The Prodigies War

The third thousand two hundred and seventeenth chapter heart robbery


The opposite "Lin Xun" couldn't help laughing, and said: "Wrong, you and I are the same, and the mood is naturally the same. Of course, it is meaningless to talk about this. In the final analysis, between you and me, only one can survive."

Saying that, he raised his hand abruptly and pressed his finger.


Endless sword intent emerged and condensed into a sword energy.

In the sword qi, there are all the wonderful truths of the profound meaning of Nirvana.

Lin Xun was shocked.

The power, aura of this sword, as well as the general trend of the spirit on this sword, made him extremely familiar, and it was originally from the same vein as his Taoism.

In other words, this sword energy, apart from him, it is impossible for another person to display it!

But now, it was displayed by the opposite "Lin Xun", how could Lin Xun not be surprised?


A light drink.

The voice, eyes, and even the indifferent demeanor of "Lin Xun" on the opposite side gave Lin Xun the illusion of looking in a mirror.

But Lin Xun didn't have time to think about it, the sword energy had already come.

However, when he was going to deal with it, he suddenly found that he seemed to have lost control of his own way and could only watch this sword come.


Under the sword, Lin Xundun was severely wounded, blood splattered, and a sword mark was cut out of his body, which almost opened his stomach.

The injury is serious!

But compared to this, what made Lin Xun even more unacceptable was that he was hit hard by a sword that should have belonged to him!

"You don't have to struggle. I cut you off. I am you. In other words, our mood, temperament, Taoism, wisdom, and Taoism are all the same. When you die, if you fulfill me, you will fulfill yourself."

Not far away, "Lin Xun" spoke indifferently.

Saying that, he raised his hand and slashed out with another sword.


Lin Xun still couldn't resist,

Destroyed by a sword, the body is completely broken, like a porcelain full of cracks, about to shatter.

If it were someone else, I was afraid that they would have already been defeated by this strange scene, and the whole person would fall into an unbearable feeling of collapse.

Colin didn't find it.

He struggled to recall all the details of what had happened before.

"One more sword, your body will be destroyed, and you still don't plan to give up?"

In the distance, "Lin Xun" frowned slightly.

But at this moment, Lin Xun suddenly stood up straight with the broken and bloody body, with an unusually calm expression, and said, "I understand, you don't exist at all now, what I'm facing is only in my mood. It's just a 'robbery'."

After a pause, he showed a sneer, "In other words, you are just a calamity caused by the calamity of my 'mood'!"

On the opposite side, "Lin Xun" was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly smiled, "Who's heart robbery is who, but I'm still not sure!"


He slashed with a sword.

But at this moment, Lin Xun closed his eyes, all distracting thoughts disappeared, and all consciousness returned to his state of mind.

Heart, square inch of land, where the spiritual platform is located.

The state of mind is often the most mysterious and elusive.

But to Lin Xun, he is no stranger to these kinds of powers, and even more so, when he was transforming into the mortal world, he relied on the battle with the dharma and karma left by the master Fangcun, so that his state of mind was tempered to the point of "heart wandering. The point of the heart is forever"!

It can be said that in terms of mental tempering, looking at all the peers in this world, it is difficult to compare with Lin Xun.

However, Lin Xun did not expect that on this road of slashing, the calamity of slashing would turn into a "heart calamity", and launched a surprise attack on him without him noticing it at all!

However, now that he has fully reacted, he naturally has a solution.

The state of mind can also be regarded as the "secret realm of the heart".

Even the cultivator himself has difficulty seeing his own state of mind. What he usually knows and feels, his joys, anger, sorrow and joy, and all kinds of obsessions, actually all originate from his state of mind.

At this time, when Lin Xun's consciousness returned to the place of the state of mind, he saw that "heart robbery".

This robbery is intangible, but when it appears in the state of mind, it has turned into the appearance of Lin Xun, straight like a thief of the heart and a demon of the heart, but it is different from the thief and the demon of the heart.

Heart thieves and heart demons are both transformed by obsession.

And this heart robbery is transformed by the robbery of slashing the way!

"finally found you……"

Lin Xun's thoughts showed a strong murderous intent, and suddenly, the scene in his mood changed, condensed a sword, and slashed towards the 'Heart Tribulation'.

Heart is like a sword, slaying the heart!

Silently, Lin Xun, who was transformed by "Heart Tribulation", disappeared and was destroyed by this Heart Sword.

But soon, this heart robbery was reunited, and he laughed out loud, "I came from your state of mind, destroying me is equivalent to destroying your state of mind."


In the mood, another sword condensed and chopped down unceremoniously.

Heart robbery shattered, unable to resist at all, was crushed to nothing.

In this state of mind, this is the domain of Lin Xun. Since he has already sensed the existence of Xin Jie, he will naturally be too lazy to talk nonsense when he starts.

Soon, the heart robbery re-condensed again.

But in the moment he condensed, he was destroyed by a sword.

Just like this, the calamity of the heart keeps appearing and being cut off, repeating in sequence, giving the impression that this calamity is immortal and cannot be erased.

But Lin Xun could sense that the aura of this heart robbery was weakening a little bit, but it was hard to detect it if he didn't sense it carefully.

Therefore, he never stopped from beginning to end, and continued to cut down with the sword of heart.

At this time, Lin Xun completely understood.

The "Lin Xun" that I saw before did not exist at all, but because of the doomsday in my state of mind, it affected my perception and a real illusion appeared.

The punch that he punched, the reason why he injured himself was because there was a problem with his perception, so that the punch hit him.

In the same way, the two swords that "Lin Xun" cut out were actually made by himself. Of course, it was impossible to avoid it.

In the final analysis, everything is caused by this "heart robbery"!

The only thing Lin Xun didn't expect was that, with his own state of mind, he had also made a move without knowing it. From this, it can be seen how terrifying this robbery was.

No wonder even the Infinite Dao Master and the Infinite Master set foot on this road, and they are all dead and alive.

In fact, Lin Xun didn't know that the dangers he experienced on the road of beheading were far more than those of the previous characters who set foot on this road.

The reason is that, the stronger the Taoist cultivator is, the more terrifying the killings and calamities encountered on the road of slashing.

Just like the "heart calamity" he is experiencing at the moment, it is precisely because his state of mind has reached the level of "heart travels thousands of miles, and his heart knows all ages", so that the "heart calamity" becomes extremely strange and terrifying!

time lapse.

Lin Xun's sword of state of mind had been slashed thousands of times before that "heart robbery" gradually became blurred and weak.

Until the end, after being cut off again, the "heart robbery" disappeared completely and never appeared again.

At this point, Lin Xunchang breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also at this moment that he clearly felt that at the moment of cutting off this heart calamity, his state of mind was like cutting off an invisible bond, and the whole person had an indescribable ease and freedom.

After that, Lin Xun had many incredible insights in his heart.

The previous robbery against the "past" cut off the causal bonds of the "past".

At this time, the calamity of "now" is the cause and effect of "now".

At this point, every move, every word and deed will no longer be calculated by others, and will not be detected and perceived by the heavens and the myriad ways!

At the same time, bursts of chaotic source power emerged from the road, drowning Lin Xun's severely damaged body.

It can be seen with the naked eye that his injury recovered almost in a few breaths, and Lin Xun felt that the avenue he mastered was further transformed, getting closer and closer to chaos!

"Cut the cause and effect of the past, and cut the fetters of the present world. Although I have suffered all kinds of fatal killings, I have also successively obtained two epochs, making me a great way to approach the realm of chaos step by step..."

Lin Xun felt his own changes, and remembered the eight words "the beginning of chaos, the beginning of seeing Xuanhuang".

When he was in the Xuanhuang Realm, his avenues had all transformed into the Xuanhuang Dao, but now, his avenues are changing towards the Chaos Dao.

From the outside to the inside, touch the essence of the road!

After a long time, the changes in Lin Xun's body came to an end.

And the breath of his whole body has become ethereal and ethereal, standing there at will, but it seems to be based outside of time and space, detached from cause and effect!

"I don't know how many murderous intentions are hidden in the next 'future catastrophe'."

When thinking about it, Lin Xun stepped forward.

This slashing road is condensed by the primordial aura of chaos, runs through the endless nothingness, and spreads all the way to the depths, as if there is no end.

Along the way, Lin Xun was always vigilant and wary.

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of danger on this road, except for some illusory mists, but those mists were not dangerous.

After walking for an unknown time, Lin Xun frowned.

The road of slashing the Tao is the way of the past, the present, and the future, and he has resolved the past and the present two kinds of killings before, but this "future calamity" has never appeared.

This is somewhat abnormal.

Shouldn't those fogs be the calamity of the "future"?

Lin Xun paused and looked at the mist floating in nothingness in the distance again.

Before going through the past and present two Dao Slashing Tribulations, the vicinity of this Dao Slashing Road was full of nothingness, and there was no fog at all.

In other words, these hazes came later.

But along the way, although these mists can be seen everywhere, there is no danger, and Lin Xun didn't feel any threat, so he ignored it.

But now, I haven't seen "Future Tribulation" for a long time, so Lin Xun realizes that there is something strange about these mists!

Thinking of this, Lin Xunlue pondered, then released the power of his divine sense and swept toward the mist in the distance.


Those motionless mists seemed to be frightened at this moment, fading further away, as if they were afraid of being touched by Lin Xun's consciousness.

"There is indeed a problem!"

Lin Xun froze in his heart.

But immediately, he couldn't help but have some doubts. If this mist is a future disaster, why does it seem that he is extremely afraid of approaching it?

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