The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 46 跪 跪 跪 跪


A big room is actually quiet and terrible.

Want to compete against everyone with your own strength? In the eyes of Takuya, there was a sneer.

At this moment, Li Weiyang clearly saw the cold eyes of the other side, and suddenly thought of the painful moment when he was cut off his legs, there was a feeling of suffocation. No matter when, they are only fighting.

"The third sister will not lie!" At this moment, a hand suddenly reached over and pressed against her hand through the sleeve.

Li Weiyang was shocked.

She turned her head and looked at the arm that pulled her hand. In the bright sunshine, Li Minde’s eyes were as bright as a star, and his eyes were firm and pure, full of trust.

This young boy, full of crystal sweat on his forehead, was the first time to hear her the news.

It is strange to say that she still feels suffocated.

But at the moment, a warm current is in my heart. When everyone is questioning her, doubting her, or even hating her, the child is standing by her side.

Warm, comfortable, but... helpless.

She held Li Minde's hand and felt the warmth flowing from his hands. Then, the cold just disappeared.

She - definitely will not admit defeat.

What is fair, what kind of affection, she does not care, she wants, is a step by step!

Li Weiyang violently clasped Li Minde's hand, then released, and quickly walked to the old lady and kneel down: "Old lady, Weiyang started from the beginning, do not know how much trouble to add to the family, please the old lady - send me back Pingcheng!"

Her expression is firm and does not bring a trace of affection, but in her eyes, there is a kind of crystal tears. For a moment, people dare not look at it.

The room was silent, and everyone held their breath.

At this time, the old lady smiled, the brows of the locks stretched out, the lips rose, and the original cold expression suddenly seemed soft.

"Fenger, your majesty confessed to your three sisters tea." The old lady decided.

Li Minfeng changed his face and turned back unbelievably. He got the cold look of the old lady. He bit his teeth and quickly walked over, grabbed the cup as hard as hate, and gasped and walked to Li Weiyang. The muscles on his face were shaking, but he couldn't open his mouth. And next to the big lady, the face has revealed a kind of resentment to the extreme look, if not for the public to be present, I am afraid that she will pounce on tearing Li Weiyang's face.

Li Changle suddenly turned back, his face was tears, and he looked at Tuobazhen with pleading.

At this moment, Li Weiyang’s face showed a hint of ridicule.

She looked at Li Minfeng a little bit, and she will go down!

At this time, suddenly a slender hand came out to block Li Minfeng's action: "Min Fengxiong, the man has gold under his knees, can you marry the heavens and the earth, what is a woman?"

The three emperors Tuoba’s real face is beautiful and unusual in the colorful Chinese costumes, and the eyebrows are so deep that people can’t turn their eyes.

Li Minfeng suddenly, then stopped moving.

Li Weiyang turned his eyes and looked at Tuobazhen quietly.

Takuya is also looking at her. For the first time, he really looked at Li Weiyang.

Obviously restrained and restrained, it was very quiet, but it also made people feel that there was a kind of anger that was about to flow out of her body. She looks so delicate and delicate, but there is no power in the world that can knock her down. Such contradictions, but they are so harmonious, they are concentrated on one person.

Tuoba really couldn't help but think that there are countless women around him, such as noble, such as empress, noble, such as Meigui, elegant, such as Wu Xianyu, and beautiful like Li Changle... However, like Li Weiyang, but still It was the first time I met.

It is clearly a sea otter that blooms in the world.

Reluctant and beautiful.

It is a pity that a prostitute is too low! His twilight turned dark, and of course accepted the gratitude of Li Changle.

Everyone was stunned, and the three emperors came forward to save Li Minfeng. If Li Weiyang insisted on letting him kneel and admit his mistake, it would be too special!

The old lady looked at this scene and couldn't help but frown.

The big lady was relieved, fortunately, the three emperors were present today, too timely!

Li Weiyang sneered, and he didn't look at the Tuobazhen who had been staring at her. Instead, he walked over to the old lady and gave a ritual: "Thank you for the old lady to take care of the young, but the brother is not too expensive!"

The old lady faintly looked at Tuoba’s glance, and his lips were slightly open: “Then let the peaks linger in the night, as for the mistakes, Changle will replace the elder brother.”

The three big ladies who had just breathed a sigh of relief, and their faces changed.

Li Changle's pair of scorpions in the autumn water reveals a mixture of uneasiness and trepidation. She looks to Tuobazhen, apparently hoping that he will help him out.

It’s a must, and Takuya is just looking at Li Changle with apologies, showing his expression.

The great lady quickly judged the situation and finally made a choice between the eldest son and the daughter: "Chang Le, you will replace your big brother and pay for the crime."

Li Changle did not dare to look at the big lady, the other side rushed her to wink, she only felt shameful and shameful, strong self-satisfaction, took the cup of tea and watched Li Weiyang did not move for a long time, and finally came up, sounds like mosquitoes: "three sister."

Li Weiyang smiled at her, inhaled the cold air in the nose, calming the burning flame in the body.

Li Changle slowly squatted down and his smile became stiff: "I just misunderstood you and my brother -"

Li Weiyang said faintly: "The big sister is wrong, not a misunderstanding, it is awkward."

Li Changle's hair is black as a cloud, and the eyelashes are like a delicate and half-opened rose with water and moisture. Everyone in the room has a feeling of unbearable heart.

The big lady is particularly annoyed, and her loving daughter, who is self-raising, will be indispensable in the future, but now she has to kneel down at the foot of a small woman. Even though Li Changle is expensive in the future, she will never erase this humiliation.

Li Changle could barely hide the hatred in his heart and slammed his head down. "Yes. Hey you." She paused and then continued. "Please forgive me."

Li Changle's lips bite red, and her eyes are sobbing. Everyone is shocked by the beauty of her moment. Indeed, the beauty is everywhere, but the beauty of the country is often difficult to see.

Li Weiyang looked at her and said in a word: "Big sister, I have never blamed you and my eldest brother."

I can't wait to drink your blood and eat your meat.

"It's just a misunderstanding."

One day I will kill you.

"We are still good sisters."

Slowly waiting for this to come to you, this process will be very interesting.

Li Weiyang’s eyes narrowed and he smiled and revealed his white teeth: “Come up, please.”

The big lady thought that everything had passed, but she did not find that Li Xiaoran’s eyes were staring at their mother and son with unspeakable disappointment...

------Off topic ------

Recommended female strong Tianwen "drug scorpion", smirk produced, must be a boutique, O (n_n) O haha ​​~

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