The first thousand four hundred and ninety-seven chapters sounded the battle horn

On the coast, Zhao Jingxuan stood alone, dressed in a simple and elegant dress, blue silk like a waterfall, like a fairy in the dust.

Her features are picturesque, and her facial features have a kind of beauty that is pure and pure.

As if sensing Lin Xun's gaze, a smile appeared on the corner of her lustrous lips, and she waved her hand: "Long time no see, Great Demon God Lin."

The sound is crisp and sweet, floating like a wind chime on the misty sea.

Then, I saw Lin Xun coming from the sea, dressed in clothes and dancing, unrestrained and elegant.

Zhao Jingxuan's clear eyes were as bright as stars, with a full smile, and a touch of tenderness poured into her heart. In this year, she had thought of this guy more than once.

Contrary to Zhao Jingxuan's expectations, Lin Xunfu gave her a big hug as soon as he came over. Her body froze at first, and then softened in that firm embrace.

"Welcome back."

Lin Xun's laughing voice sounded in his ears, the heat penetrated into his ears, itching, Zhao Jingxuan's pretty face was immediately dyed red by Hongxia, bright and shy.

It was also at this time that Zhao Jingxuan suddenly discovered that Lin Xun seemed to be different from before, at least before, he had never taken such initiative.

She didn't know that in the month that she followed Mr. Shen to carve the stone statue, it was the first time since Lin Xun practiced to face up to the various emotions in her heart, and she also knew how to face and accept it.

But no matter what, Zhao Jingxuan was still very happy with Lin Xun's change, as if seeing a knot of elm trees suddenly enlightened.


On the island, Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan were sitting side by side, chatting with each other. In the distance, the sea was rolling, the mist was rolling, and everything was quiet.

"It turns out that both Shaohao and Fairy Ruowu have already become saints..."

When he heard the news, Lin Xun couldn't help but sighed.

"Are you disappointed?"

Zhao Jingxuan's eyes were as clear as stars, staring at Lin Xun's profile.

Lin Xun laughed and said, "Why are you lost? I have never had the desire to compete with them. After all, everyone's pursuit is different, and so are the opportunities to prove it."

"But they were one step ahead of you."

Zhao Jingxuan seemed to want to see if Lin Xun would show some frustration and anxiety.

But from the beginning to the end, Lin Xun is calm and calm, obviously he really doesn't care about these, which makes Zhao Jingxuan have to admire, this guy's mood is really different from before.

"By the way, I heard when I came here that the Nine Regions Battlefield will open in the near future."

Suddenly, Zhao Jingxuan remembered something.

"The battle of the Nine Regions is coming early?"

Lin Xun was shocked.

Zhao Jingxuan said: "Yes, it won't be long before this sea of ​​chess stars will become lively, because at the end of the sea, there is a path leading to the battlefield of the Nine Regions."

Next, Zhao Jingxuan informed Lin Xun about some of the news he had learned about the Nine Regions Battlefield.

Some news, even Lin Xun heard it for the first time.

For example, in the battlefield of the Nine Regions, in addition to the enemies of the Eight Regions, there are many strange and dangerous things.

Moreover, in the Nine Regions battlefield, there are many secret worlds, some secret worlds are fierce places, and those who enter will die.

In some secret worlds, there are unimaginable shocking opportunities.

Furthermore, the laws in the Nine Domains Battlefield are extremely special, and powers beyond the scope of the Holy Realm will be suppressed and cannot be used.

For example, some forbidden treasures and powers beyond the power of the holy realm, even if they can be carried into the battlefield of the Nine Regions, they will be absolutely suppressed by the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

and also……

In short, these were all kept in mind by Lin Xun.

Less than a month after Zhao Jingxuan arrived at Xingqihai, Alu also came, carrying an iron rod and riding a giant black dragon that was caught from nowhere.

At first glance, Lin Xun was stunned.

Because this guy Aru has changed, the muscular body that was originally muscular has become thinner, a lot thinner than before.

Although his skin was still bronze, Alu, who had lost weight, turned out to be quite handsome, and his facial features were as sharp as a knife and axe.

"Brother, you look at me like this, aren't you afraid that I'm shy?"

Alu's voice is still extremely rough, carefree, not shy, but rather triumphant, seems to be satisfied with the surprise in Lin Xun's eyes.


The old man came up and spit it out viciously, this fellow just woke up from the retreat not long ago, "You used to be so domineering and masculine, why are you becoming more and more girly now."

Aru's eyes widened, and he started spraying directly, spit Xingzi slapped the old clam in his face.

If the two don't meet, they will fight each other as soon as they meet, and Lin Xun is used to it.

And two months after Aru's arrival, the big black bird with a black pot on his back also came, and as soon as he arrived, he shouted triumphantly: "This time in the battle of the Nine Regions, I will definitely lead the way, Lord Bird. Suppress all enemies!"


First, Aru smashed it out with an iron rod, so that the black pot on the back of the big black bird almost flew out.

Then the old man stepped forward, slapped the big black bird, and scolded: "How can you be so coquettish in front of this king?"

The big black bird stared at Venus in front of his eyes. He never expected that he would receive such a special welcome treatment as soon as he arrived. He was furious and screamed.

Lin Xun in the distance couldn't help laughing.

Right now, Zhao Jingxuan, Alu, Lao Ha, and Da Hei Bird are all there, as if Lin Xun had returned to the realm of absolute peaks again, and he had a feeling of "my way is not alone".


Another three months have passed.

On this day, Lin Xun was meditating when suddenly a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Then, he suddenly got up and saw that in the huge sea of ​​stars and chess, the strength of the Zhou Tianxingdou formation that had covered all around was violently tumbling at this moment.

Immediately, the taboo power of the entire formation began to gradually fade away.

At the same time, on the other side of the Sea of ​​Stars and Chess, on the Mount of Undead God, a vast horn sounded, agitating between heaven and earth.

The sound of the horn, as if it came from ancient times, is passionate, majestic, and heart-warming.

"The battle of the Nine Regions is about to begin?"

Zhao Jingxuan, Lao Ha, Alu, Da Hei Niao and the others were also disturbed.

On this day, in different areas of the ancient wilderness, in some forbidden areas like the Undead Mountain, the vast and passionate horn sounded likewise.

For a time, the world was turbulent.

"The battle horn! This is the sound of the battle horn!"

An older generation of strong people shouted excitedly.

A long time ago, whenever the battlefield of the Nine Regions was opened, there would be a sound of the battle horn, in order to summon the heroes of the world to fight on the battlefield.

This is a sign that the Nine Regions Battlefield is about to open!

"It's finally here, years ahead of schedule..."

Someone murmured, and the mood was agitated.

"The horses and horses are for the present, everyone, whether you can be ashamed of our ancient wilderness and defeat the enemies of the Eight Regions, it is up to you!"

"You must win, even if the hope is small, you must not give up!"

"In the past, I don't know how many sages and powerful people have thrown their heads and blood, so that our ancient wasteland has not been invaded by other places outside the eight regions. This time, I hope you will not disappoint all beings in the ancient wasteland."

Such impassioned words can be heard in so many ancient Taoist traditions.

In the past few years, they were all ready, just waiting for the present!


The sound of the vast horn gradually began to resound over the entire ancient wilderness, and the cultivators scattered all over the world were also alarmed.

"finally come!"

Emperor Shaohao was hunting in purple robes, exuding monstrous aura of the holy way all over his body.

"Set off."

Fairy Ruowu turned into a fiery red vermillion bird and teleported away into the void.

On this day, all the top figures walked out from different areas and walked towards the passage to the battlefield of the Nine Regions.

Yuan Fatian, Little Golden Wing Peng King, Chi Lingxiao, Mi Hengzhen, Ye Mohe and so on.

On this day, among the countless ancient Taoist traditions, a group of saints led the team and rushed to the battlefield with the well-prepared elite force!

On this day, the huge ancient wasteland was like a giant beast awakened from silence, showing an unprecedented fighting spirit.

In this great world, everything in the ancient wilderness has been changed.

It is also in this great world that a large number of supreme figures have emerged.

Right now, on the battlefield of the Nine Territories, can the Ancient Desolate Territory be ashamed and defeat the foreign enemies from all directions?


God Machine Pavilion.

Mr. Shen stood alone on a cliff, his robes fluttering, and he was silent.

"The great world is a chaotic world. After it is extremely splendid, whether the ancient wilderness can survive or not depends on this battle of the nine regions..."

He murmured in his heart.


Suddenly, an overwhelming terrifying Dao light suddenly converged on the sky dome, evolving into a majestic and cold face, with eyes as vast as the stars, with the vision of the universe changing floating and sinking.

His eyes fell on Mr. Shen, and his voice was as clear as Dao Lun's voice: "The battle of the Nine Regions has begun, and the frontline battlefield is destined to break out in a full-scale fight. I'm here to ask you, can the ancient wasteland be ready for a decisive battle? "

If Lin Xun is here, he will definitely recognize that this is the quasi-district Bai Yujing, a powerful man who has been stationed on the frontline battlefield in the ancient wasteland all year round!


Mr. Shen's voice was calm, but he was determined.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Bai Yujing asked again.

"How about walking with you to the frontline battlefield?"

Mr. Shen spoke slowly.

"You're finally going to make a move..."

Rarely, Bai Yujing's eyebrows showed a touch of excitement. He knew that as long as Mr. Shen went to the frontline battlefield, it would be enough to play the role of a needle in the sea!

Anyone who sets foot in the Quasi-Emperor Realm does not know what kind of terrifying existence Mr. Shen from the Shenji Pavilion is.

He hasn't shot for too long.

But when he decided to take action, in this ancient wilderness, no quasi emperor dared to doubt his ability!

"Let's go."

Mr. Shen stepped into the void and rose.

At that moment, he seemed to have taken off the warm and jade-like coat on his body, revealing the peerless edge hidden in the boundless years in his body, and the momentum of the whole person was different.

Make heaven and earth roar, make all things bow their heads!

In the Shenji Pavilion, Mr. Miaoxuan's expression became dazed. After a lapse of time, senior brother... he is finally going to make a move!

Suddenly, Bai Yujing, who was about to leave, remembered something and asked, "Has that kid named Lin Xun ever decided to go to the Nine Regions Battlefield?"

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