The first time I saw her was when she was about to get to the G-spot, but she suddenly found out that the other person was actually a man!

Zhou Chong certainly couldn't accept it!

"Say the evidence!"

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhou Chong was like a mad beast, his eyes red.

"No one who dares to make fun of me will have a good end! If you can't explain it today, don't blame me for not giving Li Hongyuan face!"

Lin Ming was not afraid at all, and smiled lightly: "Maybe Mr. Zhou really pinned all his hopes on this batch of red wine, but has Mr. Zhou ever asked someone to test the wine?"

Zhou Chong's breath stagnated.

Test the wine?

He has cooperated with the other party several times and made more than 20 million yuan from the other party. In addition, Mingtelan has never produced fake wine, so he has never thought about testing the wine.

"It seems that there is no."

Lin Ming shrugged: "In this case, there is no need to say anything else, let's test the wine first."

Looking at Lin Ming's confident look, Zhou Chong was a little panicked for a while.

"Zhou Chong, testing the wine is the procedure that should be followed. Just do it according to what Mr. Lin said. A bottle of red wine is only 5,000 yuan. If you don't want to spend it, I will pay for it for you." Han Changyu said half-jokingly.

He has a steady personality, unlike Zhou Chong, who is not so sure that Lin Ming must be lucky to make money from Feitian Moutai.

Compared with Zhou Chong, Han Changyu wants to know whether what Lin Ming said is true or false.

"No, if Master Lin is wrong, then let Master Lin pay for the 5,000 yuan wine."

Zhou Chong stared at Lin Ming, looking a little unconvinced.

Even the way he addressed Lin Ming changed to a slightly sarcastic "Master Lin".

"What if I'm right?" Lin Ming asked back.

Zhou Chong's eyelids twitched fiercely.

If Lin Ming was right...

That's not just a matter of money!

Not to mention him, even his father and his grandfather who had already retired would suffer!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chong said nothing more and quickly took out his phone.

"Xiaohui, take one... no, three bottles of the red wine shipped from Mingtelan last time, and go to the Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute for verification!" Zhou Chong said.

"Brother Chong, take three bottles? That's unnecessary, right? Each bottle of those wines is worth more than 20,000 yuan in China, and three bottles are more than 60,000 yuan. Besides, why did you suddenly think of..."

"Shut up! Do as I say, immediately! Right now!!!" Zhou Chong roared.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chong was still staring at Lin Ming.

"Why are you staring so wide-eyed?"

Lin Ming joked, "If eyes could kill, I'm afraid I would have died ten thousand times now."

Lin Ming was not worried about the authenticity of the red wine.

Because in his prediction of the future, Zhou Chong's batch of wine had indeed killed dozens of people, including many wealthy and powerful people.

This news was pushed by some people on the Internet and quickly fermented. Zhou Chong was taken away for investigation overnight and ended up in prison for the rest of his life.

And his father, Zhou Mingli, the top leader of Landao City, was directly "stripped three times".

Zhou Mingli was a very upright person. He really couldn't live in such a situation.

So, he went to the families of the deceased again and again, apologized to them, and chose to hang himself.

The last one was Zhou Chong's grandfather, Zhou Wennian, the former governor of Donglin Province.

Zhou Wennian had a hidden disease. After learning the bad news that his grandson was imprisoned and his son hanged himself, he could not bear the sadness and died without a breath.

It can be said that because of this batch of red wine, the Zhou family, which has always been honest and upright, has been destroyed!

For such a clean-handed and dedicated public servant, Lin Ming did not want them to fall under such an unprovoked disaster. That would not be a good thing for the nearly 20 million people in Landao City.

Therefore, this time he took action, not only to make friends with Zhou Chong, but also for these reasons.

With the result already clear in mind, Lin Ming naturally would not be afraid of Zhou Chong.

When everything is clear, how cruel Zhou Chong is now, how cowardly he will be at that time!

Time passed gradually, and half an hour passed quickly.

The atmosphere in the office was a little depressing.

Lin Ming sipped his tea lightly, and occasionally exclaimed.

Zhou Chong's eyes almost popped out during this half hour.

Li Hongyuan felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. He wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to.

Only Han Changyu would occasionally say a few words to ease the atmosphere, but seeing that no one was saying anything, he was too lazy to speak.

I have to talk again.

Just like that, another ten minutes passed - "Grandpa, your grandson called again... Grandpa, your grandson called again..."

The piercing ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly sounded, breaking everyone's thoughts.

"Interesting ringtone." Lin Ming smiled at Zhou Chong.


Zhou Chong snorted coldly and picked up the phone: "Are the results out?"

"Chong, Brother Chong..."

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Hui's voice was trembling, and he was about to cry.

Zhou Chong's heart sank, and a bad premonition rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and his face turned pale.

But he still insisted: "Speak!"

"Fake wine, all fake wine... All three bottles are fake wine!"

Xiao Hui screamed: "The barcode and the Chinese and English labels are correct, but the sulfur dioxide is seriously exceeded, and it's also mixed with a lot of industrial alcohol!!!"

Zhou Chong's whole body was numb, as if struck by lightning!

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Hui continued, "Brother Chong, the other party is playing tricks on us. They are deliberately setting a trap for you. Drinking this kind of wine will kill you!"


The phone slipped from Zhou Chong's hand and fell to the ground.

Zhou Chong no longer wanted to listen to Xiao Hui's words.

Now, his mind was full of those two words - fake wine!

Fake wine!!!

Fake wine!!!

The wine that he spent 50 million to buy, the wine that he pinned all his hopes on, turned out to be fake wine!

"No, it's not like that, it can't be like this..."

Zhou Chong picked up the phone again and called the foreign wine supplier like crazy, but that number had become an empty number.

Zhou Chong didn't give up and tried to contact the other party through other means, but in the end, without exception, all failed.

The other party was completely out of touch!


Zhou Chong roared and smashed the phone directly.

Han Changyu, Li Hongyuan and others, no matter how stupid they were, knew what happened.

Li Hongyuan tried his best to suppress his excitement. After all, Mr. Zhou was still furious, and it would be bad for him to show it.

Han Changyu, on the other hand, looked at Lin Ming's back and suddenly felt that this man was a little scary.

"Mr. Lin." Han Changyu swallowed his saliva.

"Please go ahead, Mr. Han." Lin Ming smiled.

"Did you really calculate this?" Han Changyu asked.

"How you know is not important anymore. What's important is that the Zhou family successfully escaped from the cliff."

Lin Ming didn't say 'Zhou Chong', but 'Zhou family', and he emphasized these two words.

Zhou Chong woke up instantly.

He looked at Lin Ming, his whole body was wet with cold sweat, his legs were weak, and he couldn't stand up.

Finally, he knelt straight towards Lin Ming!

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