The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1338: Miserable television

  Chapter 1338 Sad TV

  There is no place to sit in the lively house.

   People who eat breakfast eat squatting everywhere.

  The **** group of people glared at the prince and the three of them, gritted their teeth while eating, as if to eat them.

   "Master Rong, don't take in people of unknown origin. What if they are not good people?" Mao Kui said, "I think they should be allowed to leave here. Their appearance from time to time must be unpredictable."

"We are the people of the sect master, we are the sect master's people when we are born, and death is the sect master's ghost. What are you guys?" The red shirt shook the whip in his hand, "Do you want me to **** you up? "

  Blood everyone had learned how powerful the red whip was, and immediately closed their mouths.

  The prince only cared about eating, and said nothing.

  Taoist took a few bites and then flicked the whisk in his hand and said that he was full.

  The TV was turned on by Li Ruhua, and it was playing a costume drama. As soon as he heard the sound, the prince and the three turned their heads together, and then the prince was excited, "It's our home!"

  While speaking, the prince suddenly plunged towards the TV.

   Bang, the TV was hit by the head of the prince, and the prince’s hair was tied...

  Li Ruhua took the remote control in horror, and looked at the prince, "Are you okay? You want to hit the TV if you want to... I watched the TV well... I didn't provoke you!"

  Prince: "……"

  Red clothes and Taoist priests were confused.

  Leng Rongrong:...Sure enough, she is mentally ill. No matter how good-looking she is, she is not normal.

  Bleeding several people laughed, "Insane!"

  At the same time, outside the house, after his unremitting efforts, Ning Jun finally spit out the smelly socks in his mouth. He shouted, "Help, put me down quickly!"

  No one paid any attention to Ning Jun, and Ning Jun continued to shout frantically.

  I don’t know how long after shouting, Lord Rong walked outside and looked up at Ning Jun on the tree.

   "Do you want to open it? Do you want to apologize to the girl you have bullied before?" Leng Rongrong raised her head and asked, "Frankly, I will let you down."

   "I haven't bullied anyone. I've always been a good person. I really haven't bullied anyone. The things you've heard about must have been wronged by someone, really!"

  Ning Jun looked at Leng Rongrong earnestly, "Master Rong, let me down, I know I offended you by doing something wrong yesterday, but I just want to give you a gift!"

  Ning Jun pretended to be pitiful, as if it were a white lotus flower in the flourishing age.

  Rong Ye: "..."

  I have seen a female Bailian, I have never seen a man who loves to dress like this.

   "You just wanted to give me a present yesterday?" Rong Ye raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

"Master Rong, I really just want to give you a gift. I have no other idea. You really misunderstood me. After I came, I always listened to you. I didn't do anything to you, right? I just like you so much that I want to give you a gift. I think you are my teacher."

  Ning Jun began to speak with a bright tongue.

  Don't know how long after talking, Ning Jun fell silent.

   He looked at Leng Rongrong’s direction, and his hair started to frighten, "You, you, what are you doing?"

  Master Rong held a tortoise that had just been fished out of the koi pond. She walked towards Ning Jun step by step, and then directly blocked Ning Jun’s mouth with the tortoise.

   "Hmm!" Ning Jun couldn't believe it, he looked at Leng Rongrong crying.

   "When you decide to tell the truth, I will help you speak again." Rong Ye said.

  Ning Jun: "Hmm!"

  It can be heard that Ning Jun has already greeted the eighteenth generation of Rong Ye’s ancestor in his heart.

  At the same time, the princes and the **** people looked at Rong Ye in horror.

  Master Rong is terrible!

  Can't afford to offend, it really is a woman who can't offend.

  Everyone shivered.

  Even Logo, who was holding a little wolf dog, was stunned. Unexpectedly, there was such a magical operation. He glanced at Ning Jun on the tree with some sympathy.

   Then, as if thinking about something, she covered the eyes of the puppy in her arms with her hand, it can be said to be very cute.

  At this moment, there was a panic in the live broadcast room.

  Of course, there are also a lot of curses.

  Many fans of Ning Jun saw Leng Rongrong’s work, so they were very angry.

  【Leng Rongrong is too outrageous, he deliberately bullied us Junjun! 】

  【Too hateful, how can you treat us like this? Leng Rongrong did it deliberately. I didn't see her doing this to other artists, so I did this to us! 】

  【I am so mad, is Leng Rongrong something wrong? 】

  【Really cheap, I liked her a lot, I really hate her now, she is deliberately to attract Ning Jun's attention! 】

   [Put your mouth clean. Who said that Lord Rong was to attract someone’s attention? It is clear that Ning Jun did a disgusting thing. Can Lord Rong help Tianxingdao? 】

  【Is that right, don’t you know what Ning Jun’s reputation is? How many disgusting things has he done and how many girls have he bullied? 】

  【Rong Ye just can't stand it. He had to tell the truth, Lord Rong wouldn't do this to him either! 】

  【Ning Jun has done something wrong, it is not for Leng Rongrong to take care of her. Who does she think she is, the savior? 】

  【No matter how bad Ning Jun is, we also like him. Men are not bad and women do not love him! Whatever he did wrong, it was someone else's own responsibility! 】

  [That is, what is the matter with Guan Ningjun! 】

  【Leng Rongrong is just for the show! 】

  【Rong Ye for a show? Just kidding, does Lord Rong need to make a show? Don't look at it, why Rong Ye did not target others, he targeted Ning Jun! 】

  [It’s not because Ning Jun’s popularity is high, otherwise, why would she target him! 】

  【I'm so violent, it's dysfunctional, you guys wait, the Rong Ye fan club will come up with evidence in a while! 】

  [Yes, we will let you so-called fans guide you how disgusting this person is! 】

  The live broadcast room became noisy.

  Seeing the effect of such a controversy, the program group is actually quite happy. Only when there is controversy, there is heat.

  If there is no such controversy, there will be a stagnant pool in the live broadcast room, as if no one is watching.

  As for the reputation of artists, they don't care, after all, the artists themselves don't care much.

  Rong Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at Ning Jun.

  Ning Jun's mouth was stuffed by the tortoise, and he couldn't speak. To make matters worse, the tortoise didn't seem to like it, so he was moving around with his head.

  Ning Jun looked at the tortoise with cross-eyed eyes and almost collapsed.

  He whimpered and nodded, saying that he was telling the truth, telling the truth.

   "Are you sure to tell the truth?" Rong Ye asked, "Are you sure you want to apologize to those girls?"

  Ning Jun nodded frantically.

  (End of this chapter)

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