The sales office was originally empty, but now it is busy. The more than 20 salesmen who were temporarily transferred here are basically signing contracts, and they don’t even have time to drink a glass of water. The office on the 3rd floor. Wang Xingyong stood in front of the window, looking at the crowd outside that had lined up for hundreds of meters, and took a deep puff of cigarette. He was in a complicated and contradictory mood. He couldn’t say it was bad, but he couldn’t say it was good. It was 10:30 in the morning, and it had been an hour and a half since the press conference. The board of directors called just after the press conference. The meaning was clear - price increase! The lowest price was 60,000 per square meter, and the highest price was 90,000 per square meter! This price is also considered to be in the middle of the whole Landao City.

Such a crazy surge, which increased five or six times in an instant, did not surprise Wang Xingyong.

Because he knew what the current Zijin Shengfu represented, it was the biggest hot cake in the entire Southern New District!

As long as you buy a house here, you will have the greatest convenience in the new district in the future, such as schools, hospitals, large supermarkets and other necessary comprehensive facilities, which will be built around Zijin Shengfu.

Once these are completed, the housing prices of Zijin Shengfu will definitely rise again. Although it is not a top-level community, it is not impossible to reach the peak of the housing prices in Landao City in one fell swoop because of its uniqueness in the new district.

Of course, it does not include the villa area.

All the people queuing here at this moment have predicted the unlimited potential and bright prospects of Zijin Shengfu, so they are so patient.

Wang Xingyong knows very well that this is just the beginning.

More and more people will come, and the real estate speculation group will definitely be indispensable.

In order to prevent emergencies and to reflect the value of Zijin Shengfu.

In the afternoon, the lottery stage will officially start!

Unless you have a relationship with the sales office, you can only be eligible to buy a house here if you get a number.

This is of course not the board of directors acting on impulse, but now Zijin Shengfu really has no worries about sales, even if there are still about 900 units!

If it were just these words, Wang Xingyong would naturally feel very happy.

But what made him unhappy was the two guys who bought nearly 200 units at one time yesterday!

At that time, Wang Xingyong thought they were big enemies, but now he just thinks he is a big idiot!

Pure big idiot!!!

Those two guys picked the best building numbers and floors, which are also the most sellable square meters.

According to today's housing prices, even if it is compromised to 80,000 per square meter, Zijin Shengfu will have to bear at least 1.5 billion in losses!

1.5 billion!

What is this concept?

If those 200 houses were not sold, the 1.5 billion would be the group's pure profit!

He, Wang Xingyong, will also be promoted to the top of the group with this amazing performance and completely achieve financial freedom!

But now...

He really didn't dare to report this to the board of directors!

Wang Xingyong originally wanted to wait until Lin Ming and Zhou Chong paid the down payment before reporting it to the group headquarters to give the board of directors a surprise.

But who would have thought that in just one night, this surprise turned into a shock!

Wang Xingyong could even imagine the scene of the board of directors getting furious after knowing this.

It's obviously not his fault, and the house is selling so well now...

Why do I feel like crying?

"Manager Wang."

The assistant has been standing behind Wang Xingyong.

She watched Wang Xingyong smoke one cigarette after another, and finally couldn't help it.

Gritting her teeth, she said: "Sooner or later, the higher-ups will know about this. Instead of dragging it out, it's better to take advantage of the group's high-level mood and report it to them quickly."

"You're right, I don't want to drag it out any longer, otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night."

Wang Xingyong has made a decision.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number marked as 'Mr. Cheng'.

"Xiao Wang?"

Mr. Cheng sounded very happy: "Are you going to report to me about Zijin Shengfu? The Finance Department has just completed the fund reconciliation. This time, due to the provincial government's policy, Zijin Shengfu is expected to bring us nearly 10 billion in profits. This is very rare in the national real estate market. You just wait for your promotion, haha!"

I can feel Mr. Cheng's beautiful mood, otherwise he would not say these to Wang Xingyong, a small real estate sales manager, and he shouldn't say these.

Little did he know that the happier Mr. Cheng was, the more heartbroken Wang Xingyong was!

"Why don't you speak?

Broken?" Mr. Cheng joked.

Wang Xingyong made up his mind and gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Cheng, I have something to tell you. Two people came to the sales office yesterday and bought 196 houses. The price of each house is... 16,000 per square meter!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

In the office, you could hear a pin drop.

Cold sweat began to seep out of Wang Xingyong's face, and the assistant's legs were trembling.

They were ready for the storm, but when the storm really came, they found that they had overestimated their tolerance.

"196 sets... 16,000 per square meter?"

After a long time, Mr. Cheng's voice sounded again, but it was no longer the feeling of spring breeze just now. Instead, it was so depressing that Wang Xingyong suffocated!

"Yes, yes!"

"How big is it?" Mr. Cheng asked.

"120 to 140 square meters. "Wang Xingyong didn't dare to hide it.

"What about the building number and floor?" Mr. Cheng asked again.

It can be seen that he is worthy of being a senior executive of the group. Even though Mr. Cheng has roughly calculated how much money he will lose because of these 196 houses, he still did not explode, but asked in a targeted manner.

"All, all are the best building numbers and floors, and 80% are the best positions on the building." Wang Xingyong was completely disappointed.

Mr. Cheng was silent again.

"Mr. Cheng?" Wang Xingyong asked tentatively.

Suddenly, a hysterical roar came over.

"Such a big thing, why didn't you report it to the headquarters immediately yesterday! ! ! "

Wang Xingyong's scalp exploded instantly, and he almost lost his soul.

"Mr. Cheng, I... I didn't expect it!"

"Yesterday, I signed only a deposit contract. I thought I would give you a surprise after they paid the down payment or the final payment. Who knew that such a change would suddenly occur! "

Speaking of this, Wang Xingyong cried out of grievance.

He really cried.

1.5 billion in cash, he had to count it with his hands every day without eating or drinking, and it would take him two or three months to count it.

How could Mr. Cheng not be angry with such a huge loss?

"Wang Xingyong, you are finished!"

After Mr. Cheng said this, Wang Xingyong's mobile phone beeped.

"Fuck! ! ! "

Roaring to the sky, Wang Xingyong sat on the sofa with his whole body weak.

He had the urge to smash the phone, but thinking that Mr. Cheng might call him later, he controlled himself.

Sure enough - half an hour later, Wang Xingyong's mobile phone rang again, it was Mr. Cheng calling.

"What contract did you sign yesterday?"

"Deposit contract." Wang Xingyong said.

"How many times the penalty?"

"Three times."

"Limited to the deposit?"

"Yes, only to the deposit." ”

“Call the other party immediately and let them know that we are willing to pay the penalty!”

Wang Xingyong stood there in a daze for a while, then his eyes lit up.

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