The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1178: Madam Young is going to be bombed out

   Chapter 1178 The young lady is going to be bombed out

   "Four Lord, Young Lady, is such a non-compliance?" Someone shouted at Mo Rinyuan, "Her grades are shady, right?"

  When this person shouted, the whole world fell into silence.

  Everyone looked at Mo Linyuan on the stage nervously.

   Although it is said that everyone is guessing that the Fourth Master is not very satisfied with his wife, it is after all such an occasion. Isn't it questioning the Fourth Master and the Mingyuan Empire to question the shady?

  No one dared to question loudly, but this one who was not afraid of death actually shouted out so loudly.

  Everyone looked at the shouting man with courageous eyes.

The man was really brave, so he questioned Fourth Master, "Four Master, how do you punish your wife? If you don’t punish your wife, you won’t be able to convince the public. The story of the Mingyuan Empire It’s not pretty even going out."

   Fourth Master Mo stood on the stage, a pair of long and narrow eyes already narrowed fiercely, and his gaze fell directly on the man.

  He chuckled, "You are right, there should be a shady punishment."

  Everyone felt a terrifying breath.

  I don’t know why, but inexplicably feel Si Ye is laughing, but he seems to be angry.

  What is the fourth master angry with, is he angry with the young lady, or is angry with the questioning person?

  Everyone didn't dare to make one, so looking at Mo Linyuan's direction, everyone was a little nervous inexplicably.

  Of course, there are people who look forward to it.

  If Leng Rongrong and this group of people have fake grades, many people can be prestigious, especially those who are ranked in the front, it is not a problem to get into the top ten.

   "I didn't expect that Madam Young would actually do such a thing!"

   "You have a bad brain. If you don't do it well, do you want to be a blockbuster? Is this shameful?"

  "Wait for the young lady to be bombed out!"

   "What young lady, is she still worthy?"

   "Leng Rongrong is not worthy of the Fourth Master at all. How can she be worthy of such a trash status?"

  There was a whispered discussion. Fourth Master looked at those who said that Lord Rong was not worthy of him. He still smiled darkly, "Well, she is not worthy of me, then who do you think is worthy of me?"

   "That must be Huang Yuan!" I didn't know who shouted, and then everyone around nodded.

  Huang Yuan did not speak, but her expression was calm, as if she was not talking about her.

   Fourth Master Mo nodded and glanced at Huang Yuan. Then, he said, “Since everyone is so curious about Madam’s grades, if you are not satisfied, it’s better to watch a video.”

   "Is it a shady video?"

  Everyone looked up in the direction of the big screen.

  Leng Rongrong yawned here, she smiled at all the elders, and squinted her eyes.

  The elders raised their heads and looked in the direction of the big screen.

   "What a nonsense!"

   "Yes, wait a minute and let them see what is awesome!"

   "Girl Rong, don't be angry, it's okay, no one can wrong you!"

   "Yes, girl Rong, don't be angry, angry hurts your body!"

  A few elders looked up, turning their heads from time to time to comfort Leng Rongrong, so that Leng Rongrong must not be too angry, because anger can easily hurt her body.

  Leng Rongrong smiled, "It's okay, I'm not angry."

  She sits well, and naturally she is not angry.

  Hearing what Rong Ye said, the elders nodded.

  The picture has appeared on the screen, and everyone has seen the picture of Master Rong entering an examination room.

   "It really is a shady video!"

   "It seems that the fourth master also knows, he should be very angry!"

   "Yes, she actually does this kind of thing."

   "The Mingyuan Empire is going to be destroyed in her hands. Can Fourth Master not be angry? I'm really curious how she bought these examiners. The examiners actually gave her full marks. Isn't this too outrageous?"

  The fans looked up at the big screen one by one, very curious about what would appear on the big screen.

  As a result, everyone’s unexpected scene began.

  Everyone opened their mouths wide, their mouths couldn't close at all, so they kept looking at the big screen.

  A variety of pictures began to appear on the screen, and every picture was a picture of Ye Rong who easily passed the assessment.

  The screen is constantly switching, one by one from simple to advanced difficulty to unlock the machine lock, and then to the blindfolded shooter...

  Every picture is breathtaking.

  No matter who it is, she can't do this level, but Leng Rongrong did it all.

This is not true, is it?

  All the faces are a little trance, all of them are a little unbelievable.

  How did she do it?

  The full score is not fake, the first is not fake!

  She is really number one. She really achieved such a result by virtue of her own ability. The fact is placed in front of everyone. Everyone feels that their faces are like being beaten.

  The video is over.

  Everyone is silent.

  The first person to speak to Mo Linyuan to punish Leng Rongrong was already completely afraid to speak, and stood trembling to the side, panicking.

   "Are there any doubts?" Fourth Master Mo swept at everyone, his eyes made everyone feel oppressed, making everyone feel a little creepy.

  Everyone dare not say anything.

   "Who else is there to question?" Mo Siye asked.

  Everyone did not speak.

  Mo Linyuan let people play two videos of the appraisal of Mengbao, and the two Mengbao are also very good, and the assessment went very smoothly.

  The results of their assessment are also real.

  "Are they shady?" Si Ye swept towards everyone, his eyes filled with heavy pressure, and he was a little angry.

  "I am inferior to others, but others have shady?" A rhetorical question made many people bow their heads in embarrassment.

  Someone has already apologized to Leng Rongrong.

  "Sorry, Madam, I misunderstood you!"

  "Young lady, sorry!"

  There are some reasonable people who apologize very quickly, but there are some people who are more stubborn and still a little less convinced.

   Fourth Master Mo had a cold face, "Those who don't believe can wait for the challenge."

  "Is the video surely fake?"

   "It's too easy to fake videos now!"

   "Look at that, Fourth Master is also protecting his wife!"

   “If you don’t believe it, wait for the challenge, it’s fine, Si Ye also said, just challenge directly.”

  The discussion voice gradually quieted down.

  After a long time, someone asked: "What about the team assessment?"

   "Yes, what about the team assessment? Is it really the young lady who caught those repeat offenders?"

  Someone stared at Mo Linyuan, and some stared at Leng Rongrong.

  After all, it is a combination of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Is it true or false to be able to catch a repeat offender?

  The capture of prisoners is different from the assessment.

  (End of this chapter)

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