The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1347: The origin of Xiao Nanyu

   Chapter 1347 The origin of Xiao Nanyu

  Tang Luo said that he tried to rescue Fourth Master, but he did not have that ability.

  So he contacted the people from the Mingyuan Empire and asked a relatively powerful team from the Mingyuan Empire to come and rescue the Fourth Master.

"Madam Young, in fact, I don't think you should be involved in this matter." Tang Luo said solemnly, "The Fourth Master does not want you to be in danger, and I suspect that Qiao Wu's ultimate goal is the ring in your hand. He may just Want to use me to seduce you."

"Look, he said, you don't need to save it. The old man's purpose is you." Nie Sa hummed, "Let's go, you are useless here! With so many people under Mo Linyuan, he still needs one. The woman comes to rescue, is he a waste?"

  Speaking, Nie Sha took Leng Rongrong and left.

  The princes next to him were a little confused. They didn't know what to do for a while. They looked at Tang Luo, then looked at Leng Rongrong and Nie Sha.

  "Young lady, let this matter be done by the people of Mingyuan Empire." Tang Luo said sincerely, "The Fourth Master does not want you to be in danger."

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

   People like Qiao Wu, Mo Rinyuan himself couldn't deal with it. Even the people of the Mingyuan Empire came, it might be useless.

   "It's definitely not possible to rely on you. I contact the International Prison, and they are also hunting Qiao Wu." Leng Rongrong said, "The International Prison should know more about Qiao Wu."

   "This—" Tang Luo hesitated.

  Nie Sa looked at Leng Rongrong with a complex expression, "You will be in danger."

"It's also my willingness to be in danger." Leng Rongrong looked at Nie Sa with a serious face, "Nie Sa, since you also know that this is very dangerous, you should not get involved. I know, you treat me. Very good, but you are still a child after all. When you grow up, you will protect me. I will arrange it for you. Will you go back?"

  Nie Su: "!!!"

"not good!"

   "Nie Sao!" Leng Rongrong frowned, "It's really unsafe for you to follow me."

  "You would be unsafe without me." Nie Sa sat on the sofa, bullying.

  Leng Rongrong was shocked by Nie Sa's aura for a moment, and she was obviously taken aback.

The Taoist priest on the side pulled Leng Rongrong's clothes corner, and whispered, "The master, actually, I think I keep him, maybe, is he really useful?"

  Red and the prince nodded again and again at the same time, feeling that what the Taoist priest said was very reasonable.

  This Nie Sha might be really useful, if he is really that demon, no matter who it is, he can deal with it, okay?

  The Sect Master died and was reborn, not because of Demon Lord.

  No matter what, he still needs him. Keep a little insurance.

  Leng Rongrong glanced at Nie Sao twice, and seeing Nie Sao's firm face, she didn't say anything, just made a call to Gern.

  Gern heard about Qiao Wu over there, and said he would rush over immediately.

After    hung up the phone, several people in the room fell silent.

  "The people of Mingyuan Empire should be on the way, they are coming soon." Tang Luo said, "When can the people of the International Prison arrive?"

   "It should be there tomorrow morning." Leng Rongrong said.

   "Then let's take a rest for one night and act tomorrow." Tang Luo glanced at Leng Rongrong.

  Leng Rongrong nodded.

  That night, Lord Rong did not fall asleep, and was always worried about the situation of Fourth Master Mo.

  Qiao Wu, Leng Rongrong was inexplicably jealous, and her heart was very unsteady.

  Especially this person is still the master of the Fourth Master, and the fourth master’s kung fu is so powerful that he learned it from Qiao Wu.

  It was probably because of worry, so the whole night was very tormented.

  In the morning, I was probably too tired. Ye Rong slept for a while, but was soon woken up by the arriving Geen and others.

   "Are you here?" Leng Rongrong walked out of the room and saw Gunn with his most capable men.

  In the living room, Nan Si and others were there, Quan Yu also came, and the Mingyuan Empire was also dispatched by some relatively powerful people.

   "Master Rong." Seeing Leng Rongrong, everyone greeted her respectfully.

  Leng Rongrong nodded, then sat down, and everyone discussed according to the situation and topographical map of Qiao Wu mentioned by Tang Luo.

  Finally, after determining how to act, decide to act again at night to save people.

  After eating a meal at noon, a group of people began to recharge their energy and prepare for the evening.

Leng Rongrong sat with Nan Si, Quan Yu, Tang Luo and Ge En, holding a computer and wanted the camera on the side of Hei Qiaowu, but no one thought that Qiao Wu only installed it. A camera.

  Other places are invisible.

  So everyone can only rely on the rough topographic map given by Tang Luo to rescue Si Ye.

   "What is the identity of Qiao Wu?" Leng Rongrong looked at Gern, "I know that some things in your International Prison are to be kept secret, but now in this situation, I think we still need to know some things."

   Hearing Leng Rongrong’s words, Guen was taken aback.

  "Qiao Wu's situation is a bit complicated." Gunn glanced at Leng Rongrong, "Speaking of him, many other things are involved. It is the secret of this world."

  Leng Rongrong frowned, she actually had a vague premonition.

  Whether it was Xiao Nanyu or the princes, she was vaguely aware that there seemed to be another space, another world.

  Even the storm, she sometimes wondered if it came from another dimension, it was not like a wolf in this world.

  But she has never cared much about these things, after all, she is from this world.

  Gern did not hide it either, he chatted with Leng Rongrong alone, and told Rong Ye about Qiao Wu.

"Qiao Wu is not from this world. In addition to our world, there is a parallel space. Qiao Wu is from that world. Rong, you have always known that there are many top offenders in our international prison, right? Those people, are there any Rarely comes from a parallel world." Gern said, "Our international prison exists to maintain the balance of the two worlds, so that people in the two worlds will not run around each other. The humans in that world are very powerful and special. You can cultivate, and it’s not something we can fight against. If the two worlds are connected, there will be a mess..."

  Gern briefly told Leng Rongrong about the situation.

  And this Qiao Wu is someone who is being pursued by the organizations that maintain balance on both sides, because he has always wanted to connect the two worlds.

  Leng Rongrong nodded slightly after listening to Gern’s explanation.

  She actually had doubts a long time ago, so when Gern said it, she didn't think it was strange.

  Now that she said this, she suddenly realized that the prince, the red dress, the Taoist priests and even Xiao Nanyu, who called his mother when they appeared, all seemed to have an explanation.

  (End of this chapter)

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