The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters

In five days, the city wall was completed!

The golden city wall, stained with blood and piled with bones, is only thirty-nine feet high. It is not majestic, but it is still amazing.

The city wall stretches like a golden dragon coiling around the earth, surrounding the area of ​​100 miles.

The wall tiles are as smooth as mirrors, neat and tidy, and the dyed blood color gives the golden wall a palpitating aura.


High in the sky, Lin Xun, who had not rested for five days and five nights, flashed a gleam in his black eyes, and waved his sleeves.


Accompanied by strange fluctuations, a golden beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, breaking the clouds in the sky.

I saw that the just-completed city wall suddenly reflected one after another magnificent pattern of Dao patterns, the light and rain were flying, the divine splendor was flowing, and it was brilliant.

All the ancient wilderness powerhouses in the entire camp were alarmed.

Looking up, between heaven and earth, thousands of golden rainbows swept up, swaying in the void, condensing one after another avenue flower buds, peaceful and sacred.

Later, on the dome, a vast vision of the starry sky appeared, in which billions of dazzling stars flickered, endlessly circulating, deep and vast.

The sun is shining!

Seeing these visions, everyone was stunned. The golden city, bathed under the boundless starry sky, was like a country where gods lived.

"It's just building a city, but it actually caused a vision of heaven and earth? It's nothing more than a ghostly craftsmanship!"

Shaohao was stunned, his heart trembled.

Ruo Wu couldn't help but stepped forward and gently touched the wall with her fingertips. Suddenly, a circle of restraint waves spread like ripples on the smooth mirror-like wall.

Looking closely, there are streaks of blood smeared in the wall tiles, like a red glow, and you can vaguely see broken corpses embedded in it, which is heart-pounding.

"Beautiful and terrifying..."

Ruo Wu murmured and stood in front of the city wall at close range, making her feel an oppressive aura that was contained but not revealed.

This is the perfect fit and integration of the sacred formation and the city wall!

In the camp, a group of ancient wilderness powerhouses woke up from the shock, and couldn't help being excited, bursting into cheers.

From today onwards, their ancient wilderness camp has regained possession of the city of protectors, a city that triggered a vision of heaven and earth on the day it was built, exuding a glorious atmosphere!

And all this is thanks to Lin Xun!

Above the sky, Lin Xun couldn't hide the tired look between his brows.

Five days ago, he single-handedly killed the army of the Seven Regions, and then he didn't stop, it took five days to build this city, which consumed a lot of his mental and physical strength.

But at this time, when he heard the cheers of everyone and saw the magnificent city under his feet, Lin Xun also smiled, full of pride in his heart.

This is his city!

It is also a fortress that shelters all the strong men in the ancient wilderness!

But soon, Lin Xun took a deep breath and took out several sacred treasures, each of which contained tens of thousands of seven-domain powerhouses.

Without any hesitation and without any mercy, with the wave of Lin Xun's sleeve robe, the sacred treasures were embedded under the city wall.

Immediately, rivers of blood flowed out of the holy treasure, soaking in the depths of the earth, until finally, countless bones poured out, filling every underground part of the city wall.

The more than 100,000 soldiers from the Seven Regions who were trapped at the beginning, without exception, were sacrificed alive on the day the Dao Protector City was completed today!

In the sky, the voice of the saint's mourning resounded again, with blood spreading like a tide.

Because among the enemies who were sacrificed alive, there were many characters of the true saint level!

Killing more than 100,000 living beings in one fell swoop would definitely be regarded as a murderous butcher in the outside world, bearing the infamy of being brutal, callous, ruthless, and so on.

But Lin Xun didn't care, and his mood was even less disturbed.

The city that protects the way of the enemy is made of the corpses and blood of the sages of the ancient wilderness.

He Lin Xun is just blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

It's still the same sentence, Qianqiu's immortal karma is all in killing the enemy, I would rather teach the enemy to gnash his teeth and hate me, and don't teach me no name!

Soon, Ruo Wu and Shaohao also guessed this, and they looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a shock in their hearts.

In the camp, the powerhouses in the ancient wilderness quickly understood, all of them were full of blood, and there was an indescribable excitement.

"Good kill!"

"Kill with joy!"

"My lord, that's it!"

The loud shout resounded through the sky, stirring the four fields.

Amidst the cheers and shouts, Lin Xun fell to the ground and said to Shaohao and Ruo Wu, "I have to rest for a while. For the rest, I can only trouble the two of you first."

"go quickly."

Shaohao and Ruowu urged with a smile.

Lin Xun nodded.

He is indeed too tired and needs a good rest.

"Next, it's time to divide the area in the city and build a building for each cultivator to live in. By the way, the first thing is to build a living palace for Lin Xun."

Shaohao pondered.

"Leave these trivial matters to me."

Ruo Wu smiled.

Shaohao nodded, thought for a while and then said, "Alright, according to my guess, it won't be long before more and more experts from the ancient wilderness will hear the news and gather with us. Just make some rules."

Ruo Wudai frowned and said with a sneer: "Before building the city, the number of strong people who came to support us was only 60,000. Now that the city is successfully built, they want to come and take advantage. How can there be such a cheap thing in this world? ?"

As far as she knows, there are at least 300,000 experts in the ancient wilderness who entered the Nine Regions battlefield this time!

Even if a lot of people have been killed by enemies outside the Eight Regions this year, it is absolutely impossible that only 60,000 remain.

Obviously, before the city was built, some of the ancient wilderness powerhouses did not believe that Lin Xun could succeed, so they did not come to support.

This may be out of consideration for one's own safety, which is understandable, but Ruo Wuke can't bear to see these powerhouses running out at this moment and entering the city of protectors to seek shelter!

Shaohao smiled casually: "This has nothing to do with taking advantage, in the final analysis, we all belong to the same camp, what's more, before this, who would have thought that Lin Xunzhen could withstand the threat of foreign enemies from the Eight Regions and successfully rebuild the defense. City of Dao?"

Ruo Wu sighed softly: "Yes, we are in one camp, and we can only take care of the overall situation."

Speaking of this, there was a killing intent in her star eyes, and her voice became cold: "However, I can bear them running to take advantage, but if anyone dares to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude!"

After all, she turned away.

Shaohao smiled and said nothing.

If it weren't for the battlefield of the Nine Regions, there would be conflicts and contradictions among the powerhouses in the ancient wilderness, and there were not a few people who had deep hatred for each other.

For example, Lin Xun was regarded as a thorn in the eyes by many ancient Taoists in the ancient wilderness, and a thorn in the flesh.

If Lin Xun cares about these personal grievances, how could he spend all his energy on rebuilding the city of Taoism?

However, the situation is different now, even those enemies of Lin Xun would never dare to fight against Lin Xun at this time.

Otherwise, there is no need for Lin Xun to do anything, and he will be swarmed by those strong men who support Lin Xun and torn to pieces!

This is the trend!

Lin Xun's prestige has reached an unprecedented height after defending against foreign enemies in the Seven Regions and rebuilding the city of protection.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is now the leader of the ancient wilderness, and is unanimously recognized and respected by many powerhouses.

Being an enemy of him is no different from being an enemy of the entire ancient wilderness camp.

Of course, Shaohao would prefer to see that those who had regarded Lin Xun as an enemy in the ancient wilderness area had better have a bit of backbone and not come to the city of protecting the Tao.


However, neither Shaohao nor Ruo Wu had guessed that now in the territory where the Eight Regions camp is located, a bloody storm has been launched against the powerhouses of the ancient wilderness!

Everything is because of a message conveyed by Xue Qingyi——

If you want to destroy the ancient wilderness camp, you must kill all the top figures in the ancient wilderness!


In Jiuli Realm, an ancient wilderness powerhouse who escaped from death, let out a roar of grief.

At first, this person, like other ancient wilderness powerhouses, did not believe that Lin Xun could rebuild the city of Taoism, so he chose to forbear and watch from the sidelines.

But when he learned that Lin Xun alone blocked the siege of the Seven Regions army, after successfully rebuilding the city of protectors in the ancient wilderness.

This person's first thought was to go to the ancient deserted world and seek protection from the city of Taoism!

There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. They excitedly set out on the road together, hoping that after arriving in the city of protecting the Tao, they will no longer have to hide in the east, and they will no longer have to be afraid. They are also excited.

But who would have thought that they were still in the middle of the road, and their group suffered a bloody slaughter.

At the end of the battle, he was the only one who was lucky enough to save his life and survived the siege.

Thinking of this, this person can't help but feel sad. If he knew this, he should have gone to the ancient wilderness!

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret.

"Over there, hurry up!"

"Hey, these two-legged sheep can actually escape until now, which is considered a ruthless character."

In the distance, there was a sound of breaking the air, and a group of strong men from Jiuli Ancient Region came after them with murderous aura.

The ancient wilderness powerhouse froze all over, his face was ashen: "It's over..."


Before long, scarlet blood splattered.

This ancient wilderness powerhouse lay on the ground, thinking about dying, if he had gone to the ancient wilderness, maybe... everything would be different, right?


Similar scenes happened in the site where the Eight Domains camp was located.

It should be noted that those ancient wilderness powerhouses scattered in major regions are all hiding extremely concealed.

But under the frantic revenge of the Eight Regions forces, many people were pulled out one by one, and then killed without exception.

Of course, there are also many ancient wilderness powerhouses who have gone through many dangers, broke out of the siege of the enemy, and finally arrived in the ancient wilderness.

When you see the city that stands on the horizon, the whole body is golden and filled with the sacred and immortal atmosphere.

These ancient wilderness powerhouses who have been hiding in Tibet and feared for the past year have a tear-like urge.

However, as they approached the Daoist City step by step, they felt a little apprehensive and nervous in their hearts.

When they were building the city, they considered their own safety, but they didn't come to support Lin Xun.

And now, when they come to seek protection, will they be turned away?


(Supplementary delivery!)

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