The current situation is that the future is not bright.

Yun Jiujun certainly doesn't know that the songs he sells to Lin Ming for 5 million now will create at least 1 billion in profits for Lin Ming in the future.

Of course, Lin Jiujun is not the kind of ungrateful person who will burn bridges after crossing the river.

In his heart, the current 5 million is far more important than the 1 billion in the future.

Lin Ming also drafted a contract with Lin Jiujun.

In addition to the copyrights of the songs purchased at present, all the songs created by Yun Jiujun in the future, as well as the profit share he gets from participating in various variety shows, participating in various TV dramas, films, etc., will be divided into 30% and 70%.

Yun Jiujun 30%, the company 70%.

This is indeed the normal profit sharing ratio in the entertainment industry at present.

The contract was only for three years, which made Yun Jiujun even more grateful to Lin Ming.

If it was only one year, or even shorter, Yun Jiujun might think that Lin Ming was just taking a gamble on him, not really appreciating him.

If it was ten years, or even longer, Yun Jiujun would think that Lin Ming was tying his body.

For anyone in the entertainment industry, the most taboo thing is this kind of contract clause.

This is equivalent to selling yourself to the company, and you can only let the company manipulate you in the future.

If you annoy the company and hide it, you will have a hard time getting ahead in your life.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Lin Jiujun's current situation, even if Lin Ming really wants to sign this kind of contract with him, Lin Jiujun will definitely sign it.

But the mood is completely different.

After dealing with Yun Jiujun and Jin Xingxian, Lin Ming hurriedly said goodbye.

He still has a lot of things to do.

Jin Xingxian and Yun Jiujun looked at Lin Ming's back as he left, and were a little dazed for a while.

"Have we finally seen the moon after the clouds have been cleared?" Jin Xingxian murmured.

Yun Jiujun clenched his fists: "Boss Lin is so good to us, we must not let him down!"

"If he hadn't transferred all the money to us, I would have suspected that he was a liar." Jin Xingxian smiled bitterly.

Just as the two were about to leave the cafe, a man who looked about the same age as Jin Xingxian walked in.

His goal was clear.

"Hello, Mr. Yun, my name is He Jiawei, I'm a staff member of Dongxing Media, this is my business card."

"Dongxing Media?" Yun Jiujun was stunned.

He Jiawei continued: "Regarding Mr. Yun's works, our company has conducted targeted understanding during this period, and specially held a meeting for this purpose, and finally decided to invite Mr. Yun to join Dongxing Media."

While saying these words, He Jiawei kept a confident smile on his face.

Dongxing Media is not a top company in the domestic entertainment industry, but it has certain strength. It has produced several popular TV series and movies, and is also a listed company with a market value of about 2 billion.

Based on Yun Jiujun's current situation, He Jiawei felt that Yun Jiujun would definitely not refuse him.

"In order to show our sincerity, we are willing to spend 2 million to acquire the copyright of all Mr. Yun's current works."

He Jiawei added: "Our company has the ability and confidence to make Mr. Yun take off in the music industry. As long as Mr. Yun is willing to join our company, our company will definitely allocate resources to Mr. Yun and strive to make Mr. Yun a trump card of our company."

Yun Jiujun and Jin Xingxian looked at each other.

"What's wrong with this today? In the past, no one cared about us, but now one after another came to us?" Jin Xingxian said with a smile.

Yun Jiujun shook his head and said, "Ten minutes ago, I signed a contract with another entertainment company. The other party bought the copyright of all my songs for 5 million."


He Jiawei's mouth twitched fiercely.

Is this someone who got there first?

"Mr. Yun, don't you want to bargain with me in this way? 2 million is the number decided by the company after market research. It really can't be more." He Jiawei said.

Before Yun Jiujun could speak, Jin Xingxian frowned and said, "Mr. He, I don't like what you said. You just say that Jiujun's songs are not worth even 2 million now? What a bullshit market research. The biggest fluctuation rate of songs is a well-known fact in the entire entertainment industry. Do you think that Jiujun will never become famous in his life? Then why are you trying to poach him?"

He Jiawei blushed for a while, but he couldn't refute it.

Those movies, TV series, etc., are outdated.


Unless it is remade or a sequel is released, it can bring revenue again.

But songs are different!

Take the current situation for example, how many outdated songs have been made popular again by Douyin?

Some songs are even more popular than they were back then!

He Jiawei's words were obviously full of resentment and dissatisfaction, and he was just about to beat Yun Jiujun to death with a stick.

"Mr. Yun, can you tell me which entertainment company the other party is from?" He Jiawei asked.

This question stumped Yun Jiujun and Jin Xingxian.

They suddenly remembered that they didn't even know the name of Lin Ming's entertainment company.

"Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you." Jin Xingxian said impatiently.

"Then I wish Mr. Yun a smooth career and a bright future."

He Jiawei snorted coldly and turned away.

"What the hell!"

Jin Xingxian said dissatisfiedly: "Jiujun, you really need to learn how to be polite to others. Mr. Lin was polite when he bought your copyrights for 5 million, but this guy is so arrogant when he took out 2 million, as if he is so awesome. I really can't stand this kind of people!"

"If Mr. Lin hadn't arrived earlier, maybe I would have agreed to 2 million." Lin Jiujun sighed.

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's work hard and don't embarrass Mr. Lin!"



Lin Ming came out of the airport and got on his Phantom.

He didn't go back to the apartment directly, but went to the Pharmaceutical Industrial Park first.

"Is Mr. Lin here?"

Someone greeted Lin Ming from a distance.

It was Han Changyu's father, Han Zhihong.

"Uncle Han."

Lin Ming smiled: "How is the progress?"

"The workers are working day and night. If there is no wind or rain, it should be almost done in another month."

Lin Ming nodded slightly.

The industrial park is not as delicate as building a building. In addition, the ground has been paved with various engineering vehicles some time ago. If there are enough manpower and materials, it can indeed be built in one month.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Ming handed over a cigarette.

"Mr. Lin, what are you talking about? You can find me to contract the industrial park. You think highly of me. I can't thank you enough." Han Zhihong said hurriedly.

Lin Ming wanted to say something, but at this moment, Lin Chengguo suddenly called.

"Dad." Lin Ming answered and shouted.


Lin Chengguo hesitated and said, "Your second father and second mother are here."


Lin Ming narrowed his eyes: "Dad, how come I didn't know that I have a second father and second mother?"

"That's all in the past. Don't keep holding a grudge against me. Come back first and talk about it later." Lin Chengguo said helplessly.

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