The Prodigies War

Chapter 3209: The Origin of Xuanhuang

Dusou looked stunned, rolled his eyes after a while, and said, "What's the use of talking nonsense in the future!"

The old priest said: "Because I firmly believe that Lin Xun can not only enter this Xuanhuang realm, but also cross the path of slashing and reach the realm of the mysterious gods."

The old man was silent for a while, and said, "If Lin Xun has the opportunity to enter the Xuanhuang Realm, I will give my life to fight for the opportunity to leave this realm for him!"

The old priest said: "In the final analysis, you are afraid of the nine opponents of the Nine Departments of the Absolute Beginning."

In this Xuanhuang realm, there are currently only eleven people.

He and Dusou occupy the second place, and the other nine people are the nine messengers of destiny in the Nine Departments of the Absolute Beginning.

There is a huge disparity in numbers.

In terms of strength, the two and the other nine are also at the same level, and there may be a slight gap, but this gap can be completely ignored.

Over the years, the two have had many conflicts and fights with each other. Although they could not resist the siege of each other every time, it was not difficult to escape to save their lives.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I know that as long as Lin Xun comes, the nine old things will definitely deal with Lin Xun desperately."

The old man said, "In this Xuanhuang world, the competition is to control the 'Xuanhuang Origin'. Whoever gathers more Xuanhuang Origins will have the advantage in the battle."

"This also means that even when Lin Xun arrives in this world, he has the combat power of the immeasurable Dao Master level, but it is impossible to compete with those enemies."

The old priest said: "So, we must find Lin Xun as soon as he arrives. Only if the two of us protect him with all our strength can we give him enough time to understand and control the power of 'Xuanhuang Yuanyuan'. "

"Alas, the problem now is that no one knows when this kid will appear!"

The old man pouted helplessly.


Suddenly, in the sky far away, a figure appeared, dressed in a pale blue robe, with a white jade belt around his waist. The figure was tall and thin, and a pair of pupils were as striking as the sun and the moon.


The old priest's eyes narrowed slightly, this is the messenger of the Kun Ministry, an existence with extremely powerful combat power.

follow closely,

In other directions, another figure appeared one after another.

Some have their feet on auspicious clouds, and their bodies reflect the heavens.

Some of the royal wind and thunder, the body is boundless ray of light.

Some carry Dao swords on their backs, and when they walk, countless sword pictures emerge.


A full six people are walking towards this side from different directions.


The sky is dark and the void is chaotic.

The boundless and terrifying power spread from the six figures, as if six supreme rulers appeared.

"It has been silent for nearly a hundred years, and these old bastards are suddenly killed today. How do I feel that something is wrong?"

The old man frowned.

These six people, he and the old priest are very familiar.

It is the cadre "Du Tianyuan", the Kun ministry "Ksitigarbha", the Xun ministry "Chongxu", the Zhen ministry "Bajue", the Gen ministry "Xingyunzhou", and the Dui ministry "Fei Ya".

Every Dao Xing is only one line away from the Infinite Dao Master!

Because they had fought many times in the past, when they saw them appear, the old man and the old priest were not panicked, just a little strange.

"It should be Lin Xun, this son is very likely to come!"

The old priest's eyes glowed with brilliance, "And they came here to besiege us and prevent us from meeting Lin Xun!"

The old man was shocked.

"You go first, and I'll contain them."

The old priest took a deep breath, "Remember, you must find Lin Xun as soon as possible no matter what, and you mustn't let him be caught by those enemies!"


His figure was in the air, and the thin figure was shining brightly, and around the figure, there was a vision of the great avenue suspended in the vast starry sky and guarded by hundreds of millions of stars.

"Surround them!"

In the distance, Jizo, who was dressed in a blue robe, shouted loudly, resounding like a thunder in the sky.

He and the other five messengers of destiny moved together, and each urged Daoxing to besiege the old man and the old priest.


For a time, the wind and thunder raged, the sky collapsed, and all kinds of terrifying divine radiance rushed up, roaring as if covering the sky and covering the sun.

War broke out.

At this moment, the old priest seemed extremely ruthless. He was only one person, but to force the six messengers of destiny, it was completely a desperate attitude.

But if you look closely at this battle, it is not difficult to find.

Whether it was the old priest or the six messengers of destiny, the figures seemed to have transformed into a piece of heaven and earth.

Everyone's world carries civilization, avenues, all spirits, all phenomena, all things...

From a distance, everyone is like an era civilization, and these era civilizations are constantly impacting and confronting!

The unimaginable scenes were especially shocking.

And this is the battle of the Xuanhuang Realm.

The cultivators who enter this world, comprehend and condense the mysterious yellow energy, can become the invisible world, which is enough to carry the power of a cultivating civilization!

This kind of power is also known as "The Way of Xuanhuang".

The stronger the Xuanhuang Qi condensed, the stronger the Xuanhuang Dao he masters!

"Come on!"

The old priest's voice resounded.

Dusou took a deep breath and let out a loud shout, and his figure also turned into an invisible world, releasing the profound meaning of the Way of Xuanhuang and killing him in the distance.

Several messengers of destiny intercepted, but Dusou broke through as if desperately, his figure moved directly into the void, and moved away with all his strength towards the distance.

However, even though he broke through the siege, the old man couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood.

The blow just now made him suffer a lot of injuries. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be able to escape so easily.

"Chong Xu, Ba Jue, Fei Ya, the three of you go after Dusou!"

In the battlefield, Jizo shouted loudly.

Immediately, Chongxu and the other three moved the void and chased after Dusou.

And Jizo, Du Tianyuan, and Xing Yunzhou all attacked the old priest with all their strength.


The battle became more and more intense. Although the old priest was in a dangerous situation, his mood had calmed down.

He knew that even if the old man paid the price of his life, he would never let Lin Xun have an accident.

However, the only thing that made him not sure is that Lin Xun... whether he has really reached the Xuanhuang Realm...

If this were an enemy's conspiracy, then the desperate actions of him and Dusou today would be too dangerous.


The old man is running away.

He couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart, if Lin found him, where is he now?

The Xuanhuang Realm is so huge that it seems to have no boundaries.

The old man has been walking here for many years, and he has not yet figured out where the boundaries of the Xuanhuang Realm are.

"This time, only Jizo and other six people appeared, but Xiao Yunzi, Mo Sheng, and Zhong Rui did not appear. So it seems that these three people have noticed the movement of Lin Xun's entry into this world and started it in advance. action?"

The old man frowned.

For a long time, he murmured in his heart: "Lin Xun, Lin Xun, you must not be in trouble..."


Dusou's pupils narrowed, and he noticed that the figures of Chong Xu, Ba Jue, and Fei Ya had already caught up from behind.

He didn't dare to hesitate and rushed forward.

Seeing this vast world, Du Sou's figure is like a black streamer, and with a flash, it crosses thousands of mountains and rivers, and the speed is extremely fast.

Behind him, Chongxu, Ba Jue, and Fei Ya were chasing after him.

It's just that the three of them seemed calm and calm compared to the old man's anxiety and unease.

"The response of these two old guys is not slow. It seems that they have already guessed in their hearts that Lin Xun is about to enter the Xuanhuang Realm."

Smiled humbly.

He was carrying an ancient sword, and there were sword pictures emerging from his feet, and his demeanor was unrestrained.

"Unfortunately, when Lin Xun entered this world, the two of them were destined to be unable to help Lin Xun."

Ba Jue looked indifferent.

His burly body like a mountain was turbulent with wind and thunder, and immeasurable light was transpiring.

"We are targeting, they can only save their lives at most, and there is no chance to help."

Fei Ya chuckled.

He is old-fashioned, but his voice is as clear as that of a young man, and the visions of the heavens like tides are flowing around him, and his momentum is vast.

"We only got the news today, and according to the analysis of the nine Destiny Daoists, Lin Xun should enter the Xuanhuang Realm in the near future."

Chong Xu pondered, "But the news also said that even the nine Heavenly Destiny Dao Masters do not know when Lin Xun will leave the Dao Yan Dao Realm. Tell me, will this Lin Xun have already arrived in this Xuan Huang Realm ahead of schedule? , it's just that we don't know?"

"Arrived early?"

Ba Jue shook his head and said, "It's impossible. If he arrives early, why wouldn't he contact the old man and the old priest?"

"Not being contacted in advance means that it is impossible to arrive early? It doesn't make sense."

Chongxu said, "With Lin Xun's ability, when he came to the Xuanhuang Realm, he must have a very good understanding of this realm, and he probably also knows that if he wants to fight against us, he must comprehend and control the power of Xuanhuang's origin as soon as possible. If he If you choose to go dormant when you enter this world, then it will be extremely difficult for us to catch him out."

After a pause, he continued: "Because of this, we will deal with Dusou and the old priest this time. If we can capture them, it will be a hostage that can threaten Lin Xun. No matter when he appears, he will be coerced by us. ."

"If he has already appeared in this Xuanhuang Realm, if he realizes that we are chasing and killing Dusou, how can he be indifferent?"

Both Zhong Xu and Fei Ya nodded.

In the final analysis, the Xuanhuang world is too big, and no one knows when he will appear.

And if you want to hit Lin Xun at the first time, naturally you have to find another way.

Therefore, this time, they will take action directly after receiving the news from the Nine Destiny Dao Masters. The core is not to kill Dusou and the old priest, but to deal with Lin Xun!

Just like now, while the six of them are dealing with the old man and the old priest respectively, there are three other messengers of destiny that are splitting up and patrolling the Xuanhuang Realm.

Just to find Lin Xun as soon as possible and kill Lin Xun!

During the conversation, Chongxu, Bajue, Fei Ya and the others were not slow, they had been chasing Dusou's trail closely, without the slightest slack.

At the same time, in the depths of the quiet and uninhabited mountains in the Xuanhuang Realm, there is an inconspicuous canyon, and a cave dwelling is opened up under the ground of the canyon.

Outside the cave, there is a mysterious restriction covering the breath.

In the cave, a man and a woman were meditating and practicing.


First come 3 consecutive updates, there will be more at night~

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