The Princess Wei Yang

: 194 sensational


On the second day of the morning, Princess Nankang heard about the last night and deliberately arrived. .6zzw. When I came in, I was indignant, but I knew the importance. I didn’t say anything in front of others. Only after the palace ladies had retired, she only blurted out: "Mother, how can we save the girl now? ?"

Although Nankang is not smart enough, he has a very simple sense of enemy and self. In her view, Guo Jia’s niece is wronged and is just as angry as her own niece. I thought that when I came over in the morning, I would see the worried look of everyone, but I didn’t expect everyone to look as usual. She really didn’t understand.

Guo Huizhen looked at the anxious princess and said: "You, it is really unsettled. Hu Shunqi thought that he had pinched Zhao Yue, and he took hold of our handle. Now the more you panic, the more she will be proud. Do you understand? ?"

Nankang still feels uneasy: "But when will it be necessary to save people? Now the head of the palace has spread, saying that Miss Guo’s niece and the mighty general’s adopted son have an affair, and some even say... Some people say... ”

Guo Huizhen’s face changed slightly and said: “What?”

Nankang glanced at Li Weiyang and licked his ruddy mouth. He said: "In any case... it is not a good thing anyway!"

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Someone must say that Zhao Yue is going to cover my master and will meet Peng Dazu."

Mrs. Guo’s face has changed abruptly. The cup in her hand slammed on the table and made a crisp sound. She gnashed her teeth and said: “This group of people is really full of food to find uncomfortable!”

Guo Huizhen was not surprised. She took a look at Li Weiyang. She had a lot of things since last night, but she couldn’t see it on her daughter’s face. Now she has a silver-inlaid gold silk butterfly dress on her body, which looks more white and snowy. It looks like a star, and the face is red and moist, without a slight panic. The more things go wrong, the more you have to calm down, you can't have the slightest panic, or you will be pinched by others. This reason, she only polished in the palace for two years to understand, but this young daughter, who is not very old, clearly won the essence.

It is not difficult to understand why she is so calm when she associates with the rumors of Guo Jia’s identity. Guo Huiyan sighed and said: "This is their purpose. If this matter is not clear, it is afraid that it will make a bigger twist."

"Then, is it because they are filthy?" Nankang's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

Li Weiyang smiled and there was no change. He just looked down at the brown tea in the middle of the lake, like a jade, and took a sip of tea. He slowly said: "Nankang, if you even rumored this rumor, you can’t help it. If you say it is even more ugly, would you like to jump up? The mouth grows on the face of others, can you hold someone else’s mouth and not let people talk? They love what they say, let them say how they are, why bother What?"

Nankang did not grasp the key point, and the ruddy face was even more angry: "Can there be anything more difficult to hear?"

In the room, the golden scent of the scent of gold scented out of the light smoke, and the faintness is endless. The aroma is like standing in the flower garden in the spring, moist and fragrant.

Li Weiyang smiled and said: "Of course there will be, those people will still say that Guo Jia is in the middle of the family, and the education is not good, so..."

Nankang raised his brow and said: "They dare?!"

The child of Nankang is still simple. Li Weiyang has a few more sighs in his mouth. He said: "Why don't you dare? They don't know how long they waited."

Mrs. Guo indulged for a moment and nodded. "It is true. There are too many people staring at the Guo family in secret. I want to pour dirty water on them. If Jiaer is not too popular, it will attract too many people to pay attention. The incident happened." After all, others stared at Zhao Yue, completely because of Guo Jia, and against Guo Jia, the essence of the purpose is to deal with the Guo family. No matter how cautious they are, they will be caught by the secret black hands, which is really hard to prevent.

"What should I do? Otherwise, let's go to the emperor and ask him to find a solution?" Nankang thought for a moment and finally thought of Yuan Ying.

Li Weiyang shook his head and said: "The matter of the inner court, the emperor's intervention is not a good thing, so Jing Wang can not be contaminated, or not contaminated well."

Guo Huizhen nodded with approval. Nankang was even more distressed, but he didn't know what to do. Mrs. Guo said: "Now, let's wait for Zhao Yue's nephew to cure and say that it will not be three days, and the truth will be clear."

Li Weiyang is not very worried about this, but says: "Mother, father and brothers can't get the exact news outside the palace. Just listen to those rumors that they are afraid to worry, or send the news out soon."

This was considered very thoughtful, and Mrs. Guo nodded and told the people to come in and hurry to do it.

Li Weiyang saw that both Mrs. Guo and Guo Huizhen had dark blue shadows under their eyes. They knew that they had no rest all night. They whispered: "The goddess, you still have to rest for a while, and so things have the exact news, naturally. Someone will tell us."

Nankang does not rest assured: "Can we do nothing like this?"

Sometimes, the more you move, the easier it is to feel that there are ghosts in your heart. What's more, the surface is not moving, it may not be unresponsive. The most important one is that you should trust the doctor to see Zhao Yue and heal it. Her throat. Secondly, it is necessary to carefully check what happened last night, look for every clue, and take the opportunity to find a breakthrough. Li Weiyang believes that these things need not be said, Guo Huizhen must have acted.

"Stupid girl, these things do not have to worry about you, go back and prepare your piano, don't go back, I still have no progress when I test you." Guo Hui gave her a look.

Nankang looked embarrassedly at Li Weiyang and said, "That's okay." She said, she walked away with her skirt.

At this time, Guo Huizhen and Li Weiyang looked at each other with a smile in their eyes, as if they had reached a certain tacit understanding. After a short time, Guo Huizhen found an excuse, and Mrs. Guo went into the inner room and talked. Li Weiyang only sat alone and drank tea. Soon, some people probed the brain at the door, and Li Weiyang put down the tea, saying: "Nankang, come in."

Princess Nankang ran in like the same, and the tassels of the flower buds shook, pulling Li Weiyang: "Sister, how do you know that I have not left?"

Li Weiyang pointed at her pink clothes and smiled: "Your clothes are still missing a little outside, how can I not see you?"

Princess Nankang took Li Weiyang’s hand and only felt that the other hand’s hand was cold, like a soft but cold silkworm. There was a kind of calm and indulgent movement. She did not loosen it, but it was tighter: “Sister, Your hand is too cold, I will help you."

Li Weiyang was slightly surprised. Princess Nankang was full of sunshine. His face had a translucent beauty similar to porcelain. He was still worried. Nankang had pulled her up and said, "Sister, come."

Li Weiyang walked out with Princess Nankang, but saw a woman with a very beautiful appearance outside the palace gate. She had a delicate and pleasant face of the melon, a faint far mountain eyebrow, a single phoenix eye, and a cherry mouth. Coupled with thin shoulders, slender waist, slouchy dress, the whole person weak Liu Fufeng, there is a pathological beauty. Li Weiyang recognized it at a glance. The person in front of him was the famous princess who sat together with Huaiqing at the banquet.

This kind of beauty, such a posture, no one else.

The big name princess looked at Li Weiyang and smiled slightly. He said: "Nankang’s sister really didn’t boast, saying that she could invite Miss Guo, and she really invited me.”

Princess Nankang is still a child, and she has a little more pride in her mouth. "No, I am good with Miss Guo!"

The big name princess smiled and said: "Yes, the top of the palace is your favorite! Who doesn't like you?"

This sounds very close, but Li Weiyang does not think so. She seems to have heard a little bit of acidity from this statement. Then she looks at Nankang’s eyes and looks as envious. Like the Nankang, the famous Princess is a palace woman, but she does not have the opportunity of Nankang. She can be taken care of by Guo Huizhen. The mother of the famous princess accidentally fell off the high steps ten years ago and broke. The tailbone has to be spread out on the bed for a lifetime. The famous princess cares for the humble mother while she is careful to live. It is hard to imagine the days.

Li Weiyang looked at the famous princess, smiled and shouted: "I don't know if the princess invited me to come, what is the intention?"

The famous princess waved his hand again and said: "Miss Guo misunderstood, this is the case. Yesterday, Huai Qing moved, and I and Nankang have joined together. I want to give her a gift. Although it is not expensive, it is our heart. Today I want to take the morning and send it in the morning. By the way, I also talked with Huaiqing to solve the problem. I heard that Nankang said that Miss Guo was upset today and would like to invite you to go and walk."

At this time, Nankang’s dead skin grabbed Li’s hand and said, “Go and go!” She actually thought that yesterday, the kind of thing happened, Guo Jia’s head in the palace must be sitting in a difficult position, just happened to be famous. Said to go to the Huaiqing Palace to see, but also said that a few more princesses to go to the fun, right and comfort Huaiqing. Nankang left to think right, and several other princesses are not very hot, simply do not ask, directly invited Guo Jia, by the way, is not very good? Who knows the big name but makes fun of her, saying that Miss Guo is the heart of Guo’s heart. Where can Guo Huizhen let her go around casually? It’s like a run on Nankang. Nankang was in a hurry and he boasted that he would be able to Guo Jia. In this way, she pulled the person out.

The big name is the same mentality as the Nankang child. Li Weiyang clearly sees everything, but he does not understand it. He just said: "I am not very familiar with Princess Huaiqing. I am afraid that it is not good to disturb the door..." It was a bit hesitant.

The big name princess smiled relatives. "Huai Qing appreciates Miss Guo very much. I am afraid to be happy when I see you."

Li Weiyang evoked his lips and seemed to be very useful. However, his mouth seemed to be a little hesitant: "But-" The famous Princess seems to want her to go with her to see Princess Huaiqing. Why?

The smile on the face of the famous princess was a little uneasy, as if he was afraid of poked someone else's pain. He said: "I know the things in the palace. I know the long-lost women all day long, and Miss Guo is worried that last night's things will lead to rumors? You must know that the Qing dynasty is self-clearing, the more you avoid it, the more people feel that there are ghosts in their hearts. This is contrary to the reputation of the loss, simply and generous, they see no secrets can be dug, it will not It’s strange.”

This is really very pertinent, let anyone who can not catch the wrong thing, when the famous princess said this, the strong calm on the face also makes Princess Nankang tearful. Nankang saw that the famous princess was aggrieved from a young age. Even the most difficult time, even the doctors were not willing to see her mother, or Nankang Princess asked Guo Huizhen to find a doctor. Of course, it is precisely because the famous princess is very filial, it has caused the sympathy of the clan, Xu Wang Renyi, after the request to take care of this quite filial princess, the day of the name is much better.

Li Weiyang looked at the famous princess, but smiled a little and said: "I don't know what gift the two sent to the house?"

Princess Nankang gave the same lady a white brocade box, and turned it out to them: "This is a white jade fan, three gemstones with longan eyes, and a small fan pendant made of gold. Good-looking, Huaiqing’s sister must be happy.”

Li Weiyang took a look and nodded, saying: "It is indeed a good thing." Princess Nankang is too soft, this time to visit Princess Huaiqing, actually brought such a valuable gift. As she watched it, she noticed a hint of surprise in the eyes of the big-name princess next to her, even with a hint of haze... Li Weiyang put down the things and smiled and asked the name: "I don't know what the gift of His Royal Highness is?"

The big name princess smiled and said: "I don't have so many good things about Nankang's sister. I just made a piece of clothes and sent it to Huaiqing." She said that she took a feather blue from the tray in the hands of the palace lady. A peony-length dress with a very clean color.

Nankang touched it in the past, and suddenly his face was a little surprised. Li Weiyang yelled at her and asked, "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing." Nankang touched the material again, and the look on his face became more and more weird. What I want to say is because of the big name, not easy to open.

The big name princess seems to have a lot of thoughts. He didn't notice Nankang's look. He just said: "We should leave."

Li Weiyang thought for a moment and said: "Since you all have gifts, I should also prepare for it, lest I be rude in front of Princess Huaiqing." She said, she thought, there are still a few pieces in the house to be sent to Nankang. Gift, pick one out, just say, "Two first, I will come later."

Nankang just got to the head, and the big name princess blinked and said: "Miss Guo said that she would see it outside. I know Huaiqing’s personality. She is sure to send it back. We are sisters, nothing. I am afraid that Miss Guo’s gift is too expensive...” This is not too much. Guo Jia is an outsider. She sent a gift that is too expensive. Princess Huaiqing has to return. She is a princess with no power and no power. A gift that is called a hand, fearing that it will be self-defeating.

Li Weiyang raised his eyes and looked at the famous princess. He said, "Oh, is that the case?"

There is an unquestionable taste in the big name, saying: "Nature is like this, Nankang, right?"

Nankang stunned, screamed, looked at the famous princess, and then thought about it. I sent a lot of gifts to the Princess of Huaiqing, and she refused to accept it. She is a very self-respecting person. The last time I had no way to go, I wouldn’t come to Guo Huizhen. In this case, my gift is not appropriate. She turned her head to the palace girl: "The others are all collected first, as long as this pair of white jade fans are good."

The big name princess smiled and daggered. "This is good."

Under myopia, the big name princess has a yellowish complexion, and the thick fat powder can't be blocked. It seems like a sick person. Li Weiyang is concerned about the truth: "Is the princess himself unwell?"

The big name princess touched her cheek subconsciously. The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the lips contained a warm smile. "Thank you Miss Guo for concern, I am not serious."

Princess Nankang has already said: "Yes, the big-name sister was born cold half a month ago, staying in bed for a long time, the day before the banquet was the first time she went out after she recovered!"

Li Weiyang nodded softly and worried: "The princess still has to take care of the body."

In the eyes of the famous princess, there were a few tears in his eyes, which seemed to be extremely moving: "There are very few people who are so enthusiastic about Ms. Guo in the palace."

"Yes, my sister is very good!" Nankang proudly said, his voice is all sister, as if she is more similar to Guo Jia blood.

This is not surprising. Nankang is the daughter of Guo Huizhen. Guo family is of course close to her. This kind of kinship relationship is no match for the big name princess, so the big name princess is not the same, just a smile, said: "When Not too early, let's go."

Yilan Temple is in the most remote place in the palace. The three of them did not take the steps, but they walked with the palace lady all the way, and they walked for half an hour. When I arrived at Yilan Temple, suddenly a palace lady walked over and saw everyone rushing to salute. Then she said, "Princess Nankang, the gift you bought from the palace has arrived."

Nankang was shocked and quickly said: "Is the mother-in-law found?"

The lady of the palace sighed and said: "This...the slaves thought it was sent to the Huisiang Empress, and they sent it directly."

"What?!" Princess Nankang almost jumped up. "No, I am prepared to surprise my mother at the birthday party next month! How are you so stupid!" She said, she went straight back. Sister, let's go first, I will go back!" Saying, not waiting for Li Weiyang to open, he ran away, and the four palace ladies behind him quickly followed her.

The big name showed a surprised look and said: "How is Nankang always flustered?"

Li Weiyang looked at the back of Princess Nankang and thought: "This is also her innocent and lovely place."

"Yeah, innocent and lovely, it is because of her luck." The big name princess suddenly said this. Li Weiyang heard the words and turned around. "What does the princess say?"

Da Ming realized his own grievances and smiled and said: "I mean, thanks to the care of the Hui Niangniang, Nankang sister can be so lively and cheerful."

Yilan Temple was soon in front of him, and a tree of up to several dozen feet was seen in the distance. The roots were curved and coiled, and the branches were cross-sectioned. The houses were built around the vigorous and huge canopy, although they lived in the summer. It will be very cool, but now it is yin, it is no wonder that Princess Huaiqing does not want to live here. The big name princess smiled and glanced at the palace lady behind him. He said: "My sister has a weird habit. I don't like outsiders to bother. There are also my own ladies waiting for you. You are waiting outside the yard." She said, she looked at Li Weiyang. Sorry, "I am afraid I will grieve Miss Guo." This is very obvious. Since the Princess of the name has left the palace lady outside, Guo Jia should do the same, so as not to disturb the owner who likes to be quiet.

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "It's fine."

The steps of the entire Yilan Temple are made of wood, leading to each room. It was originally a design of ten different, but it was very desolate because of the old and broken room. The entire hall was empty, and even a moving palace lady could not be seen. The face of the big name was strange. "Why don't you see the person who served?" She said, she was embarrassed to turn back to Li Weiyang. "I went looking for it." Where did the people go, Miss Guo is waiting here."

Li Weiyang’s eyes showed a hint of coldness, but on the face was a smile and awkwardness. “The princess is free.”

After the Princess Da Ming said, he went to the main hall in the east. After halfway, he suddenly remembered something. He said: "If Miss Guo is bored, there is a beautiful lake and pavilion behind you. You can go to rest first."

Li Weiyang nodded naturally, but stood still in the same place. She looked at this quiet courtyard and only thought that everything was strange. For a time, I only heard the sound of the wind blowing. Soon, she heard the footsteps. Although it was very light, it was transmitted from the temple in the west. She turned her head and saw a man coming out of the shadows. The man’s attire, all the hair is high on the top of the head, hooping with Jin Huli. The eye-catching phoenix eyes rose slightly, like a pair of superb eyes with a long curtain. How to see, this young man is a beautiful man in front of him, and this temperament is enough to make people feel heartfelt.

Li Weiyang immediately recognized who this person is, Xiang Wang Yuansheng - the son of Hu Shunqi.

He gently licked his robes, took care of the crown band, and bowed his hand to the ceremony. He smiled and said: "Miss Guo."

Li Weiyang’s eyes were heavy and he said: “What is the meaning of His Royal Highness King?”

Xiang Wang had just watched Li Weiyang in the dark for a long time, only to think that she was really beautiful. The last time I saw her at the banquet, she was sitting on the right side of the case, and even the hair was not messy, but it was too dignified and boring. In addition to the strong background of a Guo family, it is just an ordinary show. If he didn't have a glass of wine, he wouldn't notice her only a three-pointed woman... However, he looked at her face carefully and found that her skin was extraordinarily fair, and there seemed to be a glimpse between her eyes. A special charm, although it is more beautiful than the uncle, but it is also a beautiful beauty, coupled with the huge family background of Guo Jia, it is enough.

Seeing the calm face of Li Weiyang, his heart flashed a bit of a smug, and coughed twice and said: "Miss Guo, I specially invited you, of course, there is something important to say."

Li Weiyang looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Xiang Wang smiled and approached her: "Miss Guo..."

Li Weiyang suddenly sneered and said: "It turns out."

The ghost king in the heart is trying to smile softly: "You don't want to be angry, Miss Guo, please come here, it is a last resort..."

Li Weiyang’s lips and corners gradually condensed a cold smile: “I have no choice? I’m not afraid. Hu Shun’s hard work has tricked me here, can I still have any difficulties?!”

Xiang Wang was slightly stunned, and he had to admire Li Weiyang. He said: "I thought of this so quickly, Miss Guo is really a woman with a heart."

Li Weiyang looked at each other quietly. Under the sun, Xiang Wang’s hand was standing in front of her. The look was a little blurry in the shadows of the obscurity, but the pride was real. She smiled coldly and said: "How did you fool Zhao Yue out last night?"

Xiang Wang smiled and said: "The gimmick around you is indeed very high in martial arts. But this kind of person usually has a problem. When he hears the wind and the grass, he will come out to inquire. We deliberately sent someone to lead the garden, deliberately making The scene, and then use all methods to catch her, of course, a little fragrance can let a top master give up resistance. She is a hard bone, no matter how coercive we are, she will not betray you, so I can only She burned her throat and made her speechless. Miss Guo, you know, I have been merciful. If not, your nephew’s nephew can’t hold it anymore, no, more serious, I can ask for it directly. Her life."

Li Weiyang smiled naturally and calmly. He couldn't see an urgent appearance at a time. He said: "You don't have to make a good decision. You burned her throat, and one was to let her say nothing, let Peng Dazu frame it. You didn't do the ultimate, knowing that I was in love with her master and servant, deliberately leaving her to talk to me about conditions. Three, if she is dead, you can't sing today."

Xiang Wang nodded secretly. The most annoying thing in his life was the stupid woman. If she was crying now, he would not have the patience to tell her clearly. Now, it is a bit interesting. He smiled a little at his lips and said: "Miss Guo said it is good. She is indeed an important piece. Of course, it can't be easily destroyed."

"The second piece is the big name princess. If I didn't guess wrong, she should be yours, so she deliberately led me here today, so that I have the opportunity to meet alone. No, more accurately In order to give you a chance to threaten me. Your Royal Highness Prince, let me talk about what purpose you have."

Xiang Wang smiled and said: "You marry me."

It’s four words, but it’s a slogan that breaks Hushun’s movement.

Li Weiyang suddenly laughed, and there was an unclear ridicule in his smile: "I am marrying you?" She repeated the four words, as if she felt unusually ridiculous.

Xiang Wang was not in a hurry and slowly said: "Yes, Hu Jia and Guo Jia are married, the old enemy has become a new friend. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Li Weiyang's smile slowly became awkward, but Sen cold: "Oh, the old enemy has become a new friend? Since you have the heart to ask for a kiss, why not take the initiative to go to the door, but use this despicable means?"

Xiang Wang smiled very cordially, and that pair of eyes also had unclear affection. If he didn’t know, he really fell in love with Li Weiyang at first sight, but Li Weiyang knew in his heart that this day’s idea was not It is in yourself, but in Guojia. Hu Shunqi has a thousand reasons to obstruct the marriage between Guo Jia and Yuan Ying, and even more will not see her become Xu Wangyi. The best way is to let Guo Jia become the in-law of Hu family and let Guo’s daughter become the real king of Xiang. . The love of a woman who has been arrogant to Guo’s family is equivalent to pinching the entire family of Guo in the palm of his hand. It is really a good card, and he is thoughtful.

"Miss Guo doesn't have to be angry. You have a lot of pursuers. I didn't even notice me at the banquet that day. If you are not a sword, how can you get the heart of Miss?" Ink purple group flower costume, smile.

Li Weiyang glanced at him from the top down and said: "In addition to a beautiful skin, what else is Xiang Wang worthy of my attention?"

The other party was not angry at all. Haha smiled and said: "Miss Guo, you don't have to delay the time, it is better to say, should, or should not."

Li Weiyang snorted and said: "How should it, how should it not?" Her face was extremely cold, but the plain white face shadowed the sun, and the more the neck was like the cream, the white and delicate, people could not help but want to gently Touch it.

Xiang Wang’s eyes could not help but deepen his heart. He couldn’t help but look at her eyes. The black-eyed scorpion, like the quiet lake, was very attractive. There was a smugness in his eyes, and this little beauty of the heart soon became his own! In the mouth: "Yes, naturally, all are happy. No, Pengdazu will retort tomorrow, saying that the letter is written to Guo Jiaqianjin, and that the girl is also receiving the letter for the lady, her throat is good. In the case of a hundred arguments, there is no way to turn over for you... In this way, Ms. Guo’s ruin is not to be said, and she will be completely smashed into a laughing stock. This is awesome, you should be very clear.”

The voice of Xiang Wang is tender and tender, but every word that is said is incomparably abhorrent. It is obvious that Li Weiyang will not risk his ruin and resist their proposal. After all, marry him, in the end is the right Xiang Wang, but if you refuse, you can't get anything. Guo Jiaqianjin has a private meeting with his lover in the palace. Once such news is passed out, Guo Jia’s name will become a joke of the whole Yuexi. The golden ring of Guojia Qianjin can’t save her fate. Any one of the giants came to ask for a kiss, and this life was completely ruined.

Between the understatement of Xiang Wang, the fate of a woman has been kneaded in the palm of her hand. If Li Weiyang is a girl without opinion, or has not experienced many of these horror things, she may be under the chaos. Promise Xiang Wang, with her commitment, the other side naturally has many ways for Guo to agree to this marriage.

Li Weiyang's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the lips smirked with a sarcasm. His face was already gentle. "I am sorry, even though you have already spent a lot of thoughts, I still can't promise this marriage."

Although she said that she refused, she was exhaling like a blue. Xiang Wang was always fond of beauty, and her heartbeat was shot uncontrollably. Zhangkou said: "Why?"

Li Weiyang said faintly: "Because I will not marry a person who is so despicable."

Xiang Wang was finally a little angry. He smiled and looked at her: "Do you care about your reputation?"

Li Weiyang smiled coldly, but his eyes were not blind: "My reputation is of course important, but it is not important to lose my life." If it is married to Xiang Wang, then she is called Bai Baichang so many years old. , 沦 is a downright doll.

Xiang Wang stared at her, trying to find a crack in her cold and beautiful face. He thought that under her calm disguise, she would hide pain, confusion, and despair. However, he did not see anything. She was free-spirited, her tone was dull, and she did not see any confusion or sadness. She even had no dislike for him. Xiang Wang feels that it is difficult to understand. He does not understand what kind of woman will not care about her reputation. Even if she has a way to prove that everything is not related to her, her reputation will be damaged. Does she not want to marry in her life? Yet?

Originally, he thought she would cry and scream, and then pleaded for him to close, but at this point, she did not see any disappointment, but she refused very calmly, and told him to be strange. His face changed, but he still raised a smile, saying: "If this chip is not enough, then please ask Miss Guo to see another chip." He said, he patted his hand gently. The two guards who had been hiding in the West Hall suddenly disappeared, and when they appeared again, they had already dragged a person. The man's head hangs down, he can't see the look, the dark hair is messy, the skin that is bare outside is very pale, and the long skirt on his body is dragged to the ground, as if there are no bones, and the two people are hard.

Xiang Wang told Li Weiyang: "Miss Guo, you have to be optimistic. This chip can never be seen by outsiders, you are the first one."

Li Weiyang stood quietly and stared at the man motionless. Then, she saw that one of the people pinched the man's chin and lifted it up. It was a beautiful face, and a day before, the girl had been pleading for Guo Huizhen to help her... Princess Huaiqing! But the look of the two guards was unusually calm, as if they were just pulling a puppet. That gesture is full of humiliation!

Xiang Wang smiled at her, black eyes with streamer: "How? Miss Guo is afraid, don't be afraid, the dead can't talk..."

For the first time, Li Weiyang felt that his hands and feet were cold.

At the banquet yesterday, Xiang Wang appeared as a gentleman and handsome, but when he turned his face, he could make such a cruel and terrible thing. Huaiqing is just a weak woman who has no threat to anyone. He actually killed her and let the two guards treat her as a doll!

Xiang Wang, is a real crazy man!

Li Weiyang planned like nothing, and they did not expect that they actually killed Princess Huaiqing. Her voice was very low because of anger. "This is the chip you said? The body of Princess Huaiqing?"

Xiang Wangwei smiled and said: "Yeah, I heard that the emperor moved to the house today, and specially congratulated her. Who knows that my poor emperor, Huaiqing, has died. Since yesterday, you and the big name princess are the first. The visitor, and the famous princess is the best sister of Huaiqing from childhood, inseparable, you said that she has any reason to kill Huaiqing? Then, only you Miss Guo."

Li Weiyang looked at Xiang Wang coldly, and the eyes were not just peaceful, but became terrible.

Xiang Wang felt strange. He didn't know why he felt a terrible pressure from Li Weiyang's body, but soon he understood it.

From the beginning, Li Weiyang’s face was smiling, but now she didn’t smile, and there was no trace of laughter. When she didn't smile, she had a three-pointed haze and stared at him like an eagle staring at the prey in the field, focused and cold.

Li Weiyang’s eyebrows were gently raised, and his eyes were sharp like a pair of scissors. He slowly said: “I met with Princess Huaiqing, and it’s even more impossible to kill her for no reason. Don’t you think this is particularly ridiculous?”

Xiang Wang is not angry. He laughed: "There is nothing impossible under the sun. Huai Qing was killed last night, but we used a special method to preserve her body. So it is a doctor to check it. I will think that She just broke her breath. But how can Huaiqing die in the lake? The only possibility is that someone deliberately murders. What is the purpose of murdering her? Huaiqing has always been in conflict with the world, the only mistake. I accidentally discovered the personal feelings of Miss Guo and Peng Dazu. Miss Guo tried to make her own sinful sin, but she was afraid that the matter would be leaked out by Princess Huaiqing. In the dispute between the two, you will unwittingly Pushing down the lake, Huaiqing didn't know the water from childhood, and you were born with evil thoughts. If you don't do it, just hold her head and let her die, oh, so sinful heart--"

Li Weiyang did not speak, quietly watching Xiang Wang, as if watching a self-talking madman.

Xiang Wang thought that she did not believe, and continued: "This witness is naturally a big name princess. She accompanied you to here, but was deliberately opened by you. Who knows when he came back, he happened to see this scene, you see." One finger, pointing to the side of the corridor, there stood a smiling princess with a smile. "There are many loopholes in this, I naturally have a way to fill it, make sure that the work is seamless, so that everyone believes that everything is what you do. Miss Guo, what do you think? If you can't make up your mind now, I can give you half a moment to think about it. We will slowly consume it. I have the patience to accompany you to play this game."

Li Weiyang glanced at the direction of the famous princess and smiled coldly.

The big name princess obviously saw the sneer on Li Weiyang's face, but she didn't care, just looking far away, and the face gradually disappeared. In the sun, she looks like a beautiful sculpture, and there is no feeling that ordinary people will have.

Li Weiyang glanced at Princess Huaiqing, who had lost her breath. In her life, the most trusted person was the famous princess, but she did not expect that the person who finally pushed herself into the dead place was also famous. Li Weiyang turned his head and looked at the famous princess: "You deliberately brought the celebration to the palace in the day, so that everyone knows that she has contact with me and found that the personal relationship between me and others is not surprising. .is not it?"

The big name just smiled and didn't speak.

However, Li Weiyang has already got the answer from her smile. It is her, Da Ming and Hu Shunqi colluded and sold the best sisters.

Xiang Wang has been impatient and then entangled, and then wait, Nankang will come here, he immediately said: "Well, I finally asked you once, should, should not!"

"You ask me a thousand times 10,000 times, only two words, no, should!" Li Weiyang did not hesitate.

Xiang Wang sank his face, and the tender feelings on his face were all poured out, and turned into the anger of Haotian. He sneered: "Don't?! Guo Jia, you are really confident, and you may not be willing to confess with a man." Judging your death, can you murder the princess? Huaiqing has no backing, she is also a polite Western Princess, you killed her, even if the entire Guo family is protecting you, you can't escape the trial of the clan!"

Li Weiyang’s face has already appeared infinitely cold, but with a bit of ridicule: “I want to make my sin by you?! I’m crazy!”

Up to now, Xiang Wang has already known that there is nothing to do. He waved his hand. The two guards dragged the body to the small lake behind. At the same time, he gave a look to the famous princess: "Guojia is too powerful. Big, how to make everyone believe this, just look at your ability."

The big name princess bit her lip, slightly white, but there was a fascination in the bottom of her eyes. She suddenly stepped back two steps, then quickly walked up the stairs, Li Weiyang looked at her, her eyes cold. How can the big name princess be so eloquent, and Guo’s power is enough for everyone to hold a skeptical attitude toward this matter. Under such circumstances, what exactly does the famous princess do?

Xiang Wang smiled and looked at this scene, as if to appreciate a beautiful picture, the smile, but unconsciously brought a trace of cruelty.

I don't know why, this strange scene made Li Weiyang suddenly feel that something was wrong. She suddenly said, "What are you doing?!"

The big name princess has already reached the top of the second floor step. She smiled at Wei Weiyang strangely, deliberately taking a shot, and the whole person rolled down like a log. This scene is very different, it is so violent that Li Weiyang looks at it, and sometimes it is too late to make a sound.

The stairs are not very high, but there are also three meters. Soon, the blood leaked from the dress of the famous princess. Li Weiyang saw that her beautiful and weak cheeks had been wounded with silk scars. Hovering down...

Xiang Wang indifferently said: "She saw the scene of your murder in the upstairs, screamed, you quickly chased it up, but mistakenly pushed her down the stairs, how about this story? Or, simply say she is herself Scared by the terrible scene, fell down - Guo Jia, a famous princess, you may not believe, then, if everyone sees the **** reality, the iron is like a mountain, the Guo family is too big, there is no way to block it. Long time!"

In order to let everyone know, it is possible to live down from a three-meter high place! Such cruelty! This crazy! In the end, Xiang Wang gave the big name princess what benefits so that she would like to take the life to fight! In this moment, Li Weiyang suddenly realized that these people are crazy, full of madmen!

------Off topic ------

It is strongly recommended that the new fish that does not swim, "The Famous Gate", produced by the small fish, must be a boutique!

Edit: I thought you have to say that Xiao Qin's products must be fine...

Xiao Qin: I look like Wang Po...

Edit: There is a bit like it, it’s a black 痣 ==

Xiao Qin: Hey, everyone is not giving me the monthly ticket, it hurts me to the tail of the crane. Well, I married the female host to Xiang Wang, and you regret it! Regret is too late! late! late!

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