After talking to Han Changyu on the phone, Lin Ming did not leave directly.

Last night, Zhou Chong informed Lin Ming that the real estate speculation group had been contacted and would meet at 9:30 this morning.

Lin Ming was too lazy to run to other places. Anyway, the other party was begging him, so he simply made an appointment at Lao Yang Breakfast Shop.

Time soon came to 9:30. Zhou Chong was quite punctual, and the big Q7 came into view.

To be honest, Q7 is really not a luxury car in the current Landao City, but it still looks out of place when parked here at Lao Yang Breakfast Shop.

"Brother Lin."

Zhou Chong trotted to Lin Ming, looking very happy.

"Did what happened last night work out?" Lin Ming asked.

"Luckily Brother Lin called me, otherwise Qingyao would have been killed by those bastards..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Chong's face darkened.

"In broad daylight, they used drunkenness as an excuse to force Qingyao into the hotel. If I hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

Lin Ming sighed.

He had already predicted what would happen in the evening yesterday, but he didn't tell Zhou Chong in advance because he was afraid that he would worry.

The girl named 'Qingyao', whose full name is 'Jiang Qingyao', is the owner of Qingyao Coffee House.

When passing by Xianglin Middle Road after get off work, you will encounter a group of drunks.

There is no need to say more about what happened later. Anyway, Zhou Chong arrived in time and played a heroic rescue.

What made Lin Ming sigh was that he vaguely saw his former self in those drunks.

"It's good that you're okay." Lin Ming patted Zhou Chong on the shoulder.


Zhou Chong calmed down, his face flushed, and he said, "Brother Lin, last night... Qingyao spent the night at my place."

"Hmm?" Lin Ming showed a half-smile.

Zhou Chong quickly said, "But we didn't do anything. She was scared, so I slept on the sofa all night!"

"You can't even grasp such a good opportunity. No wonder you haven't caught up with her for several years. You're awesome." Lin Ming was speechless.


Zhou Chong wanted to explain, but at this moment, there was another roar of a car outside.

A brand new Bentley Bentayga stopped next to the Q7.

"Here we are." Zhou Chong said nothing more and stood up to greet him.

Only one person got off the Bentayga, a fat man who looked to be about 200 pounds but only 1.7 meters tall.

He was holding a briefcase and limping when he walked. How could he be seen as a big boss with a net worth of billions?

"Boss Zhao, this way." Zhou Chong shouted with a smile.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Lin, sorry for the wait."

Zhao Chunxu shook hands with Zhou Chong and Lin Ming, and then walked into Lao Yang Breakfast Shop.

He didn't look at the shabby furnishings around him, nor did he mind the dirtiness.

After sitting down, he said, "You two really chose the right place to talk about business. I came here for breakfast once before. The taste is very good and the price is cheap."

As he said that, Zhao Chunxu ordered a pound of fried dough sticks and a bowl of tofu brain.

"Well... I haven't eaten yet, and I'm starving. You two won't mind, right?" Zhao Chunxu pretended to be honest.

"It just so happens that I haven't eaten either, let's eat together." Zhou Chong said.

The two of them wolfed down the breakfast in less than ten minutes.

Lin Ming was smiling all the time.

He knew that Zhao Chunxu was giving him enough respect because he chose the place.

Only after all the plates were removed did Zhao Chunxu say, "Boss Lin, Boss Zhou, everyone knows about Zijin Shengfu, so I won't beat around the bush."

"Boss Zhao, just say it straight." Lin Ming said.

"Zijin Shengfu has great potential. I believe you two can definitely see this, otherwise you wouldn't have signed so many deposit contracts at once."

Zhao Chunxu said, "But... I heard that the fire department went to the property yesterday. It seems that because the fire quality inspection failed, the sales office was ordered to suspend sales. Although I, Zhao Chunxu, make a living from the property, I still have to act according to my conscience. If Zijin Shengfu really has any quality problems, I would never dare to intervene."

Lin Ming and Zhou Chong looked at each other.

Bullshit conscience!

Looking at the whole of China, anyone can have a conscience, but to say that these speculators have a conscience is pure nonsense!

How much suffering have the common people suffered because of these guys?

Not to mention farming families, even retired workers have to use their life savings to buy a house for their children, and they have to bear the cost of living.

Half a lifetime of loans.

And these real estate speculators, one by one, have become rich because of this.

Lin Ming and Zhou Chong despised in their hearts, but on the surface they would not expose it.

Zhao Chunxu said that the fire department was just trying to lower the price.

"Mr. Zhao, you don't know that Zijin Huafu will be available for sale again soon."

Lin Ming smiled and said, "It's mainly because the sales manager Wang Xingyong doesn't know how to behave. He has already signed a contract with us, and he said he would breach the contract. Do you think we can let him bully us?"

Zhao Chunxu's body trembled slightly: "The fire department... did you do this?"

"Mr. Zhao, please don't misunderstand. Director Han enforces the law impartially and serves the country and the people. He is a good leader for us ordinary people. Who dares to order him?" Lin Ming said in fear.

Zhao Chunxu is not a fool. Of course, he understands what Lin Ming means.

It seems that these two ordinary guys in front of him are actually all-powerful!

"Let's talk business."

Lin Ming took out a deposit contract and said, "I think Zhou Chong has already told you that there are 196 units in total, all of which are signed at 16,000 yuan per square meter, and all of them are the best buildings and floors. There is no need for us to deceive Mr. Zhao on this point. Mr. Zhao can go to the sales office and take a building plan to see it at a glance."

Zhao Xu's heartbeat slightly accelerated.

Although he has been speculating in real estate for more than 20 years, this is the first time he has seen such a situation.

"I know all this, but I am a little confused."

Zhao Chunxu remained calm: "How much profit can be made from these 196 houses? You must know better than me. If this is the case, why don't you buy these houses? You can make at least more than 1 billion yuan by reselling them. This is simply pie in the sky!"

Lin Ming and Zhou Chong looked at each other, and then spread their hands at the same time.

"No money!"

Zhao Chunxu endured and endured, but still couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Mr. Zhao, please don't disbelieve me. If we had money, we would definitely not be sitting here with Mr. Zhao now." Zhou Chong said with a wry smile.

"What about these 196 deposit contracts? Don't tell me you are just gambling. At that time, only a fool would gamble with Zijin Shengfu, although now it seems that this is a very correct choice." Zhao Chunxu asked again.

"Everything has a trace. It depends on how we understand it." Lin Ming looked like a master.

Zhao Chunxu rolled his eyes for the second time. Isn't it the same as saying nothing?

But this is not the point. Lin Ming doesn't want to say it, and he won't continue to ask.

After taking the deposit contract, Zhao Chunxu read it carefully and found that there was indeed no fraud.

He had also used his connections to confirm at the sales office of Zijin Shengfu that Lin Ming and Zhou Chong really signed 196 deposit contracts there.

In this case, the next step is to negotiate the price.

"What is the ideal price for this deposit contract?" Zhao Chunxu asked.

"2 million each." Lin Ming didn't even think about it.

Zhou Chong stared at Zhao Chunxu intently. He thought Zhao Chunxu would definitely not accept it, and then tried every means to lower the price.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Chunxu looked relieved.

"2 million is indeed a reasonable price. Let's do it. Let's go directly to the sales office to go through the transfer procedures."

Zhao Chunxu stood up while speaking, as if he was afraid that Lin Ming and Zhou Chong would go back on their word.

Zhou Chong felt that his worldview was about to be overturned.

Are all rich people so willful?

He was also worried that Zhao Chunxu would think the price was too high, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward.

The price was agreed, and the next thing was much simpler.

The three of them went to the sales office of Zijin Shengfu together. Wang Xingyong personally received them. The respect in his eyes was overflowing, which made Zhao Chunxu secretly shocked by the identities of Lin Ming and Zhou Chong.

Things went very smoothly.

Transfer first, then transfer.

After parting with Zhao Chunxu, Zhou Chong looked at the bank account information on his mobile phone, suddenly hugged Lin Ming, and kissed him hard on the face.

"Fuck, what are you doing?!" Lin Ming yelled a Chinese quintessence.

"Two hundred million... Brother Lin, two hundred million!!!"

Zhou Chong said excitedly: "I have never seen so much money since I was born, how can I not be excited?"

Lin Ming wiped his face, but didn't say anything else.

He could actually understand Zhou Chong's feelings.

Putting aside the identity of "the first son", Zhou Chong is just an ordinary person.

In comparison, Lin Ming's excitement was no less than Zhou Chong's, and even stronger.

Because there was an extra 192 million in his account!

What is this concept?

Even if it is put in the bank, it can earn interest in the form of large-denomination certificates of deposit, and it will have an income of seven or eight million every year!

In other words - even if Lin Ming has lost his ability to predict the future, it is enough to cover the expenses of his family of three for the rest of their lives!

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