The 3163rd chapter oblique moon 3 stars Lingtai square inch

Maple Ferry.

When the crowd woke up from the shock, they realized that Lin Xun had already left at an unknown time.

"Do you still remember how the Master in the early days left this Mortal Transformation Realm?"

Suddenly, someone spoke up.

"It is rumored that when the Origin Master arrived in the Mortal Transformation Realm, there were only dozens of Dao Karma in Zhou Tiandao, and the Origin Master competed with them one by one, and they all won in understatement. At that time, the Chaos Dao Fruit also never appeared, so that Let the Origin Master be trapped in this Mortal Transformation World for a hundred years."

"Later, it is said that the lord of the early days realized the ultimate mystery of the Taoism of Zhou Tiandao in the Mortal Transformation Realm, and he took one step, the gate of heaven opened by itself, and he left the Mortal Transformation Realm."

Someone whispered.

"This is just a legend, no one knows if it's true or not."

"Don't forget, the Dao Karma ruled by the primordial beginning is not included in the Zhou Tian Dao Principle. If you hadn't comprehended the ultimate mystery of the Zhou Tian Dao Principle, how could you have achieved this step?"

"You don't have to argue about it. Don't you think that Lin Xun's current situation is somewhat similar to that of the original master?"

The field suddenly became much quieter, and the expressions of many people were changing.

Compare the current Lin Xun with the former ruler of the beginning?

"From time immemorial to the present, the Lord of Absolute Beginning is regarded as one of the first beings to enter the Great Perfection of the Infinite Realm. It has not been known how many epochs it has been since he has proven the Dao, and there are almost no one in these wonderful Taoist ruins who can match him. shoulder to shoulder."

"That's not necessarily the case. For example, the swordsman, didn't he use his own Taoism to turn into a sword lock and bind the ruler of the beginning to this day?"

"Everyone, the current ruler of Absolute Beginning is naturally incomparable to Lin Xun. But the current Lin Xun has a heritage that is comparable to that of the Master of Absolute Beginning back then!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent again.

Indeed, with Lin Xun's current background and achievements, it is enough to be comparable to that of the Absolute Beginning Master in the Mortal Transformation Realm back then. This is an indisputable fact, and no one can refute it!

After a long time, someone whispered: "Now let's take a look, who is stronger and who is weaker in the Taoism of Lin Xun and his master Fangcun, Ruo Lin Xun won, and the chaotic Taoism still does not appear,

Then the situation that Lin Xun encountered was the same as the ruler of the beginning of the year. "

"Similarly, Ruo Lin Xun lost... all of this is impossible to talk about."


Between heaven and earth, Lin Xun walks among the vast mountains and rivers by relying on the virtuality to control the wind.

After the battle with Jin Chan, he suddenly had an uncontrollable feeling in his heart, as if he had broken a layer of barriers, there was a kind of change in his whole body that "the cup overflows when the glass is full".

This made Lin Xun realize that his cultivation had broken through again. He should have completed the middle stage of the Infinite Realm and entered the later stage of the Infinite Realm in one fell swoop.

At this time, he wandered freely between the heavens and the earth, experiencing the various changes caused by his Taoism, and he felt an indescribable sense of pleasure and joy in his heart.

It's like the flood that burst from the embankment, and it is like the rain of nine days. That kind of transformation on the road is simply the greatest enjoyment on the road of cultivation.

Day after day passed, Lin Xun's figure never stopped, stepping over mountains, rivers and rivers, passing through endless rivers and mountains, seeing the appearance of all beings in the world...

After half a month.

Lin Xun slammed his feet, and in the distance, a blue sea appeared, with magnificent waves.

Above the blue sea, the sea gulls flocked together, the fish occasionally jumped out of the sea, setting off a wave after another, and above one of the sea areas, a stone tablet was suspended.

The stele is engraved with a three-star pattern of an oblique moon.

When Lin Xun arrived, in the territory around the blue sea, I don't know how many powerful people have already gathered, as if all the powers of the world of mortal transformation have come together, and there are shadows everywhere.

This battle has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the world!

After all, it has been nine months since Lin Xun fought, and he has won many battles. At the moment, there is only one Dao Karma that is worthy of a duel.

In addition, this Daoist Dharma has a lot to do with Lin Xun.

If Lin Xun loses, all his previous victories will be in vain.

But if he wins, for the entire Mortal Transformation Realm, it is no less than another deed that can be passed down through the ages!

Lin Xun also noticed this scene, and he even caught the figures of Xingjianxia, ​​Fu Nanli and other old friends at a glance.

After nodding to them, Lin Xun went straight above the blue sea and swept towards the stone tablet.

Along the way, I don't know how many eyes moved.

"Xieyue Sanxing is for 'heart', and Lingtai Fangcun is also 'heart'. Master, disciples have long known that the foundation of our Fangcun Mountain lies on the state of mind."

Standing in front of the stone tablet, Lin Xun murmured in his heart, "And you once said to the brothers and sisters that the disciples do not have to be inferior to the masters. Today, the disciples are here to ask you to teach me a thing or two about the Taoism you left in the past."

He cupped his hands in the distance and bowed in salute.


The stone stele buzzed and turned into a tall and thin figure, as if sitting high on nine days, with snow-white beard and hair, immortal style and bone, Confucianism, Buddhism, and demon power, but neither immortal nor Confucianism nor Confucianism. Buddha, neither demon nor demon.

That kind of breath, the end is mysterious and mysterious, and there is no way to describe it.

This figure is naturally the dharma image of Taoism left by the master of square inches!

When it appeared, in the territory near the blue sea, all the great powers felt their hearts, as if they saw the master of ten thousand Taos and the master of the heavens, with a feeling of awe from the top of the mountain and from the heart.

It was an invisible aura that made people unable to even think of blasphemy, disrespect, or confrontation in the face of him!

Lin Xun also felt this overwhelming momentum.

Even a long time ago, Lin Xun has seen more than once the law of will left by the master of the master Fangcun, but compared with the law of Taoism in front of him, it is completely different from cloud and mud!

Suddenly, the master of Fangcun shot, and shot it with a random palm.


When this palm appeared, in the nearby area, the great masters who were watching only felt that their moods were severely damaged, and in a trance, they were like small ants, and that big hand could cover the sky and suppress it!

Everyone has only one thought left: This palm is like the vastness of the sky, and it can't be stopped at all!

An indescribable despair began to grow wildly in their minds, and just when they were almost unable to hold it, a clear and indifferent voice suddenly resounded:



Those great experts only felt dark in front of them, and the mood that was about to be unbearable suddenly broke free from the despair and helplessness.

But even so, they still suffered backlash, and many people's faces turned pale, their figures staggered, and they almost fell from the void.

All of them were filled with astonishment.

What a terrifying power of the palm!

Acting directly on the state of mind, even watching from a distance, makes them unable to support the existence of these immeasurable realms. If you shoot them directly...

The consequences are unimaginable!

When they looked into the distance, Lin Xun was already fighting with the Lord of Fangcun.

The fighting method of the master of square inches is extremely simple. He keeps waving his hands and taking pictures again and again.

But when each palm is shot, it directly hits people's mood!

This seems extremely inconceivable. The state of mind is an extremely mysterious power, but at this moment, it can't escape the bombardment of the palm of the master of square inches.


Some spectators coughed up blood directly, turned around and left, not daring to take another look.

The other spectators were also extremely uncomfortable. They were only watching from a distance, but they were still affected, and their mood was like being bombarded by heavy hammers all the time.

Gradually, more and more spectators chose to withdraw.

Some people tried to hold on, but after just a few breaths, they coughed up blood and screamed, and their mood almost collapsed.

In just a moment, there was no more spectator on this blue sea!


boom! boom! boom!

Lin Xun only felt that his state of mind was like a cauldron. With the palm force of the master of Fangcun, the walls of the cauldron roared and shook violently, making him almost feel like a collapse.

This is a psychological blow, it is extremely mysterious, and it is completely different from other avenues of time.

At the beginning, Lin Xun could still fight.

But gradually, they can only protect themselves.

"I didn't expect that Lin Xun had mastered the power of the state of mind to such an incredible level. With his daoism, how could he only be listed first in Zhou Tiandao?"

Lin Xun's pressure doubled and he was very puzzled.

Jin Chan's insubstantiality is mysterious and unique enough. Never thought that the power of his master's state of mind was stronger!

In contrast, the Daoist Laws of Ape Ancestor, Black Crow, and Chen Linkong were obviously easier to fight against.


The slaps suffered by the furnace of the mood became more and more fierce, making Lin Xun dare not think about it any more.

He abandons distracting thoughts, concentrates his energy on the place of the state of mind, and moves the way of the whole body.

At the same time, Lin Xun subconsciously activated the holy fighting method in the nine inheritances of Fangcun.

At this moment, an incredible scene happened.

The mood like a cauldron, like a burning flame, suddenly emerged with an unparalleled fighting spirit, which made the mood also stabilized.

When the palm of the master of Fangcun came, although it still caused a terrible impact on the mood furnace, it was not so difficult to endure.

This made Lin Xun's spirit refreshed. As expected, the nine major inheritances of Fangcun were created by the master, and a long time ago, he had integrated these nine Taoist scriptures into himself, but he had never encountered the conflict between moods before. Fighting for the front, so that I let myself suffer a shock in a hurry...

Thinking of this, Lin Xun ran other lineages at the same time, such as the Yuanshi Heart Sutra, the Floating Sutra, the Infinity Sutra, He Hua Zizai Sutra, Free Travel, Travelers Without Borders, Zhizhi Sutra, A Square Inch Makes a Prison...

Every inheritance includes all phenomena and can be traced back to its origin, but it is inextricably related to the power of mood.

At this moment, with Lin Xun's operation, his mood furnace is also showing all kinds of wonderful visions, not only completely stabilized, but also giving birth to many insights that have never been experienced before.

What's especially amazing is that when the palm of the master of the square inch strikes again, Lin Xun not only did not feel any impact, but instead produced a strange resonance-like rhythm.

It's as if the state of mind is a piece of stubborn iron, which is being beaten again and again to remove the turnips and save the greens!

"This...couldn't it be a good fortune that Master left me..." At this time, Lin Xun couldn't help but have a thought in his mind.


Supplement to send~

Two things to say, 1. If there is no accident this month, the book will definitely be finished. There are a lot of things to say, but after thinking about it, it is more important to go all out to finish the book and write down some random thoughts and emotions. Let's go to the WeChat public account.

2. At the beginning of the month, Goldfish asks children to vote for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thank you~

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