Chapter 1309: On the 9 Domains Controversy


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"You two, since you're here, why don't you drink together?"

Lin Xun turned his head and looked at Yuan Fatian and King Little Golden Wing Peng in the distance.

Little Golden Wing Peng Wang was startled and hesitated.

"Go, why don't you go, I'm not afraid of what he's doing!"

Yuan Fatian snorted coldly.

"Alright, whether it's Lin Xun or Shaohao, they're all people I want to meet."

Little Golden Winged Peng Wang nodded.

A strife ends here.

Everyone who watched the battle from a distance realized that after this battle, the name of Demon God Lin was destined to be another sensation in the Nine Realms.

And about Shaohao's "pleasure" move, it will surely become a beautiful talk that people are talking about.


Feixing Mountain is full of guests and friends.

Lin Xun, Alu, Lao Ha, Da Hei Niao, Shao Hao, Yuan Fatian, Little Golden Wing Peng Wang, etc. all sat on the floor, drinking and talking, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Only Wan Yin, Bai Gan, Yao Li, Yu Xi and the others were all silent, bowing their heads to drink.

This party was based on their fiasco, and now they are in the same seat as Lin Xun, their opponent, and their hearts are naturally extraordinarily awkward and depressed.

"In a few more months, the battle for the supreme realm will come to an end, but the battle for the great world will not end here."

Shaohao put down his wine glass and said with emotion, "I don't know how many changes have taken place in the ancient wilderness during these years. When I return, I don't know who will lead the world."

For a time, everyone was touched.

Calculate the time, they have entered the realm of absolute peak for more than eight years.

Before they came, they were all cultivators who practiced the five realms, but now, looking around, the whole audience is full of kings who have set foot in the realm of longevity!

This is change!

If they hadn't entered the top realm, it was destined to be impossible for them to have such an amazing transformation on the road in just a few short years.

"The great world is unprecedented and extremely splendid, but the number of heaven and earth, when it is prosperous, will decline. No one can guarantee what the world will be like when this great world ends."

Little Golden Wing Peng Wang said indifferently, "My generation of monks cannot control the variables of the world. The only thing we can do is to seek higher breakthroughs in adversity."


Shaohao agreed, and then he pondered for a while, then suddenly said, "However, if my estimation is correct, when we leave the realm of absolute peaks, we have to face a serious problem."

"how do I say this?"

Everyone was heartbroken.

"The Battle of the Nine Regions!"

Shaohao's lips softly spewed out four words.

For a time, many people's faces changed slightly, and they all vaguely understood.

In ancient times, there were powerful enemies from the Eight Regions, who wanted to invade the ancient wasteland and wipe out the Taoism of the ancient wasteland.

This is regarded as the "Battle of the Nine Regions"!

In the past years, there have been more than one huge wars because of this. Under such killings, the saints are like mustards, and all living beings can only go with the flow!

Like the ancient wilderness, it was originally a complete world, but because of a catastrophe that was invaded by the Eight Domains, it was directly shattered and turned into the four worlds of Dongsheng, Xiheng, Nanxuan, and Beidou.

The boundary river that spreads between the four worlds is the scar left by the war in the ancient wilderness!

"Now, the ancient wilderness coincides with the great world, which has never been seen before, and is unique in the world. It is absolutely impossible for the other eight regions to see the rise of the ancient wilderness."

Shaohao's eyes were deep, "This is a blood feud between Dayu and Dayu. It has been forged since ancient times. If it wasn't for the sages who poured their blood and fought hard to defeat the enemies outside the Eight Territories at the beginning, the ancient desolate territory today is only a matter of time. I am afraid that I have already become a prisoner and ruled by the other eight domains."

For a time, everyone's heart was very dull.

They all know more or less about these things. Although they have never experienced it personally, they only need to think about it. If a similar war really occurs, the ancient wasteland,

Destined to fall into great turmoil!

"Under the boundary river, the corpses of the enemy are buried, as well as the heroic souls of countless sages of my ancient wilderness!"

"From time immemorial to now, I don't know how many giants and heroes of the world have perished between heaven and earth in order to defend against foreign enemies."

"Now, similar things may happen again. For the ancient wilderness, and for all beings in the world, it is destined to be a bloody catastrophe."

"Under the nest, how can there be any eggs?"

"Everyone, what I said today is by no means unfounded. I just want to remind you that the competition in the top realm is ultimately a matter between my generation, and no one can be immune to the catastrophe involving the battle of the nine realms!"

When Shaohao said this, his voice couldn't help but contain a sonorous killing intent, "My only hope is that when that day comes, I will hold on to my Dao, kill nine days, and slay foreign enemies!"

A terrifying aura spread from Shaohao's majestic figure, making the situation change, and the whole audience was shocked.

At this moment, Shaohao showed the demeanor that belonged to the number one on the Tianjiao Gold List, which made Lin Xunxin stunned.

"Let you all laugh."

Shaohao seemed to be aware of his gaffe, and immediately took away the breath from his body and said, "To tell the truth, in ancient times, my strong Xingyou Emperor was destroyed by opponents outside the Eight Realms."

"There are also brothers Bai Gan, Yu Xi, Yan Shan and Yan Hai. Their respective ethnic groups are also fighting against foreign enemies, and they have suffered a near-destruction blow."

"They are just like me. Sooner or later, they want to avenge this, and they will hate it!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Gan and the others all showed grief and emotions.

As for Lin Xun and the others, they finally understood why Bai Gan and the others gathered around Shaohao.

Because they have a common goal, a common enemy!

"If that day does come, what will Brother Lin plan?"

Shaohao asked suddenly, looking at Lin Xun.

"I'm not going to sit still."

Lin Xun said casually, how capable and doing great things.

At present, he still does not have the ability to care for the world and save the people, and he will not talk about it.

Speaking of this, Lin Xun couldn't help but think of a question, "Why do the Eight Regions always invade, but there is never an ancient wilderness powerhouse taking the initiative to attack?"

The corner of Shaohao's lips showed helplessness, and said, "The reason is very simple. Among the Nine Great Domains, the Ancient Desolate Region is the most barren and declining one. It seems that there are countless Taoist traditions.

This is reality!

Weak, will be beaten.

Throughout the ages, countless sages and giants have never thought of taking the initiative to attack the other eight regions and avenge their shame?

The reason why it has never been successful is that it is too difficult!

"I heard that in the other eight regions, if you want to be at the top of the road, you are not bound by any power of heaven and earth. The world can be realized.”

King Jinchi Xiaopeng also sighed.

In a word, Lin Xun and the others were moved, and they almost couldn't believe it.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to be at the top!

But now it is said that in the other eight regions, it is only a very normal thing to be at the top, who can not be surprised?

"The ancient wasteland is not called the 'domain of Taoist abandonment' for no reason."

Shaohao opened his mouth and told a story from the past.

"It is said that at the beginning of the ancient times, the most powerful of the Nine Domains was the Ancient Desolate Domain, but later, because of a dispute over the Great Dao that affected the Nine Domains, the Ancient Desolate Domain lost a source of chaos. Since then, the order of heaven and earth has been Defective, the Qi of Heaven and Earth in the Ancient Desolate Region also gradually weakened..."

Hearing this, Lin Xun also remembered that the mysterious woman at the Gate of Tongtian had also said that the ancient wasteland was incomparably gorgeous in the beginning. years!

However, it is a taboo-like mystery about how the ancient wilderness declined, and no one knows it so far.

"Everyone, in the past few years, I must have obtained a lot of good fortune and inheritance, but have you noticed that those places of good fortune and inheritance are all left by some dazzling and dazzling characters in ancient times?"

As soon as Shaohao said this, he was immediately recognized by everyone.

Lin Xun had already noticed that, from Fen Xian Chen Linkong, to the Wushou War Emperor in the forbidden area of ​​the Styx River, and then to the Xingjia Holy Buddha in the Buddha's Brahma Land, they are all giants of a generation, giants that reach the sky!

"These sages joined forces to create this supreme domain. After leaving their inheritance and mantle, they all went to the same place."

"That's the ancient road of the starry sky!"

Shaohao said a world-shattering secret, "Because in the eyes of these sages, whether it is to climb to the top of the avenue, or to change the situation of the ancient wilderness in the nine regions, only in the ancient starry sky can we find a solution!"

For a time, the whole audience was shocked.

This is the first time they have heard of this secret.

"Of course, these are all a bit far from me at present. Even if the battle of the Nine Regions breaks out, it will be at least many years later. My generation, what we have to do is to forge ahead and seek a higher realm on the road of the Dao."

Shaohao said, "Only in this way can we have the ability to resist and resolve when a catastrophe comes."

Lin Xun asked, "According to what Brother Shaohao sees, when will the battle of the Nine Regions break out?"

"At most, it will not exceed a hundred years."

Shaohao pondered, "Even, it will break out in advance. In fact, it is very simple to judge when this event will come. When the 'Battlefield of the Nine Domains' reopens, it will be an omen."

Lin Xun suddenly remembered that when he participated in the battle of the "Little Giants List" in the Undying Mountain, the "spiritual servant" who guarded the Undying Mountain once said that the Undying Mountain has a path leading to the "Nine Domains Battlefield". "The channel!

For a time, Lin Xun's thoughts were flying.

Battle of the Nine Regions!

This issue must be carefully paid attention to in the future. The so-called under the nest, how can there be no eggs, who dares to ignore it?

"Brother Lin, thank you for your hospitality."

After the banquet was over, Shaohao got up and took Wanyin, Bai Gan and others to leave.

Lin Xun watched them leave, and couldn't help sighing, this Shaohao is really different from other top figures.

What this person is seeking is no longer a momentary battle, but a battle of the Nine Regions that is destined to happen in the future!

Soon, Lin Xun calmed down and turned back.

He has one more thing to do.


ps: This chapter is the foreshadowing of a big story. Although it is a little boring, it is very important. There is another update before the early morning.

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