The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1323: Are the gems packed in sacks?

  Chapter 1323 Gems are packed in sacks?

  【How can such a young kid be so handsome? 】

  【I only care about it, why would such a small child know that he wants to pursue a girl! 】

  【He is so cute, I really want to pinch Nie Sa's face! 】

  【Nie Sha is not only cute, he also has a terrifying domineering, don’t you feel it? 】

  【Don't go ahead, I can feel it too, I always feel that Nie Sa is not like a child! 】

  【Nie Sha sometimes speaks quite well, and sometimes he will say something about the deity inexplicably... I really doubt that he was followed by someone! 】

  【This may be true! 】

   [Speaking of, what the **** is going on with Lord Rong and Lord Si? In this live broadcast, Lord Si didn’t see him. Will Si Ye not appear? Did they really have a conflict? 】

  【Is the divorce true or false? If the Fourth Master does not appear, does it mean that it is true? 】

  【I think that regardless of the relationship between Rong Ye and Si Ye, I like Rong Ye very much. Ye Rong is the kind of person who can live well no matter who leaves. 】

   [Isn’t that right? There are so many friends of Grandpa Rong, and she has a good temperament, and she doesn’t care about anything. She is very happy to farm. 】

  [The friends around her are not ordinary people, so I guessed through these friends like Rong Ye that she is not the legendary person who lacks money and needs the upper hand of the Fourth Lord. 】

  【Do you still need men like Rong Ye? What a joke! 】

  【I even suspect that the Fourth Master relied on Lord Rong to eat soft rice! 】

  【Agree with the previous one! 】

  [You can’t say that about our fourth master. Why is our fourth master eating soft rice? He is also very good. You don’t need to eat soft rice at all? 】

  [Yes, wherever Si Ye needs soft rice, he doesn’t need it at all! Even if you want to support Lord Rong, don't step on our Fourth Lord, okay? 】

  A group of people in the barrage began to tear up.

  In the live broadcast, Lord Rong put down his phone after playing the game for a while.

  Then Nie Sha next to him suddenly stretched out a hand.

   "What?" Rong Ye asked suspiciously.

   "Just look at it and you'll know." Nie Sha said, spreading his hands.

  On the palm of his small hand, there was a card lying quietly. When Rong Ye saw the black card, his face changed, and he had an urge to beat others.

   "What are you doing?"

   "It's for you. I'll give you money and support you." Nie Sa said confidently.

"Thank you, I don't need you to raise it, I am enough to raise myself." A dark cloud flew across Ye Rong's face, "Don't give me money at all. It seems that I have to live by others... because of you. Those who have suffered a thousand dollars, have to give me money every day, I can't spend it!"

   "It's all right for a man to raise a woman." Nie Sa was still confident, "take it."

   "Do you know what my biggest dream is?" Rong Ye looked at Nie Sa without picking up the card.

   "What is it?" Nie Sa looked suspicious, "What dreams do you have, I can realize it for you."

   "Be a beggar, be a real pauper." Rong Ye rolled his eyes.

  Nie Sha: "...I will not allow you to become a beggar."

  Master Rong glared at Nie Sha, "Thank you, goodbye."

  Master Rong angrily turned around and went to rest in the house, but Nie Sa stopped her way again. After thinking about it, he said, "Wait for me, I have other things for you."

  Speaking, Nie Sa turned around and entered the house. After a few minutes, he pulled a sack out.

   Then, he threw it to Leng Rongrong.

  Master Rong didn’t know the bag was so heavy, so he took an empty bag off guard, and the bag fell to the ground, and then something rolled out gruntingly.

  When he saw something on the ground, Lord Rong forgot to speak.

  There are gems on the ground, huge diamonds, and other gems...

  People who know the goods can tell at a glance that these gems are priceless, and they are all very large, and have not been carefully processed.

   "Are you crazy?" Rong Ye looked at Nie Sa, and said something like this after a long time.

   "Where am I crazy? Is it crazy to give you a gift? Don't you women all like this weird stone? There are all kinds of them here, all of them are yours!"

   "It seems like I don't have the same... Don't worry, I have." Rong Ye twitched, "Take your sack of things away."

  There was already a scream in the barrage.

  【Ah ah, are all gems packed in sacks? 】

  【Who can tell me if these gems are real? 】

  【Is that huge diamond real? If it is true, how valuable is it? 】

  【Four Lord, if you don’t show up again, your wife was probably pried away by a kid! 】

  【Woo, I gave my husband a slap backhand, and everyone’s diamonds are the size of a slap, my diamonds don’t even have ants. 】

   [I sell jewelry... Those gems should be real. These things can no longer be measured by price. Such a large gem is very rare and is invaluable! 】

  【Damn, whose son is this kid, I want to be a maid for him! 】

  【Don’t be so boring in front, just be someone’s wife! You can't be a mother-in-law! 】

   [No hope, haven’t you seen how sincere people are to Lord Rong? This is how I like Lord Rong! 】

  【Why should I watch this live show? Suddenly I feel that I am here to be stimulated, my heart is broken! 】


  The fans almost vomited blood.

  And Rong Ye calmly rejected these gems of Nie Sa, and went back to the room to sleep unmoved.

  Then, it’s a pity that everyone is taking care of Lord Rong. With so many valuable things, just ask for one at random.

  If you are yourself, do you want it all?


  Because everyone has to rest at night, the live broadcast will be suspended at night.

  It will not officially start until the next morning.

  The next day, the live broadcast started again at six o'clock.

  Many viewers entered the live broadcast room one after another, and everyone was discussing. What time will Rong Ye meet with these big stars in the morning.

  Xu Ying'er, these people, after all, did a lot of work the day before, so it is estimated that they will sleep three poles in the day.

  I just don’t know what time Rong Ye will get up. If Rong Ye gets up early, this group of people will probably be woken up.

  As a result, he lived up to expectations, Rong Ye got up early in the morning.

  At six o'clock, Ye Rong was already drinking coffee with a gloomy face.

  After drinking a few sips of coffee, she began to call people one by one, and within a short while, she called everyone up.

   "You two--" Rong Ye stood at the door of Nan Si and Xu Ying'er's room, his expression dark as if to get out of water, "Get me up!"

   "It's been a long time since my baby and I have seen each other, can't we make us feel crooked for a while?" Nan Si looked dissatisfied.

   "Aren't you tired of crooked enough? Didn't you get enough last night?" Rong Ye angrily looked at Nan Si, "Have you thought about it, I will sleep next to you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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