The two of them were waiting for the arrival of the first round of the game.

Tianyang Hotel.

Tianzi Pavilion.

When Lin Ming and Chen Jia arrived, Hong Ning, Han Changyu, and Zhou Chong had already arrived.

The meeting was originally scheduled for 6 o'clock. It was not that they arrived early, but that Lin Ming and Chen Jia were delayed because they went to the hospital.

Jiang Qingyao did not break her promise. She sat next to Zhou Chong, looking like a beautiful girl.

It seemed that she was a little nervous because it was her first time to eat with Zhou Chong's friends.

"Brother Lin!"

Seeing Lin Ming coming, several people stood up.

Hong Ning's eyes were filled with surprise: "This is my sister-in-law, right? Oh my God, no wonder so many beauties are pursuing Brother Lin, but Brother Lin doesn't even look at her. I have long guessed that my sister-in-law must be very beautiful, but I never expected that she would be so beautiful!"

In fact, Chen Jia was also a little nervous.

The people present were different from the bad friends that Lin Ming had known before. It can be said that they were all big shots.

However, the exaggerated expression on Hong Ning's face made her laugh.

The tension in her heart was also dispelled unconsciously.

"If you keep staring at my wife like this, I will dig out your two eyeballs." Lin Ming pretended to be dissatisfied.

Hong Ning immediately showed grievance: "Brother Lin, someone as beautiful as my sister-in-law is simply a fairy descending to the earth, just let me take a few more glances..."

"Stinky boy, you are asking for a beating!"


After a few words, the atmosphere in the private room became familiar.

Zhou Chong said at this time: "Hong Ning, what do you mean? When my Qingyao came, I didn't see you flattering her so much. Isn't my Qingyao pretty?"

Hong Ning curled his lips: "Of course Qingyao is pretty. It's not an exaggeration to describe her as stunning. But she hasn't married yet, so she's not 'your Qingyao'! What if she doesn't like your skinny little physique, but my kind?"

Zhou Chong stood up with a black face: "Brother Lin, this kid is going to get beaten today. Let's beat him up first?"

"Not impossible." Lin Ming smiled and nodded.

"Just kidding, just kidding!"

Hong Ning said quickly: "I'm afraid Qingyao and sister-in-law will be nervous, so I'm going to liven up the atmosphere. Why are you two planning to fight?"

Everyone laughed again.

Hong Ning stopped joking: "Sister-in-law, Qingyao, please sit down. This is our own hotel. Don't be polite. Just order whatever you want to eat. It's all on my account!"

Lin Ming smiled and introduced Chen Jia: "You know Zhou Chong and Han Changyu. This guy is called Hong Ning. He is the future heir of Tianyang Group. This hotel is opened by his family."

"Hello." Chen Jia said gently.

"Hello, sister-in-law, hello, sister-in-law, hehe."

Hong Ning touched his head. This was the real acquaintance with Chen Jia.

"Sister-in-law, can you sit next to me?"

Jiang Qingyao suddenly said: "My name is Jiang Qingyao. You can call me 'Qingyao' from now on. There are only two women here. We have something to say when we sit together."


Chen Jia sat next to Jiang Qingyao, and Lin Ming leaned against Hong Ning.

"Hong Ning arranged for Pingping's father to transfer to the imperial capital." Lin Ming said.


Chen Jia quickly picked up the teacup: "Mr. Hong, I thank you on behalf of my brother for this. I don't drink, so I'll drink tea instead of wine."

"Sister-in-law, I dare not do that. If you are so polite, I am afraid that Brother Lin will beat me to death!"

Hong Ning quickly waved his hand: "Sit down quickly, sit down quickly. I haven't toasted you yet. Don't call me 'Mr. Hong', just call me Hong Ning or Heshang. We are all family. Let's not talk about those two families. If I can help, whoever refuses is a dog!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Sister-in-law, you just sit down first. Hong Ning is a real person. Besides, Lao Lin has made 2 billion with him. What's your little thing?" Han Changyu said with a smile.

"Really?" Chen Jia looked at Lin Ming.

Without waiting for Lin Ming to speak, Han Changyu said: "Not only Hong Ning, but I also made 200 million yuan, and Zhou Chong made more than 6 billion yuan!"

"But compared to the money, we are more grateful to Lao Lin for pulling us back from the cliff, otherwise, we would not be able to sit here today."

Chen Jia really didn't know this. She was confused in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface.

"Lao Han, this is the last time, let's not mention this in the future." Lin Ming pretended to be dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay..." Han Changyu smiled bitterly


"Sister-in-law, I was almost killed by a few drunks last time... It was Brother Lin who told Zhou Chong in advance to save me." Jiang Qingyao whispered.

"Lin Ming is so capable?" Chen Jia stared at Lin Ming with a smile.

Lin Ming felt numb all over: "Oh, you are just talking, aren't you hungry? Bring the menu over, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Tsk, how much can you eat? Just order, if I, Hong Ning, blink, I won't have a bald head in the future!" Hong Ning looked arrogant.

Lin Ming said he would order by himself, but put the menu in front of Chen Jia and Jiang Qingyao.

"Brother Lin, we don't know how to order, you guys just watch." Jiang Qingyao said.

She has a very gentle personality and is easily shy.

The more this kind of woman is, the more she will make people feel distressed invisibly.

Chen Jia used to be like this.

"Qingyao, just order what you want. Hong Ning has plenty of money anyway." Zhou Chong said softly.

Jiang Qingyao shook her head.

"Then let's do this. Hong Ning, you decide. We all have good appetites, so we don't mind too much." Lin Ming put away the menu.


Hong Ning nodded, and then went out to make the arrangements.

As everyone chatted casually, delicious dishes were served on the table.

It was nothing more than a variety of local seafood, wagyu beef, ham, etc.

Everyone was not polite and started eating.

Lin Ming looked at Zhou Chong from time to time, and couldn't help laughing: "Our eldest son Zhou is so caring. Why haven't I seen you peel crabs for me before?"

Zhou Chong snorted and laughed: "Brother Lin, don't laugh at me when you are not alone. Didn't you pick up all the things on my sister-in-law's plate?"

After that, the two looked at each other and laughed at each other.

This made Chen Jia and Jiang Qingyao blush.

"You two are really like-minded." Chen Jia gave Lin Ming a coquettish look.

"We are like-minded." Lin Ming said.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, everyone finally started to talk about business.

"Brother Lin, I have contacted most of the managers of the seafood markets in Landao City. Hong Ning also knows a lot of them. When we transport our seafood here in the future, we will definitely have no trouble selling it." Lin Ming said.

Hong Ning also nodded: "Fundamentally speaking, local seafood is the most popular type. Although the price is much higher, there are many people who are not short of money."

Lin Ming nodded slightly.

Putting aside Hong Ning, Zhou Chong's identity should also make the managers of the seafood markets think carefully.

Besides, it is indeed not forcing others. Local seafood has always been in short supply. Otherwise, where would those dealers send the seafood?

"How is the matter of sea cucumber seedlings?" Lin Ming asked again.

"Uncle San has already started buying medium-sized sea cucumber seedlings from Daxing City. Once our sea cucumber sheds are built, we can start breeding." Zhou Chong said.

"We have built quite a few sea cucumber sheds. Today, Li Hongyuan went to Yushan Village to sign a contract. It is conservatively estimated that there are about 2,000 sea cucumber sheds."

Lin Ming thought for a while and said, "But if there are enough labor and materials, all those sea cucumber sheds can be built in about half a month."

Sea cucumber sheds are built with large bricks. They are not as delicate as building a house. As long as the workers are paid enough, one can be built in one night.

"Two thousand sea cucumber sheds were built in half a month? Isn't the time a bit rushed? Can the quality be good?" Han Changyu said.

Lin Ming shook his head slightly: "We built the sea cucumber shed not for breeding sea cucumber seedlings, but just to get those sea cucumber seedlings temporarily. When Xingchen Shipyard comes, no matter whether these sea cucumber seedlings can be produced or not, they must be sold immediately."

"Is that so..."

Han Changyu suddenly realized: "In other words, whether it is reselling seafood, breeding seedlings, or building sea cucumber sheds, it is a one-time deal?"

"You can say that, but reselling seafood can continue. After all, we contracted 500 square miles of sea area. The fishermen of Tianling Town go out to sea in this sea area. It is very good for Xingchen Shipyard to occupy one-tenth of it." Lin Ming said.

"Then let's go to Tianling Town Wharf tomorrow?" Zhou Chong asked.

"Okay, if you have time, come together. I heard that those seafood vendors are troublemakers. I don't want to be beaten." Lin Ming made a joke.

Zhou Chong said disdainfully: "We live in a society ruled by law now. If you hit someone, you have to pay for it!"


Everyone laughed.

That being said, fighting on the dock is really too normal.

Compared to the insidious and cunning real business tycoons,

What are these seafood vendors compared to the competition of fraud?

9 o'clock in the evening.

The dinner officially ended.

On the way back to Anju Community, Lin Ming asked softly: "Are you happy tonight?"


Chen Jia nodded: "Although your friends are all big shots, they are very friendly, and they seem to follow your lead. I am not nervous at all."

Lin Ming gently held Chen Jia's hand.

"Drive well!"

Chen Jia symbolically struggled a few times, and finally let Lin Ming hold her with a red face.

"Anyway, Xuanxuan will be taken care of by my parents in the future. If there is a dinner like this again, come with me?" Lin Ming said.

Chen Jia snorted: "Of course, I am too lazy to cook, and the food is good, so why not?"

"My beautiful Chen finally got it?" Lin Ming said with a smile.

Chen Jia pursed her lips and said, "In fact, I have imagined such a life before. You take me to meet your friends, and I take you to meet my friends. We don't need to go to high-end restaurants, and we don't need the other party to be very prestigious. As long as we can sit together and chat and eat, we will be very happy." Hearing this, Lin Ming held Chen Jia's hand and unconsciously exerted force.

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