The Profligate Madam of the Family

Chapter 1381: Why do you look down on my little Rongrong?

  Chapter 1381 Why do you look down on my little Rongrong?

  Yunfu Mountain, in the exquisitely decorated lobby of the luxurious main building.

  Daddy godfather mani gathered together, and even Song Junlin and others were summoned by the godfathers.

  Song Junlin, Qin Xiong, Sun Zhenzhi, and Hu Xin were sitting on that sofa in a panic. Four handsome and handsome guys were shrinking their necks at this moment, one more nervous than one.

  Rong Ye’s godfather they still know, on the surface he is a handsome middle-aged uncle, in fact, one is more scary than the other.

  "Afraid of us?" Jiang Fu looked at several people.

  Song Junlin smiled and shook his head, pretending to be calm.

   "So, do you have anything to discuss with us?" Hu Xin pushed his glasses.

  Chen Lan: "Very important thing."

  Tang Ziyi nodded in agreement: "You have to tell us the truth."

The four of Song Junlin tremblingly looked at the godfathers. They felt a little scary. The four of you, look at me, and I look at you, thinking about giving a confession, but now it’s too late. Played on the spot.

  "What do you think of Mo Rinyuan, this stinky boy?" Jiang Fu asked the first question.

  Who doesn’t know that godfathers hate Fourth Master Mo so much at this moment, so at this moment, Song Junlin and several people almost directly said, "Not very good!"

  The four people spoke in unison, as if they had made a correct statement.

   "Right, don't you think he is not very good, right?" Tang Ziyi wrinkled his nose and nodded repeatedly, "I said, he is not good enough for us Rongrong!"

   "If it is good enough, can you forget us Rongrong so easily?" Jiang Fu snorted coldly.

  Chen Lan: "Do you also think that Mo Linyuan is not a good match for our little Rongrong?"

  Song Junlin swallowed a few people, and they wanted to say it was not like that.

  However, after meeting the eager eyes of the godfathers, the four of them were completely shocked.

  Forget it, Fourth Master Mo, I’m sorry, you ask for more blessings, anyway, you have lost your memory!

  Although you saved us, at this time, if we don’t follow the godfathers, we will probably be skinned!

  After all, godfathers don’t really come to listen to their opinions, godfathers just want an answer that Si Ye doesn’t fit well with Rong Ye!

  Song Junlin: "Yes, it’s not a good match!"

  Chen Lan: "Is it just a little bit?"

  Qin Xiong: "No, no, a lot of points!"

Sun Zhenzhi: "Not many points. He is not worthy of our Lord Rong from head to toe. Our Lord Rong is so strong, so handsome, so beautiful, so rich, how could Mo Rinyuan be worthy of this scum on!"

  Hu Xin: "Yes, how can the scum be worthy of the goddess! This is called a flower inserted in the cow dung!"

  Four Lord, I didn’t mean to say that you are cow dung!

  Jiangfu nodded in satisfaction, "Sure enough, they are our good brothers to Rongrong, and they really are thinking about us Rongrong!"

  Song Junlin and the four continued to nod their heads like a chicken pecking at rice, and let out a long sigh of relief.

  "Can we go now?"

   Jiang Fu's sharp eyes swept over, "What?"

  Song Junlin said with a strong desire to survive, "No, nothing, we mean, godfathers have anything else we need to do, we will definitely try our best to help!"

Chen Lan was very satisfied: "A good brother is indeed reliable. We think so, isn't Xiao Rongrong unable to forget the scum? Although we pulled out the boy Chong Hanyue, our childhood sweetheart is not good. So. Well, we think we can find other objects for Rongrong!"

   Tang Ziyi nodded again and again: "Find a good, reliable, and can make Rongrong forget the scum."

   Jiang Fu did not speak, staring at Song Junlin with majesty.

Song Junlin: "??? Ah, this, we have no experience in finding a partner! Really, we don't have any girlfriends! So what, godfathers don't think any of us is suitable for Lord Rong Right?"

  Qin Xiong: "First declare...I am not looking for a girlfriend like Rong Ye, I can't beat it!"

  Tang Ziyi: "Why, I still look down on Rongrong, right? What's wrong with Rongrong?"

  Sun Zhenzhi: "No, we mean, Xiao Rongrong is so good, we are rubbish, we don’t deserve it!"

  Chen Lan picked up a rocket launcher, facing the four of Song Junlin.

  Song Junlin's four people were trembling. They were obviously in their respective circles, but they were like turtles in front of a few godfathers. They wanted to withdraw their heads into their shells!

   "Just understand your rubbish!" Xuanyuan Nantian nodded seriously, "We didn't mean to look for you. If you want to be able to have something with Xiao Rongrong, it's a bit of a problem, you can't help Xiao Rongrong!"

   "So what?" Hearing Xuanyuan Nantian's words, all of them were relieved.

  Fortunately, I didn’t want them to accept Lord Rong.

  Although they have a good relationship with Rong Ye, they are all brothers, born into death, and the five of them have the same feelings for each other.

  But the thing about love...there is a huge gap between them and Lord Rong.

  "Help us Xiao Rongrong find a suitable partner!" Jiang Fu said sharply, "What kind of man do you think is suitable for us Rongrong?"

  Hu Xin raised his hand: "Master Rong is a face-controller, so other things are not important, face is the most important!"

  Everyone: "..."

Song Junlin: "Hu Xin is right. Ye Rong, she really likes people who are good-looking. You can tell by looking at the people around her. She will not be friends with people who are not good-looking! The value is so high, that chicken is also the one with the highest value among roosters."

"Then you can't just find good-looking ones? Other aspects are also required!" Tang Ziyi said with a throwing knife, "Give you a task, find a group of men suitable for Xiao Rongrong, we give Xiao Rongrong one. A blind date, let Xiao Rongrong forget that fellow Mo Linyuan!"


   "No, let's find someone, isn't it suitable?"

   "Goddess, this thing is difficult, Rongrong is so powerful, there is nothing worthy of her man!"

   Jiang Fu's eyes widened: "So Xiao Rongrong is going to die alone?"

   "No, no, no!"

   "Let's find, let's find!"

  The four flying knives in Tang Ziyi's hands flew out, flew by the ears of the four, and cut off each of their hair, "Within three days, send people to us!"

  When Song Junlin went out from the villa, their legs were soft.

  One is more desperate than one.

  Is there anyone in this world who is more beautiful and capable than Mo Linyuan?

  The godfathers and relatives are really angry this time. The knots of the last wedding have not been solved yet. This time there is another thing like this, I guess everyone is very angry.

  Hu Xin: "Lao Song, think about it, you know more people! You know more in the entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry is all beautiful!"

  Song Junlin: "The good-looking ones don’t have to be straw bags! Most of the entertainment industry only has faces!"

  Hu Xin: "... Then look for the major families, those hidden families, some ancient martial families, and see if there are any young talents."

    Huahua’s new book "She just wants to go home and farm" for collection, support~



  (End of this chapter)

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