. After listening to her words, she put on the clothes, but she felt too ugly. Mrs. Guo just ignored her and put a layer of transparent plain gauze on her outside of the skirt. "I like this color the most, but unfortunately I can't wear it when I am old. The average little girl wants to wear it, but she can't hold it. You wear it just right, young and delicate, and it doesn't seem frivolous." In the eyes of a mother, her daughter is the most beautiful, but Li Weiyang is not used to it, the smile is a bit stiff.

Mrs. Guo covered her mouth and smiled: "You sit down."

Li Weiyang was a bit puzzled, or was pulled and sat down. Mrs. Guo personally dismantled her long hair, caressing her long hair from behind, and sighed: "Hey, this head is like a long hair that feels soft and soft... but I don’t know how to dress up, not even a glass scorpion. Kendai -"

Zhao Yue and several other gimmicks sighed and smiled. Li Weiyang sighed, and Mrs. Guo complained several times a day, and she was used to it.

Mrs. Guo reloaded her beautiful hair, and looked at the left and right for a moment. The mouth was soft and soft: "Don't be afraid when you enter the palace, just follow me."

"Yeah." Li Weiyang answered this.

"Hui 妃 娘 is very easy to get along with, don't worry, but other people in the palace can not agree with each other, if you meet, don't take care of it, and the ceremony will pass," said Mrs. Guo.

Li Weiyang sighed. In the past three days, Mrs. Guo has said the repeated words for ten times, and she does not know who is nervous. Obviously, I am afraid that I will not understand the court etiquette. When I am in the palace, I will be jokes. It’s always like this to be a mother’s heart. Her heart was soft and her tone was warmed by three points: "Mother, I understand that I won't be troubled by Hui Niangni, don't worry."

"Mother, of course, is not afraid of you causing trouble. What kind of child can you know? I am worried, some people will find you trouble!" Mrs. Guo looked at her daughter in the bronze mirror, and there was a trace in her eyes. Worried.

"Mother is talking about the Queen?" Li Weiyang looked at each other, slightly realized.

Mrs. Guo shook her head and said: "Stupid child, the last thing Guo Jia and Lin'an Princess fell out, the Queen is obviously aware of it, but it has not been moving, just like this, I will be a little worried."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Is the mother very familiar with the queen?"

Mrs. Guo shook her head and said: "I don't dare to talk about the old witch. But after so many years, the family and the Guo family have never been harmonious. How much is still very much for her. This person is narrow-minded and will report Insidious and poisonous, with a beautiful fox face, but a tiger and wolf heart."

Li Weiyang was teased by Mrs. Guo’s description. From the Princess Anguo, Lin’an Princess and Prince, and even the appearance of Zhai Baoer, I can guess the appearance of the Queen, and I heard that these people are somewhat like her, but not her. Beautiful. She smiled and said: "Mother, I can sit in the Queen's throne in the battle of the palace, naturally not a leisurely generation." But it is the tone that induces her to continue.

"Who isn't this in the world, is your aunt's wife not smart? But for so many years, she has been doing things with the principle that people don't commit me and I don't commit crimes. Everything leaves a line for others, compared to the queen. It’s terrible to be clever and wise.” Mrs. Guo sighed and shook her head. “The family’s power is so powerful that she sent her daughter into the palace, but she can only help her sit in the Queen’s position and can’t really help her. Sitting in a stable position. Coupled with the countless beauty of the harem, even if there is a fascinating beauty, there is an annoying day, so after the beauty, but never rely on beauty to live, she really relies on her unfathomable mentality and sinister and sinister means."

Li Weiyang saw the appearance of Mrs. Guo’s heart and thought about it, but she asked another thing: “Mother, I was missing... You have never told me the actual situation...”

Mrs. Guo heard her ask, and her eyes showed a cold anger. She said, "I don't want to say it, I am afraid to scare you.. 6zzw. When the Hecheng Wangye rebelled, your father led the fight to rebel, one night and night. Liu Fu, who is not far away, suddenly caught fire. A group of chaotic soldiers rushed in. The whole house was in chaos. At that time, the mother always thought that the mother and the guards were by your side, so I went first. Find your grandmother, wait until the Guo family guards kill the rebel party, and when the mother rushes back with someone, she knows that the baby girl has died in the military disaster, and you don’t know where to go..."

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "I heard that there was a lot of family accidents."

Mrs. Guo glanced down and immediately lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, the major families have suffered more or less losses, including the Queen’s family, and many people have died. However, the corps was actually inexplicable. Originally, your father led the army outside, and there were naturally people in Kyoto. How could he suddenly run out of a group of chaotic troops? How could this group of people go to Guo Jialai? If they found it in time, they would have to be with the other side. The government is awkward. We have been verifying this matter, but there is no evidence that the original people are dead."

"There are a lot of people who died in the family? Who are they?" Li Weiyang grasped the words in the population of Guo Fu and seemed to be very interested in it.

Mrs. Guo nodded and said: "It is the four brothers of the fathers and the three elders of the family."

These secrets are very difficult for ordinary people to know. Li Weiyang heard this and looked at a few gimmicks around him. Madame Guo saw her eyes and knew what she meant. She smiled: "Mother will never be unclear." The person who sent it to you, rest assured."

Mrs. Guo is easy-going, but not a fool. Coupled with the love of Li Weiyang, she naturally chooses the most trusted person to send to her. This is why she has not talked about it. Guo Jia, such a privileged home, naturally has a method of discipline. The life of these minions is pinched on the hands of the master. Even if someone takes a knife and pushes them around their necks, they should know what they can do for the life of the whole family. Say, what can't be said.

Li Weiyang certainly understands this, but she is very cautious and easily refuses to believe in others. But after listening to Mrs. Guo’s words, she nodded and continued to ask: “What is the relationship between Xiu Xiu and these people?”

Mrs. Guo didn’t seem to think she would ask this question. The smile on the face was a little surprised. “Relationship? The seven people who died are just the close relatives and elders of the repairs. The relationship is naturally—” She thought of it. Suddenly, I stopped my mouth, and then I flashed my mind. "No, no, their relationship is not good!"

He repaired the outstanding military power and has always been tough. In order to eliminate dissidents, he designed a series of false and wrong cases. In the same year, he was inconsistent with his political views, Shang Shu Chongtian and Counsellor Wang Lin, who gave them the name of the crime and copied their property. More than that, he has repeatedly succumbed to prison and used his punishment too hard, making everyone hate and fear him, and he is very afraid. Later, he even supported the imperialism, and the daughter became a queen. Although he has a lot of enemies, it can hinder the power of the family and his own heroic work. Everyone has no way to take him.

Despite this, the family was divided into two factions at the time. One group supported the repairs. The Queen, as his biological daughter, was naturally his strong supporter. The other faction is headed by Yu Xiu’s younger brother, Yu Ming, and combines many opposition forces from the family. Because the repairs were too overbearing and too many enemies, the people who later went to the family almost fell to the Ming Dynasty. As a mother brother of Xiu Xiu, Yan Ming should have shared his honor. He can treat him like a slave. He naturally hates and gradually takes the mind.

When Li Weiyang heard this, he naturally laughed: "So, although these dead family members and Xiu Xiu are close relatives, they are not only supporters of the repairs, but his enemies."

"This is not all right." Mrs. Guo shook her head and said, "In addition to Yu Ming, among the deceased, there are three other younger brothers, Yan Kang, Yu Jing, Yu, and three other elders. . . . They are all neutral. If Yu Xiu really planned a military disaster, he could only remove Yu Ming. Why should he kill other people?"

Li Weiyang’s eyes were awkward and said: “Is it just that you can hide your eyes and ears?”

Mrs. Guo’s face was instantly astonished and said: “In order to elute my suspicion, I am willing to kill my loved ones? This is not what the animals do.”

Today, Guo’s family has come to this stage with the credit and wisdom of generations. Especially this generation of Qi Guogong is a very honest person. Although he will use some extraordinary means to deal with the enemy outside, he treats his loved ones with all his heart and soul. It can be said that the Guo family existed to protect their close relatives. Family glory and power status are important. In their view, they are only means rather than the ultimate goal, so Mrs. Guo cannot understand.

Indeed, if the honor of the family cannot be used to protect loved ones, then what is the necessity of its existence? However, the original Li Xiaoran was completely upside down, very ridiculous.

Li Weiyang looked at Mrs. Guo’s gentle face and sighed in her heart. If she expected it to be good, this murder was indeed a slap in the face, taking the opportunity to get rid of the threat of her father, and caused a heavy blow to the major families. The family has not only lost a singer... In this way, no one will doubt that the mastermind is behind, because her father also lost some supporters in this matter... Yu Ming’s attempt to seize power is not two days. On the other day, after the shackles, they have been forbearing, using their calm and wise to set up a bureau by step, killing the powers in one fell swoop and regaining the right to be the master of the family. However, I can start with my uncle, and the anti-drugs are really vivid.

When Mrs. Guo saw Li Weiyang’s self-defense, she softly said: “In fact, your father also suspected with you, but there is no evidence. So I think, maybe you are more concerned.”

Li Weiyang heard a glimpse of the news, such a big movement... After the recovery, the aftermath of the work was so successful that there was no handle left. It was obvious that the Queen’s design was prudent, the action was careful, and the heart was poisonous. Admirable.

"Mother, the means behind the scenes are naturally different. If it is so easy to find evidence, why did she sit on the Diaoyutai for so many years? If you don't believe it, you should think carefully about who is the biggest beneficiary after the disaster. What?"

Mrs. Guo’s stunned, seemingly hesitant: “This...when I think about it, it’s indeed the Queen’s Queen. After the disaster, there are many damages in the major families, and the family has been faintly confessed before the disaster. The situation of the siege, but later, the situation has changed..." She thought of it, slowly stopped her mouth, and quickly passed Li Weiyang’s words in her mind, suddenly realizing the key points, and the complexion has sunk. "Jia Er, you said it is good, this thing must be done by the Queen! Because she and her father are the best beneficiaries!"

Li Weiyang smiled lightly and said: "Yes, the shot is quick and accurate. This is the queen."

Mrs. Guo looked at Li Weiyang and said: "After Yu Ming’s death, the people who had been close to him were very scared. They were afraid that they would pursue further investigations, endanger their future destiny and even their own lives. But what surprised them was that No one else has been implicated. What is even more ridiculous is that after the swearing, a decree was ordered to order the burial of Yu Ming and others. The letters and books of their lives were all burned, so that they would no longer be investigated. Others. I didn't think about it before. Today, it seems that this not only won her a good reputation under the grace of Enze, but also a good means of her political power."

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "I guess these things, my father and my brothers have already investigated, but I have been holding you, I am afraid that you will retaliate against you because of my disappearance. If this is the case, you have no The evidence will instead be a crime of falling."

Mrs. Guo’s blue veins rushed, and she tried to suppress her anger: “Is this kind of woman who is not aware of it? They are too young to marry me!”

Li Weiyang just took Mrs. Guo’s hand and whispered: “Mother, whether it’s my father or my brother, is protecting you!”

Mrs. Guo heard that after all, she still couldn't bear to blame her husband and son for so many years. She just sighed and said: "The hatred of Guo and Yu is too deep, and it can't be traced anyway, so this When you enter the palace, you must be more careful."

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Mother is relieved."

On the second morning, Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang got on the carriage. Zhao Yue said to the driver: "Let's go." The car began to turn the wheel, and the sixteen Guojia guards on both sides followed the carriage through the street. Turn left on Tongdemen, pass a Xiangshui Bridge, and the former convenience is Nangongcheng. According to the rules, the horse of the woman can enter the Nangong City Gate and then must stop when entering the second Dongan Gate. All Guo’s guards were blocked, and all the female officials sent by Guo Huizhen took over. Of course, the two rows of eunuchs took over eight exquisite food boxes from Guo’s followers, and there were snacks made by Guo’s family. You must know what good things are in the palace, and it is not as good as sending the food that the niece likes.

The four eunuchs each lifted a small sedan, and Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang were carried to the entrance of Changchun Palace where Guo Huizhen lived. Along the way, Li Weiyang only saw the imperial **** of the first breath, and could not hear the voice of people talking. It can be seen that the palace rules of Yuexi are much more demanding than the calendar. At the entrance to the Changchun Palace, even the small sedan must stop.

"... Jiaer, if you meet someone later, it’s fine to behave according to the rules of the teacher, and the jealousy in the palace, remember?" Mrs. Guo still asked me without any confidence. .

Li Weiyang looked at her sideways and smiled and remembered.

Just entering Changchun Palace, but heard the footsteps heard, a Jinyi youth came out from the inside, tall and handsome, but the eyes were full of deep bottomless light. When he saw Mrs. Guo, there was a sincere and enthusiastic smile on the face, and he quickly greeted him: "Auntie."

Mrs. Guo was too late to speak, and he had already done a half ceremony. Obviously, she respected her very much. Mrs. Guo quickly said: "His Royal Highness does not have to be polite, oh, yes, this is Jiaer, and His Royal Highness has not seen it."

Yuan Ying smiled and turned his eyes to Li Weiyang, with a touch of polite and alienated smile on his lips, saying: "Cousin."

Li Weiyang smiled very well, and even though he couldn’t make a sly expression on his face, he would have to deal with it.

"The mother-in-law asked me to come to the palace gate to meet you," Yuan Ying said with a smile: "Auntie please go in..."

Inside the gate of the Changchun Palace, which is carved red, it is a wide small garden. It has a large green banana, a thousand pines, and a lot of flowers. There are no specific varieties, and it is scattered all over the yard. Very interesting.

As Mrs. Guo walked into a majestic flower hall together, she met Guo Huizhen, who was sitting on the beautiful couch. When Li Weiyang had no time to look at her looks carefully, she had already stumbled with Mrs. Guo.

"Get up." Guo Huizhen took the initiative to help Mrs. Guo, then, Li Weiyang saw the gorgeous palace skirt came to the front, then a soft female voice, "Today is my servant and niece, Jiaer, you just lift Start, don't have to stick to the vulgar."

Li Weiyang still saluted naturally, raised his eyes, smiled, and all the movements were done in one go. Yuan Ying looked at her with amazement and apparently did not expect that in just a few days, Li Weiyang’s rules learned so well.

Li Weiyang's gaze fell on Guo Huizhen's face, obviously close to forty people, but the skin is blown, beautiful and dignified.

"Jiaer." Guo Huizhen came up to grab her hand and slowly looked at her face. Li Weiyang was wearing a dress chosen by Mrs. Guo. The color was bright but not frivolous. The dignified and gentle, the face was also set off with red and bright, more beautiful and lovely three points than in the past. Guo Huizhen nodded and said: "Sure enough, it was very delicate."

So, after Yuan Ying came back, he thought that Guo Huizhen had mentioned himself. Li Weiyang just smiled slightly.

Guo Huizhen took Mrs. Guo and Li Weiyang to sit down and began to ask about some of the recent developments of Guo’s family. In fact, she had already heard Yuan Ying once again, but at this moment, she wanted to listen to her voice again, especially to Guo Jia. The process, she listened very seriously, but there was no doubt in the eyes, full of emotions. Li Weiyang looked in his eyes, and his heart sighed. The problem of Guo’s woman was emotional. Even Guo Huizhen was no exception. I heard that Li Weiyang had suffered a lot from wandering before, and he did not know how many gifts to compensate her.

Soon, Li Weiyang suddenly discovered that Yuan Ying’s eyes had been on her face, and it was still a thoughtful look. At this time, she suddenly listened to Guo Huizhen: "When I was a child, I took Yingle to go to Guojia Province. When he saw Jiaer, he would not let go..."

When Li Weiyang heard this, his heart suddenly felt a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next sentence of Guo Huizhen is: "Xunzi, the thing we said in the past, it should be set early..."

When Li Weiyang saw Guo Huizhen’s enthusiasm, he suddenly felt a little hairy. However, Yuan Ying’s words were still smiling with a smile on his face. There was no movement, as if he did not understand Guo Hui’s suggestion...

Li Weiyang, they entered the palace very early, and now it is just awkward. At this moment, the Xuwangfu, the master has not yet got up. The followers who were waiting outside were the old men around the old prince, who were called the eunuchs of the prince. At this moment, he gently walked to the desk, gently draped the cloak to cover him, for fear of alarming still sleeping.

"Wang Gonggong, have been stunned, shouldn't you wake up the prince?" The niece Lange whispered.

This is tired of reading a book, and did not go to bed to rest. Wang Gonggong sighed. He thought that Xu Wangye could live a long life. He did not expect the new master to inherit the title so quickly. Moreover, this new prince looks beautiful and has a deep mind, and his character looks like one, but it is not very similar to the gentle and elegant character of His Royal Highness, which is nothing more than this. In the past six months, there has been one thing for Wang Gonggong. Very heart--

Wang Gonggong looked at the prostitute at the side and couldn't help but sigh again. The mood seemed to fall to the bottom of the valley, deliberately suppressing the voice: "You, it is useless, let you wait for the prince to go to bed, how can anyone do nothing?"

The few beautiful little girls were looking down. Wang Ye was not interested in them. The temperament was unpredictable, and no one tried it. Only the people who tried it did not see the sun the next day. God knows that the daring gimmick was thrown into the ice cave by the secret guard of the master... They don’t understand, it’s a beautiful and innocent prince, why not be tempted by beauty? Can it be said that Wang did not like the girl? Didn’t the old king swear in the back, saying that the old lord did not know where to find a scorpion, or a bad woman...

"Hey, this is what is going on, I am not willing to swear, and I am not willing to stay in the gimmicks. Isn’t this going to break the inheritance of the title? At the age of Lao Wang, he has already married his wife and children... Ah!" Wang Gonggong whispered two words in his mouth. He looked up and saw that Yuan Lie yawned and looked at him with a pair of eyes.

Wang Gonggong was shocked and quickly said: "Wang Ye... How do you wake up?" He did not expect the Yuan Liehui to wake up so quickly. He was still talking next to him. Didn't he let the other person think that he was leaning against the old man?

Yuan Lie smiled a little, and the amber eyes were like laughing and laughing. "I just read the book and look tired for a while, you are here..."

"The slaves don't dare!" Wang Gonggong had a cold sweat behind him. He couldn't tell what was going on. He was still a little afraid of this new prince, but he was waiting for the affection of the old prince. He also looked forward to the little prince. Married and childbirth, open branches and leaves. "Wang Ye, the old Wang Hao came back yesterday, specially recruited the slaves, and mentioned the candidate of Wang Hao. Lao Wang wanted to marry her niece to you, not to force the slaves to persuade... and the slaves quietly inquired that she Prepare to go to the majesty through Hushun Yu in the palace... You see, it’s not a slave who wants to talk more, if the Hu family is married to be a king, she is afraid that she wants to be with the old king..."

In fact, the old king also gave him a huge amount of silver tickets, and gave him a field in the suburbs... These are all gifts for the people, if you change the average person, I am afraid that I have to be tempted, but He has always been loyal to the old prince. Before the death of the old prince, he told him to be loyal to the new master. How can he betray the Yuanlie? But he won't, it doesn't mean that others don't do it. The old man, the temper of this man, is to understand again, but he will not give up until he reaches the goal. In order to let her own son ascend to the throne, everything can be done. Although Yuan Lie looked at the face of Lao Wangye, the struggle was not easily solved!

"Oh!" Yuan Lie's tone is not very hot, straight up and groomed.

Wang Gonggong saw him not paying attention, and could not help but worry. Lao Wang妃 always hated Yuan Lie. If she was allowed to insert someone in the side of Wang Ye, can she still pass this day? Wang Ye did not make plans early, but he still had the appearance of a good friend. Is it crazy? "Wang Ye, you still have to think about it, you must grab the front of the old king..."

Although Wang Gonggong was inexplicably afraid of Yuan Lie, but under the two-phase balance, he still said something.

"Even if you don't marry your wife first, you can also be jealous. In the past six months, Wang Ye never let anyone keep sleeping. Lao Wangjun seized this opportunity and created a lot of gossip..." Not that he wants to worry, just Wang Ye I have never been willing to take it, he really feels very problematic.

Yuan Lie lazily raised his brow and said: "What about the people outside?"

When Wang Gonggong saw it, he saw a guard pushing the door in, and sent a secret letter with respect. Yuan Lie opened the letter and looked at it with a look of ten lines. He couldn’t help but frown, and Wei’s actually went to the palace—

Wang Gonggong still said: "Even if the prince is blaming the sin, the slaves must also say that if the old prince is still there, he will definitely set a door for the relatives, unlike the present, there is no one who is serious about worrying." Half of the children, but saw the Yuan Liefeng generally went out, Wang Gonggong was taken aback, squatted there, then looked back at the crowd: "Where is he going?"

At this moment, Yuan Lie’s figure has disappeared in the yard. Wang Gonggong’s heart is anxious, and he shoots his thigh. He said, “This prince, why don’t you listen to it, do you want to watch the old king’s take the title?!”

------Off topic ------

I wish you all a happy New Year's Day, come and come, the first day of the new year, take out the monthly ticket!

Editor: Everyone said that there are more conspiracy in the text. Let me ask you what abnormal stories you usually see to provide inspiration?

Xiao Qin: Cherry Maruko! I have to watch an episode every day!

Edit: (⊙o⊙)...

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