The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1190: My father is so exaggerated

   Chapter 1190 Father is so exaggerated

  In the early morning, Leng Rongrong finished exercising. After taking a shower, she sat in the living room refreshed and had breakfast, flipping her mobile phone by the way.

  I occasionally post a Weibo recently to satisfy my rapidly growing fans. No matter what she posts, the rainbow farts of fans will never stop.

  Mo Linyuan said that he was going abroad in an urgent matter, and took Tang Luo and Quan Yu away.

  Xiao Nanyu also went out to work because of a drama, and Chu Wei recently moved to near the school because of Xiao Chuyan's school.

  In the house, only Leng Rongrong, Li Ruhua and a few animals were there.

  Rong Ye is in a good mood. The scenes he filmed have been broadcasted one after another, and everything went smoothly.

  She has made a name for herself in the entertainment circle, and now she is considered a top-notch existence.

  Walking out, everyone began to call her teacher or senior.

  Recently, Ji Chengyu also sent a Hollywood script. Although she did not play the heroine, the script is very good. Although she is acting as a supporting role, Rong Ye also likes it very much.

  It happens that this drama is going to be filmed on F Island, and she will also go to F Island to reunite with her father, so it is very suitable.

   "Madam, do you think you have any regrets in your life?"

  Li Ruhua sits opposite Leng Rongrong with his cheeks, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels envious of Leng Rongrong.

  She seems to have everything, and everything goes smoothly...

  This kind of life, there is no regret at all, it is a bit too perfect.

   "Regret?" Leng Rongrong glanced at Li Ruhua, "Have you ever experienced poverty?"

  Huahua: "..."

forget it.

"By the way, Huahua, I'm going to F Continent, so follow me." Leng Rongrong said to Li Ruhua while eating, "Storm will not bring them. We should not stay in F Continent for long. of."

   "Okay." Li Ruhua nodded, and was very happy when he heard that he could follow them out, "But who takes care of them?"

   "Li Chenle." Leng Rongrong unceremoniously called Li Chenle and asked him to come and take care of them every day.

  Li Chenle also acknowledged his fate very much and said that he would definitely take care of these animals.

  He is the one who has been abused by animals, so he will definitely take care of the animals as ancestors.

   "By the way, I sometimes, can I take them out to be prestigious?" Li Chenle asked very cautiously on the other side of the phone.

   "It's up to you." Rong Ye hung up with a smile.

  Whether it is Li Chen's prestige or the prestige of the animals, she doesn't know.

  This kid still doesn’t give up on them.

  Outside the door, a car stopped directly in the yard.

  Song Junlin and several people rushed out of the car.

  The four men rushed into the living room and looked at Ye Rong’s direction without speaking. They wanted to tell the truth directly to Ye Rong, but when they arrived in front of Ye Rong, they couldn’t say it for a while.

   "Say it." Sun Zhenzhi glanced at Song Junlin, "Say what you find."

   "Didn't we say it, let's talk together?" Song Junlin looked at Qin Xiong, "Xiong, come on, you are more straightforward."

   "Don't stop it, I think this kind of thing needs to be more delicate for people. Hu Xin, come on, you are an intellectual and you are more able to talk." Qin Xiong patted Hu Xin on the shoulder.

  Hu Xin pushed his glasses, “Intellectuals have nothing to do with talking about this kind of thing. I think this kind of thing is private, and it doesn’t seem to be something we should shake off casually.”

  "Still not a good sister?" Song Junlin was furious.

  The three men looked at Song Junlin at the same time, just as hell.

   "Good brother, do you want to be a sister?" Qin Xiong raised an eyebrow, shaking like a caterpillar.

  Master Rong took a sip of water, and looked suspiciously at the few people standing at the door pushing around.

   After waiting for a while and not waiting for a few people to say anything, Lord Rong finally said helplessly, "You four, rushed to my house early in the morning to fight? I have known you for so many years, how come you haven’t found that you have such a strange hobby?"

   "It seems unlucky to quarrel in someone's house." Li Ruhua took a feather duster and swept frantically on several people while cleaning the dust.

   "No, we have important things to say." Song Junlin walked up to Leng Rongrong.

   "Say it." Leng Rongrong raised her head, "Say what you have to say, what are you doing, not a woman!"

  "Young lady, they said they are sisters. They may be ready to be women." Huahua said with a smile.

  Song Junlin and several people looked at Li Ruhua with murderous eyes.

   Huahua shut up.


  After a few hours.


  Leng Rongrong twitched her eyebrows and looked at the four men beside her.

   "Just speak directly if you have something, are you so empty? Go to F State with me?"

   is not a busy person, all have their own things to do, and they have to go to F State with her.

   "It just happens to have something to go to F Island to deal with." Song Junlin said.

  Leng Rongrong looked at the others, and the others nodded.

   "I'm going to play a game." Qin Xiong raised his hand.

   "I'm going to talk about some business with some employment organizations over there." Sun Zhen knew, "We have always had business dealings there."

   "Oh, those departments above sent me to deal with some things." Hu Xin pushed his glasses, "It just so happens that everyone is going together, I am not afraid of danger anymore."

  Everyone looked at Hu Xin collectively.

   "I'm serious...I may have to deal with a few very dangerous things, and some very dangerous negotiations, you are responsible for my safety." Hu Xin pushed his glasses, very serious.

   "Isn't someone protecting you?" Qin Xiong thoughtfully.

   "I didn't bring... Didn't I have you?" Hu Xin said, "Moreover, I think the people who protect me are not as good as you. Be safe with you."

   "Hu Xin, we trained together..."

   "I admit that I have always been inferior to you." Hu Xin smiled.

  In this way, Leng Rongrong not only took Li Ruhua on the plane, but Song Junlin also boarded the plane together.

  On the plane, she asked the group of people what they wanted to tell herself, but she refused to say anything.

  Leng Rongrong can be said to be very helpless.

  She could feel that Song Junlin had something very important to tell herself, but they didn't know how to say it, so they never said it.

  F continent.

  A group of people got off the plane.

  As soon as he went out, he saw Xuanyuan Nantian wearing sunglasses and leading the nineteenth-floor high-level people holding banners waiting for them.

  The banner was exaggerated so that everyone around was watching.

  Leng Rongrong covered her face. She clearly said to let them be low-key. Is this called low-key?

   "Your father, is it too exaggerated?" Song Junlin's four swiftly stepped aside, pretending that they didn't know Leng Rongrong, their faces were pumping.

  (End of this chapter)

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