The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1325: Nishizu was provoked by a horse

  Chapter 1325 Second generation ancestor was provoked by horses

"Orange, it would be nice to shoot a few more scenes in this world." Jin Xuan sighed, "Although it's only two days, I can't follow you, and there is no assistant by your side. I am worried that you are in danger. You I don't know how strong Leng Rongrong is."

  Chen Cheng glanced at Jin Xuan and soothed, “Sister Jin, you underestimate me. She is strong, can I be weak? She can't beat me."

"However, if you go there, it's best to compare her and let our company know that you are the best." Jin Xuan said, "You must make Leng Rongrong more ugly and make the audience hate her. Yes!"

   "I will." Chen Cheng nodded.


   "Logo, do you really want to choose this reality show? You have never been on a reality show."

  In a luxury car driving on the road, a man asked another man.

   "I find it very interesting." An extremely handsome man said with a faint look. He was wearing a white suit, as if he were a prince charming.

"...Your golden hands, what if you get hurt while doing farm work?" The agent sighed, "Be careful. Although I said hello to the program crew, who Ye Rong doesn't seem to be very easy to deal with."

   "I know." Logo nodded.


  Rong Ye doesn’t know who the guest in the second period is.

  She took Xu Yinger and others to work, and today she still does some farm work in the field, including fertilization and other tasks.

  Several big stars are almost crying. While working, they are waiting for the day to pass quickly, just want to leave this ghost place quickly.

  The audience in the barrage is so happy.

  It feels very fun to watch the big stars work.

  Especially everyone is so frustrated, but there is nothing to do with Lord Rong.

Especially Zhang Qingyi, she is the person who wants to work the least, but she is afraid of Lord Rong and fans of Lord Rong. She obviously looks bitter, but she actually took the time to take a photo of Lord Rong and posted it. On Weibo, I said that this kind of life is really beautiful.

  Suddenly, all the fans are broken.

  Zhang Qingyi’s own fans have completely accepted her behavior, and Rong Ye’s fans are praising that Zhang Ying is really sensible.

  In the evening, everyone almost finished their work.

  A few celebrities’ agents or assistants came to pick them up in person.

  Master Rong wanted to keep everyone for dinner, but these people didn't mean to have dinner at all. They just wanted to escape from here immediately. It was like seeing a ghost.

  "Supper is not going to be eaten." Zhang Qingyi dragged her luggage, waved goodbye, and muttered a little, it's best to never see again.

   Then, she got into her car. After getting in the car, she said eagerly, "Hurry up, hurry up. I just want to go home!"

  The car left quickly and flew away like a sharp arrow.

  Jiang Zhan, Jin Mingfeng and the others are similar.

  Although they are all good friends of Rongye, the farming life experience this time is enough for them. They don't want to come to Rongye to work in their entire lives.

  Master Rong is terrible.

  Can't afford to provoke, can they not afford to hide?

  Master Rong raised his hands, and before he said goodbye, those cars had already sped out.

   "Am I scary?" Ye Rong turned his head to look at Huang Yuan next to him.

   "It's not scary, you are so beautiful, how can you be scary." Huang Yuan shrugged, "They don't understand the joy of labor. I tell you, after a while, they will miss the life here."

  Rong Ye nodded thoughtfully.

   "Are the new guests coming back today?" Rong Ye looked at the people in the program group.

  "I’m coming soon. I heard that it’s almost at the foot of the mountain." The staff said, "Master Rong, by the way, one of the guests should pay more attention to it. Do you know Logo?"

   "Logo? That pianist?" Leng Rongrong thought for a while and asked.

   "Yes, his hands are very important, can we let him do less work? We must not let him hurt his hands." The staff said.

   "His hands are so important, he still comes to this kind of show? Are they all here to help me?" Rong Ye looked at the staff.

  The staff was a little speechless for a while.

   "This, he might like this show too."

   "If there is any problem with his hand, I will be responsible for curing it." Rong Ye said disapprovingly, "I have done so much work and there is nothing wrong with it. What can happen to his hand?"

  Seeing that Rong Ye said so, the staff is not good to say anything.

  At this moment, there was a shouting voice from the foot of the mountain, "Is there no one to pick me up? The car is not allowed to drive, and no one is coming to pick me up?"

  Leng Rongrong: "...Heavy rain. Go and see who it is."

  The rainstorm nodded, and then ran out without difficulty.

Ning Jun dragged a suitcase and dressed in a fashion brand. Walking on the mountain road, he walked uphill while shouting irritably, "How far is it? No one will pick me up? This is how you entertain guests. Is it?"

  Walking, suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes.

  Ning Jun's eyes lit up and looked up.

   Then I saw the sudden rainstorm.

"Oh, you're the horse called Rainstorm? It's really a sweaty BMW. You look good!" Ning Jun put down his suitcase and looked at the rainstorm with great interest, "Yes, it's very possible! Come here! Pick me up? I just said, I'm so handsome, you surely can't bear me going up, right?"

   "Hiss——" The rainstorm screamed.

  "It’s been a long time since I rode a horse, yes, let me ride a horse." Ning Jun walked over, preparing to get on his horseback in the rainstorm.

  He didn’t notice that the rainstorm looked at his hair and looked expectantly.

   Then, before Ning Jun was on horseback in the rainstorm, he screamed.

   "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Ning Jun hugged his head and backed away, "Damn, what did you do to me just now? If my **** guess is correct, did you gnaw my hair? Is there a pit in your brain? Hair, this is the grass!"

  Ning Jun grabbed the grass on the side of the road and handed it to the rainstorm, “This is the grass. You can’t tell the hair from the grass. You’re blind?”

  Looking at Ning Jun disgustedly by the rainstorm, the horse got angry and raised his hoof.

   "Damn, what are you doing?" Ning Jun took a step back.

  The heavy rain snapped and hit Ning Jun's face. When he turned around, he twisted his horse's ass.

  Ning Jun: "..."

  What happened just now?

  He was provoked by a horse?

   Although the heavy rain was not heavy, Ning Jun was really taken aback, especially when he saw the rain twisting his ass, his entire face was black.

  (End of this chapter)

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