Chapter 2323 Suppressing Li Cang

Lin Xun cupped his hands and said, "It's accepted."

Emperor Xingwu looked at Lin Xun for a while, and said, "It is a blessing to have you, Lin Daoyuan, in the ancient wilderness."

After saying that, she turned and walked away, wearing scarlet armor, which was particularly eye-catching.

Lin Xun continued to move forward. From beginning to end, Da Huang was like a spectator, following Lin Xun step by step.

In the dark, all the old monsters were silent, but their hearts could not be calm.

The power that belongs to the Great Emperor has completely subverted their perception of the power of the emperor, especially with Emperor Xingwu admitting defeat, making them all realize that in this abandoned star field, they want to stop such a young man...

It's hard!

Some old monsters thought they were inferior to Emperor Xingwu, and they all extinguished their plans to take action. This is no different from humiliating themselves.

There are also some old monsters who suggested to make a move together, but they were strongly opposed.

Although Lin Xun had never joined the Ancient Desolate War Alliance, he was from the Ancient Desolation Region, not an outsider.

Moreover, they all understand that the grievances between Emperor Jinwu and Lin Xun can only be regarded as personal feuds. If they are not in the same camp, they would not even bother to join in.

A quarter of an hour later.

Lin Xun came to the deepest part of this abandoned star field. This was a completely barren and chaotic starry sky. Countless meteorites turned into turbulent currents, tumbling like angry waves.

Space-time light strips splashed out of the terrifying void fault, flashing with a terrifying luster that was enough to make the emperor's ancestors tremble.

And in the depths of this meteorite group, there are three broken and withered world planes floating and sinking.

A monstrous golden flame burns like a kingdom of molten lava.

A quiet and cold place, where everything is depleted, with an atmosphere of devastation that depresses people's hearts, like a world turned into ruins.

The last one is a world bound by countless black chains, and the layers of chains flicker with destructive law fluctuations.

"The old monster of the Golden Crow was suppressed in that molten world, but if you want to see him, you have to pass this level first."

The ethereal and flat voice sounded, and in that silent and cold barren world, a figure stood up from the dust of the earth.

His beard and hair are scribbled, but he looks like a young man, with an ordinary appearance, and there is no breath fluctuations all over his body.

But when he saw this person, Da Huang's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing a dignified color, and the voice transmission reminded:

"I am afraid that this guy is the ancestor Li Cang, with a deep breath, isolated from heaven and earth, and has reached the perfection of the ancestral realm."

Lin Xun's black eyes narrowed slightly, and he remained calm.

After seeing that figure get up, he reached out and patted the dust all over his body, and gently stepped on the void.

In a short while, he came to the starry sky.

It gave the impression that it was not that he was moving, but that the world was surrounding him, which seemed incredible.

This young man is naturally the ancestor of Emperor Li Cang, and the leader of the Ancient Desolate War Alliance today.

His eyes are indifferent, his whole body has no breath fluctuations, like a worldly mortal, he can fall into the eyes of Lin Xun and Da Huang, Li Cang Ancestor is like the master of this starry sky, his breath, his strength, has long been integrated into this starry sky in every inch of the area!

"When Jin Chan was about to leave, he suppressed the old Jinwu monster with one hand. Within a hundred years, he will not be able to get out of trouble. Now, it is not over yet after a hundred years."

Emperor Li Cang said, "According to this seat's opinion, you might as well wait until the old Golden Crow gets out of trouble, and then end this personal grievance with him."

Lin Xun thought for a while, and only said four words: "Time is not waiting for me."

He is really busy.

This time, when he went to Kunlun Ruins, if he hadn't encountered this abandoned star field on the way, he probably wouldn't have thought about taking the initiative to find the Golden Crow monster.

"How long have you been cultivating, yet dare to say the words 'time does not wait for me'."

Emperor Li Cang smiled and said, "What's more, as far as I know, if you hadn't cut down the sacred fusang tree of the Golden Crow lineage, how could the Golden Crow old monster see you as a thorn in your side? Young people, you can't do things. Too aggressive."

Lin Xun frowned, "The grievance between me and the old guy is not because of the hibiscus tree, fellow Daoists don't understand the situation,

Better not jump to conclusions. "

The old monsters who were watching this scene secretly were all gasping for breath. They never thought that Lin Daoyuan would dare to be so strong even in the face of Emperor Li Cangzu.

But seeing the smile on the lips of Emperor Li Cang fade away, he glanced at Lin Xun, then looked at Da Huang, and said, "Emperor Xiao Zhan, are you here to support this son?"

Rhubarb grinned: "I can't talk about it, but I believe that people's personal grievances, such as outsiders like you and me, should not be mixed, so as not to cause a show."

Emperor Li Cang sighed and looked at Lin Xun again, "No matter who it is, the rules of the ancient war alliance cannot be changed, young man, you have a boundless future in the future, if you blindly cling to hatred, it will be your fault. Your practice is not good, I don’t want to embarrass you, and I hope you don’t embarrass me.”

There is no aggressive attitude in his words, but the high-pitched tone and the posture of teaching the younger generation are undoubtedly revealed.

This also made Lin Xun feel a little impatient, and said indifferently: "If you really plan to be an enemy of the Ancient Desolate War Alliance, why should Lin be humble and reserved? Fellow Daoist, Lin also hopes that you better not What big reason can you use to oppress me?"

The word daoist was bitten by Lin Xun extremely hard.

Emperor Li Cang couldn't help laughing, "You call this seat a Taoist friend?"

On the other hand, a young man like you is also worthy of my peers?

However, seeing that Lin Xun was not annoyed at all, he thought about it seriously, and said: "This name is indeed a bit inappropriate, strictly speaking, you have never set foot in the Supreme Emperor Realm, so naturally you are not the same as Lin, you were the same as before. After all, my Dao, in this world, can anyone comment on it casually?”

After a few words, Rhubarb couldn't help but be amused. This is completely justified and slapped in the face!

Who doesn't know that Lin Xun is the first existence to become an emperor in 100,000 years?

His avenue, who in this world is qualified to comment?

Emperor Li Cang's face was slightly gloomy, and it was obvious that these remarks also stimulated his heart, but it was impossible for him to refute it at all.


There are only a few words, but how can everyone understand the significance of it?

He stared at Lin Xun for a moment, and said, "It's futile after all."

"Then see the real chapter under your hand."

Lin Xun thought without hesitation.

In the real dragon world, it's not that he hasn't killed the emperor!

Emperor Li Cang let out a long sigh, and his demeanor seemed a little disappointed, "Well, I will take action today, so that you, Emperor Daoyuan, will wake up a bit, so that you can become a supreme emperor, and you can ignore the people of the world."


He reached out and grabbed it, the stars trembled in the sky, and the splendid Daoguang surged like a landslide and tsunami, turning into a five-fingered cage, covering Lin Xun.

It gives people the feeling that this starry sky is being used by him in his palm, and whoever is in the starry sky will be suppressed and imprisoned!

However, Lin Xun smiled: "It should have been this way, why should you be so nonsense, Da Huang!"

"Fuck him!"

Da Huang, who had been ready for a long time, let out a squeak and rushed over.

"Even adding you Xiaozhan's futile..."

Emperor Li Cang smiled indifferently, his mind turned, and hundreds of millions of rays of light spread out from the five-fingered cage, as if he wanted to suppress Lin Xun and Da Huang together.


Da Huang stretched out his claws, waved it fiercely, broke the five-finger cage, and continued to charge, looking fierce and unparalleled.

"If your master is here, maybe this seat will still be afraid of three points, but it's just you and this kid... It's inevitable that the man's arm will block the car."

But seeing Li Cang's Ancestor Yun Danfeng smiled lightly, his sleeves and robes fluttered, and his five fingers protruded.

But at this moment, a white radiance was released from Lin Xun's body, stabbing so much that Emperor Cang's eyes could not be opened.

It was at this moment that Da Huang's dog paw was fiercely photographed.


A muffled sound.

Li Cang Emperor Ancestor staggered, his figure fell to the ground, his head was dazed, and Venus appeared in front of his eyes.

what's the situation! ?

In an instant, it seemed like the sky had turned upside down, and making a powerful emperor like him exist successfully, there was a feeling of being caught off guard.

Just as Emperor Li Cang was about to get up, Da Huang pressed his paw on his vest and pinched his neck with one paw, as if he was catching an old rabbit. Keep on pretending!"

Emperor Li Cang was so ashamed and angry that he almost coughed up blood. In an instant, he was suppressed by a dog. This is definitely the greatest shame he has encountered so far in his practice!

And in the dark, all the old monsters who paid attention to this scene were stunned, and they couldn't even think of breaking their heads. The battle had just broken out, and the ancestors of Li Cang were suppressed!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would all suspect they were dreaming.

"I didn't expect that you, the dignified Xiaozhan Emperor, actually did a sneak attack!" Emperor Li Cang gritted his teeth, his pupils flickered with terrifying light, and his expression was terrifying.


Da Huang raised his dog's paw and slapped the back of Emperor Li Cang's head fiercely, "As an emperor, you bully a young man at the fourth level of Emperor Realm, don't you feel ashamed? Bah! Shameless old thing!"

Emperor Li Cang's eyes were red, and he was about to go crazy. He hissed: "Emperor Xiao Zhan, do you really want to make revenge with my ancient war alliance?"

In the past, he was light-hearted and aloof, like a master. Whether it was facing Da Huang or Lin Xun, he had the attitude of an old senior pointing the country.

But now, it is disheveled, suppressed in the void, lying there, trampled on by Da Huang, extremely embarrassed.

"Stop talking nonsense, you old guy is very bad. If you can't beat it, you will start to threaten the banner of the Ancient Wilderness War Alliance. Is it shameful to lose it?" Da Huang scolded.

"You..." Emperor Li Cang was so angry that he couldn't say anything.

"Da Huang, let him go." At this moment, Lin Xun said.

"Let it go?" Da Huang hesitated, "In case this old thing..."

"He has already been defeated, what's more, we are indeed not here to make revenge against the Ancient Desolate War Alliance, otherwise, why do you need to say such nonsense and just kill it." Lin Xun said casually.

Rhubarb nodded and turned to leave.

The old monsters who were secretly paying attention to all this also breathed a sigh of relief.

Ruo Lin Xunzhen and Li Cang Emperor Ancestor tore their faces, and they are both members of the Ancient Desolate War Alliance. They are destined to be unable to watch it.

But, will Emperor Li Cang be reconciled to suffer such a humiliation?

All eyes are looking at the past.


PS: Supplementary delivery!

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