Chapter 1854 Fraud

The black-clothed woman turned black before her eyes and was about to suffocate.

The enemy who killed her father was right in front of her, but not only was she unable to take revenge, but she even had to take her own life for it, which made her feel hopeless.

No wonder she was so angry and impulsive, she never thought about whether she would be the enemy's opponent with her own strength.


The murder of the father!

When hard work finally finds an enemy, who can calm down?

Tears welled up in her eyes, and the woman in black sighed, remembering what her father often told her when she was a child—

"The world of cultivators, where the weak eat the strong, is too cruel to tolerate a trace of kindness. When your father is here, he will bless you for the rest of your life, but if one day your father is gone, you have to take good care of yourself..."

At that time, she didn't understand, she thought her father was nagging, she thought too much about her, and she never thought of her as an adult.

But now...

What she misses most is her father, and what she regrets most is not understanding her father's good intentions early!

Feelings of regret, annoyance, anger, and helplessness were like a landslide and tsunami, drowning her mind and turning it into endless despair.

"Fellow Daoist, this woman is beautiful, why don't you give her to me?"

Suddenly, someone let out a frivolous laugh.

The old man in gray snorted and said, "Yes, how about selling a Dao Crystal to you?"

"A Dao crystal?"

The man was taken aback.

"In my eyes, this idiot-like woman is worth a Dao crystal."

The gray-robed old man said calmly.

There was a burst of laughter nearby.

Most of the cultivators who came to the underground black market were not good, let alone the most vicious, and they would not care about a woman's life or death.

"Let her go."

At this moment, Lin Xun's figure appeared on the scene, his eyes were cold, and he looked at the gray-robed old man.

"Yo, heroes save beauty?"

"Tsk tsk, Lu Jian is not flat and draws his sword to help, now in this world,

Is there such a person? "

Without waiting for the gray-robed old man to react, the other cultivators present began to boo, and their words were full of jokes and mockery.

"Friend, did you see that they are all laughing at you, are you sure you want to save her?"

The gray-clothed old man was disdainful.

"Doing evil is so righteous, but doing good deeds is laughed at. This world... is indeed becoming more and more disappointing."

Lin Xun sighed.

"Do good things?"

The crowd laughed again.

The gray-clothed old man said coldly: "Good and evil, black and white, good and bad in this world... It never matters. What matters is that whoever has the most power can rule life and death."


Lin Xun said, but he didn't see any movement.


The gray-clothed old man felt oppressed by the power of Peiran Mo Yu, his body seemed to be suppressed by a hundred thousand mountains, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

At the same time, the woman in black was rescued.

The laughter in the field stopped abruptly, and many cultivators showed condensed expressions.

Only then did they realize that the young man they laughed at was actually a powerful character!

"It's you, Lu Bai!"

Suddenly, the woman in black let out an unbelievable cry.

Seeing the old man in gray, who was suppressed to the ground, as if his disguise had been broken, he had turned into a handsome young man!

"How could it be you, we are both engaged, and my father is so kind to you, you... how could you do such a thing..."

The black-clothed woman's pretty face turned pale, and her whole body trembled, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

The monks nearby couldn't help but gasp. This guy actually killed his future father-in-law?


The young man's expression was obviously flustered, not as calm as before.

The black-clothed woman's tears were blurred. The blow was too great. Her own father was actually killed by her fiance...

This made her whole body about to collapse.

Seeing this, Lin Xun flicked his fingers, and with a bang, the young man twitched and let out a painful scream, and all his cultivation was abolished.

"Girl, revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge."

Lin Xun put down these words and turned away. From beginning to end, no one dared to stop him.

No one dared to laugh at them anymore, and many people even had a faint admiration in their hearts. In this world... there are really not many strong people who "do good things" like this...

Halfway through, a shrill scream came from behind.

Lin Xun knew without looking back that the young man must have been killed.

As for the grief and bitterness in the heart of the black-clothed woman, Lin Xun could only show sympathy. From beginning to end, he was just a passerby.

"Fellow Daoist, although I don't agree with your approach, I admire it very much in my heart."

On the way, Xie San was silent for a moment and said, "However, in this underground black market, I still want to advise you, it is best not to have any good intentions."

Lin Xun didn't care.

Not long after, under the guidance of Xie San, Lin Xun entered an ancient temple.

As soon as he entered, Lin Xun noticed in an instant that the palace was covered with layers of forbidden formations, which were extremely strict.

When Xie San left, he hesitated, finally sighed softly, shook his head and left.

In the hall, there were three people sitting. In the middle was a middle-aged man in black robe, his beard and hair were like black ink, his eyes were like cold electricity, and his breath was dark and unpredictable.

To his left and right, were a white-haired old man and an enchanting and glamorous woman.

The white-haired old man is stroking a golden abacus with kind eyes.

The glamorous woman was dressed in revealing clothes, her chest was high, her body was snow-white, a pair of slender and plump thighs folded lazily, a pair of beautiful eyes, and her whole body exuded a mature and seductive charm, which was as sultry as fire. .

Lin Xun glanced at him and judged that the middle-aged man in the black robe was a great saint, while the white-haired old man and the glamorous woman were the real saints.

This kind of power in Lin'an City is already amazing.

After all, Lin'an City is only one of the tens of thousands of cities in Qingzhou. This is located in the black market of the underground world of Lin'an City, and it is not easy to have three sacred characters appear at once.

Of course, no matter how simple the other party is, Lin Xun doesn't care.

With his current state, even Emperor Zhun dared to fight, how could he put one great saint and two true saints in his eyes?

"What do fellow Daoists want to sell?"

The middle-aged man in black robe spoke in a deep voice, looking up and down Lin Xun like a knife, but he didn't see anything.

At this time, Lin Xun's breath was back to the original, bland and unremarkable, and he deliberately concealed his identity, which might let the other party see through his own details.

"How many crystals is such a precious medicine worth?"

Lin Xun turned his hands and took out a precious medicine.

"Three thousand six hundred Daojing." The middle-aged black robe looked at it a little, and seemed a little disappointed, and reported a number casually.

"Is it too little?"

This precious medicine is left in the outside world, and it is worth at least 5,000 Daojing!

The enchanting and glamorous woman pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, this is a black market, and the price is naturally much lower than the outside world. Unless you have a lot of treasures to sell, the price is negotiable."

Lin Xun snorted, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, a dense pile of precious medicines was piled up.

"What about these?"

Only then did the middle-aged man in black show a serious look. After looking at it carefully for a moment, he said, "The appearance is not bad, and it can be 75% of the price of the outside world."

"What about these?"

Lin Xun's sleeve robe waved again, and bottles of medicinal pills flew out.

The glamorous woman got up in a hurry and stepped forward to probe them one by one. After a while, her eyes brightened and she said in surprise, "Fellow Daoist, you have a lot of good stuff on your body, some of these medicinal pills are those ancient medicines. Taoism is a treasure that will never be passed on."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black, and said, "Mrs. Yan, how much is it worth?"

"It can be based on 80% of the external market."

The glamorous woman reported a number.

"Don't worry, there's more."

As he said that, Lin Xun took out some treasures such as rare treasures, ores, spiritual marrow, and medicinal herbs, and piled them together like a hill.

This time, the middle-aged and glamorous woman in black robes breathed slightly.

The white-haired old man next to him, who had been rubbing the golden abacus, got up directly and came to those treasures to detect and identify them one by one.

And in his hand, his golden abacus crackled.

"They are all first-class goods, and they can be purchased at 90% of the market price."

The white-haired old man said in a deep voice. He looked up at Lin Xun, and there was a strange color in his eyes, as if he had seen some clues from those treasures.

All of a sudden, the black-robed middle-aged woman and the glamorous woman were stunned, and their expressions also changed, as if they were a little shocked.

It is very unusual for one person to bring so many treasures to sell, and each of them is considered to be of first-class quality.

"Nine percent? Not enough."

Lin Xun shook his head.

These treasures are all the spoils of war he has collected over the years. For middle-aged people like Heipao, every treasure is extremely valuable, and can even be described as scarce and precious.

But for Lin Xun, these treasures are no longer useful, so they plan to sell them.

"Fellow Daoist, it is already the limit. After all, this is an underground trading place, and the treasures you are about to sell are all loot that cannot be seen."

The black-robed middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and he said slowly, "Since it is a sale of stolen goods, the price will not be comparable to the outside market."

"Ninety-five percent, if you can eat it in Wuyinzhai, these are all yours. If you can't eat it, then I will change the place."

Lin Xun said casually.

The middle-aged man in black robe frowned, and his expression became quite gloomy.

Anyone who enters the underground black market is a character who hides his head and hides his tail. Once his identity is exposed, he will definitely be targeted by the enemy.

Moreover, black market transactions only focus on strength, not rules!

Therefore, when the stolen goods were sold, no one dared to bargain with them Wuyinzhai!

"Forget it, it's rare to meet such a big seller. This time, let's make less money. Old boy, calculate the price of all the treasures."

Madam Yan opened her mouth with a smile.

The white-haired old man nodded, the golden abacus in his hand rattled.

After a while, he raised his head, and said a number without a face: "A total of 9.35 million Daojing."

The black-robed middle-aged man and Mrs. Yan both showed shock, as if shocked by this number.

But Lin Xun sneered in his heart, this old man actually falsified in front of his own face!


PS: Thanks to Miss Xiazhi, Xianyu Yechen, Jiangnan Wu Erye, book friend 55978670 and other children's shoes for their rewards!

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