The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1314: Come all old acquaintances

   Chapter 1314 are all old acquaintances

  Because Rong Ye likes to look good, he accepted this pastoral variety show.

  And Ye Rong did not have much demand for the show crew. The only requirement was to pay her to the people who took the shots here, and the people who came to work here must be long and good-looking.

  Male stars and female stars do not matter, but they must be long and good-looking.

  If the length is not good enough, she is not happy.

  She looks at her face, and her plants also look at her face.

  This program was also broadcast by live broadcast, because the director has been preparing for a while, but has never found a suitable location, so it has never been filmed.

  Now I found a suitable location, and after discussing with Lord Rong, I decided to shoot immediately.

  The official blog directly posted the broadcast date and the star lineup that participated. In the first episode, apart from the resident guests such as Rong Ye and Huang Yuan, the people who came to participate were also old acquaintances of Rong Ye.

  Jin Mingfeng, the actor Jin, Jiang Zhan, Xu Yinger, and the actress Zhang Qingyi.

  The lineup is fairly strong.

As soon as the official announcement came out, the fans were all excited.

  After all, Ye Rong has cooperated with these few, and the relationship is pretty good, so all the fans are very excited.

  I don’t know what kind of sparks will come this time.

  As soon as the official announcement came out, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

  Everyone thinks that Zhang Qingyi's shadow queen is more interesting. Zhang Qingyi used to have a bad temper and was very arrogant, but since she met Rong Ye, she has changed.

  She also helped Rongye's fans to take photos. I heard that Rongye's fans also gave Zhang Qingyi money.

  As soon as the official blog was released, everyone began to mention some old things in the past, and everyone thought it was very interesting.

  The rest of Xu Yinger, Jiang Zhan, and Jin Mingfeng have also been very popular in recent years, so everyone is looking forward to their show.

  Fans also unexpectedly discovered that almost all the artists who had cooperated with Ye Rong or had contact with them were popular.

  Rong Ye This is the physique of the people around Wang, and it seems that anyone can work with her.

  In three days, the program team has installed all cameras and the like, and the major troops of the program team have directly entered the two hills of Rongye.

  The main locations for this shooting are the two newly developed hills.

  Yunfu Mountain has filmed live broadcasts before, so everyone knows that there is not much newness to Yunfu Mountain, but the mountains developed by the two hearts on the side are different.

   has just been developed after all.

  Furthermore, the **** people and Huang Yuan are relatively worth seeing.

  On that day, early in the morning, someone from the program group came to inform that all the stars who came to participate in the experience arrived.

  Leng Rongrong happened to be fine. She was checking her own vegetables in the field. After receiving the news, she said, “Aren’t they here to experience life? Someone needs to pick it up? Come here by yourself.”

  The staff of the program group have seen the video of Leng Rongrong pulling a truck.

   So I didn’t dare to provoke Leng Rongrong. When Ye Rong said so, he nodded and said yes.

  Then, Jin Mingfeng and others who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain were all thrown off the car. The program team told them to go to the mountain by themselves. Since they are here to be transformed by life, they should not be so hypocritical.

The members of the   program group left, leaving behind a bewildered look, Jiang Zhan, Xu Yinger, Jin Mingfeng, and Zhang Qingyi.

  Especially Zhang Qingyi, his face is not pretty, "I will not climb this mountain for so long!"

  The car of the program group drove away.

   Jiang Zhan said, “It’s better for us to go up by ourselves. Anyway, it’s not very far away. This program is a more life-like program, so we don’t want to use what we have.”

  Jin Mingfeng dragged his suitcase and nodded.

  Xu Ying'er has already walked in front. She is wearing a big straw hat, a pair of wide sunglasses, a casual outfit, and a pair of sneakers, walking fast on the tree-lined path up the mountain.

  "The scenery here is good, and the roads are easy to walk. If you don't go, do you plan to spend a day in the sun?"

  Xu Ying'er shouted as she walked, "Critically hit, come out and pick me up!"

  On the top of the mountain, the crit who was standing on the roof watching the scenery vaguely heard Xu Ying'er's voice, and the chickens were all shaken. Then, it quickly flew down from the roof.

  Critical Strike clucked a few times toward the heavy rain nearby.

  The torrential rain made a beep, and then jumped on the back of the torrential rain, and rushed towards the foot of the mountain.

  A few minutes later, the crit saw Xu Yinger, and Xu Yinger also saw the crit.

   "Critical strike, you heard me calling you!" Xu Yinger paused with a look of surprise, and took off her sunglasses.

   "Gluck!" Critically fluttered its wings. It has been eating well recently, so the hair color of the whole body is shiny and it looks very beautiful.

  "It's been a long time." Xu Yinger touched the head of the crit.

   "Gluck!" Crit screamed in excitement.

  After that, the violent blow slapped the head of the rainstorm and motioned for Xu Yinger to ride to the mountain.

  "Can I ride it?" Xu Ying'er was quite surprised. Leng Rongrong's pets are not very good-tempered, she all knows.

   "Guck!" Critically nodded.

  Xu Ying'er got on horseback happily, then saw her luggage, and didn't know what to do for a while.

  Critically hit a look like it was okay, then turned to look at Jiang Zhan and Jin Mingfeng, "Cock!"

   Jiang Zhan:? ? ?

  Jin Mingfeng:? ? ?

  "Brother Jin, is it talking to us?" Jiang Zhan asked Jin Mingfeng next to him cautiously, "This chicken, it seems to be asking us to help take Yinger's luggage?"

  "Can we not take it?" Jin Mingfeng asked.

   "Gluck!" Crit was a little angry, and his hair was standing up. It stepped forward and kicked the suitcase, and the suitcase slammed directly down the **** toward Jin Mingfeng.

  Jin Ming jumped down and quickly grabbed the suitcase.

  Critically, looking at Jin Mingfeng domineeringly, as if you don't take it, believe it or not, I will kill you.

   "I'll take it!" After all, the actor Jin was still persuaded. He didn't plan to be like a chicken.

  Critically turned around with satisfaction and followed the heavy rain.

   Looking at the back of one person and one chicken away, Zhang Qingyi was a little unbelievable.

"Why does she have a horse to pick up? Didn't I?" Zhang Qingyi was already a few steps away, sweating profusely, and she didn't bring an assistant or manager, so she had to carry the suitcase by herself. She was so angry. Up.

   "It was specially picked up by Crit. Yinger and Crit have had a life and death relationship, so the crit will come!" Jin Mingfeng said, "After Zhang Ying, let's go by ourselves!"

  Jin Mingfeng took Xu Ying'er's heavy suitcase and climbed up the mountain with difficulty.

  (End of this chapter)

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