The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1374: Good dog is not in the way

   Chapter 1374

  When the black master followed the storm, he was stopped by Julie.

   "Dogs can't go in!" Julie angered.

  She can't vent her anger at Leng Rongrong, but she can still deal with this person and a dog.

"Sorry, I'm not a dog." Heiye said as he touched Storm's head, "Neither is it. You look like a dog in the way. A good dog does not stand in the way. ?"

   "You, what did you say?" Julie widened her eyes and looked at Hei Ye in disbelief.

  No one has ever dared to speak to her like this. This black master is definitely the first person who dared to speak to her like this.

  Julie is anxious and frustrated, and Leng Rongrong is arrogant. Is the dog around her so arrogant?

  Julie glared at Black Lord, just blocking the way and not letting in.

The black master glanced at Julie, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing a stern aura, "You can't stop us. How can you be worthy of staying in the international prison? The Gern family is no one. ?"

   "You, you—" Julie choked with a sigh of anger, staring at Hei Ye with wide-eyed eyes, and she couldn't believe it. No one had ever dared to talk to her like this.

"so troublesome!"

  Black Lord glanced at Julie irritably, and then suddenly flashed away.

  Julie didn’t know what happened to her, but she was directly kicked out.

   "Wow!" Storm looked lively, watching Julie shook his head.

   "Go, storm!" Hei Ye entered the quaint door.

  The first thing Leng Rongrong did when he arrived at the place was to enter the data room and start looking through various materials related to Qiao Wu.

  Because Gern had to deal with Qiao Wu before, he has sorted out a lot of information. These information are all classified in one place, so it is easy to find.

After   Rong Ye found, she began to read through ten lines at a glance. Her memory ability was also very fast, and all the materials were scanned by Lord Rong at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Hei Ye and Feng Feng did not disturb Ye Rong after they came in. One person and one wolf were watching other information nearby.

The International Prison is indeed an international prison. The data storage room is as big as a museum. The entire huge room is filled with various materials and files. At first glance, countless wooden shelves seem densely packed, and there are High stairs, you can climb up to get information.

   "It's very interesting." Hei Ye turned through the information for a while and said, "Sure enough, there are many mysterious cases in the International Prison."

   "Wow!" Storm Dog opened a book with paws and looked at it with interest, his tail wagging, not to mention how happy it was.

  These materials can all be used as novel materials.

  It's a dog who can write novels...No, it's a wolf!

  It is a cultured wolf!

  Net Red Wolf!

  Heiye put down the information in his hand after watching for a while, and swept towards the storm next to him. Seeing the concentration of the storm, he was a little surprised.

   "Hey, do you understand? Did you forget that you are a dog?"

  Baofeng glanced at Heiye like an idiot, and continued to look at his own information.

  Hei Ye touched his nose, a little depressed, he seemed to be despised by a dog.

   looked up in the direction of Master Rong, Master Hei leaned in boredly, "Do you need my help?"

   "No need, just go and play your own." Rong Ye said without raising his head, his hands still flipping through the book quickly.

  Hei Ye looked at Ye Rong with interest, “What can you see at such a fast speed?”

   looks like it’s messing around.

On the other side, a few guards are looking at Rong Ye's direction, and some other international prison managers have heard that Rong Ye is coming, and they all slapped at the door to watch, and then everyone has a strong admiration on their faces. .

   "Wow, Lord Rong looks amazing!"

   "She reads the information too fast!"

   "If she can manage the international prison, the international prison will be stronger?"

   "Although she has lost all her skills, I feel that she is still very powerful, and her organ skills are also very powerful. She has done so many organs for the International Prison!"

   "Speaking of which, Julie is a bit too much, does she have an enemy with Ye Rong? How do you not know Ye Rong? If it weren't for Ye Rong, she would be done!"

   "What the **** is it? You are talking, you are all done!"

  A sharp female voice came from behind, Julie scolded angrily.

  A group of people who were peeking were startled by Julie, turned their heads in horror, and then dispersed.

  Julie stood at the door looking at the direction of Leng Rongrong inside, angrily.

  In recent years, her foundation in international prisons has gradually stabilized. Everyone accepts her. As a result, because of this **** Leng Rongrong, it is estimated that no one will accept her anymore.

  Now everyone is full of thoughts about how great Rong Ye is and how handsome Rong Ye is!

  They have all forgotten, Rong Ye has lost all the effort.

  How good is she?

  Julie squinted her eyes. Is the International Prison where she comes or leaves as long as she wants?

  Now that Guen is not there, she still has the final say here?

  Leng Rongrong, just wait and see!

  Julie's eyes narrowed, she turned and left, she already had a plan, she would never let Leng Rongrong get better.

  Every time she shows up, she does nothing good.

   "Hei, be quiet, no, you noisy me." Leng Rongrong still did not look up, and the speed of flipping the book became happier.

   "Did you really see it? You are so fast, I can't read a line of words!" Heiye frowned.

  He felt that Leng Rongrong's speed in reading was a joke.

  The gods can't have this kind of speed, right?

  Leng Rongrong looked up at Hei Ye, then put the book in his hand into Hei Ye's hand, "After reading it, allow you to ask me three questions."

  Hei Ye took the information, then mysteriously erected the book, and began to ask questions to Leng Rongrong.

  Leng Rongrong read other materials and started answering Hei Ye's questions. No matter what Hei Ye asked, Rong Ye answered easily.

  Finally, Hei Ye was full of surprised expressions.

   "I'm going to your uncle, are you the speed at which people read books? You are not human, right?"

  Hei Ye was stunned, his face was incredible.

  He is also a famous black master anyway, but he feels that Leng Rongrong in front of him is beyond his own knowledge. He has never seen such a powerful woman!

   "Forget it, you may not really be a human being. Animals all over the world listen to you. Can you still be a human?"

  Hei Ye rolled his eyes.

   "I am not a human, what am I?" Leng Rongrong raised her eyebrows.

  "God. You are a god!" Heiye rolled his eyes, "Don't hide anymore, I guess you are a god, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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