The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Lin Ming's outstretched hand, Chen Jia frowned.

"If divorce is the end of my previous life, then reacquaintance is the beginning of my next life."

Lin Ming didn't feel embarrassed at all, but felt extremely distressed for the woman standing there.

"We are already divorced, this trick is useless, don't try to deceive me with this method, I said, I won't believe you again!"

Chen Jia walked to the door: "Get out of the way, I want to go home."

Lin Ming honestly got out of the way.

The greatest sorrow is a dead heart, this is Chen Jia now.

Lin Ming knew that it would be impossible to make Chen Jia change her mind with just a few words based on the bastard things he had done before.

The security door opened. Xuanxuan, who was standing at the door, stepped back subconsciously after seeing Lin Ming. Her little face was full of panic.

Even though Lin Ming had been making her happy just now, the psychological shadow of being beaten at any time after drinking or losing money could not be easily dispelled.


Lin Ming's heart twitched, but he could only smile gently on the surface: "Don't be afraid, Daddy won't go in. These are the snacks and toys Daddy bought for you. There is your favorite Princess Elsa. Take them first. Tell Daddy if you want anything in the future. Daddy will buy it for you."

Xuanxuan looked tangled, sometimes looking at the things in Lin Ming's hand, and sometimes looking at Chen Jia.

It seemed that only if Chen Jia agreed, she dared to take it.

"Where did you get the money? Why buy so many things? Did you ask your parents for money again?" Chen Jia's face became even colder.

With Lin Ming's virtue, Chen Jia really couldn't think of anyone else willing to give him money except asking his parents for money.

"Lin Ming, when will you grow up? Is it easy for your parents to work so hard to earn some money for food? You squandered it all. How will your parents support them in the future?"

"And your relatives have borrowed money from them and haven't paid it back yet. It was all borrowed by your parents. You are shameless, but your parents still have some!"

Chen Jia bit her lower lip tightly, her body trembling with anger: "Please, please be more mature! I have to pay Xuanxuan to go to kindergarten with this little salary. Please don't harass us anymore, okay?!"

Lin Ming didn't refute a word, just listened quietly.

Perhaps, this is the only way for Chen Jia to vent her grievances.

Until Chen Jia stopped talking, Lin Ming said: "Chen Jia, I was indeed a bastard in the past, but now I have changed, I can make money, if you don't believe me, look at my WeChat zero..."

"I won't look!"

Chen Jia pointed downstairs and shouted: "Go, go quickly, I don't want to see you, go quickly!!!"

"Chen Jia..."

"Are you going or not? We are divorced, if you don't leave, I will call the police!" Chen Jia's voice became sharp.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go."

Lin Ming waved his hand and walked downstairs at the same time.

It will take time to ease the relationship with Chen Jia. If he continues to entangle here, it will only make her more disgusted.

To be honest, Lin Ming himself couldn't believe that the woman who once loved him so much would now hate him so much!

All this is his own fault!

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Jia seemed to remember something and asked again: "Today I went to Hongyuan Financial Management, and Mr. Li tore up the IOU in front of me and said that your accounts have been settled. Why is that?"

"I helped him make some money, and he was very grateful to me, so he cancelled the account." Lin Ming said truthfully.


Chen Jia sneered.

This man has been lying since his business failed, and his level is so high that people can't tell which one is true and which one is false.

"Do you really think I am a fool?" Chen Jia said.

Who is Li Hongyuan? Who is he, Lin Ming?

Lin Ming helped Li Hongyuan make money?

What a joke, it's almost the same the other way around!

"I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore. Go back and see your parents when you have time. It's not easy for them to raise you!"

After Chen Jia finished speaking, she glanced at the large and small bags on the ground and saw Xuanxuan's face full of expectation. After hesitating for a while, she took those things in.


The security door closed, but Lin Ming smiled.

He could let his daughter call him to ask if he had found a place to live, and he could give his things to his daughter...

This was enough to prove that there was room between the two of them.

"Jia Jia, wait for me!"

Muttering something, Lin Ming turned and left.

After Lin Ming left, Wang Lanmei came out of the house again and knocked on Chen Jia's door.

"You still want to do..."

Chen Jia subconsciously wanted to shout, but when she saw that it was Wang Lanmei outside the door, she swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

"Grandma Wang."

Chen Jia forced a smile.

She really respected and was grateful to Wang Lanmei.

"Jia Jia, grandma wants to tell you something."

Wang Lanmei said: "Lin Ming lent me the thousand yuan, and he just returned it to me, and also brought me canned food and pure milk. He seemed very polite, completely different from before. He seemed to have really changed."

Hearing this, Chen Jia's pretty face changed.

She said quickly: "Grandma Wang, you are a good person, but don't be fooled by Lin Ming's self-torture. He often used this method to borrow money from our relatives. You don't have a pension now, and you live on the little savings from Grandpa Song. Don't lend him money anymore."

Wang Lanmei thought about it and held Chen Jia's hand, but: "Jia Jia, in fact, grandma shouldn't advise you. No one knows better than grandma what you have experienced in the past few years, but..."

"Grandma is an experienced person. Believe in grandma's intuition. As long as you don't fall in love with others, even for Xuanxuan, you should give him a chance to change himself, right?"

"Xuanxuan is about to go to school. She can't live without her father. This will be laughed at by other children."

Chen Jia shook her head: "Grandma Wang, I understand what you said, but how many chances have I given him over the years? Every time he said he would change himself, he would get together with those bad friends in the blink of an eye... What he can't change, he will never change!"

Speaking, Chen Jia couldn't help crying again.

Facing her parents, Chen Jia did not let herself cry, because this was her own choice.

Only in front of Grandma Wang would she take off the layer of defense that made her exhausted.

"Okay, okay, child, let's not cry, and grandma won't say anything."

Wang Lanmei hugged Chen Jia and sighed in her heart.

That stinky boy really hurt Chen Jia too much!

"Grandma Wang, I'm sorry to make you laugh again."

After crying for a while, Chen Jia put away her emotions, then said goodbye to Wang Lanmei and returned home.

"Mom, look, it's money, a lot of money!" Xuanxuan's vague voice came.

She held a fried chicken leg in one hand and a stack of red banknotes in the other.

Chen Jia was stunned for a moment and hurried to Xuanxuan.

I saw nine stacks of banknotes like this in a plastic bag filled with toys.

A full 100,000!

In addition, there was a piece of paper.

"Mom, is this the money Dad gave us?" Xuanxuan asked.

Chen Jia did not answer, but tremblingly picked up the paper, on which Lin Ming's handwriting was written - "Jia Jia, I earned all this money honestly, so you don't have to worry. You can take out a part and return it to those relatives, and you and Xuan Xuan can use the rest to replenish your health. Don't be reluctant to spend it."

"I was a bastard in the past. I know that with just a few words, it is impossible for you to believe me, and it is impossible to erase the grievances you have suffered in the past few years."

"But I hope you can give me a chance, a chance to redeem everything."

"The past Lin Ming is dead. From now on, you and Xuan Xuan will be the people I care about most in this world."

"I will never let you suffer any more grievances, absolutely not!"

Tears fell without knowing when, wetting the white paper.

Chen Jia had the urge to tear the white paper into pieces.

But in the end, she still folded the white paper carefully and put it in the drawer.

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