Chapter 2256 The avenue has no boundaries

? Three months have passed.

During this period of time, Ao Xingtang and Zhao Yuanji had been waiting quietly, and they were actually a little nervous.

Because Lin Xun is already their last hope, if even Lin Xun can't do it, they are afraid that they are destined to be unable to rescue the real dragon ancestor from the suppression.

The first time they heard Lin Xun's words, both of them were shocked and cheered up.

"Does it work?" Ao Xingtang couldn't help saying.

Lin Xun nodded with a smile: "The ban on the first Dinghai Stone Stele can be broken now. However, I plan to deduce all the mysteries of the Dinghai Road Stele and decipher them before taking action."

Zhao Yuanji immediately understood: "Yes, it should be like this. If you act in a hurry now, you will be shocked by the grass and arouse the vigilance of the true dragon lineage, and then there will be a storm."

Ao Xingtang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and said with a smile, "As long as you can crack it, you can come with me."

Saying that, she leads the way first.

This time, she took Lin Xun to walk on the bottom of the sea for ten days, traveling for an unknown number of miles.

The reason is that the forty-nine Dinghai Road monuments are scattered in different sea areas and are extremely far apart from each other.

If it weren't for this, the power of the entire Supreme Forbidden Array would definitely not affect the entire area under the East China Sea, and it would be regarded as a forbidden area for life by people.

After identifying the location of each Dinghai Road monument, Lin Xun immediately threw himself into the deduction and cracking operation.

With the rich experience accumulated in the first time, Lin Xun was very familiar with cracking the second Dinghai Dao tablet, and it only took two months to understand all the secrets of the ban on it.

The time it took for Lin Xun to decipher the forbidden secret of the third Dinghai Road Monument had been shortened to one and a half months.

When cracking the fourth block, it was shortened to one month...

Not only is the speed improving by leaps and bounds, but also Lin Xun's attainment of the spiritual pattern is also climbing in the process of deduction and cracking, resulting in significant transformation and progress.

From the cracking of the first Dinghai Dao monument, until nine months later, Lin Xun has cracked the prohibition on six Dinghai Dao monuments.

In the following time, the speed of Lin Xun's cracking is still increasing, but the magnitude has begun to become smaller.

Until later, it has been stabilized within ten days, and a Dinghai Dao monument can be cracked.

This is already amazing!

Until a year after being nine thousand feet under the sea, Lin Xun had deciphered twelve Dinghai Road tablets.

But there are forty-nine Dinghai Dao monuments. If it continues at this rate, it will take at least two years before all the Dinghai Dao monuments can be cracked.

This made Lin Xun a little worried.

It's been a year now, if it is delayed for another two years, who knows what will happen in the Dragon Palace world?

And will the trapped Zhao Jingxuan encounter any changes?

These are things that Lin Xun could not predict, but had to worry about.

"If you can break through the realm, the speed can be increased a little more, at least you can save a lot of time to recover your physical and mental strength."

In the Endless Tower, Xi gave Lin Xun advice.

For a year, Xi and Rhubarb, who have been cultivating in the Endless Tower, have no shortage of magical medicines and rare treasures to heal their injuries. Now their injuries have been greatly recovered.

In addition, Xi Zao paid attention to Lin Xun's actions, and noticed that every seven days or so, he would have to recover for about two days because of his great physical and mental exhaustion.

If Lin Xun can break through the realm, while his own way is transformed, it will also allow him to have more physical strength and mind to break the forbidden formation, thus saving a lot of unnecessary wasted time.

Sure enough, after listening to Xi's suggestion, Lin Xun's eyes lit up and he immediately made a decision——

Break through first!

For a year, although he has been deducing and deciphering the forbidden formation of the Dao pattern, he has been training again and again when his Dao Xing has been recovering his physical strength. As early as half a year ago, he actually had the foundation to attack the third level of the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, for Lin Xun, it is not difficult to choose to break through now.

The only thing that can be called difficulty is perhaps the catastrophe that hit the triple threshold of the Emperor Realm, which is too strange and unpredictable.

On the road to the emperor realm, there are nine layers of heaven, three layers and one obstacle, six layers and one difficulty, and nine layers and one catastrophe.

Right now, Lin Xun is about to break through the triple threshold of the Emperor Realm, and what he will face is the "Emperor's Heart Barrier"!

Once this barrier is broken through, the world of body and mind can be transformed.

Like a powerhouse at the third level of the Emperor Realm, if the body is not completely destroyed after the fall, its flesh and bones will turn into a world and continue to exist in the world.

Now Lin Xun is clear that the first level of the emperor's realm is "no attachment", and the second level of the emperor's realm is "invisible".

And this third level of Emperor Realm is called "Boundless"!

The road is boundless!

Reaching this realm, the emperor realm of the land of body and mind will also show a sense of "boundless" vastness, resulting in a new transformation.

However, the only thing Lin Xun has to consider at the moment is how to break the "Emperor's Heart Barrier"!

This calamity is related to the state of mind. It is the most bizarre and dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose the whole game. It is definitely not something that can be broken by brute force alone.

Lin Xun was silent for three days, doing nothing and thinking nothing.

It wasn't until he adjusted his mood to the point where the ancient well was unwavering, the dust was clean, the eternity was unchanged, and the moon was full of blue sky, and then he stood up, and his black eyes were neither sad nor happy.

Only a long voice sounded in my heart: "I have no obstacles in my heart, and I have nothing to worry about in this calamity."


Above the East China Sea, in the depths of the infinitely high dome, outside of Zhou Xu, which is invisible to all living beings in the world, a strange and unpredictable aura of catastrophe suddenly gathered.

There was no robbery cloud, no robbery thunder, no earth-shattering terrifying vision, and not even a single creature.

Even Zhao Yuanji and Ao Xingtang, who had been dormant and waiting under the East China Sea, were completely unaware of all this.

But at this time, in Lin Xun's state of mind, endless waves suddenly erupted!

A strange aura of catastrophe turned into a great road karma, which came suddenly like a thunderbolt, and as soon as it appeared, it produced a destructive power of terror.

Lin Xun only felt that his consciousness suddenly blurred, and in the heart of the lake, countless bizarre pictures emerged. When he was young, he was crying in the swaddling clothes. Mr. Lu in front of him roared with grief and anger, and hugged him tightly in his arms...

When I was young, I was in a prison in a mine, dark and dark, and practiced spirit patterns all day long, but I was repeatedly reprimanded by Mr. Lu...

In Feiyun Village, I met Xia Zhi by chance...

The scenes from previous years are like the reincarnation of the scenes repeating one by one, so clear and so unforgettable.

Lin Xun's state of mind also followed these experiences with joy, sadness, disappointment, or sourness... Emotions rolled and stirred like a landslide and a tsunami.

Until later, all the scenes turned into illusory fragments and dissipated, those relatives, those friends, those good brothers who fought side by side, those old people who met on the road, those senior brothers and sisters...

All gone.

It seems that all the emotional sustenance, intertwining and fetters in the past life have been passed by, and there is no trace.

Zhao Jingxuan, Xiazhi, Xi, Xiaoyin, Lao Ha, Alu... Those familiar faces all disappeared from past memories.

In the end, there was nothing but an endless darkness.

He was alone, standing in the darkness, unable to distinguish the way forward, nor where to retreat.

At the end of the avenue, there is only one shadow.

Look around, everything is in vain!

Lin Xun couldn't help but have a thought in his heart, this is the end of the avenue that he has been searching for?

If so, is all the previous efforts... worth it?


not worth it?

In the heart lake, the waves are turbulent and the waves are turbulent, like asking one's heart and asking oneself, and like a torture from the god of the road.

The darkness is like a silent cage.

In the cage, Lin Xun, who was alone, was silent for a moment, then smiled silently, and muttered with emotion: "This time, thank you for letting me review the ups and downs of my past life, remember those familiar people and things... these , but they are all imprinted with traces of my path..."

The past cannot be traced, but all the twists and turns and ups and downs that the past has experienced, those people and things that are known, the love and hatred formed by various causes and effects, the world events and human feelings caused by fetters... all that bit by bit, Already part of his path!

If there is no cause in the past, how can the fruit of the future come?

If you feel remorse and disappointment because of this, and make a cut and make a choice, what is the difference between abandoning your own way...?

What is detachment?

Why happy?

What is eternity?

If everything in the past is cut off as a fetter, and if the cause and effect of the past is broken as a cage, what is it that you want on this path?

On this road, how can it be judged by whether it is worth it or not?

Lin Xun knew very well that the situation he was in right now was his "Emperor's Heart Barrier", and a single thought might be the difference between life and death.

But from the beginning, Lin Xun had already made a choice, so even if his mood was tumultuous, even if his mood was a wild horse.

He has only one thought: to adhere to the original heart, to guard his own body!

Anything I want is worth it.

I have no regrets for anything I ask for.

Everything I think is my heart.

Whatever I hold is my way.

The sky is torn apart, the world becomes empty, nothing can be easier!


Lin Xun's state of mind, a little "heart light" emerged, the darkness like a cage, but at this moment, it suddenly collapsed, the cage was broken, and the darkness retreated.

The sky is bright, light up the road!

Lin Xun put his hands on his back, his whole body was boiling with energy, like a wolf smoke that swayed into the sky, it climbed steadily, shaking the stars of the universe!

On this day, Lin Xun broke the "Emperor's Heart Barrier", a little light in his heart, shattered the world to the darkest, stepped on the threshold of the three-layer emperor's realm, and entered the realm of "the road has no boundaries".

No attachment to the outside, no form to the body, no boundaries to the mind!

Heavenly moat at the third level of the emperor's realm, cultivate a dust-free heart!

Reaching this state, he also allowed him to be physically and mentally, and he was a Taoist, and this resulted in an earth-shaking new transformation.

Nine thousand feet below the East China Sea, Lin Xun sat at will, with hundreds of millions of rays of sunshine and rain flowing all over his body, and the air flowed in all directions, like a supreme god.

At this moment, he keenly felt the difference of this transformation. Compared with the breakthrough after breaking through the "Emperor's Heart Barrier" when he stepped into the second layer of the emperor's realm, it was like a long-standing accumulation and treasure, which made his Taoism unprecedented. promote!

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