The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1355: Storm is sold

  Chapter 1355 Storm is sold

  The man looked very anxious, so he had to touch Lord Rong directly.

  Rong Ye's backhand is a slap.

  As a result, because of the loss of kung fu and power, the man was more excited as if he were touching it. Instead, he grabbed Leng Rongrong’s hand and touched Ye Rong’s hand with bright eyes.

  Leng Rongrong: "!!!"

  The Taoist priest and the prince were stunned. Both of them forgot what to do, and they looked at the fat man dumbly.

   "Help!" Leng Rongrong yelled at the two of them, "Beat him!"

  The Taoist priest and the prince reacted, rushing to help Rong Ye get rid of the fat man, and then beat the fat man.

  The fat man yelled, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After    was let go, he turned around and took a fruit knife out, yelled, and then he seemed to make a call.

  A few minutes later, a large group of tattooed people rushed over.

  Leng Rongrong, the Taoist priests and the princes were all taken aback.

   "Run!" Leng Rongrong shouted.

  The three of them turned around and ran. After running for a long time, the people who were chasing after did not catch up.

  Rong Ye sat on a bench, panting.

  The Taoist priest and the prince also leaned on the backs of their chairs, feeling that they were half dead, "No way, tired to death."

After the three of them rested for a long time under the shade of the trees on the roadside, the Taoist priest asked, "Master, what should I do?"

  Leng Rongrong pondered for a while and said, "Look for the police station or the Beidi Club."

When    was speaking, a bird flew by in the sky. Ye Rong looked at the bird that flew by, and suddenly had an idea and thought of something.

   "I have a way!"


  Here, when Ye Rong was confused in a foreign country, the storm and rain also collapsed.

  The two big guys were taken away and locked up in two huge iron cages, and they were to be transported to auction.


  The storm beat the cage angrily.

  Kang, bang!

  The iron cage made a huge noise, but the iron cage was so welded, and the storm couldn’t open it.

  The heavy rain in the cage on the opposite side was also a situation. It tried its best to hit the cage, but the cage only made a crashing sound, but did not mean to open.

"What's the noise!" The black cloth was opened first. A golden-haired man watched the storm and scolded a few words, and then raised the anesthesia gun in his hand. People are still smart, real or fake, can they understand what I say?"

  When the storm and rain saw the anesthesia gun, their movements stopped and they stopped hitting the cage.

"Heh, can you really understand me?" The golden-haired man chuckled lightly and waved the anesthesia gun in his hand. "Now that I understand, please be quiet for Lao Tzu, wait a minute, get in the car, you like this If you move, the car will overturn and you will be killed directly!"

  "Don’t worry, you are so smart. It will not hurt you to send you to the auction. If you meet a good host, you will live well."

   "Of course, the premise is that you can be very obedient!"

  The golden-haired man covered the black cloth again.

   Then, a forklift moved the two cages onto a large truck.

  Not long after, the car drove away.


  At the same time, domestic, Yunfu Mountain.

  Because of a call from Nie Sao, Xiao Nanyu, Ge En, Tang Ziyi, Chen Lan, Jiang Fu, Xuanyuan Nantian and others all gathered together.

  A group of people, everyone's face is dark and terrible, as if a storm is coming.

"what did you say!"

   Jiang Fu and several people looked at Gern with murderous eyes.

  Gern is obviously a big man nearly two meters away. When he heard these people's words, he was shocked and shivered.

  "This, what's the situation in the international prison, Lord Lan, Lord Lan, don’t you know the best, haven’t you been in an international prison..."

"I've been to an international prison, but I don't know that these people here will actually have something to do with Rongrong!" Chen Lan glared, "What happened to the kid Mo Linyuan? He actually dared to forget. We Rongrong? We haven't given us a wedding to Rongrong, so even if we want to divorce Rongrong, forget her?"

   "This, this has nothing to do with me, and it's not what I let him forget." Guen trembling, he had known that he would not come here, why did he come to see these devilish guys.

  Chen Lan, Tang Ziyi and other godfathers turned a black face, Su Wei and Xiao Nanyu also had very ugly faces.

  Especially Xiao Nanyu, he knows more, which means he has to bear more.

  He didn't even know that such a thing happened to Mommy and Dad. If it weren't for Master to call him, he didn't even know the situation.

  It's just that the master is seriously injured now, I don't know where.

After    made that call, he could no longer reach the Master.

  "Does your international prison eat shit?" Tang Ziyi glanced at Gern, "I can't even catch an old man!"

   "It's not that we are weak, but they are too strong." Gunn frowned.

   "Take us in Rongrong!" Chen Lan glared, "You rubbish!"

   "Chuck, rubbish—" A chicken poked its head out of the door, suddenly rushed in with flapping wings, and then flew over Gen's head with a sound of **** pulling extremely long.

  Gern frightened the whole person stiff, "What kind of parrot is so heavy!"

   "Chuck!" The crit hit Gern's head and pecked.

"That's a chicken, not a bird!" Xiao Nanyu said coldly, "I don't know where Mommy is now. I can only make sure that Mommy is still alive, but I don't know where Mommy is! It's been three days. No news!"

   "I'll follow Rongrong's whereabouts, Xiao Yuer, please try to check the whereabouts of them." Chen Lan said with a serious face.

"And that scumbag!" Tang Ziyi clenched his fists, "Mo Linyuan, this scumbag, I want to find him, break his bones, and dare to bully our Xiao Rongrong! I don't know that Xiao Rongrong is us. My baby girl! After warning so many times, she actually bullied us Xiao Rongrong!"

   "Rongrong can't be okay, right?" Xuanyuan Nantian and the other nineteen were also very worried.

"Mummy should be fine. If the prince and the others are by her side, there should be nothing to do." Xiao Nanyu said, "Mummy's safety can be ignored for the time being. The most important thing now is to find her whereabouts. Also, that Qiao Wu, it must be resolved!"

When    was speaking, Xiao Nanyu's eyes flashed with killing intent.

  The little guy's eyes swept directly to Gern, "You guys in International Prison, should there be a way to deal with Qiao Wu, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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