Chapter 2335 Square Cun Ruins

? At the same time, Meng Lianqing also noticed Lin Xun, and after a slight stun, she withdrew her gaze, and the beautiful jade face showed a hint of complexity.

After entering the return to the market, she could not restrain her recollection of the past, and inevitably, she would also recall the scenes of her defeat at the hands of that person.

Now, seeing "Dao Yuan", a man who is somewhat similar to that person, his mood is no longer as calm as before.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around and looked at Lin Xun, "Fellow Daoist, we met again, why don't we go to Fangcun Ruins together?"

Everyone nearby was stunned and extremely surprised. Over the years, they had never seen Meng Lianqing take the initiative to invite someone of the opposite sex.

Especially those young handsome men beside Meng Lianqing, their brows were all wrinkled, but they all maintained their due restraint and demeanor.

It's just that the eyes they looked at Lin Xun had already brought scrutiny and a hint of hostility.

And Yan Jun was already excited, his eyes glowed, as if he was even more excited than Lin Xun, and said, "Brother, do you remember what I said just now, you are going to turn around!"

The corners of Lin Xun's lips twitched imperceptibly. He is a dignified emperor and needs to rely on a woman to transport him?

But before he could reply, Meng Lianqing had already taken the initiative to walk over, her pale golden skirt fluttered, and her body was as white and moist as ice and snow.

Her beautiful eyes were hazy, staring at Lin Xun, her red lips parted slightly, and she sighed softly, "Don't be surprised, fellow Daoist, it's just because you and my old friend are really similar, if it weren't for you not having him With his flamboyant demeanor and his invincible power when talking and laughing, I thought he was standing in front of me."

Lin Xun couldn't help but be surprised. No wonder people say that a woman's intuition is extremely terrifying. It's been so many years since Meng Lianqing almost recognized herself.

At the same time, Lin Xun noticed that many divine consciousnesses were like invisible cobwebs, shrouding his area, like a silent warning, telling him not to have any unreasonable thoughts on Meng Lianqing, otherwise. , the consequences will be serious!

If it were placed in other places, with Lin Xun's power of the Great Emperor Realm, if he showed it a little, he would be able to shock the masters of these gods to death.

But after all, it was returning to the ruins at this time, and Lin Xun didn't intend to make any noise before he knew the details of the "Master Daoist".

"Of course, you can't be that person. If it were him back then, stared at by so many consciousnesses, he would show his majesty as soon as possible.

Cover the entire field. "

Meng Lianqing's voice had a hint of disappointment.

This remark made the masters of the gods feel a little uncomfortable. Someone couldn't help but say, "Fairy Meng, who is that person you're talking about?"

Meng Lianqing said casually: "You should have heard of it, many years ago, when Guixu opened, this person once pushed a group of heroes in this demon holy secret realm by himself, causing an unknown amount of bloody killings, vigorously bullying the bulls of the demon clan. Swallowing the sky, Kong Xiu of the Yunji clan, Xuan Luozi of the Xuanao clan..."

She reported a series of names, each of which made everyone present tremble, and their expressions changed, because those names are now among the forces of the ancient remnants of this ancient sea of ​​annihilation, each of which can be regarded as a powerful existence!

It wasn't until the end that Meng Lianqing said, "These people were all his defeated generals back then. If it wasn't for the protection of the Soul Bone Talisman, they... I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to get out of the ruins at all."

At the end, her beautiful eyes glowed with brilliance, like a murmur: "In those days, he alone overwhelmed the heroes, and no one was invincible!"

But in her heart, she sighed in disappointment, "He... is still her own nightmare, like a shadow, lingering..."

"Lin Xun!"

Someone exclaimed.

For a time, the field was restless

Moved, all discolored, and finally realized who Meng Lianqing was talking about.

Although many years have passed since the events of the year, in this immemorial force of the remnants of all ethnic groups, who would not know the "Lin Demon God" who once killed all the heroes?

All the saint son characters with dazzling halo on their heads were suppressed by him!

This incident caused a lot of trouble back then.

At this time, Meng Lianqing said that the man in front of him actually looked like Lin Xun, so that the expressions of everyone present changed subtly.

Lin Xun listened and watched quietly. He couldn't help but feel strange. It's been many years, but there are still people who remember him in this sea of ​​souls?

This was beyond Lin Xun's expectations.

"I have always longed to defeat him, otherwise, when I think of what happened back then, I will inevitably feel depressed and unwilling, like a nightmare."

Meng Lianqing's beautiful eyes kept staring at Lin Xun, looking at his indifferent and indifferent appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, "Unfortunately, you are not him after all... But no matter what, meeting you today has made me realize that if I don't let me The erasure of this nightmare in my heart will most likely affect my future path, so I will tell you so much."

Lin Xun said: "That person may not care about this for a long time, the girl should just keep an eye on it."

To be honest, if he hadn't returned to the ruins this time, he would have even forgotten about the "Fairy Dream" who was admired by all the stars in front of him.

Meng Lianqing suppressed her inner emotions and smiled, "You don't understand, let's go, let's go to Fangcun Ruins together."

Saying that, she turned around and walked forward.

Lin Xun didn't refuse, and walked across the sky.

Yan Jun, whose cheeks were already flushed with excitement, hurriedly followed, raised his thumb without a trace, made a gesture of "brother, you can!" to Lin Xun, and followed obediently to one side, his eyes admiring and obsessed. , looked at Meng Lianqing's figure in front of him frantically.

It was the first time that he followed behind his favorite goddess so closely.

When the young Junyan who had been crowding around Meng Lianqing before saw this, he couldn't help looking at each other, his eyes looking at Lin Xun became more vigilant and repulsive, as if he regarded him as a rival in love.

Lin Xun was calm and calm, turning a blind eye, how could he take these small characters to heart, in that case, he would simply surrender his identity, and the only person who would be laughed at was himself.

After all, bullying a group of small fish and shrimp in the identity of the Great Emperor is really not good...

Fortunately, these young talents are all self-confident in their status. Although they wish to drive Lin Xun away from Meng Lianqing's side, they still maintain a corresponding demeanor on the surface.

Along the way, wherever Meng Lianqing went, the eyes of all the strong men along the way would be attracted by coincidence.

This is the prestige and fame of Meng Lianqing today. She is extremely talented and elegant, like a fairy in the dust, and she is destined to attract countless eyes.

As for Lin Xun who followed him... also attracted a lot of attention, but most of them were amazed and puzzled, as if he didn't understand the identity of this strange man, and he could walk shoulder to shoulder with Fairy Meng.

But most people ignored Lin Xun directly. With Meng Lianqing in his presence, his demeanor was destined to make others dim.

This is also the first time that Lin Xun has accidentally become a foil since he returned to the lower realm.

As for these, Lin Xun still maintained an indifferent attitude, as if in his eyes, there are only heaven, earth and all things, but there is no one who can be seen.

Returning to the Demon Saint Secret Realm this time, he keenly discovered that it was completely different from the past, and he did not encounter any danger along the way!

"It seems that in order to attract people to listen to the Dao, he also spent a lot of thought."

Lin Xun was thoughtful.

Everyone flew away, and the closer they got to the Fangcun Ruins, the more cultivators they encountered on the road. In the end, there were splendid lights everywhere, roaring forward like rain.

After observation, what surprised Lin Xun was that there were some senior figures who had entered the emperor realm after dormant!

When did the Emperor Realm appear in the lower realm?

This discovery surprised Lin Xun by surprise.

You know, this is the lower realm!

In those days, let alone the realm of the emperor, the quasi-emperor could be called an existence like a dragon in the sky, like a legend.

However, when he thought of the Zi Yao Empire, where the old man and the old priest were also dormant, Lin Xun vaguely felt that perhaps in the years he had been away, some kind of big change had taken place in the lower realm that he didn't even know about!

While thinking about it, a distant bell sounded like the sound of heaven, echoing in the sky, revealing a calming sense of solemnity.

The figures who were on their way all stopped talking, and their expressions became serious, and even with a pious flavor, they all looked into the distance.

On the ground, there is a huge lotus-like mountain range, with forty-nine standing guards, towering and majestic, bathed in divine chaos.

And in the sky above the lotus-shaped mountain range, there was a figure with his back to all beings, sitting high in the Nine Heavens, surrounded by billions of Ruiguang Shenxi, like a god in ancient legends, becoming the most sacred and only one under the sky.

Square inch ruins!

Lord Dao!

In an instant, including Meng Lianqing, the countless figures who came at this moment showed shocking colors.

See the master!

When he arrived here, Lin Xun's heart also fluctuated.

Back then, together with Lao Ha and Zhao Jingxuan, he climbed this mountain, and it was also here that he obtained the inheritance of the Master of Fangcun and the inheritance brand of his senior brother Dou Zhandi.

Now that he has returned, the sacred mountain that looks like a lotus is still there, but compared with that year, there is a so-called "Master Daoist".

Lin Xun's eyes looked over, and at a glance, he saw that the figure sitting high on the Nine Heavens, with its back to all beings, was just a projection of will.

Could it be your fourth senior brother?

"Brother, quickly find a place to sit down." Yan Jun next to him quickly transmitted his voice.

Lin Xun turned his head and saw the figures who came one after another, all of them looking for a place nearby, sitting cross-legged one by one.

And in the area closest to the sacred mountain, long before they arrived, they were already full of figures, densely packed, covering the ground like a black tide.

The number of people is more than one hundred thousand!

Between heaven and earth, there is a solemn, quiet atmosphere, everyone sits cross-legged, looks pious and serious, listening to the voices above the nine heavens to explain the avenue.

In a trance, it seems to go back to the ancient times, when a Taoist patriarch opened up a dojo, sat and preached, and taught all beings!

Bursts of bells resounded, resounding like the sound of the heavens, resounding between heaven and earth, and expounding the meaning of the Dao, the words are pearly, deafening, and reaching the hearts of the people.

Everyone’s cultivation base is different, their understanding is different, but when listening, they all gain something, or show intoxication, or show thinking, or be stunned, or smile...

Lin Xun noticed that even some emperor-level figures looked solemn and pious, listening intently and enlightened!

Lin Xun couldn't help but be surprised by these scenes.

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