The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1357: The red clothes were also auctioned

   Chapter 1357 The Red Clothes Was Also Auctioned

  It was late at night, and Leng Rongrong and the others changed into their costumes.

  Ayman prepared the car. After getting on the car, the group set off directly to the underground auction site.

  In the car, Ayman took out his mobile phone and showed Leng Rongrong the photos in the mobile phone, "This is a secret photo of my person. I think it should be a storm and a rainstorm. Do you look like it?"

   "It should be them." After Leng Rongrong glanced twice, she was almost certain that it was a storm and a rainstorm.

"It's just them. Let's take them down later." Ayman said and glanced at Leng Rongrong. "But speaking of it, do you have no money? Although I have money, I don't know my funds. Enough for them. The bidding tonight should be very fierce."

   "I brought my pet back, why should I spend money?" Leng Rongrong said coldly, "Can't I just take it away?"

   "That's also your pet. Of course, you can take it away. The underground auction is not an unreasonable place. Although there are some rules and a bit overbearing, you should check the situation first and discuss it."

  Ayman looked at Leng Rongrong, and said thoughtfully, "If it doesn't work, we will grab it!"

  Leng Rongrong nodded.

  A group of people quickly arrived at the underground auction site. Ayman took the admission ticket and led everyone into the auction site.

  This auction place is very big, and every time there are auctions, there are a lot of people coming, and there is a mixture of dragons and snakes.

  Ayman took Leng Rongrong and a few people familiar with each other, found a seat and sat down, and then began to wait.

"I finally had the honor to see the storm, the real storm, instead of watching the video on the Internet, I feel so happy." Ayman glanced at Leng Rongrong beside him with excitement, and then when he saw Leng Rongrong. , She smiled more happily.

   "Master Rong is by my side, and I am just as exciting as a dream."

  Leng Rongrong: "..."

  Many people entered the venue one after another, and the entire auction venue became very lively.

  The auction has officially started.

  This auction is quite special, and the auction items are also quite special. Basically, they are all extremely rare and valuable items, and the auction items are also different.

  There have been auctions of people, animals, and various rare gems or antiques.

  Many of the things that are auctioned are rare and unexpected.

  The auction of things started on stage. The first thing was a crown worn by a king. It was ancient and exquisite. There were many interested people, and everyone bid for it.

  Leng Rongrong's goal is storm and rain, so they are not interested in this thing.

  Everyone was waiting with little interest. After several things were photographed away, neither the storm nor the rain had appeared.

   "Maybe it's the last one." Ayman said, "Don't worry, it will appear soon."

  Leng Rongrong nodded.

  The prince and the Taoist were sitting together. I don’t know where the two of them got the first generation of potato chips. They were eating potato chips, which attracted the attention of many people around.

  When the second thing was auctioned, everyone looked up at the stage.

  There are a lot of people who haven't gained anything yet and are very interested in the finale.

   "This is the last second item we are going to auction. You must not guess what it is." The auctioneer was talking on the stage, and when everyone's eyes were locked on him, he looked satisfied.

   "What is it!" everyone cried out curiously.

   "I've been sold off, don't just take it out!"

   "Yes, hurry up, I'm just waiting for the last things, the things in front are too common, we are not interested!"

   "Needless to say, just show it to everyone!"

  Everyone in the audience is yelling, mixed with various languages.

  The auctioneer was still calm and relaxed, "This auction is not something, but a person! A woman! A picturesque woman!"

   "Woman? What woman can be auctioned here?"

  "Is there a woman in any special place?"

   "Oh, interesting, there are women selling!"

  Leng Rongrong and the others were also looking at the stage. When they heard the woman, everyone was stunned.

  Rongye's face is not very good-looking, after all, selling people here, this behavior is really disgusting.

   "Children have been auctioned here. For women, unless they are all over the country, or there are secrets in them, otherwise, they won't be auctioned here."

   Ayman said thoughtfully.

  Leng Rongrong did not speak, just looking at the direction on the stage.

  The host Guanzi was almost sold. Someone pushed up a huge glass cage. In that huge glass cage, there was a woman with her back facing everyone.

  She wore a red dress, showing her shoulders and back.

  Her long hair is very black, and her body is beautiful, which makes everyone on the court boil for a while.

   "Beauty, so beautiful!"

   "The back is so beautiful, the face should be more beautiful, right?"

   "Beauty, turn around and show everyone!"

   "Beauty, turn around!"

  Everyone yelled. Leng Rongrong looked at her and felt that the people inside were a bit familiar. She hit the Taoist priest and the prince who were eating.

   "Look at it!"

At the same time, the auctioneer on the stage said, "Everyone has seen a lot of beautiful women? But I believe there are not many such beautiful ones? Besides, this beautiful woman has very powerful skills. You can't be a wife when you buy it back. You can also be a bodyguard..."

  As the auctioneer said, the sky was falling in disorder.

  The woman in the glass box turned around, her eyes sharp and indifferent.

   "Wow, there is personality and taste, I like it!"

   "I have confirmed the look in my eyes, it is the woman I like!"

   "I'm going to make a reservation!"

  All the people said excitedly.

  Leng Rongrong's mouth twitched, and it was really red...Red was caught as an auction item like a storm.

  However, the red dress in the glass cage looks good, looking at everyone lazily.

   "Red?" The Taoist priest looked surprised, "She can't live anymore, so she came to sell herself for money to eat?"

  The prince was also stunned, "So she is here. I have to see you?"

When    finished speaking, the prince and the Taoist both turned to Leng Rongrong for help.

  Leng Rongrong glanced at Ayman and did not speak, but Ayman understood and nodded.

  So in the next bidding process, Ayman kept holding up the sign.

  At first there were many people holding signs, so they didn't notice Ayman, but when there were two or three people left, everyone's attention was focused on Ayman.

  "What do you want to buy a woman for a woman?"

  Someone looked at Ayman.

  (End of this chapter)

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