Chapter 1363 You lost

   "My day, why are so many animals, Hei, what shall we do?"

The people in the    convoy ran out of the car, and then gathered with Hei Ye. They leaned back to back, looking at the group of animals in front of them, completely at a loss.

  Never have they been so scared when dealing with enemies.

  But these strange animals, especially those with weird smiles, make them feel creepy.

   "Don't, don't be afraid, we have weapons, if they dare to come over, we will shoot them!"

   "By the way, there is a rocket launcher in the car, but I bought it from the weapon expert Chen Lan. I heard that it was newly developed, so it's very easy to use!"

   "Quick, brothers, take out all the weapons in the car!"

   "Protect Black Lord, and don't let Black Lord do anything!"

  Everyone started rushing to get weapons in the car. As a result, when they opened the trunk, everyone was shocked.

   "Hey, it's gone!"

   "Our machine gun, our bazooka, all our weapons are gone!"

  The trunk was opened one by one, but there was nothing in the car.

  Everyone was stunned. The things they had prepared when they went out, but they were all gone and disappeared without a trace.

   "Hei Lord, our things are gone!"

   "Is there a rape!"

  A group of people ran back to the black master, surrounded by the black master, everyone's face was unbelievable.

   "I can be sure that the weapons are ready when we come out, I even counted them!"

   "Why can't you see it!"

   "Where did you go?"

   "I know, I know where things are going!"

  A man shivered and said, “Look up and see if the things that the big brown bear is carrying are familiar, and the things in the hands of the monkeys, do you feel familiar?”

  Everyone looked up when he heard the man's words.

   Then I saw a group of brown bears carrying a rocket launcher. What was even more frightening was that a group of monkeys were riding on the backs of a group of lions and tigers, holding pistols and machine guns in their hands.

  These are all weapons carried by the Black Lord's team, and as a result, they have become things in the hands of the animals at this moment.

  Hei Ye: "..."

  Everyone: "..."

"Damn, monkey, don't you shoot, do you know what is in your hand?" A man with tattoos on his arm noticed that the muzzle of a monkey was pointed at him, and that monkey As if he didn't know anything about the weapon in his hand, he waved his hand horribly.

  Monkeys are interested in East Touch and West Touch.

   "My day!"

  "Brother Xiong, don't move, that's a rocket launcher, brother, don't move, can't I call your brother?"

  Heiye's group of people are about to collapse.

  It’s fine if you meet some normal people. At any rate, they can understand human words, but these animals don’t understand human words at all, and they are particularly interested in what they are holding.

  The way they are holding weapons is terrifying.


  A monkey actually shot.

  At the same time it fired the gun, it shocked itself and rolled directly from the back of the lion to the ground. The gun in its hand flew into the hands of a monkey nearby.

   And the bullet flew towards the man with the big flowered arm just now, and the man was directly suffocated in shock.

   Simply, he was lucky, the bullet did not hit his head, but flew through his ear and hit the car window.

   "Yu——I scared my brother to death."

  The leg softened and the man almost fell to the ground.

   "Hei, Hei Ye, what shall we do, we are surrounded?" The assistant looked at Hei Ye beside him.

  The sky was just getting bright, and the weather was not so good, so the whole sky was covered with dark clouds, making the whole world look a little mysterious.

  Hei Ye had no expression on his face, he leaned on the car, quite calm.

  The assistants and others were all anxious, everyone looked at Heiye.


  The surrounding animals did not attack, so they surrounded them, and then sat down and waited.

  The two sides are so deadlocked.


  When Lord Rong woke up, it was almost noon.

  She got up and ate a meal, and then listened to Ayman's situation with the black master. Ayman got the black master to monitor the road through which he passed, so after watching the whole process, she admired and admired the Rong master.

   "Master Rong, you are really amazing. With so many animals, it is comparable to an army of thousands of horses. Although Hei is amazing, one person can't stop so many animals!"

   "The animals are amazing." Ye Rong calmly finished eating, then wiped a glance at Aiman's video and said, "Hei is no longer there."

   "Huh?" Ayman turned the tablet back in front of him with a shocked face, and then said suspiciously, "Isn't this there?"

   "I'm gone, he has changed clothes and left after a few seconds." Leng Rongrong said, "If I guess it is correct, he is probably already in the Beidi Club."

   "What!" Ayman shook his head incredulously, "Impossible, I just watched it, he can't escape, even if he can escape, the animals will find it?"

   "So, Hei Ye is really good."

  Leng Rongrong said and stood up, “Hei, since you are here, don’t hide, if you have something to say!”

  The voice fell, and a figure flashed, already beside Ye Rong.

  Leng Rongrong raised her foot and kicked a chair to Black Lord.

   "Hei Ye, does the bet between us count me as winning?"

  Hei Lord sat in front of Leng Rongrong, he looked at Leng Rongrong interestingly, and then nodded, "I was discovered by you. You won't be able to win unless you win."

   "Okay, do you still count the bet?" Ye Rong narrowed his eyes.

  "Naturally, he counts." Hei held his chest with his hands, "Speak, what do you want me to do?"

  "Be my bodyguard." Leng Rongrong glanced at Heiye, "Heiye is good at kung fu, I should have some trouble during this period, so I want Heiye to be a bodyguard for one year. How does Heiye look?"

  Heiye looked at Leng Rongrong with a smile, but did not speak.

  Ayman swallowed a few mouthfuls next to him, afraid that the first person would dare to let Heiye be her bodyguard...

With an identity like Master Hei, she was in danger, and she didn't need to do it by herself. He was protected by the people around him. In the end, Master Rong fell well and asked Heiye to be her bodyguard as soon as she spoke.

  This is too cruel...

  Hei said that he is very good, but it is impossible to agree to be Rongye's bodyguard.

  After all, he himself is in a high position and has many things to deal with. How can he have time to be a little bodyguard!

   "Master Rong, do you want to change your request?" Ayman reminded him in a low voice when he saw Master Hei not speaking.

  (End of this chapter)

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