The wine was sold out, but the wine was sold out.


Lin Ming raised his eyebrows: "I remember that Brother Li made 10 million yesterday. Did you spend it all?"

"Well! Brother Lin dares to go all in, so why shouldn't I follow? But it's not 10 million, it's 11 million!" Li Hongyuan said.

"It seems that your wine merchant friends are really powerful." Lin Ming said sincerely.

According to 3,000 yuan per bottle, Lin Ming's 1.8 million alone is 600 bottles.

Li Hongyuan has more, more than 3,300 bottles.

Add it up, a total of nearly 4,000 bottles!

For wines of this price like Feitian Moutai, the National Liquor Bureau will generally limit the supply and it is impossible to produce them in large quantities, after all, it is a reputation.

Based on this point, it is enough to see the strength of Li Hongyuan's friends.

"They don't have so much, most of them are transferred from other provinces, but the quantity is enough, and the time will be within two days." Li Hongyuan said.

"That's fine, this time Brother Li, you can drink a few more bottles." Lin Ming smiled.

"Hehe, all thanks to my brother!" Li Hongyuan smiled embarrassedly.

"Brother Li, I don't know if I should say something." Lin Ming suddenly said.

Li Hongyuan's eyelids jumped, and he hurriedly said: "Brother, you are being polite. What can't we say about our relationship?"

Lin Ming pursed his lips and said: "Lending is not the right way after all. Even if Hongyuan Financial Management is not usury, it has caused many families to be separated, such as me. Do you understand what I mean?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while.

Finally, Li Hongyuan took a deep breath.

"Brother, I am sorry for you. I will formally apologize to you first."

"Then about Hongyuan Financial Management. I will withdraw my investment in the next few days and discuss with others to change the company name and completely sever ties. I will follow you in the future. When you eat meat, don't forget to let me drink soup!"

Lin Ming smiled: "Now you eat meat and I drink soup, okay?"

"Hahaha, brother, you are joking."

While chatting and laughing, the two hung up the phone.

Li Hongyuan understood that Lin Ming was indeed doing it for his own good. This was to pull him ashore.

As for Lin Ming, he didn't want to rise in the future with such a dirty and criticized friend around him.

It's better to end it as soon as possible and clean it up as soon as possible.


In the next few days, Lin Ming either went to the gym or checked information on the Internet.

For example, Qiling Automobile, and the person who developed a special cold medicine.

In the prediction of the future, Lin Ming knew what would happen in the future, but when it comes to a specific person or a specific thing, he still needs to make more preparations.

"Zhang Kuang... He is really crazy!"

In the Internet cafe, Lin Ming sat in front of the computer and stretched comfortably.

Because it was a rented apartment, there was no need to equip it with a computer, so he could only come to the Internet cafe first.

Zhang Kuang is the guy who developed the special cold medicine!

This person is honest by nature, stubborn, and even a little irritable. He can't adapt at all.

It is precisely because of this that when he took the plan of "special cold medicine" to the pharmaceutical company for an interview, he was often kicked out.

This is not surprising. Who doesn't have wild ideas? Who doesn't brag?

Just holding such a wild plan, talking about the future in front of the executives of the pharmaceutical company?

Who the hell is willing to give a shit about your condescending look?

Colds are the most common disease, and there are countless types of cold medicines.

But so far, no cold medicine has been effective immediately.

Viruses are constantly evolving and mutating, and because everyone's resistance is different, the time it takes to recover from the disease is also different.

This is a medical problem that is difficult to overcome.

It's just that the common cold is not a serious disease, so those investors are unwilling to invest too much money in it.

In this case, Zhang Kuang's so-called "special effect medicine" is, without exception, all regarded as nonsense!

Even many pharmaceutical companies think he is a lunatic, because his academic qualifications are only ordinary universities, and his pharmaceutical experience is even less!

Calling him a "madman" is flattering him, and "slacker" is more like it.

However - in Lin Ming's prediction of the future, a company called "Giant Pharmaceuticals" discovered him.

Once the special cold medicine was launched, it directly put Giant Pharmaceuticals at the top of the entire pharmaceutical industry!

And after that, the "special effect pediatric pneumonia"

'Granules', 'Special Effect Muscle and Bone Cream', 'Special Effect Foot Cream', 'Special Effect Asthma Spray', etc., have also been developed by Zhang Kuang one after another.

If these special medicines have allowed Giant Pharmaceutical to stand at the top of the domestic industry chain, then the emergence of 'Special Effect Anti-Cancer Needle' will completely make Giant Pharmaceutical the leader of the global pharmaceutical industry in the next few decades, and no one can shake it!

Giant has become a real giant!

Zhang Kuang has become a legendary existence!

Admired by countless people, he was even awarded the 'National Scholar' medal!

He really deserves this medal, because the special medicines he developed have saved too many families and snatched those patients back from the hands of the King of Hell.

"What a great man..."

Rubbing his eyebrows, Lin Ming paid the bill and walked out of the Internet cafe.

Now is not the time to find Zhang Kuang, and even if Zhang Kuang is found now, Lin Ming does not have enough start-up capital to start a pharmaceutical company.

Pharmaceutical companies are different from other enterprises. In order to run a pharmaceutical company successfully, it needs to go through layers of audits and countless cumbersome procedures.

Lin Ming felt a headache just thinking about it, and he has been checking these materials these days.

This once again made him realize the benefits of "connections". Being alone, it is really difficult to do everything!


August 29th.

It was more than 6 o'clock in the evening on the fourth day after hoarding wine.

Anju Community, Room 301.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

When Chen Jia opened the door and saw the old couple dressed simply outside, she immediately showed joy on her face.

Although these are her parents-in-law, they have always treated her as their own daughter.

Over the years, if Lin Chengguo and Chi Yufen had not been in the middle, I am afraid that Chen Jia would have chosen to divorce earlier.

Therefore, even if they were divorced, when she saw the old couple, Chen Jia still subconsciously called out "Mom and Dad".

"Jia Jia, we didn't disturb you, did we?"

Chi Yufen seemed a little reserved. After all, she came uninvited, and she was worried that Chen Jia would be unhappy.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Come in quickly."

Chen Jia came out to help carry things: "Why are you carrying so many things? You two are really something. Just tell me when you come, and I'll pick you up. It's so tiring!"

"Not tired, not tired at all. I have some agricultural products at home, so I thought of sending them to you." Chi Yufen smiled.


As soon as she entered the house, a thin figure threw herself into her arms.

"Granddaughter, haha, grandma misses you so much!"

Chi Yufen's eyes were full of pampering, and she kissed Xuanxuan on the forehead again and again.

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