The third thousand one hundred and eighty chapters enter the gate of eternity

What makes Lin Xun feel difficult is that——

If the origin of the Great Abyss swallowing the sky is related to the lord of the beginning, then the lord of the beginning will definitely be able to predict that when he realizes all this, he will try to make up for it.

And under such circumstances, the ruler of the beginning may have already laid his hands behind him, waiting for him to throw himself into the net!

But if you don't make up for it, this is an unpredictable hidden danger after all, and doubts can bring fatal threats at any time.

At this moment, Xia Zhi suddenly said: "Lin Xun, you can go to the gate of eternity without going to the river of that person's growth."

She waved her sleeves.


The vast and thick, the eternal boat like a bronze coffin emerges out of thin air.

Xia Zhidao said: "The Secret Realm of Tongtian is not only the secret key to open this eternal boat, but also the star map to the Gate of Eternity. When you use the innate power of the Great Abyss to swallow the sky as a guide, you can condense the Gate of Eternity when you run the Secret Realm of Tongtian."

Knowing this, Lin Xun was stunned at first, and then showed a happy expression, "I didn't expect that the gate of eternity is far away in the sky and in front of me!"

"You didn't ask me before, I thought you already knew."

Xia Zhi said.

Lin Xun blushed for a while.

In the final analysis, it was in the past that he never planned to seek the secrets of the Eternal Gate, so that he did not understand them.

Su Wanjun on the side smiled and said, "In this way, you don't have to worry about making up for past deficiencies and causing uncontrollable changes in the trajectory of your past destiny and cause and effect."

If you don't go to that person's growth river to change the past, naturally it will not cause changes in the past destiny and cause and effect.

Lin Xun was also much more relaxed, and walked to the eternal boat.

This treasure is vast and thick, and a mysterious star map is imprinted in the center, which is transformed by the secret realm of Tongtian.

"I want to see what is hidden in the gate of eternity..."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and pressed his right palm on the star map.

As he used the power of the Great Abyss to swallow the sky,

The mysterious star map suddenly glowed, producing waves of strange ripples.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the void, and a portal appeared as if breaking through the barriers of the ages. The chaotic aura in the portal was transpiring, and the light and shadow flowed, as if hundreds of millions of stars were surrounded.

The gate of eternity!

Lin Xun recognized it at a glance, the original Lord of Tongtian had encountered this portal.

But before Lin Xun thought about it, a terrifying breath emerged from the gate of eternity, and a stalwart figure with golden rays of light appeared, just like the legendary supreme god of war.


The golden figure's eyes were like burning lamps, locked on Lin Xun in an instant, without any hesitation, he directly waved a golden halberd and slashed at Lin Xun.


The halberd swung into the sky, setting off an endless rain of rules.

Lin Xun's figure remained motionless until the golden halberd slashed, and he suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in the void.

The golden halberd was suddenly firmly grasped!

With Lin Xun's palms exerting force, the unpredictable golden halberd shattered inch by inch, and the golden figure holding the halberd was even more shocked.

"Boundless existence!"

The golden figure made a surprised sound.

But he did not flinch, and a golden halberd was condensed in his hand again, but when it was cut out, it drew a terrifying and boundless light of catastrophe.

That is the power of the Great Silent Tribulation!

As early as in the Ruins of Fortune, Lin Xun had encountered a similar calamity, but at that time, it was borrowed by Ying Shanying, the messenger of destiny.

But now, it was displayed by the golden figure.

Seeing this, Lin Xun became more and more certain that this gate of eternity had a great relationship with the beginning of time!


When the robbery came, Lin Xun finally moved, and smashed out with a fist, as if destroying the dead, and easily smashed the power of the great silence and lifeless robbery.

And that terrifying fist strength, the golden figure's body was cracked, and the whole body was scattered like rain!


The golden figure flew upside down fiercely, before turning around and fleeing towards the depths of the gate of eternity.

"Xiazhi, you and Senior Su stay here, I'll go back when I go." Lin Xun said as he rushed into the gate of eternity.


The light and fog are vast, and a path paved by Daoguang appears in the gate of eternity, extending to the endless depths.

As soon as he entered it, Lin Xun felt a strange and unfamiliar atmosphere of rules, just like maintaining the order of one world.

"In this gate of eternity, is it that one of the worlds fails?"

Lin Xun thought about it as he swept into the depths of the path.

His consciousness could sense that the golden figure who had been injured and left before was fleeing ahead.

Seeing this, Lin Xun chased after him unhurriedly.

After a full quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, in Lin Xun's consciousness, he suddenly lost his sense of the golden figure, as if the other party suddenly disappeared.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xun continued to move forward. After a while, he saw the exit of this path, slowly spinning like a vortex.

Just by looking at Lin Xun, you can know that the golden figure should leave the vortex.


Lin Xun's body flashed a ray of light, condensed a clone, and rushed into the vortex first.

And his deity is close behind.

After a while, Lin Xun was moved to a world.

Before Lin Xun could see the scene of the world, a dull roaring collision sounded, and the bright Dao light splashed and spread.

It was also at this time that Lin Xuncai saw that the avatar of the Great Dao, which had arrived before him, was ambushed!

It was a group of cultivators, there were nine of them, and each of them was radiant and terrifying, and the treasures they manipulated were filled with an aura of catastrophe.

That is the power of the Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation that is enough to make the characters of the Great Boundless Realm feel terrified!

Obviously, if Lin Xun was the first to rush in just now, he was destined to suffer such a siege.


Lin Xun raised his hand, and the Dao avatar, which was under siege, turned into a light and disappeared out of thin air.

The group of cultivators was stunned for a moment, and then they all realized that they had been fooled. Their faces became gloomy, and they all came to Lin to kill them without hesitation.


In an instant, the overwhelming aura of catastrophe turned into thunder and lightning and shrouded Lin Xun.

They all have the Dao deeds of the immeasurable level, but they are far from being powerful, but because they can borrow the power of the Great Silence and Lifeless Tribulation, it makes them a great threat.

If it were another cultivator, he would have long since retreated from fear.

How could Lin Xun be afraid of these.


He stretched out his right hand and made a stroke in the void.

The roaring force of catastrophe was easily torn apart like a cloth.

As Lin Xun took a step, a terrifying power spread.

Bang bang bang!

The bodies of the nine cultivators on the opposite side froze, and then one by one was oppressed to the point of kneeling on the ground, imprisoning their whole body.

Looking at their expressions again, they were full of fear and horror.

Lin Xun ignored this.

He glanced around, the sky was dark, the earth was boundless, there was no sun, moon, stars, no vegetation, mountains and rivers, it was empty.

It was as if there were only heaven and earth, boundless.

This is the world inside the gate of eternity?

Lin Xun raised his eyebrows, looked at the group of cultivators who were being suppressed, and said, "Lin has just arrived, and there are many things that are unclear, so I want to ask you all..."

It wasn't that he didn't want to search for souls, but that he remembered what happened to Ying Shanying at the beginning.

After Ying Shanying was imprisoned at that time, he once said that the messenger of destiny who borrowed the great silence and lifeless robbery like him, has already left the brand of the master of the beginning of time in his body. Death.

Therefore, at this moment, Lin Xun will not do this.

The faces of those cultivators were ugly. Although they were imprisoned and their lives were at stake, they all said nothing.

This made Lin Xun frown, and just as he was about to say something, a gentle and clear laughter came from the sky far away:

"Lin Xun, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you want to know, just come to me."

The figure is like the morning bell and the evening drum, revealing the strength that directly reaches the heart.

If you were an ordinary person, your state of mind would be silently surrendered in an instant, and you would involuntarily have awe at the owner of the voice and follow his orders.

But for Lin Xun, whose state of mind had already reached the level of "heart travels thousands of miles, and his heart knows forever", the power contained in this voice had no influence on him at all.


Suddenly, Lin Xun's pupils shrank, and he saw the nine cultivators who were suppressed by himself. After the sound, they all turned into ashes and disappeared!

"It's just some underlings who don't have long eyes, so they should make amends for the little friend."

The clear and gentle voice sounded again, casual and natural, as if killing the nine immeasurable existences was nothing to him at all.

In that casual attitude, it is full of coldness and indifference.

Lin Xun was silent for a moment, then smiled suddenly, and said, "I don't need to apologize, I just want to see what the mystery is hidden in the gate of eternity. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid I will. No mercy."

The sound was still floating, he had already stepped forward, and in an instant, he had crossed the boundless world and arrived at the place where the sound came from.

The world here is still dark, but in the void, there are densely packed, nearly countless flames of light, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

It gives people the feeling that it is like hundreds of millions of stars and lights dotted there, burning quietly, and the flames emitted are also strong and weak, bright and dark, and different colors.

And not far away, a Taoist platform was built.

There is nothing special about the Taoist platform, but because of the figure sitting cross-legged on it, the Taoist platform suddenly has an indescribable charm, as if standing above the nine heavens, and it seems to be suspended at the end of eternity. ethereal.

The figure was dressed in a mysterious robe, neatly dressed, and there were strands of crystal clear catastrophe chains around his body, like the number of sands in the Ganges, infinite, and he himself was invincible and transcendent.

When he saw this person, Lin Xun's pupils shrank suddenly.

Dominate in the beginning! !

As early as in the emptiness above the dome of the Mortal Transformation Realm, Lin Xun had seen the Dao and Karma signs left by the other party, how could he not recognize the other party?

However, Lin Xun never imagined that he would see this terrifying existence called the supreme legend in the world inside the Eternal Gate.

Doesn't it mean that he was trapped by the swordsman's sword lock many epochs ago, and was suppressed in a secret world of the mysterious gods?

At this time, the black-robed man on the Taoist platform had raised his eyes to look at Lin Xun, his voice was gentle, and his clear eyes were smiling, saying:

"Lin Xiaoyou don't have to be nervous, and you don't have to be unrelenting. I was waiting for you, and I will solve your doubts for you."

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