Chapter 2034 A sudden surprise

The moment Ruo Su stopped, a ray of light shot out from the vortex of the sky, and it slammed into the ground, turning into a golden figure wearing the emperor's crown, holding the emperor's sword, wearing the emperor's coat, and stepping on the emperor's boots.

Unlike other golden figures, this figure is extremely terrifying, possessing an extraordinary willpower, like the incarnation of divine punishment.

"let me."

At this moment, Pu Zhen seemed to be ready, and rushed out, his power climbed to an unprecedented level.


Park Jin and the golden figure fought fiercely together.

Such a supreme and supreme battle made Lin Xun unable to see the truth clearly.

He only saw that at this moment, Senior Sister Ruosu and the others were all extremely solemn, far less calm than before.

"Junior Brother Li." Ruo Su said.

"I understand, you go first."

A green and green lotus flower appeared in front of Li Xuanwei, turned into a sword, and entered the battle without hesitation, fighting side by side with Park Zhen.

Lin Xun felt heavy in his heart.

Before, senior brothers such as Bu Shuanzi, Shenyan, and Qing Ting appeared, and they were able to fight against those golden figures one by one.

But now, it was obviously different, and the golden figure formed by the forbidden order power rushing out of the vortex in the sky was obviously more terrifying.

Otherwise, why would the two senior brothers, Park Zhen and Li Xuanwei, make a move together?


Ruosu and Junhuan didn't explain anything, and continued on with Lin Xun.

Lin Xun couldn't help but look back.

On the road behind them, one after another fierce battles that are enough to stun the ages are being staged fiercely.

Only then did Lin Xun know that Bu Shuanzi, Shen Yan, Qing Ting, Cheng Yu, Jing Zhongyue, Cang Lanjia...

These senior brothers and sisters from Fangcunshan who appeared one after another not long ago are only nine people.

Including Ruosu, Jun Huan, Li Xuanwei, Park Zhen and himself, there are only fourteen people!


What about the other descendants of our Fangcunshan? "

Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

"When it's time to show up, they'll show up."

Jun Huan looked calm, "But... there are also some brothers and sisters... who may not be able to appear again..."

There was sadness in his voice.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes: "You mean... Senior Brother Ge Yupu and the others?"

"No, there are other senior brothers and sisters, junior brothers, don't ask, okay."

The color of pain flashed in Jun Huan's eyes, as if mentioning those brothers and sisters who could no longer appear, and let the pain and hatred sealed in his heart be revealed.

It was only then that Lin Xun realized that although Fangcunshan had fifty descendants, the casualties... I am afraid there are not a few!

"Junior Brother, these old past events are full of blood and hatred. In the future, we will stand firm, and we will beg back one by one, and we will beg back a hundred times a thousand times!"

Ruo Su's voice was still soft and gentle, but there was a bit of hatred to the bones.

Lin Xun was inexplicably panicked.

In the past years, what kind of disaster did the brothers and sisters in Fangcunshan encounter?


A deafening roar resounded, and a golden figure came from the sky, so cold and so supreme.

"Jun Huan..."

If Su had just opened his mouth, he saw that Jun Huan had rushed out, wielding his sword to kill, performing the ultimate swordsmanship.

Her robe covered with pink rose petals fluttered, and her face so beautiful that the years dimmed was filled with hatred and murderous intent.


Ruo Su took a deep breath and took Lin Xun to move on.

At this moment, she was the only one left, sheltering Lin Xun to leave without hesitation or turning back.

It seems that the life and death of Li Xuanwei, Pu Zhen, Jun Huan and others are more important than taking Lin Xun away at this moment!

Lin Xun was worried about gains and losses. He couldn't be like Ruo Su, not worrying about Li Xuanwei and the others, and he couldn't leave with such peace of mind.

He took a deep breath and said, "Senior sister, doesn't it mean that as long as we win that chaotic treasure, we don't have to fear the killing of the forbidden order power? I already got it, so why do it?"

"Not yet."

Ruosu's voice carried a reassuring power, "This game is unprecedentedly dangerous, we have been waiting for nearly 100,000 years, and there can be no mistakes, and the chaotic treasure you got is the Our last trump card."

Lin Xundao: "But in addition to this chaotic treasure, I also have a Bodhi tree seedling in my hand. Senior Ji Xuan said that this Bodhi tree was born in an unknown place, and it can also resist and resolve the power of forbidden order."

Ruo Su smiled: "If this seedling grows into a big tree, it may be able to block the current disaster, but if it's just a seedling, it won't work."

She didn't explain much.

Because the current Lin Xun, after all, can't understand the terrible power of the taboo order.

This kind of power, covering the stars and the sky, blocking the road to the other side, how could it be so easily defeated?

Lin Xun's heart became heavier.

At this moment, he felt his own powerlessness!

If Senior Sister Su is so powerful, she can play the emperor and ancestor in her palms with a snap of her fingers, but she looks so solemn when facing the forbidden power of catastrophe.

As for himself, he is only in the quasi-Emperor Realm, not even in the Emperor Realm. Compared with Senior Sister Ruosu, he is even more distant.

If there is no protection from Senior Sister Ruosu and the others this time, how can I get out of this deadly killing situation by myself?

The more he thought about it, the heavier Lin Xun's heart became, the more depressed he became...

"Senior brother!"

Suddenly, Senior Sister Ruosu's voice sounded like a thunder in Lin Xunxin Lake,

"The cultivation of the Dao, the most avoidable mood is turbulent, you have cultivated to this day, but only a hundred years, you have already achieved the current Dao practice, and has already surpassed the achievements of the ancient and modern peers. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are unique in the ancient and modern, crowning the heavens, and you must not belittle yourself! "

"In the game you saw today, even if the emperor's characters get involved in it, they will end up with death and no life. Even if the emperor's ancestors exist, they can't escape the disaster. Because that is the power of the forbidden order, which has been used since ancient times to the present. The most eerie and ominous existence."

"If you are frustrated by this, in the future... how can you defeat it and surpass it?"

Lin Xun's body was shaken, and the distracting thoughts and negative emotions in his mood were dispelled like a tide, replaced by a calm and firmness.

He took a deep breath, his dark eyes were stern, looking at the whirlpool in the sky, and said, "Senior sister is right, I may be far from its opponent now, but sooner or later, I will step on it! "

In a word, loud and clear.

It seems that because of these words, the taboo-like power of order was angered, and with a roar that shook the earth, a golden figure came out again.

This figure has a turbulent aura and is covered by a dense taboo order, like a supreme god, just that kind of breath makes the sky tremble.

Ruo Su's face became dignified rarely.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Senior sister, let me come."

Hearing this voice, Ruo Su was obviously startled, and immediately showed a look of surprise: "Fifth Junior Brother! You...forgive Senior Sister?"

There was a trembling in the voice.


A figure rushed out and was already fighting fiercely with the golden figure.

Hearing Ruosu's voice, the figure laughed loudly: "Senior sister, I used to be too impulsive and wrongly blamed your intentions, this time... I'm here to apologize!"

This is a man with arrogant manners and boundless dominance. His fighting strength is fierce, and his killing is like a madman. The whole person is like a raging volcano.

Ruo Su smiled, smiled from the heart, and said to Lin Xun: "Junior brother, this is your fifth senior brother, the Taoist name is 'Chijun', his combat power is much stronger than mine."

In the voice, there is incomparable joy.

Lin Xun also saw that his fifth senior brother was extremely ferocious in combat, and had a domineering and arrogant aura, which shocked people's hearts.

"Senior sister, you take your junior brother and leave first. I am here, even if I want to break through, I have to ask if I will answer!"

Chi Jun laughed and attacked like a madman.


Ruosu continued with Lin Xun.

Not long after, another golden figure appeared, and the aura was equally terrifying.

This time, before Ruosu could react, a loud voice sounded:

"Third Senior Sister, we are here too."

"Third Senior Sister, these years... it was us and Fifth Senior Brother who wrongly blamed you..."

"Third Senior Sister..."

Figures appeared one after another, males and females, each of them breath-shattering, possessing unimaginable terrifying power.

Suddenly, Ruo Su's eyes flashed a trance, looking at the familiar faces, she couldn't help feeling excited and joyful.

"It turns out that you are all here...Okay, great..."

At this moment, Lin Xun keenly noticed that there was a faint mist in Senior Sister Ruosu's eyes, as if the long-repressed feelings in her heart were pouring out uncontrollably at this moment.

Looking at the brothers and sisters who came one after another, Lin Xun couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart.

He has already seen that these senior brothers and sisters, like the fifth senior brother Chijun, seem to have misunderstood with the third senior sister before, and thus have conflicts.

But today, they are here together!

"Junior Brother Xingque, you go and kill this forbidden spirit. The others will join me and act with Senior Sister Ruosu."

A slender, tall man in black robe shouted and gave an order.

All the people who came from Fangcunshan took their orders and started to act.

Ruosu also regained his calm at this moment, did not refuse, surrounded by a group of senior brothers, protected Lin Xun and continued to act together.

On the way, Ruosu quickly informed Lin Xun of the identities of these heirs of Fangcunshan.

In addition to the fifth senior brother Chijun, there are six other descendants of Fangcunshan who have come here, with different rankings and different Taoist titles, but each has a different style and power.

This made Lin Xun excited for a while. This time, Fangcunshan has gathered 21 descendants here!

Before, Lin Xun could not have imagined that such a surprise would happen in this extremely dangerous game.

On the way, Ruosu smiled brightly and said softly: "After many years, we can all get together again. I...even if something goes wrong in this battle, I will never feel guilty again..."

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