The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1378: News from Si Ye

   Chapter 1378 There is news from the Fourth Master

  Leng Rongrong looked at Julie, "What do you think will happen if you go in?"

   "Although I can come out alive, there will be more or less marks of fighting, and more or less injuries. You went in and even no fight happened. You must be one with them!"

  Julie hummed coldly.

   "No, I am not in the same group with them, but I can be sure that you are rubbish." Rong Ye raised her head and raised her eyebrows at Julie.

  Julie:! ! !

   "It's fine." Golden Retriever interrupted the two people, "Blood Rakshasa has not been seen for a long time. The Gunn family has always hoped that you can continue to cooperate with the international prison, even if you can't control the international prison, you can also cooperate with some things."

   "I have this idea too." Leng Rongrong nodded.

  "Don't care about those who escaped?" Julie couldn't believe it, and Golden Retriever didn't ask about those who escaped.

   "They didn't run away." Leng Rongrong glanced at Julie, "Julie, don't you think you are acting arbitrary? None of those people escaped."

   "How is it possible, I have searched everywhere, and none of them are there, so naturally I escaped!" Julie narrowed her eyes, "I warn you, don't just talk nonsense just to justify yourself!"

   "I really didn't escape." Ye Rong glanced at Julie, "It's not that I am talking nonsense, it is you who are doing nothing to wrong me, right?"

   "What do you mean?" Julie's face suddenly became ugly.

   "You locked me up without asking why, and you have no evidence to prove that those people escaped. Is it because I escaped?"

  Master Rong chuckled lightly, "Why don't you go and see if the people in those cells are still there."

   "What do you mean?" Julie's face was a bit wrong.

  She has clearly confirmed that the prisoners are gone, but looking at Rongrong’s expression, are they still there?

  Otherwise, she can't be so sure!

   "Send someone to see, the one Julie said is still there." Golden Retriever said.

  Someone immediately went to check the cell. Not long after that, the man returned, "Mr. Reynolds, they are all still there."

   "How is it possible, impossible, I confirmed before, they are obviously gone!" Julie was a little unbelievable.

   "If you don't believe it, go and see for yourself, I didn't let them go."

   "Impossible, obviously you and your people took them all together!" Julie scolded.

  Golden Reynolds said, "Go and see."

  After that, the group went to the cell where Julie said no one was seen.

  After turning around, I found that all the people were still in the cell, and none of them had escaped.

  Baofeng and Heiye are standing at the other end of the cell aisle, looking in this direction interestingly.

  "I said, how can you be a woman who just talks and wrongs others. How could we let the people here casually?" Heiye walked over and said interestingly.

  Renault and a few people in the Gunn family around them looked at Julie with cold eyes, each of them frowned, a little unhappy.

  "Julie, what do you want to do with Blood Rakshasa?"

  "Do you know that Blood Raksha is very important to us? If she is willing, she is the master here. Does she still need to let people go? It doesn't matter if she let everyone go!"

   "Julie, what you did today is no longer eligible to stay in the international prison!"

  "Please leave the international prison."

  The Genn family looked at Julie with annoyance. She passed them and opened the door of Cell No. 1 without authorization. She actually wanted to deal with the blood Rakshasa. This was unforgivable.

  International prisons have the rules of international prisons, and they all have their own rules.

  Actually, although Leng Rongrong has never returned to the international prison, she has always had a certain status here, and Julie is not qualified to move Leng Rongrong.

  But she directly put her in cell one.

  Julie provoked not only Leng Rongrong, but also the entire Genn family.

   "Why, I am also for the international prison!" Julie's eyes widened in disbelief, "Is it ever better than me with Leng Rongrong? But she is nothing now, she has lost all her effort!"

   "Even if she loses Kung Fu, her status is above you! Moreover, you did not follow the rules, cell number one is not where you lynched!"

  Renault said coldly, "Take Julie away and relieve her of her duties. From now on, you will not be allowed to step into the international prison!"

   "I've been here for so long, no credit and hard work, you treat me like this, Renault?"

  "Since you have been here for so long, you should know the rules here. Don't tell me. You have been here for so long and you don't know all the rules here."

  Julie stole the chicken but failed to lose the rice, and finally the angry others drove out.

  But Renault was respectful to Rong Ye, and took her to a nearby villa to entertain him, and then discussed about Qiao Wu.

  Leng Rongrong expressed that he would cooperate with the International Prison.

  She probably knows what Qiao Wu will do now, so she probably knows how to find Qiao Wu.

  In fact, going to Cell No. 1 is still worthwhile.

   at least know Qiao Wu's next move.

   "Master Rong, I actually received some news about your husband Mo Linyuan." Renault said thoughtfully, holding his chin.

   "Really? Please tell Mr. Renault." Leng Rongrong looked at Renault expectantly.

   "A week later, there will be a cruise dinner. I heard that Fourth Master Mo will attend." Renault said, "The accuracy of the news is 80%."

  Leng Rongrong confirmed which dinner party was with Renault, and then thanked Renault.

  Because it was already night, Rong Ye and Hei Ye rested in the villa on Renault's side until the next morning before leaving the island of the International Prison.

   "I think, if your husband forgot about you, you don't need to find your husband!"

  On the yacht, Hei said thoughtfully, “A man can forget a woman, then that man doesn’t love that woman!”

  Leng Rongrong's mouth twitched and glanced at Hei Ye, "People are forced to forget!"

   "To be forced to forget is to forget, you have been looking for him so hard here, he may spend time and drink in other places. Men, it is all like this!"

  Hei Ye said interestingly, "I think, you should also spend time and drink!"

   "Do you want to spend time and drink?" Rong Ye's mouth twitched.

   "No, how could it be possible, I am serious about being a bodyguard, and the bodyguard will not spend time and wine!" Hei Ye pretended to be a serious bodyguard.

  Rong Ye: "..."

   Thinking of Fourth Master Mo, Leng Rongrong's eyes narrowed. This Qiao Wu is indeed a bit terrifying, and it can make Fourth Master lose his memory, and he can lose his skill.

  If it wasn't for the loss of Kung Fu, I couldn't believe it, the memory of Fourth Master would have been lost!

  She wants to find him and recall his memory!

  (End of this chapter)

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