The Princess Wei Yang

Chapter 54 Insurance for wealth


In the afternoon, Li Weiyang accompanied the old lady into the palace.

Even the heavy snow has not stopped, it is very cold, even if there are seven or eight large heaters in the Cining Palace, it is useless, and it still can't resist the cold and deep push.

The old lady is wearing a large red woven Jin Yunxia outer shirt. The chest is a Chen embroidered lion. The collar with a very narrow tooth lace is tied with gold and silver buckles. The Xia Wei added to the body is shining.

Li Weiyang lowered his head and stared at the big white jade bricks on the ground with a squint of squinting, as the old lady bowed to the instrument.

At this moment, the silence is full, and even the sound of a slight rubbing on the hem skirt can be heard.

"Which is Li Weiyang?" Too late and dignified, and the eyebrows slowly and kindly.

Li Weiyang took a deep breath and took a step forward. He gave a big gift and said: "The Queen Mother is healthy and healthy, and Fukuzawa is a thousand years old."

The Queen’s eyes fell on her and she smiled. “He looked up and yelled at me.”

Li Weiyang looked up and looked up, and his manners were fine.

The Queen Mother looked at her face and smiled and nodded. "It's a Peugeot child." Then she said, "Is it the way you want to come out of the book?"

Li Weiyang said quietly: "Yes."

"Oh..." The Queen Mother was indulging and looking at her. "It’s rare to have such a small age."

Her eyes are very mild, but the old lady feels that the eyes are as if they are everywhere, and there is a slight uneasiness in her heart, but Li Weiyang next to him seems to be unaffected. M4xs. The old lady was a moment of horror. Where can she think of the past life of Li Weiyang, such a scene is already commonplace.

When they got up, they were given a seat by the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother ordered the exemption of the vagrant, and then spoke to the old lady and no longer mentioned the sin.

Li Weiyang looked at the white porcelain blue-and-white tea in his hand very calmly and sat quietly at the bottom. She knew that the Queen Mother did not want her to be overly proud and deliberately pressed her temper.

Soon, there was a servant outside the curtain: "The emperor drove."

Everyone was busy getting up and welcoming, and the emperor, who was dressed in a dragon and yellow dragon, came in and did not salute the Queen Mother. He called out: "Mother." Turning his head and squatting on the people on the ground. I don’t care, "Get up."

The emperor's body is very tall. When he was young, he was also a beautiful man. It was just that the perennial life of the emperor made him feel awkward and temperamental, and he could not help but fear. He sat down, his eyes naturally staring at the girl under the church.

When Li Weiyang and the emperor met each other, they did not show up at all. Instead, they turned their eyes in naughty eyes and then smiled broadly. Her eyes were as dazzling as the black diamonds, so the emperor felt that the emperor was full of brilliance and couldn't help but look at her.

At the age of thirteen or four, although the figure is tall, it is obviously not yet grown, but it is a child.

"You said that the five strategies for disaster relief are problematic?" The emperor looked at Li Weiyang Road.

Li Weiyang did not panic and bowed his head: "Yes."

"Tell me."

"My father sighed and sighed after returning to the past two days. He said that he had lost the emperor's grace. He couldn't worry about his sorrow. The courtier saw his father's sorrow. He couldn't bear to worry about it. He asked the actual situation of the victims in detail, and later analyzed the strategy of the older sister. I found that there are many omissions in the disaster relief policy. If you want to listen to your majesty, the ministers will explain to you one by one."

The emperor did not expect a weak and delicate little girl to speak in an orderly manner, and could not help but have two more interests: "You said."

"The five strategies mentioned by the big sister can be used to alleviate the disaster. However, my father told me that the victims have rioted and claimed that they have not received any relief at all, but the relief food for the rest has already reached the disaster area. When you think about it, this scorpion will come out in the middle. The first policy is to register the victims and ensure that the relief can be implemented on everyone. However, during the disaster relief process, the sacred and supervised censorship cannot directly send the disaster relief food to the victims. Instead, they are dialed down on a layer-by-layer basis. The final distribution rights are in the hands of Yi and Li. They facilitate the use of disasters for personal gain, reporting, false reporting, and false reporting of the victims."

Li Weiyang gently raised his eyes and found that the emperor's body had been sitting up straight, showing a thoughtful look.

She went on to say: "The second policy is to persuade the system to let the wealthy families help the victims free of charge, or to sell food to the victims." The loopholes in this policy are to sue the sins of exiled females. Dare to say."

The emperor frowned. "I don't blame you, let's talk."

The Queen Mother looked at the little girl in amazement. There were so many Princess County owners around her, but she had never seen her age so small.

Li Weiyang smiled very moderately: "Yes, the loophole of the second policy is that the system of persuasion has been implemented. Many local officials have secretly concealed the originally devastated food, and then forced the local rich to pay for the food. In this way, the rich people in the local area are naturally dissatisfied, and it is inevitable that the victims will be troubled!"

What I just said is nothing but 胥吏, Li Zheng, and now I have been involved in the court officials.

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "Do you mean that the officials in the shackles are full of pockets?"

Li Weiyang bowed his head and said seriously: "Don't say the ten **, there are always three, four, four, the richer the grain in the warehouse, the more fat the mouse, the sire is Ming Jun, it must be counted."

The old lady was a little anxious, but looking at the emperor, it was not like anger, and she immediately listened to her and continued.

"The third policy is to set up a porridge factory. The major martial arts establishments set up porridge and porridge to help the victims. His Majesty urgently sent ministers to transport food to the disaster area, and local officials also set up porridge factories. But in the case of adequate relief food There are still a large number of victims starving to death. The mystery is still in the local bureaucrats."

The voices of the officials are all officials, and the emperor's brow wrinkles more and more, and he is not angry: "Fully!"

Li Weiyang suddenly fell to the ground, but she did not see the slightest fear on her face, and some were just calm.

But it is a gamble, as long as the gambling wins, she will get the most benefit.

Lost, but die. Anyway, she is returning a life, what is it to fear? Moreover, she is very familiar with the personality of the emperor's majesty. Although he is grumpy, he is a very wise emperor. If not, the calendar will not be so rich and powerful.

She bowed her head and said nothing, but she straightened her waist and her expression was firm.

In the hall, the silence of death in a moment, in the end, only heard the emperor coldly said: "If you can't say why, you will sue you for blasphemy."

At this moment, the old lady’s back is soaked...

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