The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1319: What the **** is the master?

   Chapter 1319 What the **** is the master?

   "I don't know what the sect master." Leng Rongrong frowned.

  These three people are strange, but she inexplicably doesn't hate them that much.

"You don’t know it’s okay, you must have lost your memory. It’s okay. Anyway, it’s normal for people who died and came alive to forget some memories. We just explain to you. As long as we can find you, we will be steadfast. Up!"

  While talking, the woman in red asked, “Sect Master, why are you dressed so strangely, do you want to go back with us?”

  Leng Rongrong looked inscrutable, she stared at the woman in red for a long time.

  The woman in the red dress looked familiar. She whispered to a lot of clubs, and then explained various explanations that Leng Rongrong was their master, and she said that she would not mistake people.

  No matter what Leng Rongrong became, she could recognize that she was their master.

   "Boss, they are lying to you. This is not a good person, and there seems to be something wrong with the spirit!" An employee of the Beidi Club said, "Don't be fooled!"

   "It seems that there is a real mental problem." Leng Rongrong took a deep look at the three of them, and this looks a bit abnormal.

   Thoughtfully for a while, Leng Rongrong went over and pushed the overturned car to the right.

  Fortunately, there was no major problem with the car. Ye Rong asked the group of people to go back first, and then bring some food, and then looked at the three people in strange costumes.

After thinking about it, Leng Rongrong said, "Since I am your master, will you listen to me?"

   "Be obedient, we are absolutely obedient!" The woman in red nodded again and again, and patted the Taoist priest and the man in black.

   "Observe." The black man said in unison with the Taoist priest.

   "We are so lucky that we can find our sect master here. I thought it would not be so easy to find the sect master, but I didn't expect it to be quite smooth."

  The woman in red followed Leng Rongrong happily.

   Then, the three of them were taken to the mountain by Leng Rongrong.

  After arriving in the yard, Leng Rongrong asked three people to stay in the pavilion instead of running around.

  Jin Mingfeng, Xu Yinger and the **** crowd ran over to watch the excitement.

  "Who are they, are they the ones who grabbed the food?" Huang Yuan asked curiously, "Are they also actors?"

   "Is it an actor? The program group arranged it?" Jiang Zhan thoughtfully, "It doesn't look like it, these group performances don't seem very good."

  Three people in ancient costumes sat in the pavilion obediently, looking east and west, looking very curious about everything.

  Then they were still talking about things they didn’t understand, why this world has no aura, and how to take the master back to continue managing the sect.

   "My lord, what if the master doesn't want to go back?" the woman in red asked.

   "Tie it back?" The black man thought for a while and said, "Do you see Taoist priest?"

"It’s okay to tie it back, but can we ever tie up our doormaster? The doormaster is so strong, we didn’t have any cultivation roots since we came to this world, it’s hard to tie the doormaster? The monk isn’t there, we’re pretty difficult, right ?" The Taoist flicked the whisk.

   "Let’s watch the changes here first." The woman in red said, "This place is so weird and powerful. Look, what are those things, why are they always watching us. Is it a monster?"

"Calm down, we have to pretend that we are not curious about all of this! We are the people of this world. What if they let the people of this world know that we are not of this world, and they take us away?" Wang Yeyi Shaking his hand, a black folding fan appeared in his hand, and he started to fan himself.

   "Yes, yes, calm." The red-dressed woman nodded solemnly.

  Several camera elder brothers carried the machine and turned around a few people.

  The three persons were stiff and dared not move.

  Master: "What artifact is that?"

  Taoist: "It looks very powerful, we will steal some of them and give them back to our disciples!"

  The woman in red: "The master of the door seems to be very good here. The people and weapons in her place are very powerful!"


  In the barrage, all the audience were already laughing.

  【Hahahaha, I am almost laughing to death, this group of people is so funny! 】

  【What is the origin of these three people, what prince, what Taoist priest, weird! 】

  【I am a little curious now, what Rong Ye is doing, I think she will not let them go! 】

   [Lens switch quickly, we want to see Lord Rong! 】

   [It is estimated that I will switch to Lord Rong soon! 】

  【But that prince is really handsome, oh my god, if you enter the entertainment circle, you will definitely be very popular! 】

   [Speaking of which, isn’t this really someone hired by the show crew? 】

  【The program group is looking for a group performer to find such a beautiful one? I don't believe it anyway. 】

  【Could it be run out of a mental hospital? 】

  【It is possible. It doesn't look like a normal person, by dressing up, or speaking. 】


   "Master Rong, what are you looking for?" Jiang Zhan followed Leng Rongrong, watching Leng Rongrong looking for something, and then asked, "Need help?"

  "Find a few ropes and tie people together." Leng Rongrong said.

   "Tie people? Who? Those few?" Jiang Zhan was taken aback.

"I asked about the program team. It was not invited by the program team. That 80% came from a mental hospital. Bundle it up and send it to the police station." Rong Ye said, "If there is a mental illness, it is likely to be They thought they were some martial arts masters, so they were likely to hurt people. There is a community nearby, it would not be good to hurt people, they are quite strong."

   Jiang Zhan nodded, "You are right."

  After the two found the rope, when they went outside, the three were still sitting motionless in the pavilion.

  Rongye became more certain in an instant, and the three people must have a brain problem.

  If it's not mentally ill, can you be so obedient?

  She took the rope and walked in front of the three people, and then slowly asked, "Are you still listening to me?"

   "Naturally listen to the words of the sect master." The woman in red said naturally, "What the sect master says is what it means."

   "Okay, then I want you to cooperate now." Leng Rongrong said, "I have a rope here, I want to try to see if I can tie you up."

   "Huh?" The woman in red was taken aback.

   "Didn't you say to listen to me? I won't listen?" Rong Ye frowned, "Then you go."

   "No, we won't go, you are our doormaster, we will not leave you! Okay, you tie it!" The red-clothed woman stretched out her hands.

  The prince and Taoist priests were very cooperative and extended their hands.

   Then, Ye Rong and Jiang Zhan directly tied the three people together.

  (End of this chapter)

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