After midnight, the people in the yard gradually dispersed. At this time, the kang was piled with contracts. The area of ​​the leased land exceeded 1,500 mu! "Our Yushan Village is really powerful now. Everyone has a lot of ways to make money and doesn't want to farm anymore." Lin Ming said with a smile. "If there is a way out, who would be willing to farm? With the current prices, if you only farm, I'm afraid you can't even eat!" Chen Anhua said with a smile. "There should be more villagers coming to sign the contract tomorrow. I have informed President Yang in advance. You can go over and get some cash. Just use my name."

Lin Ming said to Li Hongyuan: "I have to participate in the industrial land auction tomorrow. I probably won't have time to come. You can come by yourself."

"Okay." Li Hongyuan nodded.

He was obviously older than Lin Ming, but he seemed to obey Lin Ming's words.

This made Chen Anhai and Chen Anhua look at Lin Ming even more highly.

"Today you have rented more than a thousand acres of land. This is calculated... almost hundreds of millions?!"

After a rough calculation in his mind, Chen Anhua's eyes widened.

"It's not almost hundreds of millions, but it's already hundreds of millions." Li Hongyuan said.

Chen Anhua and others couldn't help but take a breath.

More than 100 million red notes, all squandered in one afternoon?

For ordinary fishermen like them, this is simply unimaginable.

"This is nothing. Mr. Lin will go to the Land Bureau tomorrow to get the land, which will really cost a lot of money. It will probably cost hundreds of millions, or even billions." Li Hongyuan said lightly.

He has always been unhappy with Chen Anhai's cold attitude towards Lin Ming before, and he said this deliberately for them to hear.


Gong Li is a woman after all, and she asked reflexively: "Lin Ming, didn't you just divorce Jia Jia last month? How come you made so much money in such a short time?"

"What are you talking about! You are talking about something else!" Chen Anhai glared at Gong Li.

Gong Li was embarrassed and realized that she had said the wrong thing.

"I have let down the old Chen family in the past, and I will make it up to them in the future."

Lin Ming stood up and looked at the last safe.

There was still 90,000 yuan in cash left in it. Most of the villagers in Yushan Village chose to transfer it directly to their bank cards before.

After a pause, Lin Ming said, "Second Uncle, Third Uncle, you two should divide this 90,000 yuan."

"Isn't this... not a good idea?"

Chen Anhai and Chen Anhua looked at each other.

They had actually imagined this in their hearts a long time ago.

But this was 90,000 yuan after all, and they thought it was unlikely.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ming really gave it to them.

"Nothing bad, I still have something I want you to help with."

Lin Ming said, "Starting tomorrow, you don't go out to sea for the time being. Help me find all the bricklayers in the villages. I want to build a sea cucumber shed on the rented land."

"Money is not a problem, but time must be seized. The workers' fee is calculated at 500 yuan a day, and the night shift is 100 more."

"You just help me look after it here, and I will pay you wages after the completion."

Hearing this, Chen Anhai and Chen Anhua were excited.

Going out to sea is more tiring than farming. If there is money to be made, they certainly don't want to go out to sea.

Besides, Lin Ming is so generous. He has already given each of them nearly 100,000 yuan before anything happened. Do they still need to worry about him giving too little money?

"Are we going to be contractors?" Chen Anhai joked.

"You guys will also buy the materials for building the sea cucumber shed. Mr. Li will bring the money tomorrow."

Lin Ming emphasized again: "Money is not a problem. We must complete the work as soon as possible. If there are not enough people, we can find more. 500 yuan a day, there are many craftsmen willing to do it."

"Okay, it's all on us!" Chen Anhai nodded.

"Then you should rest early. It's time for us to leave."

After Lin Ming finished speaking, he went out with Li Hongyuan and got in the car.

This time, Li Hongyuan drove. Lin Ming was really tired these days.

"Brother Lin, can you tell me? What big business are we going to do?" Li Hongyuan was extremely curious.

"After a while, Xingchen Group will come here. In addition to building one of the largest shipyards in the country, they will also dig mountains and fill the sea to build ports." Lin Ming said.

"Xingchen Group? Is it the Xingchen Group with a market value of more than 5 trillion US dollars?!" Li Hongyuan was shocked.

Xingchen Group is involved in many industries and is more powerful than Tesla, Qiling Group and other companies.

Shipbuilding industry is

One of the important components of Xingchen Group.

The large ships it manufactures are customized and sold to the whole world, and it plays an important role in the entire shipbuilding industry.

"Digging mountains and filling the sea... this is a big deal!" Li Hongyuan was shocked.

"For that kind of giant, any breath is a big deal."

Lin Ming smiled and said, "Of course, Xingchen Shipyard is just my ultimate goal. Before that, we can also make a lot of money by breeding sea cucumber seedlings and hoarding dried sea cucumbers."

"You are so excited..." Li Hongyuan trembled all over.

"If you are excited, go home to find my sister-in-law!" Lin Ming said with a smile.

"Don't say it, I will drag her up when I get home."

Lin Ming: "..."

Just at this time, Lin Ming's phone suddenly rang.

"It's almost 1 o'clock, who calls me at this time?"

Lin Ming muttered and took out his mobile phone.

It turned out to be Chen Jia calling.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Lin Ming blamed.

Chen Jia asked back: "Did you go to my second uncle's house today? Second aunt just called me and praised you."

Lin Ming frowned: "Is there anything I can't tell you tomorrow? What time is it? If you don't get enough rest, how can you go to work tomorrow?"

"They are also happy. They said you gave them nearly 100,000 yuan each and said you have made a difference."

Chen Jia was obviously talking with a smile, and there was a sense of pride in her.

"It seems that Xuanxuan slept with my parents again?" Lin Ming said.

"Well, this girl is now tired of grandpa and grandma every day, saying that the big bed is comfortable and the big house is beautiful, and she doesn't want to come back to me at all." Chen Jia said.

"Why don't you move here quickly? You can't see your children and husband now. I feel lonely for you." Lin Ming smiled.

"Don't dream about your spring and autumn!" Chen Jia spat.

"Then why don't I move there? Xuanxuan isn't home anyway..."

"Lin Ming, please speak nicely!" Chen Jia gritted her teeth.

Lin Ming looked helpless: "Well, it's so late, go to bed quickly, or you'll have dark circles under your eyes tomorrow!"

"My second uncle said that you're going to attend a land auction tomorrow."

At this point, Chen Jia paused.

Then she said: "I bought you two sets of clothes a few days ago, but I forgot to tell you. Come and get them tomorrow. The key is under the carpet at the door!"

After that, Chen Jia hung up the phone.

Lin Ming was still immersed in Chen Jia's weak voice, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

After a while, he grabbed Li Hongyuan's arm and shook it hard.

"Brother Li, did you hear that? My wife bought me some clothes!"

"I'm driving!"

Li Hongyuan rolled his eyes: "It's just two sets of clothes, why are you so happy?"

"You don't understand, you don't understand, hahaha!" Lin Ming laughed.

After more than 20 days of hard work, the results are finally seen!

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