The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1341: Ye Rong is indeed the life of the group pet

   Chapter 1341 Rong Ye is indeed the fate of the group pet

   When Logo left with the little milk dog, he said that he would take care of this little guy.

  "Thank you, I will often send you pictures of it, and I will bring it back as a guest." Logo carried the elegance of a piano prince all over his body.

   "Okay." Leng Rongrong smiled, and touched Little Milk Dog's head, "Follow Brother Luo Ge, be obedient."

   "Woo, hoo!" The little milk dog called out a little milk, which was almost bleeding.

  Logo took away the little milk dog.

  Chen Cheng relied on not leaving and wanted to wait for Nie Sa to come. As a result, Nie Sa seemed to annoy her, so he did not show up.

   "I won't go anymore." Chen Cheng took a seat in the chair and leaned, "When will Nie Sa come?"

  Leng Rongrong: "...He will come after you leave."

  Chen Cheng: "!!! Why is he hiding from me?"

"Don't you know it in your heart?" Leng Rongrong stared at Chen Cheng, "You are a girl in her twenties, and you chasing someone who is a little bit old, and still pestering others... do you look like a girl? What a pervert?"

   "You are a pervert, your whole family is perverted!" Chen Cheng glared back and roared angrily.

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  At night, some new guests came. Chen Cheng didn't see Nie Sa, and refused to go back, she said she wanted to stay and wait for Nie Sa.

  Because Chen Cheng didn't do anything excessive, Leng Rongrong did not drive Chen Cheng away, and let her stay and wait for Nie Sa.

  The guests in this issue are also quite special, belonging to the type of exceptionally bad temper.

  Leng Rongrong knew that this program group would definitely not invite some people who are particularly good to discuss, but he did not expect that they would all be the thorns in the entertainment industry.

   Either the background is extremely deep, or it is the queen of heaven, who always has ten fingers that do not touch the sun.

  Two former kings and two former queen-level figures from this issue.

  There are still works, there is confidence, but the temper is a little rough, more straightforward, but the kind that is likable.

  Have never worked and don’t want to work.

"Are you trying to fix me?" After receiving these four seniors in the entertainment industry, Ye Rong went directly to the staff of the director group. "They are all the people I want to call teachers. Can I let them work? "

  It’s fine if it’s some younger generation or peers, but this kind of respected senior...

  Leng Rongrong dare not force them to work no matter how arrogant.

  She wants these old artists to work, isn't she going to be sprayed to death by all netizens, and scolded to death?

   "Oh, but isn't there a lot of work to do?" The director bit the bullet and said, "Try it and let them experience life. Haven't they not experienced life?"

  "Why don't you try? Maybe these seniors will be very moved!" Leng Rongrong smiled slightly and looked at the talking director.

  Director: "...No, this is your home court, Lord Rong, come!"

  Leng Rongrong glared at the director, "If I get scolded by netizens, I will arrange for you to clean the pigsty."

  Rong Ye returned to the pavilion.

  Four seniors are drinking tea and chatting in the pavilion. They are all 60 or 70 years old, but they are very well maintained and look young.

  It can be seen how beautiful they were when they were young.

   "A few teachers, is this tea okay?" Rong Ye smiled and looked at everyone.

   "Good." A teacher nodded, "Very good, girl Rongrong, are you going to arrange work for us? I heard that this program is here to work?"

"Ah, a few teachers don't actually need to work, they just need to live well here. Let me take a few of them to see the surrounding environment?" Rong Ye smiled and asked, "By the way, these juniors here are just as you please. Command, let them do anything!"

   "Yes, yes, just give orders!" The **** people seemed to be a group of waiters, standing next to them cutely.

   "We are not here to enjoy the blessings, we just need to enjoy the blessings at home, just think this show is interesting, we just organized a group, don't be nervous, just arrange work for us!"

  Several old artists all said with a smile.

  Don't mind Rong Ye arranging work for them.

  Although the old artists said so, Rong Ye did not dare to arrange work for them casually.

  After all, they are old artists with many fans, and they are too old and not very good at work. Fans may scold her to death when they see her arrange jobs.

   "Let's take a look first." Rong Ye smiled and humbly smiled.

  In the barrage of the live broadcast room, everyone was laughing crazy.

   [No way, what about the arrogant and unbelievable Rong Ye? 】

   [Unexpectedly, Lord Rong would have such a time! 】

   [Hahaha, Lord Rong is so cute, he is arrogant when dealing with others, and he is really humble when facing old artists. I probably want to bend down and speak! 】

  【They are all respectable old artists, and Ye Rong’s attitude is right! 】

  [I also think that Rong Ye’s attitude is good. You should respect the old artist like this. You can see what kind of person Rong Ye is. 】

  【However, these old artists seem to like our Lord Rong very much. Ye Rong is really a group pet, and I like it wherever we go! 】


  There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

  And Rong Ye took the group of artists to see the surroundings.

  This time, Master Rong was humble, and these people like Bleeding followed by several old artists like bodyguards. They were very nervous one by one, for fear of a slight mistake, a fall or something.

  Leng Rongrong walked and introduced, completely different from the person before.

  Everyone was a little sympathetic to Ning Jun and the others. Who would have thought that Master Rong’s forefoot had prevented Ning Jun from being in the entertainment circle, and his back foot had greeted these people so seriously and very carefully.

  Furthermore, Lord Rong was chatting and laughing with a few people, and they seemed to have a good chat.

   "It really is girl Rongrong, it's no wonder that Mrs. Qi and Mrs. Li are so complimented. Just for their compliments, we have to take a look!"

   "I like this girl, do you want to recognize a dry grandma?"

   "Don't fight with me, I have identified this god-granddaughter!"

  Several old artists were walking, and suddenly they quarreled, and they looked like they were about to fight.

  Leng Rongrong: "Here is the rice field...Hey, what's the matter with a few of you? If you have something to say, you can solve it, no need to fight!"

  The four old people are like four children, and they start fighting when they say they fight.

  Leng Rongrong: "???"

  A little cute inexplicably!

   "What should I do, do you want to pull it off!" Several people in White Carrot were scared to death, for fear that some of them might make a mistake.

  Fighting with the four old artists is also unspeakable and gentle. You can touch me and I will touch you!

  The scene is a bit funny and cute.

  (End of this chapter)

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