The third thousand one hundred and seventy-eight chapters set foot on the river of human growth

In the courtyard, Su Wanjun was dressed in red clothes, and her white jade hand was holding a pot of wine, filling Lin Xun and Xia Zhi one by one, and the aroma of the wine suddenly filled the courtyard.

Afterwards, she poured herself another glass and said, "The name of this wine is 'Humble Heart'. I asked for it from an old friend back then. I have treasured it for a long time, and I usually don't want to take a sip. You can try it."

As she said that, she drank it herself first, and a flush of red appeared on her snow-white and beautiful face, adding a bright color.

Lin Xun raised his glass and sipped, and his mood suddenly filled with wonderful ripples, and the whole person's consciousness appeared in a trance for a moment, as if thousands of tastes spread between his chest.

After a while, Lin Xun nodded and said, "It is indeed a good wine. This... should be a gift from that senior swordsman, right?"

Su Wanjun glanced at Lin Xun in surprise and said, "Yes, but don't ask me about him, otherwise..."

She pointed to the position of her heart, "My mood will have problems."

Lin Xun's heart froze, he understands the great danger hidden behind these words, it is very likely that in Jun Suwan's heart, things related to the swordsman have become her obsession!

And paranoid to the point of not wanting to mention it to anyone.

Originally, Lin Xun planned to talk about the three-inch wooden sword and Lingyuan, but now he has given up the idea.

Next, while drinking, they chatted about things related to the traceability world.

This gave Lin Xun a further understanding of Zhou Tiandao in this world.

The chaotic origin power of the traceable world has been transformed into the Zhoutian Dao principle that maintains the entire world. If a cultivator wants to leave this world, he must comprehend the "Pillow of Yellow Beams".

In this way, whether or not to trace back and make up for the shortcomings of past life, it can lead to "chaos Dao fruit" and enter the gate of heaven.

Over the years, Su Wanjun had already had the opportunity to leave, but she was reluctant to leave, and even decided to settle down in this traceable world.

Exactly when to leave is entirely up to her mind.

Although she didn't say the reason for this, Lin Xun could still guess something.

Through the "Pillow of Yellow Liangliang", Su Wanjun can return to the long river of her past life,

In her past life, the existence of the swordsman undoubtedly occupied the most important position in her heart.

"Senior, I have a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Lin Xun pondered.

"I know what you want to say, don't worry, I won't try to make up for the flaws in the past. In that case, I'm destined to change nothing, but it will make me fall into desperation."

Su Wanjun looked indifferent, as if he had seen through everything.

After thinking for a while, she said, "When I first arrived at the Zhongmiao Dao Ruins, I thought he would always wait for me at the Zhongmiao Dao Ruins. But now I know that he has already been rebuilt in reincarnation..."

"But it doesn't matter. I believe that sooner or later he will come. He used to wait for me here, and I will wait for him here in the future."

In the end, her voice carried a firm calm meaning.

After Lin Xun heard this, he sighed in his heart.

He didn't understand the relationship between Su Wanjun and the swordsman, but he felt the "idiot" in Su Wanjun's heart!

This kind of thing, he is destined to be impossible to help.


that night.

In the courtyard, Xia Zhi sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and he meditated on the principles of Zhou Tiandao in this world.

Lin Xun stood not far away, protecting her.

In the quiet night, time passed silently.

Not long after, Lin Xun was sharp

It was noticed that the mysterious primordial aura of chaos descended from the sky, bathing the figure of the summer solstice in it.

At this moment, Xia Zhi's Qi machine also changed quietly, as if her soul was out of her body, taking away her whole body of Taoism and disappearing out of thin air.

On the spot, only her beautiful body was bathed in the primordial aura of chaos.

"She has sensed the Pillow of Huang Liang and entered into her past life." Su Wanjun on the side said softly.

Lin Xun's eyes flickered, and he said, "The source power of this source tracing world can enable cultivators to trace the past. The power of the rules involved is too miraculous."

"The past, present, and future represent one's life. If you look closely, you will find that fate, cause and effect, and the power of time are involved. Going back to the past is like going against the current of time to make up for the defects, which is equivalent to changing the fate. When fate changes, cause and effect change with it.”

Su Wanjun said casually, "But the source of chaos in the origin world is obviously not so simple. It can allow me to return to the past and change fate and cause and effect. This kind of power is afraid to surpass fate, Cause and effect, above the years!"

Lin Xun nodded. He also thought about these questions, but he had a different opinion, saying: "If you say that it is above fate, cause and effect, and time, it is not so. In my opinion, the source of chaos in this traceable world is the source of chaos. The power contained in it should be the ultimate mystery involving these three supreme avenues."

He also masters the rules of fate and time, and he knows very well that these two supreme avenues are obscure and mysterious beyond imagination. Even now, he is just cultivating these two supreme avenues to the point of "infinite rules". .

As for the ultimate mysteries of these two supreme avenues, even he is not clear.

In the final analysis, it still lies in one's own cultivation.

Dao, infinity.

When going down to the five realms, what a cultivator can comprehend is the rhyme and meaning of the Tao.

In the long-lived realm, one can comprehend the law of long-lived.

The Holy Land rules the laws of the Holy Way.

The emperor's realm uses the laws of the emperor's way.

The immortal realm can use the law of immortality.

The Eternal Realm holds the eternal rules.

But whether it is Dao rhyme, Dao meaning, holy Dao, imperial Dao, or immortal laws and eternal rules, in the final analysis, they are all control of Dao!

The reason for this is because the continuous improvement of one's own cultivation realm has made one's own understanding of the Dao gradually deepened.

Just like now, although Lin Xun's Taoism is unbelievably powerful, the Taoist power he controls is only in the category of "immeasurable realm".

And the source power of this traceability world obviously involves the power of fate, time, and cause and effect, but it is far beyond the level that Lin Xun can control and understand at present.

Therefore, he will make such a judgment.

"What you said is not bad. The immeasurable realm is regarded as the ultimate realm of the Dao. Those who reach the perfection of the infinite realm are equivalent to stepping into the ultimate realm of this realm. But I have been thinking that the infinite realm is only the last of the eternal road. Realm. And above this eternal path, will there be a higher path..."

Su Wanjun murmured softly, "This is destined to be an unsolved problem. After all, if there really exists a higher path, why would he... choose to reincarnate?"

"He" is naturally the swordsman.

Lin Xun said: "I think that the reason why the senior swordsman reincarnates in reincarnation may be because he has seen the higher path. And the purpose of his reincarnation reincarnation is to find a way to truly set foot on the road. This higher road, in one fell swoop, is completely detached from the boundless realm of the eternal road.

. "

Su Wanjun was stunned for a moment, then silently said, "Maybe."

This kind of secret that involves the ultimate detachment, looking at the entire wonderful Taoist market, no one has given a clear answer so far!

Therefore, there will be all kinds of scrutiny and speculation.

"Would you like to go to understand Zhou Tiandao as well? I can help you and Miss Xiazhi take care of the Taoist body." Su Wanjun said.

Lin Xun shook his head and said, "Let's wait for Xia Zhi to wake up."

Su Wanjun is not reluctant.

To her surprise, only half an hour later, Xia Zhi's delicate body suddenly trembled, followed by the original energy and life fluctuations on her body, and she quietly opened her eyes.

And the primordial aura of chaos shrouded in her body disappeared.

"So fast?"

Su Wanjun couldn't help but said.

Xia Zhi stood up and said, "I just watched it through my past life, and I didn't waste any time."

"You don't want to change something?"

Suwan-jun asked again.

"I care more about the present than the past and the future."

Summer Solstice without hesitation.

Su Wanjun looked at Xiazhi, then looked at Lin Xun, she seemed to understand, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit in her heart. If one day, she could be like him, not caring about the past and the future, but only about the things in this life and the present, then How happy should it be?

Next, Lin Xun sat cross-legged and began to meditate to understand the Zhoutian Dao of this world.

In just an instant, his consciousness sensed a wonderful and obscure source of chaotic power, and his mind swayed into the nine-day cloud in a trance, and came to a vast and endless nothingness.

Then, a jade pillow transformed by the source of chaos appeared in the mind.

On the jade pillow, the mysterious and unspeakable destiny, cause and effect, and the breath of time were clearly surging, and when Lin Xun thought about it.

In an instant, his consciousness appeared in a trance, like sleepwalking through the ages, and the soul and Daoxing also quietly left the body.


In the vast nothingness, a mighty river rushes out of nothingness and flows into the endless depths of nothingness.

Lin Xun's figure appeared on the river.

Is this the long river of past life?

When Lin Xun glanced at it, countless bizarre pictures appeared from the waves of the big river, including the scene when he was born, the bits and pieces of following Lu Boya in the mine prison, and the days when he was a teenager in Feiyun Village. The quiet years of living...

The rolling waves, like the nodes of the past life, outline a magnificent river of human growth.

A river of people who belonged to Lin Xun's past!

When he saw such an incredible scene, Lin Xun couldn't help but have a lot of thoughts that he couldn't restrain.

There is no regret medicine in this world.

But now, what is the difference between having the opportunity to make up for the shortcomings of the past life and getting the real regret medicine?

If you have such an opportunity now, as long as you are willing, you can change everything in the past!

Faced with such a choice, how many people in this world can resist the temptation?

But soon, Lin Xun calmed down.

Like Xiazhi, his past life does not need to be compensated or changed at all.

Even if there are many regrets, resentment, helplessness, remorse... But those are all precious experiences for Lin Xun, and they are the cornerstones of his road.

Only in this way can he have the Taoism he has today!

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