The 2201st chapter is in charge of Nirvana

Nirvana is free.

On the Great Wall.

As Lin Xun breathed in and out, the starry sky in the distance, the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Daos where he sat down, and the Nirvana Zizai Heaven behind him all produced a unique and powerful rhythm.


Just the sound of rhythm, it is like a thunderbolt on the avenue, shocking Zhou Xu, spreading in ten directions.

At the same time, Lin Xun's whole body was full of radiance, the light of the Dao was intertwined, and the strange and orderly power rolled like rippling tides. The whole person was like the master of the heavens, with supreme power!

"What is Lin Xiaoyou doing?"

The Fengling War Emperor has already stood in the distance, fully using his strength to resist and resolve the ubiquitous terrifying oppression.

It has been ten days, Lin Xun has been meditating, and the power around him has become more and more terrifying.

"He is comprehending and controlling the power of the source order of this world." Xia Zhi's robe fluttered, and his voice was as clear as the sounds of nature.

"He...isn't he planning to refine this world?"

Feng Ling Zhandi trembled in his heart, and he sucked in a breath of cold air. Nirvana was in the sky, but it was transformed by the power of the source order of the starry sky.

If you refine Nirvana Zizitian, wouldn't it mean refining the power of order that belongs to the origin of the starry sky?

Xia Zhi thought about it and said, "Being able to do this should be related to the 'Immortal Supreme' background he has mastered."

She guessed not badly.

Eternal sinking into a calamity, a single lotus blossomed alone, and an immortal supreme road that has finally appeared in the eternity of years is naturally impossible to be that simple.

While transcending the calamity, Lin Xun won the Immortal Supreme Road good fortune, and at the same time he also became the only lotus in this Nirvana Free Heaven.

And the power of the source order of Nirvana Zizai Tian is like the nourishment that nurtured this lotus, which can be absorbed and controlled by Lin Xun!

In the past ten days, Lin Xunzhou's body injuries and physical strength have already recovered, and his emperor's Taoism has been consolidated and precipitated in a rare way.

And what he is doing now is to completely control the power of the source order of Nirvana Zizitian!

Feng Ling Zhandi suddenly exclaimed: "If he really does this step, doesn't it mean that he is no different from Emperor Shi Tian who controls the power of the forbidden order?"

This is really startling.

At the same time, in Lin Xun's mind, a scene of the entire Nirvana Free Heaven appeared.

The entire world consists of three major blocks: the Reincarnation Dao Palace, the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Dao, and the Immortal Wasteland.

Needless to say, the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Dao, the Immortal Wasteland was the place where Lin Xun and a group of emperors fought and fought ten days ago. It was roughly equivalent to the territory of a small world, constructed from the origin of the starry sky.

The core of Nirvana Zizai Heaven is the Taoist Palace of Samsara.

Entering this Taoist Palace, you can enter the world of reincarnation, which is divided into eight worlds: Zhenwu, Linggang, Linghai, Dongtian, Yanlun, Wangjing, Shengjing, and Zhundi.

It is said that it is a world of reincarnation, but in fact it is not much different from the major worlds on the ancient starry sky. The power of the order of the years and the fluctuations of life are circulating in it!

It is precisely because of the existence of time and life that this world of reincarnation is fundamentally different from the "Benming Emperor Realm" in the Emperor Realm.

It was also at this moment that Lin Xuncai finally dared to be sure that the beings distributed in the world of reincarnation were not illusions, but real existences!

It is a pity that at this moment, although Lin Xun refined the power of order of Nirvana Zizai Heaven, he was unable to comprehend the core mystery of the "Reincarnation Taoist Palace".

The reason is very simple, the order of reincarnation has involved years and the power of life!

This is the same as the forbidden magical power controlled by Lin Xun, and it also involves the order of the years, but it can only be used for it, and cannot peep into the core mystery contained in it.

This is knowing it, not knowing why!

"No wonder Emperor Shi Tian can be called the ruler of the heavens in the stars. Under the power of the forbidden order he controls, he will wait to be the master of that world..."

In Lin Xun's heart, enlightenment rose, "Similarly, a few days ago, I was able to kill those old monsters at the fifth and sixth levels of the Emperor Realm, and because I controlled the orderly power of Nirvana Zizai Heaven, in this world,

I can also cut down on behalf of the sky and walk the path for the sky! "

Act for the sky.

Just four words, but the power contained in it is enough to terrify any cultivator of time!

After a long time, Lin Xun opened his eyes from his enlightenment, and the endless rain of light that surrounded his body was silent and restrained in his body.

He stood up tall, his clothes were neat, his breath was indifferent, his figure was outstanding, and he no longer had that kind of supreme terrifying imperial prestige.

The avenue is simple, and the original is true!

Feng Ling Zhandi's expression was filled with emotion. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought that the young man in front of him was the first terrifying existence to become an emperor in Jue Peak in nearly 100,000 years?

"Lin Xun, when are we leaving?" Xia Zhi asked.

Without fighting and killing, these days, she only eats and sleeps, which is quite boring.

"Hold on."

Lin Xun said, and took a step forward, but his figure disappeared.

The real world.

Dagan Dynasty, in the palace.

Gan Yuliu, who was wearing a long lavender dress, failed once again to break through, and a look of confusion appeared on the face of Lingxiu's delicate melon seeds.

When that "Su Qinghan" left, he had given him a training method related to breaking the realm and cultivating the spiritual realm.

In the past seven years, she has been trying to break through the situation, but in exchange, she has failed thousands of times.

The barrier of true martial arts, like a moat, made her almost collapse.

"Why don't you try again?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in Gan Yuliu's almost desperate heart, causing her to sit upright like an electric shock, and her pretty face glowed with amazing brilliance.

"Young Master, is that you?" Gan Yuliu's voice was trembling with excitement. Seven years later, she finally heard that familiar voice again.

Only, no one answered.

The excitement on Gan Yuliu's face suddenly dissipated a lot, his eyes looked at the empty palace, and he couldn't help laughing at himself, it turned out to be an illusion...

"Forget it, then try again."

After a long time, she regained her spirits, turned her cultivation base, and began to try to hit the realm again.


Suddenly, it was like a shackle in her body was broken. When Gan Yuliu had no time to react, her spiritual power was like a flood that burst a dyke, roaring in her body, and an indescribable wonderful feeling came to her heart.

At this moment, it was as if a door to a whole new world opened in front of him, so Gan Yuliu couldn't help but stay there.


For a long time, she felt a mouthful of spiritual power emerging from her body, and felt the mystery of the brand-new spiritual realm. Finally, she dared to be sure that she had broken through!

All this came so suddenly, it seemed that it didn't take much effort at all, but Gan Yuliu seemed to realize something, and suddenly stood up and pushed open the gate of the palace.

The huge palace came into view, and the front of the hall was empty, not a single figure.

But Gan Yuliu saw that a letter fell from the crack of the door.

Holding it in her hand, she forced herself to suppress the stirring emotions in her heart and began to read:

"The world is very big, and the road is long. From today, the splendid mountains and rivers and the Bolan Avenue are no longer shackles. Lin is looking forward to the day when the girl walks out of the world of reincarnation."

Inscription: Lin Daoyuan.

"Sure enough, he's here..." Gan Yuliu clenched the letter in her hand tightly, and her beautiful eyes shone brightly, "It turns out that his name is Lin Daoyuan!"

A smile quietly appeared on the corner of his lips, Gan Yuliu took a deep breath, and carefully put away the letter.

Then, she said softly to the empty world: "Thank you, Young Master Lin."

Above the sky, Lin Xun smiled and turned away.

On this day, "Zhenwu Mountain" in Zhenwu World, "Linggang Lake" in Linggang World, "Linghai" in Linghai World, "Linlang Dongtian" in Dongtian World...

In the eight great worlds of reincarnation, all forbidden places covered by the power of the Nirvana order have disappeared from that different world.

On this day, there is a wonderful communication between the eight worlds, and anyone who breaks the realm will be moved to a higher level of world cultivation!

For example, those who break through the real martial world will be moved to the spiritual world, and so on.

The cultivators distributed in the eight worlds are all shocked, ecstatic, excited, cheered... This day is also called the first day of the new era of cultivation by the eight worlds.

Also on this day, the cultivator who has never awakened in the world of reincarnation will never be able to awaken again in this life...

This is of course Lin Xun's handwriting, this world of reincarnation has been controlled by him, and naturally "abnormal numbers" will not be allowed to appear.


"You can go."

Lin Xun's figure returned to the Great Wall of Ten Thousand Dao and opened his mouth with a smile.

Immediately, with a swipe of his fingers, a vortex portal emerged, and then he walked out with Xiazhi and Fengling Zhandi.

And as Lin Xun's figure left, the huge Nirvana Zizi Tianzhu turned into a lotus-shaped mark, appeared in the lines of Lin Xun's palm, and then disappeared.

Feeling the imprint of the "Nirvana Lotus", Lin Xun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Seven years ago, he was the quintessential quasi-emperor with great perfection, and he was still a "junior" in the eyes of a group of old monsters in the emperor realm.

Seven years later, he is already a supreme emperor, possessing the heritage of immortal supreme, and he is in charge of the order of Nirvana!

From then on, the Dao of his Lin Xun has been able to compare with the emperor realm of ancient and modern heaven!

"It's back, it's back!"

In the dark place, the eyes of the war emperor who was like a drunkard lit up, and he saw Lin Xun's figure on the sky in the far distance.

"Hey, this kid really didn't die, I knew that good people don't live long, and disasters will last for thousands of years." The big yellow dog next to him grinned.

"Da Huang, pay attention to your words. Young Master Lin is now the famous Dao Yuan Emperor, a true supreme emperor."

Qingying held the red umbrella that was as red as blood, opened her mouth leisurely, and her graceful figure revealed a thrilling beauty.

They have been waiting for this place for many days, and now that Lin Xun finally walked out alive, they were all secretly relieved in their hearts.

It should be noted that in today's outside rumors, Lin Xun is still in a situation where his life and death are unknown.

"Hey, the master is here too!"

Da Huang's ears moved, and when he turned his head, he saw that Zhong Qiu's stalwart figure like the sky appeared out of thin air.

With a whimper, it rushed up excitedly, held out the dog's head kissingly, and wanted to rub its owner's leg just like it had done in countless years in the past.

Just the next moment, he was kicked out by Zhong Qiu: "Hugh, get in the way."


Rhubarb fell into a dog eating poop shape, and the dog's face was dazed.

The alcoholic man and Qing Ying couldn't help laughing.

And when Lin Xun, who was walking up high in the sky, saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing: "I also said that I have been a scourge for thousands of years, and you are a good dog!"

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