The two of them were so busy that they had to sleep together.

That night, something happened that made Chen Jia very embarrassed.

The old Lin family had four bungalows in total, one main room and one kitchen.

The remaining two rooms, besides the earthen kang, had the bed in the westernmost room.

In other words, if there was no sofa, Lin Chengguo and Chi Yufen would sleep on the kang, and Lin Ming and Chen Jia would have to squeeze into one bed.

You can't let Lin Ming sleep on the floor, right?

Chen Jia had this idea, but it was autumn now and the ground was too cold, and sleeping on the floor would easily catch a cold.

And what would Lin Chengguo and Chi Yufen think if they saw it?

"Dad, I'm sleepy, Dad, sleep with me!"

What a coincidence, Xuanxuan rubbed her eyes and stuck to Lin Ming.

In front of Lin Chengguo and Chi Yufen, Lin Ming winked at Chen Jia: "What should I do?"

Chen Jia was so angry that she gnashed her teeth, but she could only smile on the surface: "Then you go and coax her to sleep first, I'll talk to mom for a while, and I'll go over later."

"No need to say, I'm tired today, and I have to go to the fields tomorrow, you guys go and rest early." Chi Yufen said.

Chen Jia's face flushed immediately.

She knew very well that Chi Yufen was creating an opportunity for her son!

However, Chi Yufen had already issued an "order to expel guests", so Chen Jia could only go to the west room with Lin Ming, which was the bed.

Sure enough, Chi Yufen had already spread the bedding, and the pillows of the family of three were neatly placed there.

"I'm inside, Xuanxuan is in the middle, and you are outside." Chen Jia had no expression on her face.

Lin Ming really had the urge to pounce on Chen Jia.

But the unclear relationship between the two of them obviously did not allow him to do so.

Except in the yard, Chen Jia did not resist Lin Ming's hug. At other times, when Lin Ming touched her palm, she would quickly avoid it as if she was electrocuted.

"The road of love is long..." Lin Ming sighed.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't wake up Xuan Xuan, and go to bed!" Chen Jia said.



September 9.

0:00 am.

Nasdaq opened.

Qiling Auto suffered another Waterloo and could not hold the $622 mark at all.

In the entire US stock market, the Dow fell more than 900 points, losing the 32,000 point mark, and the Nasdaq lost the 13,000 point mark, hitting a new low in 66 weeks.

The two new energy technology giants, Qiling Auto and Tesla, were under the most pressure on the Nasdaq.

As of 6 a.m. --

Qiling Automobile's single share price fell to $448, a 20% drop from yesterday, and the overall market value fell by more than 50%, evaporating another $191 billion, more than 1 trillion yuan!

Officially hit the limit down!

In addition, today's U.S. stocks also truly experienced what it means to "good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone."

Not to mention other giant companies under pressure on the Nasdaq, Tesla, which is the ceiling of new energy like Qiling Automobile, was caught in the center of the storm.

If Qiling Automobile's market value has fallen to the lowest, then Tesla has just begun.

Tomorrow night, that is, the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tesla will truly reach the lowest single stock freezing point in history!

That is, there is no money, otherwise Lin Ming really wants to short Tesla.

Shorting and bottom fishing are two completely different natures.

Shorting makes more money and takes greater risks.

Of course, you also need to have interpersonal relationships and be able to borrow the same proportion of stocks from brokers.

Bottom-fishing is much simpler. Buy a certain stock when it falls to the freezing point, and sell it when it goes up.

That night, countless leeks around the world cried like ghosts and wolves.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, they lose everything!

9 o'clock in the morning.

The urgent ring of the mobile phone rang.

Without looking, Lin Ming knew that it was Zhou Chong who called.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Zhou Chong said with a smile.

"Harvesting peanuts."

Zhou Chong: "..."

"You, a young man, can't experience the fun of farming. When will I take you to experience it?" Lin Ming said again.

"Brother Lin, are you kidding me?"

Zhou Chong's mouth twitched fiercely: "The more than 2.8 billion you earned today will be credited to your account, but you told me that you are harvesting peanuts in the field?"

Let alone billions, who would go to farm if they can earn a few million?

"I am happy, what do you care?" Lin Ming said.

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Zhou Chong said helplessly: "Today

In the morning, I followed your instructions and asked Xu Jin and others to operate. But I really can't believe that Brother Lin's prediction is so accurate. Qiling Automobile really fell to 448 US dollars before the limit down. This is absolutely accurate!"

"Brother Lin, you are not a person who traveled from the future? Or can you predict the future? !"

The last sentence made Lin Ming's eyelids twitch.

"It seems that time travel and rebirth are not groundless. I am afraid that there are such people among those who write online novels." Zhou Chong said again.

"What bullshit, hurry up and fart, I still have to work." Lin Ming said.

"Xu Jin has communicated with the securities company. At the latest this afternoon, you will have 2.85 billion in your account. I made 3 billion this time, 150 million more than you. Hehe, how about giving you half?" Zhou Chong laughed shamelessly.

"This master does not eat food given out of pity. "Lin Ming snorted.

Zhou Chong didn't care: "After these two crashes, Qiling Automobile is really furious. Brother Lin, have you read the news?"

"I don't have time to read it." Lin Ming said.

"Qiling Automobile's public relations department held a press conference temporarily, promising to give the 60-year-old woman a high compensation, and the president of Qiling Automobile's China region personally apologized."

Zhou Chong said: "In addition, Qiling Automobile finally lowered their proud heads, saying that they would carefully study the Chinese market, research and increase system configuration for Chinese car fans. Anyway, in the end, it's just to please Chinese car fans. This time, we Chinese really earned enough face!"

The top giant finally knelt at the feet of China?

Lin Ming curled his lips: "You just need to transfer 50 million of my money to me first, and the remaining 2.8 billion will all be used to buy Tesla. ”

Speaking of business, Zhou Chong immediately perked up.

“Brother Lin, when are we going to start?”

Lin Ming said: “Tomorrow night, to be exact, at 3 a.m. on the 11th. Tesla will hit the limit down at that time, and its market value will evaporate by at least 2 trillion.”

“Qiling Automobile’s arrogance makes Tesla unlucky too? It really deserves it!” Zhou Chong snorted.

“Tesla’s actual failure rate is much higher than Qiling Automobile, but it has never been exposed before. This time it has been dragged into the water by Qiling Automobile.” Lin Ming smiled.

“Okay, I’ll talk to Xu Jin, when does Brother Lin plan to stop this time?” Zhou Chong asked again.

“After Tesla hits the limit down tomorrow night, the public relations department will take emergency risk avoidance. Compared with those pampered guys in Qiling Automobile, Tesla’s public relations department is not a vegetarian. "

Lin Ming explained: "After the limit down on the evening of the 11th, Tesla's public relations department will quickly issue an announcement. At 3 pm on the 12th, Tesla's stock market will usher in the limit up, and the price of a single share will hit a new high of about 1,100 US dollars. Judging from this number, it is not a problem for us to double the money in our hands."

"Brother Lin, I'm going to break my voice." Zhou Chong suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"Brother Lin is awesome!!!"

Lin Ming: "..."

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