Chapter 1370 1 Road to the South


After a short silence, the Shuiman army fled with a bang, completely frightened, and one by one wished their parents had two more legs.

In an instant, the three barbarian kings were easily wiped out, which was like a terrible nightmare!

As long as his brain is a little normal, he knows that as long as there is that young man who suddenly fell from the sky, there is no need for this battle to continue.

This is the role of the king's realm, one person can be a million teachers!

And Lin Xun is not as simple as an ordinary king.

"What are you still doing, kill!"

Changsun Xiong drank violently, feeling agitated.

A war that lasted for more than a month, as of today, the imperial army is on the verge of danger, and the defense line is about to be broken.

But at this moment of urgency, a young man like a god descended from the sky, and with his own strength, he turned the tide between chatting and laughing!

How could Changsun Xiong not be excited by this?


"Kill those witches!"

On the side of the imperial army, taking advantage of the victory to pursue and launch a counter-offensive, the rumbling sound of the vast horn echoed in the sky and the earth.

Every imperial soldier is refreshed!

"Master, please take a step to speak."

Changsun Xiong looked at Lin Xun with a kind of respect from the bottom of his heart.

Based on his experience and eyesight, he can see at a glance that Lin Xun is definitely not an old monster who has lived for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that he was even more shocked in his heart, and he secretly muttered in his heart, could this be a little monster cultivated in the Imperial Qinglu Academy?

With the drastic changes in the world, over the years, a large number of amazing young people have emerged in the empire, and they have risen to the throne and become famous all over the world.

More than half of these young people are from Qinglu College!

Therefore, Changsun Xiong would have such speculation.

Lin Xun nodded and left the battlefield with Changsun Lie.

He just returned to the lower realm, and there are many things he needs to understand. After all, he has not returned after more than ten years. I don't know what this lower realm has become.


In a tent, the banquet was opened, and Lin Xun was invited to take a seat, accompanied by the eldest Sun Lie.

On the seats on both sides, there are big figures in the army on the extreme northern defense line of the empire.

"Dare to ask the son's surname?"

The eldest grandson lied to Lin Xun with a glass of wine, and then asked.

"Just call me Lin Twelve."

Lin Xun said casually, this was his identity number when he was cultivating in the Blood Killing Camp, and he was also named after that when he was on the Blood Killing Battlefield.

"Lin Twelve..."

Changsun Lie repeated silently in his heart, and instantly thought of the Blood Slaughtering Camp, but no matter how he broke his head, he couldn't think of when such a heaven-defying young man appeared in the Blood Slaughtering Camp.

Lin Xun didn't think about it that much, and said, "General, Lin has been traveling in the ancient wilderness for all these years, and he only returned today. He still doesn't know the current situation of the empire, so I hope you can give me some pointers."

Ancient wasteland tour!

Zhangsun Lie and everyone present were shocked, and then they suddenly realized that they all guessed wrong, and the young man in front of him actually returned from the ancient wilderness!

"No wonder Young Master Lin is so good, he actually went to the upper realm to practice." The eldest Sun Lie said suddenly.

For those big figures in the empire, they naturally knew more or less about the existence of the ancient wasteland, which was regarded as a holy place for cultivation, and it was a place that every cultivator dreams of going to.

And Lin Xun returned to the lower realm from the ancient wasteland, which made the eyes of everyone in the room looking at him changed again.

They all know that there is almost no simple person who can go to the ancient wilderness to practice from the lower realm!

In the following chat, Lin Xun also roughly understood some things about the lower realm.

For example, the impact of the upheaval of heaven and earth on the territory of the empire.

For example, the riots and turmoil caused by the rampant monsters in the territory of the empire.

For example, the full-scale battlefield set off by the Nine Veins of Wuman has become a raging fire, spreading across the borders of the empire.

...At the end, Lin Xun couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After leaving for more than ten years, the lower realm has become different from before.

At least, when he left, the empire was still in a situation of national peace and security, but now, there are internal and external troubles, and military disasters are constantly happening!

Everything, in the final analysis, is due to "dramatic changes in the world".

As early as when he left the ancient wilderness, Lin Xun had heard about the drastic changes in the world, and even knew that the so-called "dramatic changes in the world" were actually the variables that occurred after the advent of the great world.

It's just that it is different from the ancient wilderness. In this great world, the situation of the empire is not optimistic. The interior is rampant with monsters, and the nine branches of the witch and barbarians invade the border.

"General, farewell."

After the banquet was over, Lin Xun said goodbye immediately.

Over the years, there have been too many changes in the lower realm. Lin Xun plans to return to the Forbidden City as soon as possible to see the situation of the Lin family in Xixinfeng.

Together with Changsun Xiong and others, they saw Lin Xun off in person.

Watching his figure disappear into the distant horizon, a mighty middle-aged man suddenly said: "I remember, about sixteen years ago, the head of the Lin family in the Forbidden City, the young man who was regarded as 'the crown covers the capital', left Go to the lower realm and go to the ancient wilderness to practice."

In a word, the eyes of others were all narrowed, and they all remembered that the Lin family had played a ruthless character like a monster in the past, and with his own strength, he had risen strongly in the Forbidden City, where there were many clansmen and strong men.

About his deeds, the younger generation may have long since forgotten, but for Changsun Xiong and the others, they will never forget how that young man made a name for himself in the Forbidden City back then!

"You said that the person just now was most likely Lin Xun?"

Changsun Xiong's eyes flashed.

The mighty middle-aged nodded: "More than ten years ago, I served in the battlefield of killing blood, and I have heard the name Lin Twelve, but Lin Twelve back then was only at the Heavenly Cave Realm, so that when I saw it When it came to the person just now, I couldn't believe it, after all, the difference in realm is too big..."

Changsun Xiong and the others all nodded.

The difference is more than a big difference. In just over ten years, he has jumped from the Cave Heaven Realm to a powerful and unparalleled King Realm powerhouse. This is undoubtedly incredible!

"If this Lin Twelve is really the master of Xinxin Peak back then, then he will come back this time... I'm afraid there will be chaos in the Forbidden City..."

There was a strange look in someone's eyes.

Changsun Xiong frowned: "How do you say this?"

"A few years ago, there was a rumor in the Forbidden City that the drastic changes in the world had completely cut off the connection between the lower realm and the ancient wasteland, and the imperial cultivators who entered the ancient wasteland in the past would never be able to return to the lower realm in this lifetime. "

The man said solemnly, "Because of this news, the situation of the Xinxinfeng Lin family has become more delicate, because it is clear that this Lin Xun is the backbone of the Lin family, if he can't return in this life... You said that the people of the Lin family should be How do you think?"

The eyes of Changsun Xiong and the others flickered. Of course, they understood that if a great force did not have a backbone, it would be like a group of dragons without a leader, destined to suffer the impact of wind and rain from all directions!

"If that's the case, that's fine. If Lin Xun is there, he can still deter the foreign enemies of the Lin family, but if he's not there, how could those enemies miss such an opportunity to retaliate against the Lin family?"

The man sighed leisurely, "As far as I know, the Lin family's life has been getting worse and worse in recent years."

"The Lin family has many enemies?"

Someone was startled.

"Have you forgotten that among the seven high-ranking clansmen, how many of them Lin Xun did not offend?"

In one sentence, everyone could not help but sigh.

When Lin Xun rose in the Forbidden City, there were indeed too many opponents. Among the seven high-ranking clans, there were Zuo, Qin, Chi, Hua, Song and Xie!

"If that's the case, I'm afraid that the Forbidden City is going to turn upside down..."

Changsun Xiong murmured, he remembered the scene where Lin Xun killed the three barbarian kings, and felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

If a young man with such a powerful fighting force knew the current situation of the Lin family, he would have to set off a monstrous bloody storm!


The sky and the earth are vast, and the Haoyu Ark turns into a stream of light, all the way to the south.

On the treasure ship, Lin Xun, Lao Ha, and Zhao Jingxuan were talking.

"The power between the world is indeed different. The spiritual energy is dozens of times more intense than when I was in the empire."

Lin Xun said in awe.

"The aura of the avenue has also become thicker, making it easier for cultivators to perceive..."

Zhao Jingxuan nodded.

"It's just that, after all, it's still far from the top of the mountain."

When Lao Ha said this, he suddenly frowned and said, "Have you noticed that there is an indescribable oppressive power in the power of rules between heaven and earth, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan looked at each other and nodded.

"If my judgment is correct, this is the power of the 'will of heaven and earth' belonging to the lower realm. The stronger the cultivation base, the more clearly you can feel it. Once the cultivation base is strong enough to reach a certain limit, it is bound to suffer the suppression of this 'will of heaven and earth'. Erase!"

Lao Ha pondered, "I suspect that the limit that the will of heaven and earth in this lower realm can carry is under the holy realm. Once you enter the holy realm, you will be rejected by the will of heaven and earth, because the destructive power of the holy realm is too great. The consequences are too horrific.”

This is actually easy to understand. If the lower realm is like a pond, then the saint is a real dragon. How can a small pond stand up to the tossing of a real dragon?

The existence of the will of heaven and earth just does not allow a behemoth like a real dragon to appear in the pond!

"That's unlikely."

Lin Xun shook his head. He remembered what Meng Qiujing said, that the Zhun Emperor named Ba Qi had brought Yun Qingbai to the lower realm back then.

Moreover, Ba Qi once said that there is a real emperor dormant in this lower realm!

The emperor realm is above the holy realm. If it is not allowed by the lower realm, how can it still appear in the lower realm?

There must be some kind of mystery in this.

"Brother, I can't accompany you to the Forbidden City with you."

Suddenly, the old man said, "I want to go back to the Sea of ​​Oblivion's 'Burning Road Sea Tomb', you know, I woke up there, I want to find some... truth."

Lin Xun was startled, and when he mentioned the sea grave, he couldn't help but think of the mysterious and eerie blind monk and the misty woman with a vague and indistinct figure.

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