At two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Ming left Phoenix Pharmaceutical and rushed to Guixing Bridge.

Before the headquarters building was built.

Phoenix Real Estate, Phoenix Entertainment, and Phoenix Capital were all rented in the same office building.

It was divided into three floors.

Only Phoenix Pharmaceutical was separated and had a separate office.

Now, except for Phoenix Pharmaceutical, the achievements of the other three companies are not very big, so Lin Ming has no need to go there.

Guixing Bridge and Huanwan Avenue are definitely one of the largest projects in Landao City.

Lin Ming did not go to find Han Zhihong, but just took a general look for a while.

Many engineering vehicles were operating in an orderly manner, and all the surrounding roads were closed, and many figures were busy in them.

A sense of accomplishment came naturally.

After working for many years without anyone asking, he became famous overnight.

There is always such a saying among ordinary people.

It means that engineering has always been the most profitable and one of the most desirable ways to make money for ordinary people.

Perhaps for those truly rich people, real estate can only be regarded as nouveau riche.

However, this kind of nouveau riche is the most enviable.

Whenever he looks back on the past, Lin Ming will sigh.

One day, he can actually become such a big boss.

Of course.

After more than three months of tempering, he is no longer the local tyrant who thought about how to spend the money he made at the beginning.

Youth is capital, and Lin Ming has a strong ability to accept anything.

After all, it is a project in his hands, and safety issues are the top priority.

In the following time, Lin Ming briefly predicted the progress of the project and the potential crises at all times.

After finding that there was no big problem, he was slightly relieved.

At this time, Jin Xingxian called again.

"Boss Lin, the filming of Cat God's Tale has been officially completed."

Jin Xingxian seemed very excited.

He took a deep breath and said, "I plan to schedule the wrap-up ceremony for the day after tomorrow. Do you think you are free?"

"What time?" Lin Ming asked.

"10 a.m."

"Okay, I'll go." Lin Ming replied.

The two chatted briefly for a while, and Lin Ming hung up the phone.

Jin Xingxian will soon book him a flight for two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

The wrap-up ceremony had been agreed before, and it was scheduled to be held at the Yuling Ruins in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province.

After Lin Ming returned to the car, he called Chen Jia again.

"There is a movie being filmed at Phoenix Entertainment. I have to rush over to attend the wrap-up ceremony tomorrow. Do you want to go with me?" Lin Ming asked.

"I won't go. Be careful." Chen Jia said.

Lin Ming was a little surprised: "Don't you also have a dream of being a star? Maybe after you go there, you can ask him to revise the script and give you a cameo role."

"Forget it, I wanted to be a star before because stars can make a lot of money, but now I am not short of money." Chen Jia snorted.

Lin Ming smiled: "If the beautiful Chen really makes a movie, I think it will definitely be popular all over the country!"

"Do you really want me to show up in public?" Chen Jia suddenly said.

Lin Ming was stunned for a moment.

Then he said: "Forget it, I already have a lot of rivals in love. If you become a big star, I guess you won't remarry me."

"Get out!"

Chen Jia laughed and cursed: "I have things to do here, I won't chat with you anymore."

"I suddenly realized that it seems that it is not the right choice to let you come to Phoenix Pharmaceutical to work." Lin Ming said crying.

"Why, are you afraid that I will surpass you? I am very powerful!" Chen Jia smiled.

Lin Ming shrugged: "How about this, I'll take Xuanxuan over to play for a while, and she should be back on the 7th at the latest."

"Xuanxuan is already in kindergarten, it's not good to ask for leave, right? Besides, you're taking care of Xuanxuan alone..." Chen Jia hesitated.

"Kindergarten is not elementary school, and she hasn't learned cultural courses yet."

Lin Ming said: "It's settled, I will definitely take good care of Xuanxuan, don't worry!"

Without waiting for Chen Jia to say anything else, Lin Ming hung up the phone.

Kindergarten is definitely not useless.

But Lin Ming also wanted to take this opportunity to take Xuanxuan out to see the world.

Jin Xingxian only booked Lin Ming's own ticket.

So Lin Ming booked a first-class ticket for Xuanxuan online.

"A child costs more than 2,000 yuan, it seems I need to consider a private jet

. "Lin Ming thought so.

Private helicopters are easy to get, and the price is not expensive, but they are only suitable for short-distance trips and cannot go to many places.

Like luxury private jets, you can't just buy them.


Even Lin Ming felt that he just farted.


In the evening.

Chen Jia got off work and returned to the Brilliant God City.

Although Lin Ming and Xuanxuan were only going out for two or three days, she still prepared two or three sets of clothes for them.

Although Xuanxuan liked going to kindergarten, she obviously liked going out with Lin Ming more.

Since Lin Ming told her that he was going to Zhejiang River Province tomorrow, the little girl has been hanging on Lin Ming and refused to come down, fearing that Lin Ming would change his mind again.

At noon the next day.

After lunch, Lin Ming dragged a suitcase and took Xuanxuan to the airport.

It took about an hour and a half to fly. .

Because Shaoxing City has no airport, Lin Ming can only get off the plane at Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou.

Jin Xingxian had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Lin Ming again, Jin Xingxian couldn't help but tremble.

The two had only met once from beginning to end.

That time they met, Lin Ming gave him 100 million!

He also fulfilled his previous promise not to interfere in anything about Cat God Record, and let Jin Xingxian make all the decisions.

Sometimes, Jin Xingxian even thought that Lin Ming might be the son of a wealthy family?

100 million!

He gave it as he said, and then ignored it?

What was his purpose in investing in himself? Was it just a whim? Or did he have money but nowhere to spend it?

As far as Jin Xingxian knew about the film industry, I'm afraid no company could be so hands-off.

"Boss Lin!"

Jin Xingxian waved at Lin Ming.

"Sorry for the wait. "Lin Ming walked over with a smile.

Jin Xingxian naturally did not come alone, and there were two girls and one boy standing beside him.

They were all about twenty-five or twenty-six years old.

The two girls had beautiful figures and excellent looks.

The man had a handsome face, sharp features, and was 1.8 meters tall.

"Who is this?" Jin Xingxian looked at Xuanxuan.

"My daughter Xuanxuan."

Lin Ming picked up Xuanxuan: "Call me uncle."

"Hello uncle!" Xuanxuan said crisply.

"Hey, hey, hello, hello!"

Jin Xingxian complained: "Mr. Lin, if you had told me earlier that you were going to bring your daughter here, I would have prepared some toys and snacks. "

"No need, her mother doesn't let her eat those snacks." Lin Ming shook his head.

"Dad, mom is not here, why can't you open the pattern? Be careful or I will go back and complain to you! ”

Xuanxuan wrinkled her nose, looking very unhappy.


Everyone couldn’t help laughing.

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